Fox/Tea Party - fake photos of Chris Stevens

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
You've seen this horrendous photo of Chris Stevens. It was sent to me and a search shows that its popular with the tee potty folks and fox showed it to their low-info audience.


They like to add captions -

Fox's version -

But, it should come as no surprise that Fox is lying and its not Stevens -

It was actually taken in a hell hole called Bagram.

Bagram: A living hell | roger hollander

Anyone wanna bet that some rw's here will keep right on believing the lies?

wow, you people (Obama on your knees cult members) have become some sick freaks over this Obama/Clinton cover up

In another thread they are talking about people losing arms and legs

they can't IMPEACH THESE two soon enough for me
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wow, you people (Obama on your knees cult members) have become some sick freaks over this Obama/Clinton cover up

In another thread they are talking about people losing arms and legs

they can't IMPEACH THESE two soon enough for me

Why do you think the right has to lie about what really happened?

Why are they so afraid of the truth?

And why do they keep lying even after they know the truth?

Fox has a history of altering photos or using misleading video. But this goes way beyond that.

And USMB Republicans swear Arab owned Fox is the only honest and reliable news network.

wow, you people (Obama on your knees cult members) have become some sick freaks over this Obama/Clinton cover up

In another thread they are talking about people losing arms and legs

they can't IMPEACH THESE two soon enough for me

Look at your avatar DB.


The press is covering up Obama's "crimes". But somehow, Republicans know what those crimes are????

Sorry DB, but you've lost it. Then again, it's clear you never had "it".
Fox has a history of altering photos or using misleading video. But this goes way beyond that.

And USMB Republicans swear Arab owned Fox is the only honest and reliable news network.


FOX was on at the restaurant/pub we eat at on Friday nite....bashing Saudi Arabia and how they treat me chuckling about who owns FOX..

And then Hannity was on...tip-toeing about the Pope.
Luddly: "...a search shows that its popular with..."

You were wandering around in your identity closet and got lost...right?

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You've seen this horrendous photo of Chris Stevens. It was sent to me and a search shows that its popular with the tee potty folks and fox showed it to their low-info audience.

WARNING -- Links Below Contain Graphic Violent Images..

They like to add captions -

Fox's version -

But, it should come as no surprise that Fox is lying and its not Stevens -

It was actually taken in a hell hole called Bagram.

Bagram: A living hell | roger hollander

Anyone wanna bet that some rw's here will keep right on believing the lies?


Bullshit...that was from luddly's last birthday party...
Fact: Repubs voted to cut security at Benghazi and other embassies.


Fact: The terrorist attacks and the subsequent deaths occurred under Obama's, Holder's, and Hillary's watch (all Democrats).

Whose watch did 9-11 occur on?

I don't recall the Bush administration going on a Blame Clinton tour when 9/11 happened. Bush dealt with it without any whining and blame throwing. Contrast that with Obama's failure to accept responsibility for anything other than:

These photos are definitely pictures of Stevens:

WARNING -- Links Below Contain Graphic Violent Images..

Photos of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens Dragged Through the Streets- Fiction!

Fact: Stevens was killed as a result of a terrorist attack in Benghazi.
Fact: Hillary & Obama failed to provide enough security PRIOR to the attack to keep 4 Americans safe and alive.

Driftingsand, You know nothing of human nature so it will not surprise me that this will fall upon deaf ears. These people are not "attacking" Ambassador Stevens as you and others would like to claim. The first photo shows someone carrying Stevens. Granted it is not the fireman's carry but Stevens is not be dragged or carried in a manner which would intentionally create do harm. The second photo look at the man's face who is holding Stevens. His his face of anger or concern. The person is holding a phone in his mouth. Why did he have a phone out. You think to take pictures? Or maybe to call for help. Look at how the person holding Stevens. He is supporting Stevens' body. He is trying very hard not to harm Stevens. Diftingsand, you are the one with hate. Be aware of that and if you can control that you be able to see clearer.
Fact: Repubs voted to cut security at Benghazi and other embassies.


Lying again, Benghazi was not on any ballot, and it's been proven that the cut in funding had nothing to do with security anywhere in Libya.

you just can't help yourself, liars are like that. liberalism is a mental disease, get professional help.
Fact: Repubs voted to cut security at Benghazi and other embassies.


Lying again, Benghazi was not on any ballot, and it's been proven that the cut in funding had nothing to do with security anywhere in Libya.

you just can't help yourself, liars are like that. liberalism is a mental disease, get professional help.

he's a tool and sick disgusting one at that
These photos are definitely pictures of Stevens:



Photos of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens Dragged Through the Streets- Fiction!

Fact: Stevens was killed as a result of a terrorist attack in Benghazi.
Fact: Hillary & Obama failed to provide enough security PRIOR to the attack to keep 4 Americans safe and alive.

I watch Fox every day ant these are the only pictures I've seen on Fox. If they showed the others, they took them down as soon as they found out they were plants by liberals, not Stevens.

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