For the Board's liberals, here's an interesting question.

Rush is a bought off LIAR. The namecalling is just stupid.

3,074 posts to your name and you've still yet to back up one thing you claim.

When does that happen ? When you hit 5,000 ?

If you have access to something called the Interwebs, you can go to a secret site called GOOGLE and find out that what franco said is true. Go ahead, try it. Its really way cool.

My disagreement with Media Matters is that they are trying AT ALL to silence their opponent.

Well gee willikers, sweetie pie, why don't you write to them and tell them that. I'm sure they'll stop right away if you just talk from your heart.


The pettiness of your post exposes you for what you are muddly.dullwit.
But has anything really changed?

A bunch of poor spellers stapled tea bags to their silly hats and tried to pretend they're a political party. they have that right.

Why is it okay for the GObP, Bain, morms, Koch's, Heritage to band together and pay lushbo to spew shit?

Why is it okay for them but not for those - of BOTH parties - to band together to state their opinion?

The problem is that the masses have gotten plumb stupit and believe that crap they spew.


The problem is that plumb stupid dimwits like you don't believe what we used to hold so dear and what we knew was right.

The problem isn't the tea party. The problem is the dishonest reaction of tools like you to the fairly simple but rational things they seek.

You can't out-debate them, so you try to silence them, marginalize them or ridicule them. All the while you cannot figure out that it is you who are so far out of line and off base.

You are no longer willing to even try to listen and learn.

I have nothing to learn form hate and fearmongers.
Thanks for helping me to make my point though.
What liability is saying, in essence, is that he is against liberals voting with their opinions. In fact, many rw's are also against what lushbo said but he has no problem with that. Nor does he have a problem with rw's organizations gathering members or signatures to influence things to their side.

Its actually a pretty silly thread and sadly, wasted time none of us will ever get back.

Note to liability - this in the United States. Until the GObP/pubs/rw's get their way, we have rights.

Deal with it.
3,074 posts to your name and you've still yet to back up one thing you claim.

When does that happen ? When you hit 5,000 ?

If you have access to something called the Interwebs, you can go to a secret site called GOOGLE and find out that what franco said is true. Go ahead, try it. Its really way cool.

My disagreement with Media Matters is that they are trying AT ALL to silence their opponent.

Well gee willikers, sweetie pie, why don't you write to them and tell them that. I'm sure they'll stop right away if you just talk from your heart.


The pettiness of your post exposes you for what you are muddly.dullwit.


I notice you didn't respond to any of my serious, factual posts and no wonder. Your style is to huff and puff and then throw a tantrum. You really seem to believe that juvenile name calling will get you what you want so you don't even try to converse or debate.

Carry on sonny boy because you are no threat to those who strive to understand the issues.
What liability is saying, in essence, is that he is against liberals voting with their opinions. In fact, many rw's are also against what lushbo said but he has no problem with that. Nor does he have a problem with rw's organizations gathering members or signatures to influence things to their side.

Its actually a pretty silly thread and sadly, wasted time none of us will ever get back.

Note to liability - this in the United States. Until the GObP/pubs/rw's get their way, we have rights.

Deal with it.

Wrong muddly. What I am saying is what I actually said.

You are dishonest and quite stupid, so you are not allowed to restate what I did say.

Asshole scumbag hypocrites of your ilk ENDORSE the efforts of shit groups like Media Matters to silence their opponents.

But you bitches would cry like little girls with bad cases of diaper rash if things got turned around on you.

BTW: Everything about you and your posts is stupid and lame. Your indecipherable alteration of GOP, for example, may have some "meaning" to your pinhead, but it doesn't mean anything to others.

Keep up the "good" work, you simpleton. :lol:
The right did not seem to have a problem with money having freedom of speech until the other sides money starts speaking.
Rush is a bought off LIAR. The namecalling is just stupid.

3,074 posts to your name and you've still yet to back up one thing you claim.

When does that happen ? When you hit 5,000 ?

If you have access to something called the Interwebs, you can go to a secret site called GOOGLE and find out that what franco said is true. Go ahead, try it. Its really way cool.

If FrancoDA is going to post these claims he can post an argument to support them. Why would I do his homework for him. I get tired of reading his little one-liners where he shows off his twenty word vocabulary.

My comment was that he has yet to back one up. If you can show where I am wrong...please do (meaning, since I fear you'll somehow think you did, that he should have the links and he should bring forward the specifics of the links so we can see what he is getting at.

Was that to hard ?
If you have access to something called the Interwebs, you can go to a secret site called GOOGLE and find out that what franco said is true. Go ahead, try it. Its really way cool.

Well gee willikers, sweetie pie, why don't you write to them and tell them that. I'm sure they'll stop right away if you just talk from your heart.


The pettiness of your post exposes you for what you are muddly.dullwit.


I notice you didn't respond to any of my serious, factual posts and no wonder. Your style is to huff and puff and then throw a tantrum. You really seem to believe that juvenile name calling will get you what you want so you don't even try to converse or debate.

Carry on sonny boy because you are no threat to those who strive to understand the issues.

You have never offered a serious or factual post.

You know it. We all know it.

You are a trite mouthpiece for vapid liberal orthodoxy. You spout silly talking points and cannot honestly address even basic questions.

You are here only to amuse your betters -- which is pretty much everyone else.
NOT a poll. I lift this question from another (related) thread where it is apparently going to be ignored. So, let's highlight it in its own little box:

Is the effort of Media Matters to get Rush Limbaugh off the air* a valid move that gives due consideration for the value we place on free speech and the open market of competing ideas?

I say that Media Matters is WAY off base. I say YOU libs OUGHT to be agreeing with me on that.

What do you liberal members of the USMB have to say?

* See, for instance: Media Matters ad campaign aims to censor Rush Limbaugh | Washington Times Communities

And see its own website, where Media Matters talks of "monitoring" the advertising on Rush's radio show: Rush Limbaugh's Advertisers, March 6 | Media Matters for America

It's ironic but I was thinking about this last week. I, too do not ever want to see Rush Limbaugh censored or forcibly banned from the airwaves, not that way. To see his advertisers dry up and his ratings go way down because of people just not interested in Rush... YES!

You think he's going to go the way of Air America? I didn't think they should be banned either, but the lack of interest took care of that. It should work that way. People have every right to express themselves, though way more have been interested in what Rush has to say than a bunch of liberals on the air.

If you allow government to trample Rush's freedom of speech, you are ceding own. We either all have freedom or none of us do.
NOT a poll. I lift this question from another (related) thread where it is apparently going to be ignored. So, let's highlight it in its own little box:

Is the effort of Media Matters to get Rush Limbaugh off the air* a valid move that gives due consideration for the value we place on free speech and the open market of competing ideas?

I say that Media Matters is WAY off base. I say YOU libs OUGHT to be agreeing with me on that.

What do you liberal members of the USMB have to say?

* See, for instance: Media Matters ad campaign aims to censor Rush Limbaugh | Washington Times Communities

And see its own website, where Media Matters talks of "monitoring" the advertising on Rush's radio show: Rush Limbaugh's Advertisers, March 6 | Media Matters for America

It's ironic but I was thinking about this last week. I, too do not ever want to see Rush Limbaugh censored or forcibly banned from the airwaves, not that way. To see his advertisers dry up and his ratings go way down because of people just not interested in Rush... YES!

You think he's going to go the way of Air America? I didn't think they should be banned either, but the lack of interest took care of that. It should work that way. People have every right to express themselves, though way more have been interested in what Rush has to say than a bunch of liberals on the air.

If you allow government to trample Rush's freedom of speech, you are ceding own. We either all have freedom or none of us do.

I do, I think Rush will retire within a few years because America will grow tired of his flaming hate-speech. Rush himself is probably more than willing to give it a rest.
It's ironic but I was thinking about this last week. I, too do not ever want to see Rush Limbaugh censored or forcibly banned from the airwaves, not that way. To see his advertisers dry up and his ratings go way down because of people just not interested in Rush... YES!

You think he's going to go the way of Air America? I didn't think they should be banned either, but the lack of interest took care of that. It should work that way. People have every right to express themselves, though way more have been interested in what Rush has to say than a bunch of liberals on the air.

If you allow government to trample Rush's freedom of speech, you are ceding own. We either all have freedom or none of us do.

I do, I think Rush will retire within a few years because America will grow tired of his flaming hate-speech. Rush himself is probably more than willing to give it a rest.

And you can bet the next "entertainer" will be there to take his place.
You think he's going to go the way of Air America? I didn't think they should be banned either, but the lack of interest took care of that. It should work that way. People have every right to express themselves, though way more have been interested in what Rush has to say than a bunch of liberals on the air.

If you allow government to trample Rush's freedom of speech, you are ceding own. We either all have freedom or none of us do.

I do, I think Rush will retire within a few years because America will grow tired of his flaming hate-speech. Rush himself is probably more than willing to give it a rest.

And you can bet the next "entertainer" will be there to take his place.

Who? I was thinking the same. Who can replace Rush? Mike Huckabee? He's trying to take out Rush as we speak. In my opinion, there will never be another Rush... never. Not even close.
I do, I think Rush will retire within a few years because America will grow tired of his flaming hate-speech. Rush himself is probably more than willing to give it a rest.

And you can bet the next "entertainer" will be there to take his place.

Who? I was thinking the same. Who can replace Rush? Mike Huckabee? He's trying to take out Rush as we speak. In my opinion, there will never be another Rush... never. Not even close.

Rush exists because there is a market for him.

My biggest fear is that he get driven out of the business and someone WORSE takes his place.
Rush is the main guy in conservative talk radio because he has been there a while, he formed his own network, he markets himself pretty well, he is good at what he does, he says interesting things (most of the time) and he is generally consistent in examining things through the filter of a conservative lens. That and he can be pretty funny.

Lots of libs cannot handle his wit or his thinking, so they lash out in frustration and anger.

It's kinda funny to see.

Because of the time frame he is on the air, I don't get to listen to him as much as I might like. But it's all good because I still get to listen to Levin. I prefer Levin. He too causes mental instability in lots of witless libs. But Levin is a genuine conservative philosopher and a hell of a good solid principled conservative spokesman.

Media Nutters will try to go after him, too, someday especially if they are emboldened by the shit they are attempting to do against Limbaugh.

They do not want to permit the opposition voice to be heard. They want to roll over all dissenting voices and silence them.
And you can bet the next "entertainer" will be there to take his place.

Who? I was thinking the same. Who can replace Rush? Mike Huckabee? He's trying to take out Rush as we speak. In my opinion, there will never be another Rush... never. Not even close.

Rush exists because there is a market for him.

My biggest fear is that he get driven out of the business and someone WORSE takes his place.

You are quite right in your fear. No one will ever approach Rush's status. No one. Thank God for that.
Rush is the main guy in conservative talk radio because he has been there a while, he formed his own network, he markets himself pretty well, he is good at what he does, he says interesting things (most of the time) and he is generally consistent in examining things through the filter of a conservative lens. That and he can be pretty funny.

Lots of libs cannot handle his wit or his thinking, so they lash out in frustration and anger.

It's kinda funny to see.

Because of the time frame he is on the air, I don't get to listen to him as much as I might like. But it's all good because I still get to listen to Levin. I prefer Levin. He too causes mental instability in lots of witless libs. But Levin is a genuine conservative philosopher and a hell of a good solid principled conservative spokesman.

Media Nutters will try to go after him, too, someday especially if they are emboldened by the shit they are attempting to do against Limbaugh.

They do not want to permit the opposition voice to be heard. They want to roll over all dissenting voices and silence them.

Try thinking outside the box you are currently in.
Rush is the main guy in conservative talk radio because he has been there a while, he formed his own network, he markets himself pretty well, he is good at what he does, he says interesting things (most of the time) and he is generally consistent in examining things through the filter of a conservative lens. That and he can be pretty funny.

Lots of libs cannot handle his wit or his thinking, so they lash out in frustration and anger.

It's kinda funny to see.

Because of the time frame he is on the air, I don't get to listen to him as much as I might like. But it's all good because I still get to listen to Levin. I prefer Levin. He too causes mental instability in lots of witless libs. But Levin is a genuine conservative philosopher and a hell of a good solid principled conservative spokesman.

Media Nutters will try to go after him, too, someday especially if they are emboldened by the shit they are attempting to do against Limbaugh.

They do not want to permit the opposition voice to be heard. They want to roll over all dissenting voices and silence them.

Try thinking outside the box you are currently in.

How ironic coming from a leftist.

The fact is, I did think outside of the box. That's how I transformed myself from being one of you mindless lib sheep into a thinking individual.

Instead of offering dopey advice, you need to consider the prospect of someday applying it to yourself, child. You are in dire need.
Rush is the main guy in conservative talk radio because he has been there a while, he formed his own network, he markets himself pretty well, he is good at what he does, he says interesting things (most of the time) and he is generally consistent in examining things through the filter of a conservative lens. That and he can be pretty funny.

Lots of libs cannot handle his wit or his thinking, so they lash out in frustration and anger.

It's kinda funny to see.

Because of the time frame he is on the air, I don't get to listen to him as much as I might like. But it's all good because I still get to listen to Levin. I prefer Levin. He too causes mental instability in lots of witless libs. But Levin is a genuine conservative philosopher and a hell of a good solid principled conservative spokesman.

Media Nutters will try to go after him, too, someday especially if they are emboldened by the shit they are attempting to do against Limbaugh.

They do not want to permit the opposition voice to be heard. They want to roll over all dissenting voices and silence them.

Howard Stern is pretty funny, so is Don Imus

But when they stepped over the line, they got fired

It's the way the business works

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