Former Interpol Chief....armed citizens can help in mass shootings...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
this story comes through extranosalley....from the Washington Post.....a look at mass shootings stopped by armed citizens, and the belief by the former chief of Interpol that armed people on the scene..not police...can save lives......

Good guys with guns: Former Interpol chief Ron Noble on the Westgate Mall mass shooting

Over the last 25 years, there have been at least 10 cases in which armed persons have stopped incipient mass murder: a Shoney’s restaurant in Alabama (1991); Pearl High School in Mississippi (1997); a middle school dance in Edinboro, Pennsylvania (1998); Appalachian School of Law in Virginia (2002); Trolley Square Mall in Salt Lake City (2007); New Life Church in Colorado (2007); Players Bar and Grill in Nevada (2008); Sullivan Central High School in Tennessee (2010); Clackamas Mall in Oregon (2012; three days before Newtown); Mayan Palace Theater in San Antonio (2012; three days after Newtown); and Sister Marie Lenahan Wellness Center in Darby, Pennsylvania (2014).

ROn Noble is a former gun grabber...a rabid gun grabber under President bill Clinton.....

s Noble explains, his 14 years of close involvement in global counterterrorism changed his perspective on gun control. This week, he has published a video about the 2013 mass shootings at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi. The video, “Armed Citizens Can Help Stop Terrorist Massacres Like Nairobi and Paris,” shows graphic footage of the attack and of the response of armed citizens. During the lengthy and well-planned attack, more than 60 innocent people were murdered. As Noble explains, the death count would have been hundreds more if not for the armed citizens who intervened.

I strongly recommend that if you haven't seen it..go and watch the documentary..."Terror in the Mall". The video footage from inside the mall will show you how vulnerable unarmed people were....and how armed people might have saved lives....
Here is the video he links to that talks about the armed civilians in the mall....since it took the Kenyan soldiers two hours to engage the terrorists....


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