Franken Underneath The (Studio) Bus, With Tweet Plugs Stopping Up The GOP Drains!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Only a few days left until the Franken Departure, in the typical season of counting the days. Senator Franken originates of Hollywood Entertainment values. Even the studio bus has become a regular venue, with Franken already in the under-parts(s).

You would think someone would say so(?), or put it on a message board, or something.

There is a potential U. S. Senate election outcome to compare and contrast. Judge Moore is a perennial outcast--in the sense of getting fired, a lot. The head drain-plugger-in-charge even gets the volume of tweets actually counted: Clearly plugging the Republican drains. . .and sensibilities.

The number of tweets Donald Trump has sent since becoming president is downright shocking

Those are them now.

Then there will be a Minnesota Senator already being touted as visibly and vocally liberal populist. There is no hint or suggestion of Judge Moore crimes and allegations. There is no apparent studio bus, or other video, tending to stereotype and denigrate.

New sides of issues are drawn and plugged already! Some will say they are on "Many sides, Many sides:" All goose-stepping and chanting in the firelights of night.

Exiting gracefully is a part of any act. . .often Burlesque included, (and just maybe naked(?))!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Southern California wildfire video itself shows a furry-bunny getting stroked a caressed at the side of a road: And against the background of the flames of Southern Christian values(?)!)
I love your topics, mascale.

The image of Al Franken being thrown under Trump's Hollywood Access bus is priceless! :lol:

Tic Tac?
Except that sodomy has yet to be included, there is also the furry little.. . . .well. It's going to be a remarkable decade in our history! Southern White Christian women will accuse all the liberals of wanting to kill all the pregnant lady babies. They are likely taught to rip them out, suckle them, and put them back where they found them(?)!

Notice the victims of the denigration are the accuser and the accused. The one White Woman wondering how the other White Woman could have let it get that far. . . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Nothing Christian is common among many White Eyes! Preachers even accuse everyone and everything USA: Of being examples of sin itself! The people do run out and vote for it. . .even somehow(?). . .and anymore(?)!)

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