Foreign Policy v. International Affairs


Sep 23, 2010
I know that Taqiyya the Liar is trying to take the heat off of the midterms. His gambit to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens AFTER THE ELECTIONS was surely designed to get him in more hot water than usual while it cleared congressional Democrats of any responsibility for amnesty. Foreign policy is even more devious.

Taqiyya’s foreign policy number hit a new low. Just to be clear on this. Handling international affairs is not foreign policy. International affairs means working for the UNIC (United Nations/International Community). Foreign policy means protecting America.

Just 38 percent now approve of Obama’s handling of international affairs, down 8 percentage points since July to a career low; 56 percent disapprove, a majority for the first time. Fifty-two percent say he’s been too cautious in dealing with Islamic insurgents in Iraq and Syria. And the public is ahead of Obama in support for a military response to that crisis, with 65 percent in favor of extending U.S. air strikes to Syria.

Obama Hits a New Low for Leadership,
With Criticism on ISIS & Immigration Alike

NOTE: Democrats are telling their president do not EO amnesty until after the elections. Not one Democrat has said “Do not EO amnesty ever.” So media reporting trying to distance congressional Democrats from domestic disasters like amnesty for illegal immigrants might or might not work.

There is not a chance voters are going to hold congressional Democrats responsible for the “commander in chief’s” failures even though Democrats supported and encouraged everything he did since he took office; everything from his apology tour, to New START, to the Arab Spring and all of the failures in-between. Hell, the State Department even gets a pass for Taqiyya’s failure of leadership.

Interestingly, Taqiyya is criticized for his lack of leadership which is rather strange because nobody else in his administration is hit with the same charge. While Americans are told Taqiyya is disengaged they are supposed to believe that he micro manages the entire government. To entertain that contradiction you have to believe that nobody does anything until he gives them their marching orders. Okay, if that is true let’s apply it to the attack in Benghazi. Americans were killed because Taqiyya did nothing. Presumably, doing nothing means he did not issue the order to stand down.

Now remember that nobody does anything until Taqiyya gives them the green light; so after doing nothing to help the men fighting for their lives Taqiyya did do something. He sent Suzy Five Shows out to lie like a rug.

Question: How can the president’s foreign policy approval number be at 38 percent while Congress’ number hovers around 13 percent? Answer: Democrats want Congress to do more for the parasite class while Americans want Congress to restrict the government to its enumerated duties allowed by the Constitution.

Finally, I’d like see separate in-depth polls for the House and the Senate instead one number for “Congress.” One poll question would ask if Americans approve of a Senate Administration? which is what the country has had since 2009.

And imagine how low the Senate’s number would be considering the building has been home to a nest of traitors for decades. If the public ever separated “Congress” from the top Democrats in the Senate I truly believe the Senate would get an approval number below 2 percent.

And how about polling an approval number for the media? They are just as responsible for everything that is wrong in this country as are the people in government; more responsible in foreign policy because of this:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."

He went on to explain:

"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."

-- David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle

David Rockefeller s 1991 Bilderberg Quote...Ten Years Later
NOTE: Democrats are telling their president do not EO amnesty until after the elections. Not one Democrat has said “Do not EO amnesty ever.” So media reporting trying to distance congressional Democrats from domestic disasters like amnesty for illegal immigrants might or might not work.

There is not a chance voters are going to hold congressional Democrats responsible for the “commander in chief’s” failures even though Democrats supported and encouraged everything he did since he took office; everything from his apology tour, to New START, to the Arab Spring and all of the failures in-between. Hell, the State Department even gets a pass for Taqiyya’s failure of leadership.
Congressional Democrats are making a lot of noise about separating themselves from Taqiyya the Liar’s mess in Iraq. I do not believe they are sincere for one minute. On the domestic front they clearly support granting amnesty by EO. Senator Sessions gave a great example of what I was talking about in the OP:
The Senate Democratic conference has supported and enabled the president’s unlawful actions and blocked every effort to stop them. Not even one of our Democratic colleagues has backed the House legislation that would stop this planned executive amnesty or demanded that Senator Reid bring it up for a vote. Every Senate Democrat is therefore the president’s partner in his planned lawless acts.

September 11, 2014 2:38 PM
Don’t Give the Masters of the Universe Their Amnesty
The Senate isn’t doing anything to stop Obama’s plans — thank the plutocrats.
By Jeff Sessions

Don t Give the Masters of the Universe Their Amnesty National Review Online
Listen to Senator Sessions torpedo the lie that says congressional Democrats are different than Taqiyya the Liar:


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