For Yeula: Let's Give it a Try


Aug 11, 2004
As some of you may remember, I reached out to Lolita as well...and asked her for the same thing I am now asking Yuela. If he/she is still here I hope that Yeula will take this thread as an opportunity...and I ask everyone here to refrain from any insults or belittling in this thread if a conversation actually takes place...nothing but measured debate in here.


You have spoken a lot about the truth and about what you feel are lies. You have spoken a lot about how people here wouldn't change their minds if truth was presented to here is your chance to change minds:

Please present ONE topic, just one to start with, that you feel strongly about and that you feel the majority of people here might be wrong about. Post your case, why you feel the way you do, using links to evidence to support your claim.

We will have an open, honest discussion...hopefully you will refrain from calling us names, and we will refrain from calling you names...

So here you go...the opportunity you were looking for when you came here...please take it.
Thank you for that offer Gem. I apprecaite it. When I came here I thought it was just a forum and I had no idea is was totally occupied by rightwingers.

The only problem I have with trying to talk with you all is that there is so much macho strutting and attitude. People here seem very juvinile and they would rather give mindless smart aleck retorts then honestly discuss things. they think by acting out that others will thing their tough and macho. I just think they are too stupid and inarticulate to behave any better but obviously they are unaware of how others preceive their behavior. Perhaps they impress one another. I don't want to plow thru a bunch of mindless junk posted by these people who talk like they're 12 year olds.

In addition to that many people here just make things up and put it forward as factual. As long as you can pull these mythical facts out of a hat like rabbits I can never win a debate.

The rightwing is nortorious for walking in lockstep with the right wing talking points. These talking points do not always express facts. Obviously you think if a link is provided that is evidence of facts and truth.

Demanding that people provide links bothers me period. The way I look at it is this. I'm not your mommy. Its not my place to provide you with links if you are uninformed about an issue. Persumeably if you are in this forum rather than a forum about medical issues its because you are not a doctor and don't know anything about medicine but you do know something about what is going on in political life.

If an issue is raised that I don't know anything about I google it. I don't expect someone else to do it for me.

I have no problem with adding links every now and then but I don't want to be forced to and I don't want to click on myarid links put here by others which almost inevitbly come from the right.

In addition to all this I think you should know that the moderators of these forums have manipulated some of my previous posts, people here have attempted to investigate my private life and put my personal information on this site in a manner that made it seem as though they are threatening me. If you begin to lose the debate what guarantee do I have that they won't resort to these tactics and perhaps carry them to more radical degrees?

It does not feel very good to know that people can and will behave in such a thugish manner. Its one thing for a juvinile poster to behave like a jerk but what about a moderator? That is going a bit far. Don't you think?
Somebody is always watching me Gem. Evidently they are terrified that I might actually win a debate. They must be the types who have to live on Viagra. I hate to have to pay for their mental and other inadequacies. You see how it is going to be if we attempt to have a civilized debate. You expect me or anyone else to put up with these rightwing thugs.
yeula said:
Somebody is always watching me Gem. Evidently they are terrified that I might actually win a debate. They must be the types who have to live on Viagra. I hate to have to pay for their mental and other inadequacies. You see how it is going to be if we attempt to have a civilized debate. You expect me or anyone else to put up with these rightwing thugs.

What is wrong with you? You haven't read the rules at all have you? They were posted so that you could be allowed to stay on the site. Almost every single reply I have made to you has been to attempt to help you out so you will stay on the board.

First of all, if you have an issue with a MOD you must work it out in PM.

Rule 11!

11- Banning -Users that break any rules will be issued a warning, either in the thread the offense took place in or via PM. Continued breaking of the rules will result in a temporary ban of your account, anywhere from 24hrs up to 2 weeks. If the conduct is severely detrimental to the board, the account will be banned permanently.

Moderators will decide whether or not someone has broken the rules. These decisions will not be questioned by existing members. There will be no airing of grievances on the board, in ANY forum, about the way the board is ran. Any posts condemning moderator action will be deleted. Further posts on the subject will result in a ban. If a user has a concern about the board they are free to PM a moderator or administrator.

Second of all, plagiarism is serious. Since the board is setup to make some money with advertisements, if things are posted without the original link and in their entirety and are allowed to be done that way regularly the board owners can become liable.

The rules were posted at the top of the page, you should read them and follow them. They are not very restrictive, not like the democraticunderground board.
Forgot to warn you about this one too:
6- Private Messages -Private messages are just that, private! What is stated between members in a PM stays there and should never be discussed on the board.

You should edit the one where you put what somebody said in their PM to you and write something else.

I would really like for you to stick around as opposing views are sometimes refreshing even if the talking points you are using are outdated.
Gem you see what is happening here? These people are what the republican party is about.

Since you made a comment about queers I thought you might enjoy viewing this site.

I hope that is a link you will enjoy since you like links so much

give me a sec and i'll find a link about Jeff Gannon and with any luck I can find the wonderful nude pic of him that was published in last month's Vanity Fair.

Did you guys ever google Victor Ashe. He and Gannon have had overnights at the White House
yeula said:
Gem you see what is happening here? These people are what the republican party is about.

Since you made a comment about queers I thought you might enjoy viewing this site.

I hope that is a link you will enjoy since you like links so much

give me a sec and i'll find a link about Jeff Gannon and with any luck I can find the wonderful nude pic of him that was published in last month's Vanity Fair.

Did you guys ever google Victor Ashe. He and Gannon have had overnights at the White House

Who are you speaking to? I tried rereading the thread but see nothing about homosexuals in the thread.

Personally I think the GOP should recognize the log cabin republicans and lean far more libertarian, but heck Libertarians don't often have much say what happens in the Republican Party.

(oh wait, are you looking at my signature and thinking that Lolita is myself? LOL.)
bummer I couldn't find any nude photos of Jeff Gannon :(

There is a delicious one in Vanity Fair. As you know Jeff Gannon got a fake ID and threw softball questions to bush during press conferences. Of course the queer Matt Drudge didn't pick up on this story and neither did the Christian Right.

Jeffy worked for talon news which after the resulting scandal scrubbed its web site. boo hoo

So much for the liberal media propaganda. If Jeff Gannon had happened on Gore or Clinton's watch everyone would have picked up this story.

Bush was a cheerleader in college and rumors abounded about him and victor whom he selected as a foreign ambassador.
yeula said:
bummer I couldn't find any nude photos of Jeff Gannon :(

There is a delicious one in Vanity Fair. As you know Jeff Gannon got a fake ID and threw softball questions to bush during press conferences. Of course the queer Matt Drudge didn't pick up on this story and neither did the Christian Right.

Jeffy worked for talon news which after the resulting scandal scrubbed its web site. boo hoo

So much for the liberal media propaganda. If Jeff Gannon had happened on Gore or Clinton's watch everyone would have picked up this story.

Bush was a cheerleader in college and rumors abounded about him and victor whom he selected as a foreign ambassador.

Once again, to whom are you speaking?

And instead of rewriting I will post a nice link to my previous post:

If you are speaking of the quote in my signature, you are barking up the wrong tree, sister. That was a quote from one of your fellow democrats that used to be on the site.
Thanks guys! Never have I had so much going on and so many people working to defeat me in a way that has nothing to do with debating issues. The laws of physics state that force must be met with equal force.

All the dirty tricks that you pull against me are a measure of the power I have over you. Can you spell L O S E R S?

Got Viagra?
yeula said:
Thanks guys! Never have I had so much going on and so many people working to defeat me in a way that has nothing to do with debating issues. The laws of physics state that force must be met with equal force.

All the dirty tricks that you pull against me are a measure of the power I have over you. Can you spell L O S E R S?

Got Viagra?

What are you talking about? I have not yet seen you put forward even one issue in the thread!

(it's gotta be -=d=-!)
yeula said:
Thanks guys! Never have I had so much going on and so many people working to defeat me in a way that has nothing to do with debating issues. The laws of physics state that force must be met with equal force.

All the dirty tricks that you pull against me are a measure of the power I have over you. Can you spell L O S E R S?

Got Viagra?

Did you forget to take your meds today? :poke:
no1tovote4 said:
What are you talking about? I have not yet seen you put forward even one issue in the thread!

(it's gotta be -=d=-!)

Has to be -=d=- especially after the refrence to Josie! Alright -=d=- your busted!!!

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