Fox Can't Lie

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About the GDP under Biden...

Who'r you, The Wanker Jr.?

There's this BS every other day. He starts a thread like this every other day.

The facts are that the economy is about to collapse.

Oh! The Lincoln Project! That bastion of integrity headed by a pedophile!

PWHAHAHAHAHAH! :auiqs.jpg:

Dude, you're a mark.
You have been trolling all day. Like usual.
What's that? Cost of housing and income, you say?

Food inflation for the past 10 years:


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What's that? Cost of housing and income, you say?

Food inflation for the past 10 years:


Economy grew at a blockbuster pace. You can't lie.
Thread locked. Read the board rules and try again.
Content in opening posts must be 2 sentences or more and must contain the opinion of the member starting the thread. "Get a load of this" is not sufficient topical content. Summarize the topic to be discussed and why you think it needs discussion.
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