France is finally leading

Napoleon III made the first move in 1857; however, at the end of WWII the US backed France's failed attempt at regaining control of their former colony. The Vietnamese spent the next 30 years resisting illegal occupations and imperial war crimes.
And, they've managed to piss off the Arab League already. That was fast, even for the French.

The Arab league is playing to the masses. Secretly they are very pleased about this. Qaddafi tried to take out King Abdullah over a slight insult a few years back.

They don't like him and they want him out.
And, they've managed to piss off the Arab League already. That was fast, even for the French.

The Arab league is playing to the masses. Secretly they are very pleased about this. Qaddafi tried to take out King Abdullah over a slight insult a few years back.

They don't like him and they want him out.

Actually, they're pissed at the bombing - they seem to be concerned that civilians might get killed.

Oh, and.... it's not just the French who are leading... the Brits are too. And some of those airstrikes... yep, that'll be the RAF. Yay for them.
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And, they've managed to piss off the Arab League already. That was fast, even for the French.

The Arab league is playing to the masses. Secretly they are very pleased about this. Qaddafi tried to take out King Abdullah over a slight insult a few years back.

They don't like him and they want him out.

So WHY are we involved?
And, they've managed to piss off the Arab League already. That was fast, even for the French.

The Arab league is playing to the masses. Secretly they are very pleased about this. Qaddafi tried to take out King Abdullah over a slight insult a few years back.

They don't like him and they want him out.

Actually, they're pissed at the bombing - they seem to be concerned that civilians might get killed.

Oh, and.... it's not just the French who are leading... the Brits are too. And some of those airstrikes... yep, that'll be the RAF. Yay for them.

No they ain't. They could give 2 shits about civilians. The "Arab League" are, for the most part, a bunch of dictators and despots clinging to power. And they are cowards.
The Arab league is playing to the masses. Secretly they are very pleased about this. Qaddafi tried to take out King Abdullah over a slight insult a few years back.

They don't like him and they want him out.

Actually, they're pissed at the bombing - they seem to be concerned that civilians might get killed.

Oh, and.... it's not just the French who are leading... the Brits are too. And some of those airstrikes... yep, that'll be the RAF. Yay for them.

No they ain't. They could give 2 shits about civilians. The "Arab League" are, for the most part, a bunch of dictators and despots clinging to power. And they are cowards.

So why hasn't Obama asked them to 'Remove themselves' as he did a-la Mubarak?
What part of this is a "UN problem " do you people not understand? But I have to ask, where are the Arab nation?
.....the reason i hate france is because, like many european countries, until now, there responsibility and involvement of world affairs ended at their own border..........

As was already pointed out France led the way into Haiti and Vietnam. And with the Iraq invasion and occupation they were proved to be 100% correct and should be commended, not scorned.


you commend, i scorn. france led the way into viet nam ? do you mean in the late 1850"s ??

I believe the only reason you are scorning them is because they refused to be sucked into the Iraq invasion and occupation. And guess what? They were 100% right not to join in.

As for your "1850's" crack you are only about 100 years off.....

May 7, 1954.......Vietnamese forces occupy the French command post at Dien Bien Phu and the French commander orders his troops to cease fire. The battle had lasted 55 days. Three thousand French troops were killed, 8,000 wounded. The Viet Minh suffered much worse, with 8,000 dead and 12,000 wounded, but the Vietnamese victory shattered France's resolve to carry on the war.

Battlefield:Vietnam | Timeline

So you can see they were there about 6 years ahead of us.

Class dismissed.

As was already pointed out France led the way into Haiti and Vietnam. And with the Iraq invasion and occupation they were proved to be 100% correct and should be commended, not scorned.


you commend, i scorn. france led the way into viet nam ? do you mean in the late 1850"s ??

I believe the only reason you are scorning them is because they refused to be sucked into the Iraq invasion and occupation. And guess what? They were 100% right not to join in.

As for your "1850's" crack you are only about 100 years off.....

May 7, 1954.......Vietnamese forces occupy the French command post at Dien Bien Phu and the French commander orders his troops to cease fire. The battle had lasted 55 days. Three thousand French troops were killed, 8,000 wounded. The Viet Minh suffered much worse, with 8,000 dead and 12,000 wounded, but the Vietnamese victory shattered France's resolve to carry on the war.

Battlefield:Vietnam | Timeline

So you can see they were there about 6 years ahead of us.

Class dismissed.


that's right, so you think vietnam was a good idea?
oh..and, here...
france in vietnam 1850's - Google Search

from: panel thirty one
Quote: Originally Posted by washamericom
.....the reason i hate france is because, like many european countries, until now, there, responsibility and involvement of world affairs ended at their own border..........

Quote: Originally Posted by DaGoose As was already pointed out France led the way into Haiti and Vietnam. And with the Iraq invasion and occupation they were proved to be 100% correct and should be commended, not scorned.

Class dismissed. .... is it really ??
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you commend, i scorn. france led the way into viet nam ? do you mean in the late 1850"s ??

I believe the only reason you are scorning them is because they refused to be sucked into the Iraq invasion and occupation. And guess what? They were 100% right not to join in.

As for your "1850's" crack you are only about 100 years off.....

May 7, 1954.......Vietnamese forces occupy the French command post at Dien Bien Phu and the French commander orders his troops to cease fire. The battle had lasted 55 days. Three thousand French troops were killed, 8,000 wounded. The Viet Minh suffered much worse, with 8,000 dead and 12,000 wounded, but the Vietnamese victory shattered France's resolve to carry on the war.

Battlefield:Vietnam | Timeline

So you can see they were there about 6 years ahead of us.

Class dismissed.


that's right, so you think vietnam was a good idea?
oh..and, here...
france in vietnam 1850's - Google Search

from: panel thirty one
Quote: Originally Posted by washamericom
.....the reason i hate france is because, like many european countries, until now, there, responsibility and involvement of world affairs ended at their own border..........

Quote: Originally Posted by DaGoose As was already pointed out France led the way into Haiti and Vietnam. And with the Iraq invasion and occupation they were proved to be 100% correct and should be commended, not scorned.

Class dismissed. .... is it really ??

Nope. Class cannot be dimissed as long as you keep posting fallacies.

Before you start pointing too many fingers I suggest you research U.S. isolationist policies prior to WWI. We would also fit the object of your scorn.

Then you can reflect on the fact that I never once said France was not in Vietnam in the 1850's, now did I? I just merely reminded you that France was there in the 1950's, contrary to your mistaken belief that the 1850's was the last time. may now go on with your irrational hatred of an entire nation based on fallacies and half truths.

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What part of this is a "UN problem " do you people not understand? But I have to ask, where are the Arab nation?

The Arab League (not Arab Nation - they aren't a nation - they are a group of nations), supports the UN action.

The head of the Arab League has been quoted as disapproving of the airstrikes. However, it appears, according to British media, that he has explained this as a mis-translation between Arabic and English. He voiced concern over the potential civilian casualties - and he voiced that concern in response to a direct question about the potential for civilian casualties. I think it's an important context... The Arab League are on board with the UN action, there is no split in the coalition (according to the media).
I believe the only reason you are scorning them is because they refused to be sucked into the Iraq invasion and occupation. And guess what? They were 100% right not to join in.

As for your "1850's" crack you are only about 100 years off.....

Battlefield:Vietnam | Timeline

So you can see they were there about 6 years ahead of us.

Class dismissed.


that's right, so you think vietnam was a good idea?
oh..and, here...
france in vietnam 1850's - Google Search

from: panel thirty one
Quote: Originally Posted by washamericom
.....the reason i hate france is because, like many european countries, until now, there, responsibility and involvement of world affairs ended at their own border..........

Quote: Originally Posted by DaGoose As was already pointed out France led the way into Haiti and Vietnam. And with the Iraq invasion and occupation they were proved to be 100% correct and should be commended, not scorned.

Class dismissed. .... is it really ??

Nope. Class cannot be dimissed as long as you keep posting fallacies.

Before you start pointing too many fingers I suggest you research U.S. isolationist policies prior to WWI. We would also fit the object of your scorn.

Then you can reflect on the fact that I never (knew) once said France was not in Vietnam in the 1850's, now did I? I just merely reminded you that France was there in the 1950's, contrary to your mistaken belief that the 1850's was the last time. may now go on with your irrational hatred of an entire nation based on fallacies and half truths.


bless you,

Nope. Class cannot be dimissed as long as you keep posting fallacies. (freudian ?)
that's right, so you think vietnam was a good idea?
oh..and, here...
france in vietnam 1850's - Google Search

from: panel thirty one
Quote: Originally Posted by washamericom
.....the reason i hate france is because, like many european countries, until now, there, responsibility and involvement of world affairs ended at their own border..........

Quote: Originally Posted by DaGoose As was already pointed out France led the way into Haiti and Vietnam. And with the Iraq invasion and occupation they were proved to be 100% correct and should be commended, not scorned.

Class dismissed. .... is it really ??

Nope. Class cannot be dimissed as long as you keep posting fallacies.

Before you start pointing too many fingers I suggest you research U.S. isolationist policies prior to WWI. We would also fit the object of your scorn.

Then you can reflect on the fact that I never (knew) once said France was not in Vietnam in the 1850's, now did I? I just merely reminded you that France was there in the 1950's, contrary to your mistaken belief that the 1850's was the last time. may now go on with your irrational hatred of an entire nation based on fallacies and half truths.


bless you,

Nope. Class cannot be dimissed as long as you keep posting fallacies. (freudian ?)

Hey, you're the one that had no clue that France led the way in Vietnam. :cuckoo:

Of course you're probably still in your 20's and not yet schooled in the ways of the real world.

And I don't have to change your post to make a point.

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The Arab league is playing to the masses. Secretly they are very pleased about this. Qaddafi tried to take out King Abdullah over a slight insult a few years back.

They don't like him and they want him out.

Actually, they're pissed at the bombing - they seem to be concerned that civilians might get killed.

Oh, and.... it's not just the French who are leading... the Brits are too. And some of those airstrikes... yep, that'll be the RAF. Yay for them.

No they ain't. They could give 2 shits about civilians. The "Arab League" are, for the most part, a bunch of dictators and despots clinging to power. And they are cowards.

That explains why Obama wanted them to sign off on this before he went in, and look how long it took them to stab us in the back.
What part of this is a "UN problem " do you people not understand? But I have to ask, where are the Arab nation?

The Arab League (not Arab Nation - they aren't a nation - they are a group of nations), supports the UN action.

The head of the Arab League has been quoted as disapproving of the airstrikes. However, it appears, according to British media......

Finally, an authoratative source.
How Authoritative is PNAC?

"The 2000 Report of the Project of the New American Century entitled 'Rebuilding Americas' Defenses' calls for the implementation of a long war, a war of conquest.

"One of the main components of this military agenda is: to 'Fight and decisively win in multiple, simultaneous theater wars'.

'Operation Libya' is part of that process.

"It is another theater in the Pentagon's logic of 'simultaneous theater wars'.

"The PNAC document faithfully reflects the evolution of US military doctrine since 2001. The US plans to be involved simultaneously in several war theaters in different regions of the World.

"While protecting America, namely 'National Security' of the United States of America is upheld as an objective, the PNAC report does spell out why these multiple theater wars are required. The humanitarian justification is not mentioned.

"What is the purpose of America's military roadmap?

"Libya is targeted because it is one among several remaining countries outside America's sphere of influence, which fail to conform to US demands...

"In the words of former NATO Commander Chief General Wesley Clark:

"'in the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said.

"'But there was more.

"'This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.... (Wesley Clark, Winning Modern Wars, p. 130). '"

Maybe that five year plan's a little behind schedule?

"Operation Libya"...
What part of this is a "UN problem " do you people not understand? But I have to ask, where are the Arab nation?

The Arab League (not Arab Nation - they aren't a nation - they are a group of nations), supports the UN action.

The head of the Arab League has been quoted as disapproving of the airstrikes. However, it appears, according to British media......

Finally, an authoratative source.

Generally, the Brit media is a damned sight more accurate than ours. Turns out, they were correct. The Arab League has issued a statement to correct the inaccuracy.

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