For Yeula: Let's Give it a Try

Is that all there is? Don't you need some more guys to help you?

I'm sad. I'm very sad. This is no fun. There is not much challange here. Well I'll admit I'm a nortoriously bad speller. I'm laughing so hard I can't think. Other then that its no fun. No challenge. I think I'll go shoot rats at the dump. they are a lot quicker and offer a lot more S P O R T

I'm outta here. bye bye chumps
yeula said:
Is that all there is? Don't you need some more guys to help you?

I'm sad. I'm very sad. This is no fun. There is not much challange here. Well I'll admit I'm a nortoriously bad speller. I'm laughing so hard I can't think. Other then that its no fun. No challenge. I think I'll go shoot rats at the dump. they are a lot quicker and offer a lot more S P O R T

I'm outta here. bye bye chumps

Hee, hee! I think it is OCA fooling around with us!
yeula said:
Is that all there is? Don't you need some more guys to help you?

I'm sad. I'm very sad. This is no fun. There is not much challange here. Well I'll admit I'm a nortoriously bad speller. I'm laughing so hard I can't think. Other then that its no fun. No challenge. I think I'll go shoot rats at the dump. they are a lot quicker and offer a lot more S P O R T

I'm outta here. bye bye chumps

Yeula you and Mrsx need to get together and write a thread all by yourselves. So this message board can post a thread about how not to respond on this site!!

If you ever come back.

I can understand your concerns about feeling outnumbered on this board...but I would caution you to stereotype everyone here and allow it to make you feel threatened.

People here are pro-abortion and anti-abortion, pro-gay marriage and anti-gay marriage, they are Republicans and Democrats (although yes, there are far more Republicans) and many, many of us don't fit easily into one category or another.

No one here has the slightest desire to harm you, in the cyber world or the real world. People who ask for personal information most often are just trying to get a feel for where you are coming from. For instance, I am curious as to your age, your sex, and what part of the country you live in...i'm also interested in what you do for a living...are you a student, do you have a job?

I don't want to know these things because I want to harm you. I want to know them so that I have a clearer understanding of where you are coming from. If you hang around here long enough you'll get to know lots of people...people share personal information, good news about their families, bad news about personal sadness...and just general things going on in their lives. Some people share a lot, some don't share personal information at all...its a personal choice...if you choose not to let us know anything about you that is fine. But many of us would like to know a little bit about who you are...not to use it against you, but rather to understand your point of view.

I am sorry that you have felt attacked. It can be hard adjusting to a new posting forum, its rules and operating procedure.

On this board, if you post something that is a debated issue, for instance that Bush "stole the 2001" election, you should be prepared to back that statement up with fact. Simply stating "Its true," will not always suffice in a conversation in which two people are debating two very different opinions.

Now, that being said, often a conversation can go on for quite awhile without links being necessary...debates about opinions, thoughts, or feelings about things can be held without needing to back it up with a variety of links.

Finally, the biggest issue for the moderators is, I think, one of legality and plagerism. They have sponsors for this site, sponsors who give them money so that it can remain open and running. If the majority of posters are stealing information from pundits and politicians and posting these thoughts and articles as their own...this board could get in serious trouble...the moderators could face legal of course, they are interested in covering their collective butts. You can't blame them for that.

That being said, I am confused as to why you wanted to show me a link to the Log Cabin Republicans. I know some people in the group, interesting views and very nice people. What does it have to do with anything we have been discussing?

I am still very interested in having a calm, rational conversation with you. Please think of a topic or subject that you feel very strongly about and discuss it...if you can do it without referring to people on this board as, "idiots," "Viagra-using thugs," or any other derogatory insulting comments that you claim to feel are wrong and/or unneccesary I would appreciate it.
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yeula said:
bummer I couldn't find any nude photos of Jeff Gannon :(

There is a delicious one in Vanity Fair. As you know Jeff Gannon got a fake ID and threw softball questions to bush during press conferences. Of course the queer Matt Drudge didn't pick up on this story and neither did the Christian Right.

Jeffy worked for talon news which after the resulting scandal scrubbed its web site. boo hoo

So much for the liberal media propaganda. If Jeff Gannon had happened on Gore or Clinton's watch everyone would have picked up this story.

Bush was a cheerleader in college and rumors abounded about him and victor whom he selected as a foreign ambassador.

And you wonder why people aren't taking you seriously here. Amazing. Who cares about Jeff Gannon? Most of America. Who cares that President Bush was a cheerleader? I sure as heck dont. I rather like cheerleaders myself.

Are you trying to act as those the President is gay? Is that supposed to be an insult or something? I thought you lefties were trying to say we should prase homosexuality as a valid part of society. Why are you acting as though its an insult? Are you intolerate of homosexuals?

Maybe the reason you aren't being taken seriously, is that rather than actually discuss and debate issues you want to whine about people.
yeula said:
Thanks guys! Never have I had so much going on and so many people working to defeat me in a way that has nothing to do with debating issues. The laws of physics state that force must be met with equal force.

All the dirty tricks that you pull against me are a measure of the power I have over you. Can you spell L O S E R S?

Got Viagra?

What the heck is he talking about? Who exactly are you that we have to defeat you? You think pretty highly of yourself. When have we debated issues? You haven't brought any up. You never respond to us when we do bring them up. What issues are we discussing?

What power do you have over us? I mean other then the power to keep us entertained for an hour or so a day? What dirty tricks are being played on you? I think you are alittle paranoid.
yeula said:
Bush was a cheerleader in college and rumors abounded about him and victor whom he selected as a foreign ambassador.

My cousin was a cheerleader at the Naval Academy. He could snap your neck (or anyone else's) without even breathing hard. Not all male cheerleaders are gay.
yeula said:
Gem you see what is happening here? These people are what the republican party is about.

Since you made a comment about queers I thought you might enjoy viewing this site.

I hope that is a link you will enjoy since you like links so much

give me a sec and i'll find a link about Jeff Gannon and with any luck I can find the wonderful nude pic of him that was published in last month's Vanity Fair.

Did you guys ever google Victor Ashe. He and Gannon have had overnights at the White House

I'm betting that someone else already pointed this out, but I'm not going to read 3 pages of drivel to find out...

Gem made an honest effort at a real discussion with you.. The above is your *third* post to this thread - it's laden with insults and slams. Your first two posts are riddled with even more insults and slams, and nobody even said anything.... You somehow possess the nerve to talk about others, when you can't even take the olive branch offered to you with good grace?

Wake up chickadee - it's not everyone else with the problem - it's you. You *could* have just answered her post with an issue you truely wanted to debate. Instead, you're acting like a good for nothing troll.

Grow the hell up.
If it *is* another member, isn't that ground for an immediate ban according to the rules? Or, was that another board....

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