Forget Russia twitter is meddling in 2018 elections shadow banning GOP candidates John James & Ron


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Forget Russia, Twitter Is Meddling in 2018 Elections=> Shadow-Banning GOP Candidates John James and Ron Bassilian - Tea Party News
(Gateway Pundit) – A recent study by the leftist website VICE News found that Twitter was censoring top pro-Trump lawmakers.


Oh we can see the leftist Trump hating loons now going off lmao. Watch as i tunfolds .

The good thing is people are so, so awake now these pricks will be watched like hawks. So, even when they tell the truth you can bet tards will deny it all.

We aren't dumb enough to fall for the lies and we aren't as they are we accept loss ,unlike leftist who can't take loss.
Forget Russia, Twitter Is Meddling in 2018 Elections=> Shadow-Banning GOP Candidates John James and Ron Bassilian - Tea Party News
(Gateway Pundit) – A recent study by the leftist website VICE News found that Twitter was censoring top pro-Trump lawmakers.


Oh we can see the leftist Trump hating loons now going off lmao. Watch as i tunfolds .

The good thing is people are so, so awake now these pricks will be watched like hawks. So, even when they tell the truth you can bet tards will deny it all.

We aren't dumb enough to fall for the lies and we aren't as they are we accept loss ,unlike leftist who can't take loss.

The issue with Russia meddling in the elections is that they're not American. The owners of Twitter are. They can do as they want.

Isn't it a bit arrogant to demand that a private company do as you want them to do? You could set up your own twitter type site.
The OP is unhappy and "truth is truth".

Just tell the truth. Be a real American, and tell the truth.
Shadow banning (also called stealth banning, ghost banning or comment ghosting[1]) is the act of blocking a user or their content from an online community such that it will not be readily apparent to the user that they have been banned.

By making a user's contributions invisible or less prominent to other members of the service, the hope may be that in the absence of reactions to their comments, the problematic or otherwise out-of-favour user will become bored or frustrated and leave the site.[1][2]

Shadow banning - Wikipedia
Forget Russia, Twitter Is Meddling in 2018 Elections=> Shadow-Banning GOP Candidates John James and Ron Bassilian - Tea Party News
(Gateway Pundit) – A recent study by the leftist website VICE News found that Twitter was censoring top pro-Trump lawmakers.


Oh we can see the leftist Trump hating loons now going off lmao. Watch as i tunfolds .

The good thing is people are so, so awake now these pricks will be watched like hawks. So, even when they tell the truth you can bet tards will deny it all.

We aren't dumb enough to fall for the lies and we aren't as they are we accept loss ,unlike leftist who can't take loss.

The issue with Russia meddling in the elections is that they're not American. The owners of Twitter are. They can do as they want.

Isn't it a bit arrogant to demand that a private company do as you want them to do? You could set up your own twitter type site.

Translation: it's not a crime when its done by a democrat
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Forget Russia, Twitter Is Meddling in 2018 Elections=> Shadow-Banning GOP Candidates John James and Ron Bassilian - Tea Party News
(Gateway Pundit) – A recent study by the leftist website VICE News found that Twitter was censoring top pro-Trump lawmakers.


Oh we can see the leftist Trump hating loons now going off lmao. Watch as i tunfolds .

The good thing is people are so, so awake now these pricks will be watched like hawks. So, even when they tell the truth you can bet tards will deny it all.

We aren't dumb enough to fall for the lies and we aren't as they are we accept loss ,unlike leftist who can't take loss.

The issue with Russia meddling in the elections is that they're not American. The owners of Twitter are. They can do as they want.

Isn't it a bit arrogant to demand that a private company do as you want them to do? You could set up your own twitter type site.

Translation: it's not a crime when irs done by a democrat

No, it's not a crime when it done by AMERICANS.

Jeez, how could you not have understood that from what I wrote?
Shadow banning is the only way to level the playing field since most of the support for democrat Party candidates comes from sock accounts, the non-living and illegal aliens
Forget Russia, Twitter Is Meddling in 2018 Elections=> Shadow-Banning GOP Candidates John James and Ron Bassilian - Tea Party News
(Gateway Pundit) – A recent study by the leftist website VICE News found that Twitter was censoring top pro-Trump lawmakers.


Oh we can see the leftist Trump hating loons now going off lmao. Watch as i tunfolds .

The good thing is people are so, so awake now these pricks will be watched like hawks. So, even when they tell the truth you can bet tards will deny it all.

We aren't dumb enough to fall for the lies and we aren't as they are we accept loss ,unlike leftist who can't take loss.

The issue with Russia meddling in the elections is that they're not American. The owners of Twitter are. They can do as they want.

Isn't it a bit arrogant to demand that a private company do as you want them to do? You could set up your own twitter type site.

Translation: it's not a crime when irs done by a democrat

No, it's not a crime when it done by AMERICANS.

Jeez, how could you not have understood that from what I wrote?

It's early and I haven't had my coffee yet
The right wing Trump snowflake appear to be growing dumber by the day? Isn't it enough that Rudy Giuliani talks like a fool so as to give the Trumpettes grist for their empty head. Is Betsey DeVos now more than a simpleton, but rather the icon of the American right? The comments above are dumb people, do any of you righties ever read? And conservative America still looks in the wrong direction as 'dark money' plays them like a banjo. Sad. Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer

For the readers:

"Reconstruction pitted "poor white trash" against newly freed slaves, which factored in the rise of eugenics–-a widely popular movement embraced by Theodore Roosevelt that targeted poor whites for sterilization. These poor were at the heart of New Deal reforms and LBJ’s Great Society; they haunt us in reality TV shows like Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty. Marginalized as a class, "white trash" have always been at or near the center of major political debates over the character of the American identity. We acknowledge racial injustice as an ugly stain on our nation’s history. With Isenberg’s landmark book, we will have to face the truth about the enduring, malevolent nature of class as well."

White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America by Nancy Isenberg

"The following year, Public Policy Polling asked a broad sample of Democratic and Republican primary voters whether they would support bombing Agrabah. Nearly a third of Republican respondents said they would, versus 13 percent who opposed the idea. Democratic preferences were roughly reversed; 36 percent were opposed, and 19 percent were in favor. Agrabah doesn’t exist. It’s the fictional country in the 1992 Disney film Aladdin. Liberals crowed that the poll showed Republicans’ aggressive tendencies. Conservatives countered that it showed Democrats’ reflexive pacifism. Experts in national security couldn’t fail to notice that 43 percent of Republicans and 55 percent of Democrats polled had an actual, defined view on bombing a place in a cartoon." “How America Lost Faith in Expertise”

How America Lost Faith in Expertise

"I am more convinced than ever that I made the right decision. The transformation I feared has taken place. Just look at the reaction to President Trump’s barbarous policy of taking children away from their parents as punishment for the misdemeanor offense of illegally entering the country. While two-thirds of Americans disapproved of this state-sanctioned child abuse, forcing the president to back down, a majority of Republicans approved. If Trump announced he were going to spit-roast immigrant kids and eat them on national TV (apologies to Jonathan Swift), most Republicans probably would approve of that, too. The entire Republican platform can now be reduced to three words: whatever Trump says." Max Boot

"America — with its decaying infrastructure, its third-world public transit, its shrinking labor market, its evaporating middle class, its expanding gulf between rich and poor, its heartless health insurance system, its mindless indifference to a dying ecology, its predatory credit agencies, its looming Social Security collapse, its interminable war, its metastasizing national debt and all the social pathologies that gave it a degenerate imbecile and child-abducting sadist as its president — remains the only developed economy in the world that believes it wrong to use civic wealth for civic goods. Its absurdly engorged military budget diverts hundreds of billions of dollars a year from the public weal to those who profit from the military-industrial complex. Its plutocratic policies and libertarian ethos are immune to all appeals of human solidarity. It towers over the world, but promises secure shelter only to the fortunate few." David Bentley Hart
oodles, print the "truth is truth" version and you will be OK.

You don't get to lie and deny the truth.
Jeez, how could you not have understood that from what I wrote?

No, it's not a crime when it done by AMERICANS.

Jeez, how could you not have understood that from what I wrote?

So Verizon could tell a Republican you cant use our network ?

Yes, if the Republican has not followed its guidelines.

Guidelines for what ? What to believe and promote ?

Well, how would we know? The article doesn't say what guidelines they broke, does it?

Piss poor journalism which simply has "they got banned, so it must be political".
what is SHADOW banning?
basically you look like you're making your post. you can see it. no one else can. you'll get no replies, no retweets and the like. if he's getting *some* then i wouldn't call it a "shadow ban" cause that's all or nothing as i've seen the term used in the past but these days we re-define words to match our emo's, not use proper words to begin with.

if he's getting some form of a response then it's not a ban but they can limit posts and their reach if they so choose. ie - a liberal candidate has 100,000 followers and their post hits 20k people. a conservative candidate has 100,000 followers and their posts hit 2k people.

they're being limited which is about as bad.

we either have an open platform or we don't and facebook/twitter and the like need to just come out and say it vs lie or make excuses. unfortunately many on the left are on some power kick and think they're actually doing good by limiting people from speaking.

frustrating to be sure. however, sooner or later their own self-righteous behavior will turn on itself and they'll be at each other as topics come up they do disagree with. what do you do when both people are using to being able to just make counter-thought go away?

gonna get worse before it gets better and right now the left is driving that angry bus.
The right wing Trump snowflake appear to be growing dumber by the day? Isn't it enough that Rudy Giuliani talks like a fool so as to give the Trumpettes grist for their empty head. Is Betsey DeVos now more than a simpleton, but rather the icon of the American right? The comments above are dumb people, do any of you righties ever read? And conservative America still looks in the wrong direction as 'dark money' plays them like a banjo. Sad. Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer

For the readers:

"Reconstruction pitted "poor white trash" against newly freed slaves, which factored in the rise of eugenics–-a widely popular movement embraced by Theodore Roosevelt that targeted poor whites for sterilization. These poor were at the heart of New Deal reforms and LBJ’s Great Society; they haunt us in reality TV shows like Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty. Marginalized as a class, "white trash" have always been at or near the center of major political debates over the character of the American identity. We acknowledge racial injustice as an ugly stain on our nation’s history. With Isenberg’s landmark book, we will have to face the truth about the enduring, malevolent nature of class as well."

White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America by Nancy Isenberg

"The following year, Public Policy Polling asked a broad sample of Democratic and Republican primary voters whether they would support bombing Agrabah. Nearly a third of Republican respondents said they would, versus 13 percent who opposed the idea. Democratic preferences were roughly reversed; 36 percent were opposed, and 19 percent were in favor. Agrabah doesn’t exist. It’s the fictional country in the 1992 Disney film Aladdin. Liberals crowed that the poll showed Republicans’ aggressive tendencies. Conservatives countered that it showed Democrats’ reflexive pacifism. Experts in national security couldn’t fail to notice that 43 percent of Republicans and 55 percent of Democrats polled had an actual, defined view on bombing a place in a cartoon." “How America Lost Faith in Expertise”

How America Lost Faith in Expertise

"I am more convinced than ever that I made the right decision. The transformation I feared has taken place. Just look at the reaction to President Trump’s barbarous policy of taking children away from their parents as punishment for the misdemeanor offense of illegally entering the country. While two-thirds of Americans disapproved of this state-sanctioned child abuse, forcing the president to back down, a majority of Republicans approved. If Trump announced he were going to spit-roast immigrant kids and eat them on national TV (apologies to Jonathan Swift), most Republicans probably would approve of that, too. The entire Republican platform can now be reduced to three words: whatever Trump says." Max Boot

"America — with its decaying infrastructure, its third-world public transit, its shrinking labor market, its evaporating middle class, its expanding gulf between rich and poor, its heartless health insurance system, its mindless indifference to a dying ecology, its predatory credit agencies, its looming Social Security collapse, its interminable war, its metastasizing national debt and all the social pathologies that gave it a degenerate imbecile and child-abducting sadist as its president — remains the only developed economy in the world that believes it wrong to use civic wealth for civic goods. Its absurdly engorged military budget diverts hundreds of billions of dollars a year from the public weal to those who profit from the military-industrial complex. Its plutocratic policies and libertarian ethos are immune to all appeals of human solidarity. It towers over the world, but promises secure shelter only to the fortunate few." David Bentley Hart

"I am more convinced than ever that I made the right decision. The transformation I feared has taken place. Just look at the reaction to President Trump’s barbarous policy of taking children away from their parents..." I lol'ed right there. The LyingMSM posted pictures from 2014 as "proof" of Trump's inhumane, barbaric, retaliatory response to La Reconquista.

I wonder how many of these kids aren't genetic matches to their parents but were going to be used as payments for the ride to El Norte


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