Former Marine arrested by FBI for facebook posts

give you an example of how government mental health works: You supposedly appear at appoinmentts you never went to, they purposefully under dosed medication, and don't listen when you are trying to tell them something important, that's my make on veterans and mental health.
Man oh about back peddling and washing their hands of this. Now FBI(federal bureau of idiots) is claiming they have nothing to do with this despite the mother talking to a fed stormtrooper and her telling the mother he was being held because his posts on FB, and the cops had no record of him being arrested or processed..lie more scumbags we have very good memories. Cops had no warrant therefore had no right on his property and local pigs don't harass you over something like things you said on FB that were directed at the fed gov. Wonder why the video shows feds directing the pigs to take him away but now all of a sudden NO ONE has anything to do with it...guess we put that video everywhere and anywhere we could and they can't lock him away under NDAA so gotta come up with some other bullshit to charge him with. Next time I guess they will just shoot the person with the camera and claim he resisted or tried to harm them to justify it.

One of my first posts in this thread was the FBI saying they had nothing to do with it. It's not a 'now they say' thing, dumbass. They said it early on. You were just too into screaming to listen.

BTW... I never saw the proof you must have that his family was threatened. Care to post it???
I am a 100% disabled Veteran, served USMC 1981-1995 and yes from what I have experienced this month they are rounding up veterans in such a way they can't wiggle out of VA care if the VA was wrong. The VA was seeking total mental health control of me.
There is no evidence Raub was arrested for his Facebook posts.

There is no evidence Raub's family was harmed.

In fact, there is no evidence for any of the claims made in this thread. This is one giant wild ass assumption topic, with people letting the voices in their heads spew out unsubstantiated "facts".

Perhaps you may have noticed that a hell of a lot of veterans have been offing themselves lately. For all any of you know, this guy was another suicide that was prevented.

Perhaps you may have also noticed there have been some random shootings by crazy people lately, too. If this guy got some wild idea to jump on the shooting rampage bandwagon, you fucks would be pretty pissed if the police had been tipped to his plans by a friend or co-worker and did NOTHING. These days there are probably a lot of tips being phoned in by nervous nellies.

So STFU until you know some facts.

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You are wrong ~ I tried to tell local law enforcement officials that a homicidal maniac was about to go off in Colorado the day before it happened, while being held in a 72 hour situation at a hospital and did they ignore me, yes, just like you are trying to muscle over your thoughts. I don't appreciate your remarks.
A little known fact about psychotic people is that they can find another psychotic mind in a crowd, and if you can't believe that, screw you.
You are wrong ~ I tried to tell local law enforcement officials that a homicidal maniac was about to go off in Colorado the day before it happened, while being held in a 72 hour situation at a hospital and did they ignore me, yes, just like you are trying to muscle over your thoughts. I don't appreciate your remarks.

full of shit.
You are wrong ~ I tried to tell local law enforcement officials that a homicidal maniac was about to go off in Colorado the day before it happened, while being held in a 72 hour situation at a hospital and did they ignore me, yes, just like you are trying to muscle over your thoughts. I don't appreciate your remarks.

full of shit.
Wow, I glossed right over that!
This shit makes me wonder about just deleting all my posts on FB and not using it again...I mostly have family members on mine and a few friends I have known for a few years...I mostly post frustration about life or what my kids did at school etc...not stuff like he did although I have liked pages and do share stuff like that...never know who's next.
I don't use FaceBook but for the reason you're considering dropping out I assume it's no different from this or any other discussion forum. If you say something here which might be construed as a "terroristic" threat and some creep who doesn't like you forwards the message to some Big Brother agency and some bored or gung-ho man-in-black decides to flex his badge, in accordance with the present state of affairs in our declining democracy you could very well be labeled a "threat" and treated as would be a citizen of the Soviet Union of the 1950s.

As I recall, dragging dissenters out of their homes and into mental hospitals was the everyday routine there. And anyone who doesn't think the US is inching toward police state status need only spend a few minutes here:
Botched Paramilitary Police Raids

While the motivation for these break-ins is not political -- give it time. They are developing the rhythm.
Narrow minded and blind sighted people. Can a whale hear another whale an ocean away? Yes I believe when my id and ego are having a battle from hell in my mind, that life is telling me something. My daughter lives in Denver, call it a mother's intuition call it whatever you will. But don't deny that it could be possible right?
I know these photos are kinda off kilter but check it out by reading line 2 you can see I was at Mental Health Appt with doctor Jones at 10:00 and it says I checked out at 11:02. I was never at that appointment.




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