Former Chair of NRA (During Cains Tenure) says, "IT'S A HATCHET JOB"


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Jul 26, 2011
In an interview with The Daily Caller, former National Restaurant Association board chairman Joseph Fassler offered a firm defense of GOP presidential front-runner Herman Cain, along with an explanation for how Washington’s best-kept secret — the identities of Cain’s sexual-harassment accusers — was also kept from the association’s board.

“The accusations? It’s a hatchet job, in my opinion,” Fassler told TheDC from his Phoenix, Ariz. office. “My gut tells me it’s a hatchet job. He gets a lead, he gets some traction, and the next thing you know, here come these allegations. It’s sad.”

Read more: Herman Cain | Sexual Harassment Allegations | National Restaurant Association | Joseph Fassler | The Daily Caller
In an interview with The Daily Caller, former National Restaurant Association board chairman Joseph Fassler offered a firm defense of GOP presidential front-runner Herman Cain, along with an explanation for how Washington’s best-kept secret — the identities of Cain’s sexual-harassment accusers — was also kept from the association’s board.

“The accusations? It’s a hatchet job, in my opinion,” Fassler told TheDC from his Phoenix, Ariz. office. “My gut tells me it’s a hatchet job. He gets a lead, he gets some traction, and the next thing you know, here come these allegations. It’s sad.”

Read more: Herman Cain | Sexual Harassment Allegations | National Restaurant Association | Joseph Fassler | The Daily Caller

I love this part where he calls it small potatoes and basically dismisses it as a non matter.

He really puts it in perspective and there's where one can really see how trumped up all this bullshit is.

If these women really had a case of sexual harrassment, not "feeling" uncomfortable by his gestures, but a real deal case, they would have received mega settlements.

everance agreements, he said, were — and remain — “common” in human resource management. “You offer people severance agreements, unless they are for cause, all the time,” he said.

At the National Restaurant Association, Fassler explained, complaints about workplace behavior were referred to the human resources department. “Then HR would bring it to the legal department. If it was about someone in a particular job, I imagine the complaint would have gone to his boss.”

The board of directors is the CEO’s “boss,” of course.

Asked why no complaint about Herman Cain ever reached the board, Fassler put the episode in perspective, essentially seeing the amount of money involved as small-potatoes.

“This agreement? If it was of a major magnitude, I would have been shocked to not have known about it. So my takeaway was that it must not have been of a major magnitude,” he told TheDC.

Fassler drew a clear distinction between legal settlements for significant amounts of money and routine severance packages that would normally be handled far beneath the board’s level of responsibility.

“At the association, people had a level of authority — an amount of money that they can spend before they have to bring it to the board [for approval],” he explained. “In this case, if it was over their authority level — and I don’t remember what that level was — they would have to bring it to the executive committee [of the board].

“If it’s a routine matter, they don’t have to bring it to us. We never got it, so it was a routine matter.”
Former Chair of NRA (During Cains Tenure) says, "IT'S A HATCHET JOB"

Whether Cain is ‘guilty’ or not isn’t the issue; the issue is his poor handling of the controversy.

If these women really had a case of sexual harrassment, not "feeling" uncomfortable by his gestures, but a real deal case, they would have received mega settlements.
Being made to feel uncomfortable is ‘real’ sexual harassment; indeed, the law doesn’t require the context be sexual.
Former Chair of NRA (During Cains Tenure) says, "IT'S A HATCHET JOB"

Whether Cain is ‘guilty’ or not isn’t the issue; the issue is his poor handling of the controversy.

If these women really had a case of sexual harrassment, not "feeling" uncomfortable by his gestures, but a real deal case, they would have received mega settlements.
Being made to feel uncomfortable is ‘real’ sexual harassment; indeed, the law doesn’t require the context be sexual.

Bull shit. I spent years in the music business and I've seen real true sexual harassment.:lol:Came with the territory and I dealt with it.

And I've also been witness to complete and utter bogus cases where someone has a vindictive nature and decided to charge sexual harassment against a co worker or a superior.

One man who worked with my husband at Saturn had been with GM for years and a woman made a complaint against him for asking her how "the puppies were coming along".

The woman was pregnant with twins. And in her homicidal hormonal mania she made a sexual harassment charge against a good man who had never had a black mark against him in his entire career with Mother Motors and then as a high level individual at the Saturn Plant.

I don't like it when any sister of mine makes a bogus claim. It diminishes the real deals that happen out there.

Sadly that plays into the "boy who cried wolf" scenario so many true harassment cases just go unreported.
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Former Chair of NRA (During Cains Tenure) says, "IT'S A HATCHET JOB"

Whether Cain is ‘guilty’ or not isn’t the issue; the issue is his poor handling of the controversy.

If these women really had a case of sexual harrassment, not "feeling" uncomfortable by his gestures, but a real deal case, they would have received mega settlements.
Being made to feel uncomfortable is ‘real’ sexual harassment; indeed, the law doesn’t require the context be sexual.
*I* Feel uncomfortable with your POST. *I* should file suit.
*I* Feel uncomfortable with your POST. *I* should file suit.

Really, the concept that guilt or innocence is determined by how someone feels goes against every conventional notion of justice.
Former Chair of NRA (During Cains Tenure) says, "IT'S A HATCHET JOB"

Whether Cain is ‘guilty’ or not isn’t the issue; the issue is his poor handling of the controversy.

If these women really had a case of sexual harrassment, not "feeling" uncomfortable by his gestures, but a real deal case, they would have received mega settlements.
Being made to feel uncomfortable is ‘real’ sexual harassment; indeed, the law doesn’t require the context be sexual.

Bull shit. I spent years in the music business and I've seen real true sexual harassment.:lol:Came with the territory and I dealt with it.

And I've also been witness to complete and utter bogus cases where someone has a vindictive nature and decided to charge sexual harassment against a co worker or a superior.

One man who worked with my husband at Saturn had been with GM for years and a woman made a complaint against him for asking her how "the puppies were coming along".

The woman was pregnant with twins. And in her homicidal hormonal mania she made a sexual harassment charge against a good man who had never had a black mark against him in his entire career with Mother Motors and then as a high level individual at the Saturn Plant.

I don't like it when any sister of mine makes a bogus claim. It diminishes the real deals that happen out there.

Sadly that plays into the "boy who cried wolf" scenario so many true harassment cases just go unreported.

I remember when a sexual harassment complaint was filed when a bunch of Infantry Marines squads played "shirts vs. skins." Some WM was offended. She was quietly promoted out of active duty and into a contractor job. She later admitted that this was her goal all along, to get hired on as an analyst and stay in Rota.

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