FOX News Proposes Criminalizing Fact-checking.

Why hasn't the CNN fact checker been heard from since BIden's inauguration?
Be cause Biden has forged a much better relationship with CNN and he doesn’t lie to the American people nearly as much as Trump
Yeah sure....You are such a moronic joke..What is worse, you are a progressive slave, who voted for people to take your rights away....To the slave pits of ignore.
So you want to sue them for what they are legally allowed to do. How republican of you.
Just because it's legal, doesn't mean it's right. Slavery was legal at one time. How stupid of you.

Edit: You really should know better by now to do zingers like that to me.
What does slavery have to do with your claim that you can't sue facebook or YouTube?
Just because it's legal, doesn't mean it's right. The statement.

Slavery was legal at one time. Proof of the statement.

How stupid of you. You really should know better by now to do zingers like that to me.
The dog is always stupid....
I wish I was making this up, but no, FOX News really is going that Stalinist. Since they're getting embarrassed by fact-checkers, they want fact-checking made illegal unless fact-checkers get a government license.

From the article:

The real problem here is not that fact checkers got something wrong, it’s that they have the power to censor what journalism Americans see and consume unilaterally.  

Yes, yes, the standard conservative "Pointing out that I lied is censoring me!" argument.

The First Amendment rightly renders government powerless to regulate news outlets’ publishing content from their own in house fact checkers -- they are protected by freedom of the press. But third party independent fact checkers are another story entirely.

Really, FOX? Because as everyone else sees it, the fact-checkers are press too. And FOX wants them shut down by government force.

So what can be done about this dangerous situation? A new bill before the Michigan House of Representatives is a move in the right direction. The bill would require fact checkers to register with the government and carry insurance to cover payment to those who suffer financial damages as a result of a bogus fact check.

So when FOX says a Democrat lies, that would be a fact check, so they'd have to register with the government.

Yeah, right.

So, how many conservatives agree with FOX, and say that government should ban any fact-checkers not approved by the government?
Unless you swallow (and I know you do) all the "facts" as dictated by social media, it is a very slippery slope indeed. Stalin would have loved you and Zuckerman does. As the NYT puts it, democracy dies in darkness.
Who cares what pretense they use? It’s all user content anyway. They’re going to market And brand themselves how ever they want, I don’t see why you care.
Because you can't sue a platform. They can market themselves anyway they want... I agree... But right now they get special protections from the government not even given to the MSM.
Special protections? Which special protections are they getting that you think are unfair?
YOU CAN'T SUE THEM. They are not like any other company.

We have talked about this before. Just.. Google "Platform vs Publisher" ... Obviously anything I say isn't working.
I’ve heard both sides of the debate but I’m asking you specifically what you want them to be sued for? Give some examples

Last year I posted on Facebook an article from a Chinese Dr. who said that COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan Viral laboratory. Facebook slapped a qualifier on the post saying that was false. You had to click on the X to remove that qualifier before you could read the article.

President Trump said that last year and was slammed be the media. Except for Fox News who covered it fairly.

Now it is proving to be true and the "main stream media" and "fact checkers" are scrambling to cover their behinds.

The same goes for the Collusion story for four years, proven false.

The Steel Dossier. MSM and Fact Checkers said it was true and ridiculed and denigrated President Trump for four years. Proven to be fake.

As for the Hunter Biden hard drives, Hunter and the FBI say they are authentic.

Problem is that social media such as Facebook and twitter isn't really checking facts, they are picking a side and censoring the other. For examples, FB will censor actual MDs that have counter views about who should get the covid vaccine. Are FB's fact checkers actual MDs that are qualified to fact check other MDs.....I don't think so.
Back in the 50s some doctors ACTUALLY recommended smoking.
Of course they had an ulterior motive bond medicine.
Much like the doctors you're referencing.
FB and others are acting responsibly in not acting as a conduit for false information that may kill people.
So facebook is qualified to practice medicine.....give me a break!
FB is qualified to decide what will and will not be broadcast to the public using their service.
If you don't like it
Build your own FB.
Thanks for the admission that facebook is not qualified to fact check MDs.
Facebook can allow or not allow whatever the hell they want on their site. Why do you care how they run their business?
That's fine, but lets loose the pretense that they are neutral and open platform.
Not allowing you and yours to lie on their platform says nothing about their politics.
Perhaps if you guys would try a little truth for a change?
You mean like the Russians planted the Hunter Biden Laptop..... yeah....right.
The laptop that was accidentally left to a blind guy who gave it to Rudy Guliani?! Haha.... yeah... right.
No, left purposely at a computer repair shop and forgotten (remember Hunter is a druggy) and Hunter will not deny that it is his.
Why hasn't the CNN fact checker been heard from since BIden's inauguration?
Be cause Biden has forged a much better relationship with CNN and he doesn’t lie to the American people nearly as much as Trump
Yeah sure....You are such a moronic joke..What is worse, you are a progressive slave, who voted for people to take your rights away....To the slave pits of ignore.
Ouch, you sure got me there. Now my feelings are hurt
Who cares what pretense they use? It’s all user content anyway. They’re going to market And brand themselves how ever they want, I don’t see why you care.
Because you can't sue a platform. They can market themselves anyway they want... I agree... But right now they get special protections from the government not even given to the MSM.
Special protections? Which special protections are they getting that you think are unfair?
YOU CAN'T SUE THEM. They are not like any other company.

We have talked about this before. Just.. Google "Platform vs Publisher" ... Obviously anything I say isn't working.
I’ve heard both sides of the debate but I’m asking you specifically what you want them to be sued for? Give some examples

Last year I posted on Facebook an article from a Chinese Dr. who said that COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan Viral laboratory. Facebook slapped a qualifier on the post saying that was false. You had to click on the X to remove that qualifier before you could read the article.

President Trump said that last year and was slammed be the media. Except for Fox News who covered it fairly.

Now it is proving to be true and the "main stream media" and "fact checkers" are scrambling to cover their behinds.

The same goes for the Collusion story for four years, proven false.

The Steel Dossier. MSM and Fact Checkers said it was true and ridiculed and denigrated President Trump for four years. Proven to be fake.

As for the Hunter Biden hard drives, Hunter and the FBI say they are authentic.

Trump was blaming and demonizing China for the Virus. He always needs an enemy. The reason these things were being flagged is because no evidence was being provided to back them up and in the mean time hate crimes against Asians was spiking. Let’s face facts, Trump cried wolf way too many times to be believed. To make claims like this he needs to show evidence or he isnt going to be taken seriously even if they turn out to be true down the road.
Trump was blaming and demonizing China for the Virus. He always needs an enemy. The reason these things were being flagged is because no evidence was being provided to back them up and in the mean time hate
I don't see that any evidence has changed. Just that there are enough people that know about it now that MSM can't not address it.
These phony cucks are all about small government until they suddenly aren’t anymore.
I wish I was making this up, but no, FOX News really is going that Stalinist. Since they're getting embarrassed by fact-checkers, they want fact-checking made illegal unless fact-checkers get a government license.

From the article:

The real problem here is not that fact checkers got something wrong, it’s that they have the power to censor what journalism Americans see and consume unilaterally.  

Yes, yes, the standard conservative "Pointing out that I lied is censoring me!" argument.

The First Amendment rightly renders government powerless to regulate news outlets’ publishing content from their own in house fact checkers -- they are protected by freedom of the press. But third party independent fact checkers are another story entirely.

Really, FOX? Because as everyone else sees it, the fact-checkers are press too. And FOX wants them shut down by government force.

So what can be done about this dangerous situation? A new bill before the Michigan House of Representatives is a move in the right direction. The bill would require fact checkers to register with the government and carry insurance to cover payment to those who suffer financial damages as a result of a bogus fact check.

So when FOX says a Democrat lies, that would be a fact check, so they'd have to register with the government.

Yeah, right.

So, how many conservatives agree with FOX, and say that government should ban any fact-checkers not approved by the government?
No one is proposing "criminalizing fact checkers" .....

Your thread title is just another Leftist LIE. !!!!

And, Fox News is not propsing this, the story is based on A new bill before the Michigan House of Representatives.

LMAO @ the Stupid Shit you Leftist believe.
I wish I was making this up, but no, FOX News really is going that Stalinist. Since they're getting embarrassed by fact-checkers, they want fact-checking made illegal unless fact-checkers get a government license.

From the article:

The real problem here is not that fact checkers got something wrong, it’s that they have the power to censor what journalism Americans see and consume unilaterally.  

Yes, yes, the standard conservative "Pointing out that I lied is censoring me!" argument.

The First Amendment rightly renders government powerless to regulate news outlets’ publishing content from their own in house fact checkers -- they are protected by freedom of the press. But third party independent fact checkers are another story entirely.

Really, FOX? Because as everyone else sees it, the fact-checkers are press too. And FOX wants them shut down by government force.

So what can be done about this dangerous situation? A new bill before the Michigan House of Representatives is a move in the right direction. The bill would require fact checkers to register with the government and carry insurance to cover payment to those who suffer financial damages as a result of a bogus fact check.

So when FOX says a Democrat lies, that would be a fact check, so they'd have to register with the government.

Yeah, right.

So, how many conservatives agree with FOX, and say that government should ban any fact-checkers not approved by the government?
Wow what a completely one-sided, dim view of what they were saying.
Now for the actual truth.
They, quite correctly, are saying the social media giants wield tremendous power and influence over how people see information, and what they see.
A FANTASTIC example was both Facebook and Twitter censoring "Virus from China" posts and studies regardless of origin or whether it was true or not.
That is an extraordinary amount of power for any single group of people to have. And not something that ever existed before.
They are right. Something needs to change.
Who cares what pretense they use? It’s all user content anyway. They’re going to market And brand themselves how ever they want, I don’t see why you care.
Because you can't sue a platform. They can market themselves anyway they want... I agree... But right now they get special protections from the government not even given to the MSM.
Special protections? Which special protections are they getting that you think are unfair?
YOU CAN'T SUE THEM. They are not like any other company.

We have talked about this before. Just.. Google "Platform vs Publisher" ... Obviously anything I say isn't working.
I’ve heard both sides of the debate but I’m asking you specifically what you want them to be sued for? Give some examples

Last year I posted on Facebook an article from a Chinese Dr. who said that COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan Viral laboratory. Facebook slapped a qualifier on the post saying that was false. You had to click on the X to remove that qualifier before you could read the article.

President Trump said that last year and was slammed be the media. Except for Fox News who covered it fairly.

Now it is proving to be true and the "main stream media" and "fact checkers" are scrambling to cover their behinds.

The same goes for the Collusion story for four years, proven false.

The Steel Dossier. MSM and Fact Checkers said it was true and ridiculed and denigrated President Trump for four years. Proven to be fake.

As for the Hunter Biden hard drives, Hunter and the FBI say they are authentic.

Trump was blaming and demonizing China for the Virus. He always needs an enemy. The reason these things were being flagged is because no evidence was being provided to back them up and in the mean time hate crimes against Asians was spiking. Let’s face facts, Trump cried wolf way too many times to be believed. To make claims like this he needs to show evidence or he isnt going to be taken seriously even if they turn out to be true down the road.
Everyone suspected it came from china yet you cock suckers tried to hide it
Wow what a completely one-sided, dim view of what they were saying.
Now for the actual truth.
They, quite correctly, are saying the social media giants wield tremendous power and influence over how people see information, and what they see.
A FANTASTIC example was both Facebook and Twitter censoring "Virus from China" posts and studies regardless of origin or whether it was true or not.
That is an extraordinary amount of power for any single group of people to have. And not something that ever existed before.
They are right. Something needs to change.
Who the hell thinks a news outlet can propose law?

Yes ... these Leftist are really that stupid!
Everyone suspected it came from china yet you cock suckers tried to hide it
Oh you be nice... Some of my favorite people in the world are cock suckers.

Not that you're wrong about various organizations were trying to hide it... Seems as if we get information, we should send it to CERTAIN politicians who have the balls, or integrity, to do something with it. Bravo Rand Paul.
Who cares what pretense they use? It’s all user content anyway. They’re going to market And brand themselves how ever they want, I don’t see why you care.
Because you can't sue a platform. They can market themselves anyway they want... I agree... But right now they get special protections from the government not even given to the MSM.
Special protections? Which special protections are they getting that you think are unfair?
YOU CAN'T SUE THEM. They are not like any other company.

We have talked about this before. Just.. Google "Platform vs Publisher" ... Obviously anything I say isn't working.
I’ve heard both sides of the debate but I’m asking you specifically what you want them to be sued for? Give some examples

Last year I posted on Facebook an article from a Chinese Dr. who said that COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan Viral laboratory. Facebook slapped a qualifier on the post saying that was false. You had to click on the X to remove that qualifier before you could read the article.

President Trump said that last year and was slammed be the media. Except for Fox News who covered it fairly.

Now it is proving to be true and the "main stream media" and "fact checkers" are scrambling to cover their behinds.

The same goes for the Collusion story for four years, proven false.

The Steel Dossier. MSM and Fact Checkers said it was true and ridiculed and denigrated President Trump for four years. Proven to be fake.

As for the Hunter Biden hard drives, Hunter and the FBI say they are authentic.

Trump was blaming and demonizing China for the Virus. He always needs an enemy. The reason these things were being flagged is because no evidence was being provided to back them up and in the mean time hate crimes against Asians was spiking. Let’s face facts, Trump cried wolf way too many times to be believed. To make claims like this he needs to show evidence or he isnt going to be taken seriously even if they turn out to be true down the road.
Everyone suspected it came from china yet you cock suckers tried to hide it
Haha, how did I try to hide it?

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