Fourth Officer Acquitted in Freddie Gray Case

You were there? Did the other prisoner say he was begging for a doctor? Did you also believe the story he had recently had back surgery, which was untrue?
Somebody broke his neck and refused to let him see a doctor when he begged them.

I didn't have to be there. The cop testified that he asked for a doctor, but they thought he was faking.
Freddie Gray begged for medical help, was ignored: officer

They don't care, he was black, thus a "thug", thus deserved it. Nothing else to consider for them.
He was a thug, shouldn't have fought the police. Truth winning again and libtards crying like bitches.

All black folks are "thugs" to you people, because even though you howl about "political correctness" You knuckle under to the pressure and use "thug" instead of what you want to say and do in your own little hate filled bubbles where you can get away with it. All you so called "conservatives" who hate big govt love it when it murders black folk.
Tough shit booger I am tired of the way white folks are demonized daily here so suck on that. Thug.
You were there? Did the other prisoner say he was begging for a doctor? Did you also believe the story he had recently had back surgery, which was untrue?

I didn't have to be there. The cop testified that he asked for a doctor, but they thought he was faking.
Freddie Gray begged for medical help, was ignored: officer

They don't care, he was black, thus a "thug", thus deserved it. Nothing else to consider for them.
He was a thug, shouldn't have fought the police. Truth winning again and libtards crying like bitches.

All black folks are "thugs" to you people, because even though you howl about "political correctness" You knuckle under to the pressure and use "thug" instead of what you want to say and do in your own little hate filled bubbles where you can get away with it. All you so called "conservatives" who hate big govt love it when it murders black folk.
Tough shit booger I am tired of the way white folks are demonized daily here so suck on that. Thug.

Well some of "us" earned it fair and square shoog. Glad you're soiling yourself over the notion of all americans being equal.
I didn't have to be there. The cop testified that he asked for a doctor, but they thought he was faking.
Freddie Gray begged for medical help, was ignored: officer

They don't care, he was black, thus a "thug", thus deserved it. Nothing else to consider for them.
He was a thug, shouldn't have fought the police. Truth winning again and libtards crying like bitches.

All black folks are "thugs" to you people, because even though you howl about "political correctness" You knuckle under to the pressure and use "thug" instead of what you want to say and do in your own little hate filled bubbles where you can get away with it. All you so called "conservatives" who hate big govt love it when it murders black folk.
Tough shit booger I am tired of the way white folks are demonized daily here so suck on that. Thug.

Well some of "us" earned it fair and square shoog. Glad you're soiling yourself over the notion of all americans being equal.
Another black lies memo.
They don't care, he was black, thus a "thug", thus deserved it. Nothing else to consider for them.
He was a thug, shouldn't have fought the police. Truth winning again and libtards crying like bitches.

All black folks are "thugs" to you people, because even though you howl about "political correctness" You knuckle under to the pressure and use "thug" instead of what you want to say and do in your own little hate filled bubbles where you can get away with it. All you so called "conservatives" who hate big govt love it when it murders black folk.
Tough shit booger I am tired of the way white folks are demonized daily here so suck on that. Thug.

Well some of "us" earned it fair and square shoog. Glad you're soiling yourself over the notion of all americans being equal.
Another black lies memo.

So you have nothing then, just another line you've been fed to repeat because you're too stupid and lazy to come up with a thought on your own. Typical. Have a nice evening soiling yourself over this.
Everyone can see that the judges and prosecutors in these cases are dirty. They have codified anarchy, and no one should be surprised when the people take matters into their own hands.
why would anyone possibly believe cops can kill black men with impunity?
they killed him?

Somebody broke his neck and refused to let him see a doctor when he begged them.

Not according a judge in four cases. Judges said no.

The judges said let the cops go. Nobody questions whether he fell into the coma and died because of his neck. That was in the autopsy. Nobody questions whether he asked for medical help and was ignored. Cops testified to that.

The judges said the police officers weren't guilty. You're just another Liberal that thinks the verdict should have been an automatic because you hate the police.
Everyone can see that the judges and prosecutors in these cases are dirty. They have codified anarchy, and no one should be surprised when the people take matters into their own hands.

So you justify lawlessness because you disagree with a verdict? Typical scum lefty.
His neck was not broken by any action of the cops, other than his banging his head around after being loaded in the van. Check my earlier post stating what it actually said.
why would anyone possibly believe cops can kill black men with impunity?
they killed him?

Somebody broke his neck and refused to let him see a doctor when he begged them.


His neck wasn't broken? He didn't ask for a doctor? Which do you doubt? The autopsy said he fell into a coma and died because of his neck, and cops testified that he asked for medical help, but they ignored him.
Everyone can see that the judges and prosecutors in these cases are dirty. They have codified anarchy, and no one should be surprised when the people take matters into their own hands.

So you justify lawlessness because you disagree with a verdict? Typical scum lefty.

Just stating what is obvious and inevitable. No different from when the colonists disagreed with the Boston Massacre rulings.
The autopsy showed evidence of no such thing.

His neck wasn't broken? He didn't ask for a doctor? Which do you doubt? The autopsy said he fell into a coma and died because of his neck, and cops testified that he asked for medical help, but they ignored him.

Judge says "No". Your dislike of the verdict falls under the category of tough shit.

Shit like this is why BLM exists.

You mean cops who didn't do anything wrong when they arrested a criminal breaking the law, getting acquitted for not doing anything you guys have to lie and loot, and burn and murder cops.....

You mean that is why black lies matter exists...?

So why did he die? There is a dead kid who died after having his spine stood on and was refused medical care. He was in a coma just a few minutes after arriving at the cop house. Nobody is surprised that the cops are getting off.
No, criminals of any color are thugs, just as the white guy that wouldn't comply and died that was posted today was a thug.
Did any of them deserve to die? No, but it was at their own hands they died due to non-compliance. It is normal for family and friends to want to blame everyone but their lost loved one, but that doesn't make it reality.
You were there? Did the other prisoner say he was begging for a doctor? Did you also believe the story he had recently had back surgery, which was untrue?
Somebody broke his neck and refused to let him see a doctor when he begged them.

I didn't have to be there. The cop testified that he asked for a doctor, but they thought he was faking.
Freddie Gray begged for medical help, was ignored: officer

They don't care, he was black, thus a "thug", thus deserved it. Nothing else to consider for them.
He was a thug, shouldn't have fought the police. Truth winning again and libtards crying like bitches.

All black folks are "thugs" to you people, because even though you howl about "political correctness" You knuckle under to the pressure and use "thug" instead of what you want to say and do in your own little hate filled bubbles where you can get away with it. All you so called "conservatives" who hate big govt love it when it murders black folk.
He was a thug, shouldn't have fought the police. Truth winning again and libtards crying like bitches.

All black folks are "thugs" to you people, because even though you howl about "political correctness" You knuckle under to the pressure and use "thug" instead of what you want to say and do in your own little hate filled bubbles where you can get away with it. All you so called "conservatives" who hate big govt love it when it murders black folk.
Tough shit booger I am tired of the way white folks are demonized daily here so suck on that. Thug.

Well some of "us" earned it fair and square shoog. Glad you're soiling yourself over the notion of all americans being equal.
Another black lies memo.

So you have nothing then, just another line you've been fed to repeat because you're too stupid and lazy to come up with a thought on your own. Typical. Have a nice evening soiling yourself over this.
You have shit for brains.
You really think the prosecutor in this case was? Then you need to take it up with the DOJ Lynch who was overseeing the case.
Everyone can see that the judges and prosecutors in these cases are dirty. They have codified anarchy, and no one should be surprised when the people take matters into their own hands.
Everyone can see that the judges and prosecutors in these cases are dirty. They have codified anarchy, and no one should be surprised when the people take matters into their own hands.

So you justify lawlessness because you disagree with a verdict? Typical scum lefty.

Just stating what is obvious and inevitable. No different from when the colonists disagreed with the Boston Massacre rulings.

It only happens because a bunch of feral monkeys don't like a decision.

Remember when white people rioted after the OJ verdicts? Me, neither.
His neck was not broken by any action of the cops, other than his banging his head around after being loaded in the van. Check my earlier post stating what it actually said.
why would anyone possibly believe cops can kill black men with impunity?
they killed him?

Somebody broke his neck and refused to let him see a doctor when he begged them.


His neck wasn't broken? He didn't ask for a doctor? Which do you doubt? The autopsy said he fell into a coma and died because of his neck, and cops testified that he asked for medical help, but they ignored him.

So you think he was asking for help before being put in the van, but he broke his own neck? Sounds like the old joke about the black guy found drowned . They said he must have stolen more chains than he could swim the river with. I never thought that was very funny, but Ill bet you do.
He was a thug, shouldn't have fought the police. Truth winning again and libtards crying like bitches.

All black folks are "thugs" to you people, because even though you howl about "political correctness" You knuckle under to the pressure and use "thug" instead of what you want to say and do in your own little hate filled bubbles where you can get away with it. All you so called "conservatives" who hate big govt love it when it murders black folk.
Tough shit booger I am tired of the way white folks are demonized daily here so suck on that. Thug.

Well some of "us" earned it fair and square shoog. Glad you're soiling yourself over the notion of all americans being equal.
Another black lies memo.

So you have nothing then, just another line you've been fed to repeat because you're too stupid and lazy to come up with a thought on your own. Typical. Have a nice evening soiling yourself over this.
Smarter than any scum libtard.
His neck was not broken by any action of the cops, other than his banging his head around after being loaded in the van. Check my earlier post stating what it actually said.
they killed him?

Somebody broke his neck and refused to let him see a doctor when he begged them.


His neck wasn't broken? He didn't ask for a doctor? Which do you doubt? The autopsy said he fell into a coma and died because of his neck, and cops testified that he asked for medical help, but they ignored him.

So you think he was asking for help before being put in the van, but he broke his own neck? Sounds like the old joke about the black guy found drowned . They said he must have stolen more chains than he could swim the river with. I never thought that was very funny, but Ill bet you do.

So you think he was asking for help before being put in the van, but he broke his own neck?

His neck was not broken by any action of the cops, other than his banging his head around after being loaded in the van. Check my earlier post stating what it actually said.
they killed him?

Somebody broke his neck and refused to let him see a doctor when he begged them.


His neck wasn't broken? He didn't ask for a doctor? Which do you doubt? The autopsy said he fell into a coma and died because of his neck, and cops testified that he asked for medical help, but they ignored him.

So you think he was asking for help before being put in the van, but he broke his own neck? Sounds like the old joke about the black guy found drowned . They said he must have stolen more chains than he could swim the river with. I never thought that was very funny, but Ill bet you do.
Yep. Judge said you idiots are wrong, we all knew that. Scum.
Everyone can see that the judges and prosecutors in these cases are dirty. They have codified anarchy, and no one should be surprised when the people take matters into their own hands.
They are obviously smarter than the mayor and the prosecutor, and the average scum libtard.
His neck was not broken by any action of the cops, other than his banging his head around after being loaded in the van. Check my earlier post stating what it actually said.
they killed him?

Somebody broke his neck and refused to let him see a doctor when he begged them.


His neck wasn't broken? He didn't ask for a doctor? Which do you doubt? The autopsy said he fell into a coma and died because of his neck, and cops testified that he asked for medical help, but they ignored him.

So you think he was asking for help before being put in the van, but he broke his own neck? Sounds like the old joke about the black guy found drowned . They said he must have stolen more chains than he could swim the river with. I never thought that was very funny, but Ill bet you do.

Do you know how many people who get arrested whine to get taken to the hospital?

I bet it's almost all of them.

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