Fox News Sunday Edits Out Jon Stewart's Criticism Of Fox Exec

I hope Johnny boy isn't the one pissing and moaning about this....if so, he shouldn't have gone on the show in the first place.

To be clear, programs - including The Daily Show - routinely air edited versions of pre-taped interviews, mainly because of time (Stewart's unedited interview was roughly 24 minutes while the on-air version was roughly 15 minutes). But it's hard to imagine that Stewart's five-second reference to Sammon - a Fox News executive and boss at the DC bureau where Fox News Sunday is produced - was excised just because of time.

Hey, that's the argument being used on another thread regarding editing.:lol:
They own the network. They can edit the piece any way they see fit. Did it materially change the interview or make it misleading in some way? nope.

Well I saw the entire segment and haven't changed my original impression of the interview which I thought was very good, especially being that Stewart is a moderate Leftist. :eusa_whistle:

SNIPS from Wiki:

Jon Stewart (born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz; November 28, 1962)[6] is an American political satirist, writer, television host, actor, media critic and stand-up comedian. He is widely known as host of The Daily Show, a satirical news program that airs on Comedy Central.

SNIP: Stewart has said that he was subjected to anti-Semitic bullying as a child.[7] He describes himself in high school as "very into Eugene Debs and a bit of a leftist."[15]


In college, Stewart was friends with future Congressman Anthony Weiner, who is the only politician to have received campaign donations from Stewart.[20]

Jon Stewart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Would you guys be singing the same tune if MSNBC snipped out part of a comment by a prominent conservative?
I found it very revealing when Chris Wallace said that they report the other side, which is very different from fair and balanced.
Would you guys be singing the same tune if MSNBC snipped out part of a comment by a prominent conservative?

Well, I can't speak for the others in this thread, but I certainly would.

I'm a liberal (not a "classical" one, either) - I just can't get "outraged" at stupid shit like this. FOX is certainly allowed to leave out parts that they don't like - just like I don't get "outraged" when a movie advertisement only quotes the good parts of reviews.
I once watched Obama giving a speech on CNN. In the Speech, he said, "Republicans keep saying I will raise your taxes".

So I channel surfed and happened to end up on Fox. They played the same speech but with a little "edit". The announcer said, "Obama on taxes": I will raise your taxes. They forgot to keep in "Republicans keep saying". On one hand I was very surprised. On the other, I wasn't. Hey, it's "Fox". Foreign owned by an Australian and a Saudi Arabian Prince, the guy who thought those that brought down the WTC were "heroes". Not exactly pro-American. No wonder they work to undermine the government and create "unrest".
I hope Johnny boy isn't the one pissing and moaning about this....if so, he shouldn't have gone on the show in the first place.

To be clear, programs - including The Daily Show - routinely air edited versions of pre-taped interviews, mainly because of time (Stewart's unedited interview was roughly 24 minutes while the on-air version was roughly 15 minutes). But it's hard to imagine that Stewart's five-second reference to Sammon - a Fox News executive and boss at the DC bureau where Fox News Sunday is produced - was excised just because of time.

Hey, that's the argument being used on another thread regarding editing.:lol:
The whole argument is silly.

I saw the interview and Liebowitz was right about the media, Fox included, being totally invested in sensationalism over substance...That was the real interesting part of the interview.

Hell, Wallace even agreed with him on the point.
I don't care what Fox edited out; i'm sure it stings that Stewart walked into their den and made a fool out of Chris Wallace.

Stewart gets the "Stomped a Mudhole" award for that interview.
The interview was 24 mins long. They cut it down to 15 - Stewart's snarky comment about one of the Fox execs had no real value so they cut it. It happens on every network. Don't like it? Don't watch or start your own network.

Well I saw the entire segment and haven't changed my original impression of the interview which I thought was very good, especially being that Stewart is a moderate Leftist. :eusa_whistle:

SNIPS from Wiki:

Jon Stewart (born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz; November 28, 1962)[6] is an American political satirist, writer, television host, actor, media critic and stand-up comedian. He is widely known as host of The Daily Show, a satirical news program that airs on Comedy Central.

SNIP: Stewart has said that he was subjected to anti-Semitic bullying as a child.[7] He describes himself in high school as "very into Eugene Debs and a bit of a leftist."[15]


In college, Stewart was friends with future Congressman Anthony Weiner, who is the only politician to have received campaign donations from Stewart.[20]

Jon Stewart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stewart made campaign donations to Anthony Weiner? I guess that explains a few things.

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