Former Defense Minister: Illuminati is 'REAL' & Secretly Running The World...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
I know most scoff at the notion of a few secret societies running the world, but it may not be the 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory' most have been conditioned to think it is. This man has an insight most of us will never have. He's worth hearing out.

Former Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer said a secretive global elite is running the world and is determined to introduce a One World government.

“You have a got secret cabal that’s actually running the world and they’ve managed to keep this technology under wraps until they can cash in the trillions of oil assets that they’ve got,” he said at an Allen Expo Conference last June that recently surfaced on social media.

“The preferred ideal was an inclusive one-world economy dominated by the United States. It was at this stage that there was a virtual merger of the Council [on Foreign Relations] and the U.S. State Department, which in late 1941 created a special committee to consider ‘positive planning’: the advisory committee on positive foreign policy.”

“These were the seeds of a New World Order, and they have been working on it ever since,” he added...

Former Defense Minister: Illuminati Is Real & Secretly Running World
It is no longer a conspiracy when they come right out and tell you who they are:

I know most scoff at the notion of a few secret societies running the world, but it may not be the 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory' most have been conditioned to think it is. This man has an insight most of us will never have. He's worth hearing out.

Former Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer said a secretive global elite is running the world and is determined to introduce a One World government.

“You have a got secret cabal that’s actually running the world and they’ve managed to keep this technology under wraps until they can cash in the trillions of oil assets that they’ve got,” he said at an Allen Expo Conference last June that recently surfaced on social media.

“The preferred ideal was an inclusive one-world economy dominated by the United States. It was at this stage that there was a virtual merger of the Council [on Foreign Relations] and the U.S. State Department, which in late 1941 created a special committee to consider ‘positive planning’: the advisory committee on positive foreign policy.”

“These were the seeds of a New World Order, and they have been working on it ever since,” he added...

Former Defense Minister: Illuminati Is Real & Secretly Running World

Hmm... why does the 'Bilderberg Group' / Organization exist?
I know most scoff at the notion of a few secret societies running the world, but it may not be the 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory' most have been conditioned to think it is. This man has an insight most of us will never have. He's worth hearing out.

Former Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer said a secretive global elite is running the world and is determined to introduce a One World government.

“You have a got secret cabal that’s actually running the world and they’ve managed to keep this technology under wraps until they can cash in the trillions of oil assets that they’ve got,” he said at an Allen Expo Conference last June that recently surfaced on social media.

“The preferred ideal was an inclusive one-world economy dominated by the United States. It was at this stage that there was a virtual merger of the Council [on Foreign Relations] and the U.S. State Department, which in late 1941 created a special committee to consider ‘positive planning’: the advisory committee on positive foreign policy.”

“These were the seeds of a New World Order, and they have been working on it ever since,” he added...

Former Defense Minister: Illuminati Is Real & Secretly Running World

I always assume people talking about Illuminati are doing a comedy bit, poking fun of the Alex Cox type lune-holes.
I know most scoff at the notion of a few secret societies running the world, but it may not be the 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory' most have been conditioned to think it is. This man has an insight most of us will never have. He's worth hearing out.

Former Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer said a secretive global elite is running the world and is determined to introduce a One World government.

“You have a got secret cabal that’s actually running the world and they’ve managed to keep this technology under wraps until they can cash in the trillions of oil assets that they’ve got,” he said at an Allen Expo Conference last June that recently surfaced on social media.

“The preferred ideal was an inclusive one-world economy dominated by the United States. It was at this stage that there was a virtual merger of the Council [on Foreign Relations] and the U.S. State Department, which in late 1941 created a special committee to consider ‘positive planning’: the advisory committee on positive foreign policy.”

“These were the seeds of a New World Order, and they have been working on it ever since,” he added...

Former Defense Minister: Illuminati Is Real & Secretly Running World

Hmm... why does the 'Bilderberg Group' / Organization exist?

Greed and immorality.

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