Forget Ferguson, 244 Teenagers Have Been Shot In Chicago Since Michael Brown Died


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Maybe Al can hustle on over to Chicago. You know, get to the heart of the matter. Al needs to bring that outrage saved for whites to the black slums of America. Take your peeps to task Al. Stop the killings Al



Forget Ferguson, 244 Teenagers Have Been Shot In Chicago Since Michael Brown Died

While the events down in Ferguson play out, back in Chicagoland, HeyJackass reports that the same old bullshit continues day in and day out with nary a peep. In the 107 days since officer Darren Wilson shot and killed 18 year old Michael Brown – 12:03pm, Saturday, August 9th – the following stupidity has taken place in Chicago:

  • 155 homicides (74% black males)
  • 725 shot & wounded
  • Six (6) 18 year olds killed: Kawantis Montgomery, Kamaal Burton, Tony McIntos, Alexandra Burgos, Rayvon Little, Johnathan Cartwright
  • 59 18 year olds shot & wounded
  • 29 teenagers (13-19) killed
  • 244 teenagers (13-19) shot and wounded
  • 10 shot (5 killed) by the CPD
Brutal, yet incredibly asinine and absurd to say the least.

Forget Ferguson 244 Teenagers Have Been Shot In Chicago Since Michael Brown Died Zero Hedge

o what is it about these stats that hasn’t caused people to lose their collective shit?
After all, there have been plenty of opportunities to march, chant, throw shit, break stuff, come up with a hashtag, etc… in the past few months, not only in Chicago, but all over the nation. So where is the national media? The cable news talking heads? The race pimpin’ super duo of Jesse and Al? The professional agitators and social justice warriors? The exploiting politicians? Almost 900 shootings and homicides in the past three months and not one is worthy of their attention.

Someone from ‘round these parts once said “never let a crisis go to waste”. Apparently these stats aren’t crisis-y enough.

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No one cares, as long as a white police officer is not the one having to gun down a known felon, then all is right with the world, to most people.

244? That's it?

244,000 wouldn't matter if they can't be leveraged for political gain.


It's clear as mud when comparing Chicago and Mizzou. I would crap my pants if anyone in the media had the nerve to report on the absurdness of Mizzou relative to events in Chicago.

So, if the exact scenario played out in Chicago, would we even know who Wilson and the fatboy are/were?

Man! What an original argument! So deep. So meaningful!

When they bring in one of the suspected perpetrators in Chicago.....allow him to wash up and treat him like a guest......then have the DA defend him in the grand jury hearings.....give me a shout. I'll be really interested in your reaction to that.
Man! What an original argument! So deep. So meaningful!

When they bring in one of the suspected perpetrators in Chicago.....allow him to wash up and treat him like a guest......then have the DA defend him in the grand jury hearings.....give me a shout. I'll be really interested in your reaction to that.

Well, as soon as Al gets there he will figure it out. Need to find these folks and bring them in. So what's/who is holding Al back?

Man! What an original argument! So deep. So meaningful!

When they bring in one of the suspected perpetrators in Chicago.....allow him to wash up and treat him like a guest......then have the DA defend him in the grand jury hearings.....give me a shout. I'll be really interested in your reaction to that.

Well, as soon as Al gets there he will figure it out. Need to find these folks and bring them in. So what's/who is holding Al back?


Your obsession with Al Sharpton is about as deep as your OP.

Do a search of the forum archives. If you can find a single liberal citing the words or deeds of Al Sharpton in a positive manner.....or showing support for Al Sharpton in any way.....I will cede your point.

You won't. Unlike USMB nutters, liberals don't worship idiots with loud voices. We ignore them. I find the guy to be a piece of shit. I don't pay attention to anything he says.
Man! What an original argument! So deep. So meaningful!

When they bring in one of the suspected perpetrators in Chicago.....allow him to wash up and treat him like a guest......then have the DA defend him in the grand jury hearings.....give me a shout. I'll be really interested in your reaction to that.

Well, as soon as Al gets there he will figure it out. Need to find these folks and bring them in. So what's/who is holding Al back?


Your obsession with Al Sharpton is about as deep as your OP.

Do a search of the forum archives. If you can find a single liberal citing the words or deeds of Al Sharpton in a positive manner.....or showing support for Al Sharpton in any way.....I will cede your point.

You won't. Unlike USMB nutters, liberals don't worship idiots with loud voices. We ignore them. I find the guy to be a piece of shit. I don't pay attention to anything he says.

Cool- Common ground

Maybe Al can hustle on over to Chicago. You know, get to the heart of the matter. Al needs to bring that outrage saved for whites to the black slums of America. Take your peeps to task Al. Stop the killings Al

16,000 Americans are murdered every year, which is what happens when you let every twit with a tiny dick own a gun.

We still have some silly idea that when police shoot unarmed civilians, they should be held accountable.
Man! What an original argument! So deep. So meaningful!

When they bring in one of the suspected perpetrators in Chicago.....allow him to wash up and treat him like a guest......then have the DA defend him in the grand jury hearings.....give me a shout. I'll be really interested in your reaction to that.

Well, as soon as Al gets there he will figure it out. Need to find these folks and bring them in. So what's/who is holding Al back?


Your obsession with Al Sharpton is about as deep as your OP.

Do a search of the forum archives. If you can find a single liberal citing the words or deeds of Al Sharpton in a positive manner.....or showing support for Al Sharpton in any way.....I will cede your point.

You won't. Unlike USMB nutters, liberals don't worship idiots with loud voices. We ignore them. I find the guy to be a piece of shit. I don't pay attention to anything he says.

Man, that didn't take long.. Watch what you ask for.

Sounds like support to me... dummy....



OP not funny.

When Al Sharpton is not actually doing something that you nutters disapprove of, you are so empty inside that you must discuss what he could be....or should be....doing that you disapprove of?

You realize, of course, that he is inside your heads. He is far more valuable to you as a target for your dopey hatred than he is to liberals. Nobody really gives a shit either way in the real world. Way to waste your time and effort, dummies.
93% of BLACKS are killed by other BLACKS!

The nine hundred pound gorilla in the room that's being completely ignored by the progtards and professional race pimps.
Man! What an original argument! So deep. So meaningful!

When they bring in one of the suspected perpetrators in Chicago.....allow him to wash up and treat him like a guest......then have the DA defend him in the grand jury hearings.....give me a shout. I'll be really interested in your reaction to that.

Well, as soon as Al gets there he will figure it out. Need to find these folks and bring them in. So what's/who is holding Al back?


Your obsession with Al Sharpton is about as deep as your OP.

Do a search of the forum archives. If you can find a single liberal citing the words or deeds of Al Sharpton in a positive manner.....or showing support for Al Sharpton in any way.....I will cede your point.

You won't. Unlike USMB nutters, liberals don't worship idiots with loud voices. We ignore them. I find the guy to be a piece of shit. I don't pay attention to anything he says.

Man, that didn't take long.. Watch what you ask for.

Sounds like support to me... dummy....



OP not funny.

When Al Sharpton is not actually doing something that you nutters disapprove of, you are so empty inside that you must discuss what he could be....or should be....doing that you disapprove of?

You realize, of course, that he is inside your heads. He is far more valuable to you as a target for your dopey hatred than he is to liberals. Nobody really gives a shit either way in the real world. Way to waste your time and effort, dummies.

93% of BLACKS are killed by other BLACKS!

The nine hundred pound gorilla in the room that's being completely ignored by the progtards and professional race pimps.

89% of whites are killed by other whites.

There is no gorilla here. Most murder victims are killed by people they know.

Which has nothing to do with the very reasonable expectation that our police should not be randomly shooting people on the street.
Man! What an original argument! So deep. So meaningful!

When they bring in one of the suspected perpetrators in Chicago.....allow him to wash up and treat him like a guest......then have the DA defend him in the grand jury hearings.....give me a shout. I'll be really interested in your reaction to that.
I see somebody hasn't heard the facts in the case. Brown got what he deserved. You cannot attack a cop and expect nothing to happen.
There are a few thousand protestors across the country.

A huge majority knows what the problem is..........the blacks. Most also know that the Brown kid deserved to get his hat knocked off.
93% of BLACKS are killed by other BLACKS!

The nine hundred pound gorilla in the room that's being completely ignored by the progtards and professional race pimps.

89% of whites are killed by other whites.

There is no gorilla here. Most murder victims are killed by people they know.

Which has nothing to do with the very reasonable expectation that our police should not be randomly shooting people on the street.
Another one that didn't read the facts. You cannot attack a cop and expect nothing to happen. Brown got what he deserved.

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