Former Olympian Turned Low Life Scum Bag Poster Boy


Notice homosexual activist low life scum will come to this thread, but will evade contesting with so much as a shred of validity the foundation of the issue while instead attempting to make the thread a complete circus by even attempting to drag me down to their sick filthy disgusting level thus demonstrating that they have no respect for heterosexuality or respect what it means to be heterosexual! But hey the tranny and other homosexual activist definitions created to confuse the issue such as trans gender, trans sexual are all proof that homosexuals have absolutely no respect for heterosexuality so this really doesn't come as a surprise.

Thanks for more examples of the weak pathetic lying deceiving selfish greedy ignorant insane mentality of the homosexual activist. You are making this way to easy for me to make examples of your defective mentalities.

The Homosexual "What They Don't Know Won't Hurt Them" Mentality

A homosexual with a surgically mutilated genital is not a sex change, but giving homosexuals every advantage to rob heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual because some homosexuals refuse to accept themselves for what they are. I accept myself as a heterosexual and fight for the preservation of heterosexuality because no heterosexual deserves to be degraded, humiliated, traumatized by some homosexual and their lies and deceptions. I think that it is time homosexuals start respecting heterosexuals for what we are as well start accepting themselves for what they themselves are. It saddens me that they have managed to brain wash so many with their lies and deceptions along with false claims of discrimination and calling anyone that exposes them as a liars a hater a deceiver a bigot a homophobe while they stooped to make this look acceptable in any way shape or form.

Then they have the nerve to ask "What do you care" or "if you don't know what does it matter?" which is not only exemplifying absolutely no respect for heterosexuality, but trying to tell you that what you don't know won''t hurt you and yet is it acceptable to date rape people? I mean they don't know so why should they care by the homosexual activist logic? Or how about someone spitting in your food at a restaurant, it's acceptable to homosexual activists because of the you don't know so why should you care mentality. Why not just have someone urinate in your corn flakes every day because according to homosexual activists mentality, why should you care because you don't know. Infuriating!


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

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