Fox News


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Is watching a house in Encino??? Califonia. Says it is packed with the most explosives ever found in one place in the United States. The police plan to burn the house down. Does this sound like a good idea to you? :confused:

A missed opportunity to make the biggest Smore Evah!
Is watching a house in Encino??? Califonia. Says it is packed with the most explosives ever found in one place in the United States. The police plan to burn the house down. Does this sound like a good idea to you? :confused:

I'm confident that it's safe or they wouldn't attempt it. Surely they have experts on hand that are advising them.
The owner is shit outta luck. The bombmaker was a renter!

Yeah...some technicality about how an owner is responsible for what goes on in the house they rent. Houses in that area go for at least 500k...even in today's economy. To make her money back, I'll guess she sells her story or something like that.
Is watching a house in Encino??? Califonia. Says it is packed with the most explosives ever found in one place in the United States. The police plan to burn the house down. Does this sound like a good idea to you? :confused:

I'm confident that it's safe or they wouldn't attempt it. Surely they have experts on hand that are advising them.

I would think that's true. You can't just go around blowing up houses without a good reason or without knowing how to do it. I hope!!
Get a load of this from The Ed Schultz Show yesterday:

ANDREW NAPOLITANO, SR. JUDICIAL ANALYST, FOX NEWS: It is the height of stupidity to extend unemployment benefits. Americans need to get back to work.

I don‘t want to sound harsh, I don‘t want to demean or offend those who have had to suffer through losing a job, but the problem with unemployment benefits is they encourage people not to take jobs, and they take money from the productive sector and give it to the unproductive. As I‘ve said again and again, if you subsidize something, you‘ll get more of it. Subsidizing unemployment leads to more unemployment.

What?? Is he kidding?? :lol: That doesn't even make sense!! Most mature adults want to work and feel productive with their lives. Not to mention making a living!! It just figures this idiot works at Fox.
Get a load of this from The Ed Schultz Show yesterday:

ANDREW NAPOLITANO, SR. JUDICIAL ANALYST, FOX NEWS: It is the height of stupidity to extend unemployment benefits. Americans need to get back to work.

I don‘t want to sound harsh, I don‘t want to demean or offend those who have had to suffer through losing a job, but the problem with unemployment benefits is they encourage people not to take jobs, and they take money from the productive sector and give it to the unproductive. As I‘ve said again and again, if you subsidize something, you‘ll get more of it. Subsidizing unemployment leads to more unemployment.

What?? Is he kidding?? :lol: That doesn't even make sense!! Most mature adults want to work and feel productive with their lives. Not to mention making a living!! It just figures this idiot works at Fox.

Try researching the outcomes of countries where they have unlimited or very long term unemployment benefits.... like the UK... where they now have families where no one has worked for three generations.

Stupid bitch.
Get a load of this from The Ed Schultz Show yesterday:

ANDREW NAPOLITANO, SR. JUDICIAL ANALYST, FOX NEWS: It is the height of stupidity to extend unemployment benefits. Americans need to get back to work.

I don‘t want to sound harsh, I don‘t want to demean or offend those who have had to suffer through losing a job, but the problem with unemployment benefits is they encourage people not to take jobs, and they take money from the productive sector and give it to the unproductive. As I‘ve said again and again, if you subsidize something, you‘ll get more of it. Subsidizing unemployment leads to more unemployment.

What?? Is he kidding?? :lol: That doesn't even make sense!! Most mature adults want to work and feel productive with their lives. Not to mention making a living!! It just figures this idiot works at Fox.

Try researching the outcomes of countries where they have unlimited or very long term unemployment benefits.... like the UK... where they now have families where no one has worked for three generations.

Stupid bitch.

Try researching the third world countries where unemployment insurance is all but non-existent.
Get a load of this from The Ed Schultz Show yesterday:

ANDREW NAPOLITANO, SR. JUDICIAL ANALYST, FOX NEWS: It is the height of stupidity to extend unemployment benefits. Americans need to get back to work.

I don‘t want to sound harsh, I don‘t want to demean or offend those who have had to suffer through losing a job, but the problem with unemployment benefits is they encourage people not to take jobs, and they take money from the productive sector and give it to the unproductive. As I‘ve said again and again, if you subsidize something, you‘ll get more of it. Subsidizing unemployment leads to more unemployment.

What?? Is he kidding?? :lol: That doesn't even make sense!! Most mature adults want to work and feel productive with their lives. Not to mention making a living!! It just figures this idiot works at Fox.

Either that, or you need to get out more. How many years of unemployment enough for you???

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