For The First Time Since 1969, No US Tornadoes Reported In March


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
For The First Time Since 1969, No US Tornadoes Reported In March

"The US tornado count for March 2015? Zero. That’s right, so far this month there have been no tornadoes reported in the U.S. — this is only the second time this has happened since 1950, according to Weather Channel meteorologist Greg Forbes. “We are in uncharted territory with respect to lack of severe weather,” Greg Carbin, a meteorologist at NOAA, said in a statement. “This has never happened in the record of [Storm Prediction Center] watches dating back to 1970.” –Michael Bastasch, Daily Caller, 18 March 2015

How inconvenient for the alarmist crowd...

Secondary Source
So even though nobody predicted more tornadoes, Billy is declaring no torndoes proves something.

Deniers are consistent. No matter what the weather is, they magically declare it disproves global warming.
So even though nobody predicted more tornadoes, Billy is declaring no torndoes proves something.

Deniers are consistent. No matter what the weather is, they magically declare it disproves global warming.

Wow... Your side has been declaring that every thing is getting worse, storms stronger, more frequent, etc... Yet when your confronted with the fact that THEY ARE NOT you get all butt hurt...

Quit your lying alarmists.. You know dam well what it is your side predicted and now that its not coming to fruition and your lies exposed.. You cry and whine that others are wrong never admitting that it was YOU!

"The global Accumulated Cyclone Energy shows no trend, since satellite monitoring began in the 1970’s, and the frequency of major hurricanes is not increasing. Even the IPCC admits there is no evidence that intense cyclones have been increasing. It appears that making up numbers as you go along, and making claims that are negated by a few simple checks, have become the norm for climate scientists. John Humphrys seemed to suspect that he was being lied to, but was so poorly briefed that he was unable to effectively challenge Tim Palmer. Honest scientists must be pulling their hair out at the damage being done to their good name." –Paul Homewood, Not A Lot Of People Know That, 17 March 2015
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Billy, you melting down and trying to change the subject doesn't change the fact that _more_ tornadoes weren't predicted.

So, you lied, and you're lying about lying. Same old same old.

Understand that the honest people aren't going away just because you scream and pout. We'll always be around to point out when you lie.
That's amazing! That is a extreme...

Extremes don't have to be a high number but also a mindblowing low number. ;)

So lack of "extreme" weather is extreme weather?

You AGW cult freaks have jumped the shark.
That's amazing! That is a extreme...

Extremes don't have to be a high number but also a mindblowing low number. ;)

So lack of "extreme" weather is extreme weather?

You AGW cult freaks have jumped the shark.

Why so? Maybe the jet stream being so far south over all of tornadoes alley isn't allowing for humid air to rush north in order to form twisters this year?? On the otherhand, the western united states is under the extreme ridge!

That isn't jumping the shark! That is meteorological fact.
For The First Time Since 1969, No US Tornadoes Reported In March

"The US tornado count for March 2015? Zero. That’s right, so far this month there have been no tornadoes reported in the U.S. — this is only the second time this has happened since 1950, according to Weather Channel meteorologist Greg Forbes. “We are in uncharted territory with respect to lack of severe weather,” Greg Carbin, a meteorologist at NOAA, said in a statement. “This has never happened in the record of [Storm Prediction Center] watches dating back to 1970.” –Michael Bastasch, Daily Caller, 18 March 2015

How inconvenient for the alarmist crowd...

Secondary Source

If you'd like to see some extreme weather, you might want to check the Pacific typhoon records for this season and last. But I suppose you don't actually want to see them. You want to pretend that US weather is all that matters.

And if you don't think the polar vortices are in some way responsible for the lack of tornadoes, you're going to flunk out of meteorology school (if that's actually where you are). I find it more than a little ignorant after months of vicious winter weather to make a claim that US weather has been atypically mild this year.
Tornados usually have a down period on El Nino's and an up period on La Nina's.

But where was that line of thinking 5 years ago when every single person who embraces AGW was telling us that tornado activity was going to go through the roof? That's a fact........I could post about 4 billion links.

When these predictions fall on their face, the narrative is changed for convenience.

Of course the public is going to tune this stuff out.

And when tornado activity ticks up again, NOBODY in the AGW community will be talking about El Nino's and La Nina's. It'll be back to the bomb throwing.

So ghey.......such intellectual dishonesty.

And people have picked up on that in the last 10 years.

"The global Accumulated Cyclone Energy shows no trend, since satellite monitoring began in the 1970’s, and the frequency of major hurricanes is not increasing. Even the IPCC admits there is no evidence that intense cyclones have been increasing. It appears that making up numbers as you go along, and making claims that are negated by a few simple checks, have become the norm for climate scientists. John Humphrys seemed to suspect that he was being lied to, but was so poorly briefed that he was unable to effectively challenge Tim Palmer. Honest scientists must be pulling their hair out at the damage being done to their good name." –Paul Homewood, Not A Lot Of People Know That, 17 March 2015
so they all got in a room and made their predictions, then they reconvened and stated, the beauty of this is if what we predict doesn't come to fruition, then we merely call those bringing it up 'deniers' and state we never stated that. Call all material lies and move on. It is quite a strategy yes?
Billy, you melting down and trying to change the subject doesn't change the fact that _more_ tornadoes weren't predicted.

So, you lied, and you're lying about lying. Same old same old.

Understand that the honest people aren't going away just because you scream and pout. We'll always be around to point out when you lie.
hahahahahahahahaaha, you were in the room!!! hahahahaahhahaahahaha LMAO
That's amazing! That is a extreme...

Extremes don't have to be a high number but also a mindblowing low number. ;)

So lack of "extreme" weather is extreme weather?

You AGW cult freaks have jumped the shark.
this, this is precious. This is up there for post of the month for me!!!!! I had to delete one of my posts after reading this. hahahahaha, outstanding Pat!
That's amazing! That is a extreme...

Extremes don't have to be a high number but also a mindblowing low number. ;)

So lack of "extreme" weather is extreme weather?

You AGW cult freaks have jumped the shark.



IN other words, they feel no shame.
For The First Time Since 1969, No US Tornadoes Reported In March

"The US tornado count for March 2015? Zero. That’s right, so far this month there have been no tornadoes reported in the U.S. — this is only the second time this has happened since 1950, according to Weather Channel meteorologist Greg Forbes. “We are in uncharted territory with respect to lack of severe weather,” Greg Carbin, a meteorologist at NOAA, said in a statement. “This has never happened in the record of [Storm Prediction Center] watches dating back to 1970.” –Michael Bastasch, Daily Caller, 18 March 2015

How inconvenient for the alarmist crowd...

Secondary Source

It's proof of global warming.

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