For The 199th Time; Why Are We Still In Iraq & Afghanistan????


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The US military has launched a strike on facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran-backed militia, in retaliation for recent rocket attacks on US troop locations in Iraq, the Pentagon said. "These strikes were authorised in response to recent attacks against American and Coalition personnel in Iraq, and to ongoing threats to those personnel," he said. While the bombing could be the first retaliatory moves by the United States following last week's attacks, Thursday's strike appeared to be limited in scope, potentially lowering the risk of escalation."

Why the fuck are we still in Iraq......why are we still in Afghanistan?? Why are we still occupying the Middle East period.....The delicate balance between Shiites and Sunnis that held across Iraq has long been destroyed and US troops have no business in the middle of a never-ending stream of proxy wars between the Saudis and Iranians....these folks live there, we don't -- they will always wait us out...and with all of the hundreds of billions of dollars of weapons we sold the Saudis; let them protect their own oil fields or hire a bunch of Erik Prince mercenary firms to do it for them.....not US troops....

I thought Trump was the person best suited to end both wars; because of the sycophancy of the GOP and their willingness to switch positions on virtually anything based on if their cult leader tells them to...but he didn't -- he just ran his mouth as usual....and now we are still just as involved in this Bush generated quagmire as ever.....and Biden DEFINITELY won't be the one to get us out -- even if he wanted to; the GOP and Democrat war hawks will switch right back to Neo-con status and talk about cutting and running and how "we gotta fight them over there to avoid fighting them here, blah blah blah".

"The US military has launched a strike on facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran-backed militia, in retaliation for recent rocket attacks on US troop locations in Iraq, the Pentagon said. "These strikes were authorised in response to recent attacks against American and Coalition personnel in Iraq, and to ongoing threats to those personnel," he said. While the bombing could be the first retaliatory moves by the United States following last week's attacks, Thursday's strike appeared to be limited in scope, potentially lowering the risk of escalation."

Why the fuck are we still in Iraq......why are we still in Afghanistan?? Why are we still occupying the Middle East period.....The delicate balance between Shiites and Sunnis that held across Iraq has long been destroyed and US troops have no business in the middle of a never-ending stream of proxy wars between the Saudis and Iranians....these folks live there, we don't -- they will always wait us out...and with all of the hundreds of billions of dollars of weapons we sold the Saudis; let them protect their own oil fields or hire a bunch of Erik Prince mercenary firms to do it for them.....not US troops....

I thought Trump was the person best suited to end both wars; because of the sycophancy of the GOP and their willingness to switch positions on virtually anything based on if their cult leader tells them to...but he didn't -- he just ran his mouth as usual....and now we are still just as involved in this Bush generated quagmire as ever.....and Biden DEFINITELY won't be the one to get us out -- even if he wanted to; the GOP and Democrat war hawks will switch right back to Neo-con status and talk about cutting and running and how "we gotta fight them over there to avoid fighting them here, blah blah blah".
Americans voted against the Orange Hitler so the democrats could resume their wars around the world.

I reckon Trump being the only President in decades not to start a war was enough reason to label him Hitler and get him out of office ASAP.


Now when I look up the word rube, why does it say it equals being a democrat?

"The US military has launched a strike on facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran-backed militia, in retaliation for recent rocket attacks on US troop locations in Iraq, the Pentagon said. "These strikes were authorised in response to recent attacks against American and Coalition personnel in Iraq, and to ongoing threats to those personnel," he said. While the bombing could be the first retaliatory moves by the United States following last week's attacks, Thursday's strike appeared to be limited in scope, potentially lowering the risk of escalation."

Why the fuck are we still in Iraq......why are we still in Afghanistan?? Why are we still occupying the Middle East period.....The delicate balance between Shiites and Sunnis that held across Iraq has long been destroyed and US troops have no business in the middle of a never-ending stream of proxy wars between the Saudis and Iranians....these folks live there, we don't -- they will always wait us out...and with all of the hundreds of billions of dollars of weapons we sold the Saudis; let them protect their own oil fields or hire a bunch of Erik Prince mercenary firms to do it for them.....not US troops....

I thought Trump was the person best suited to end both wars; because of the sycophancy of the GOP and their willingness to switch positions on virtually anything based on if their cult leader tells them to...but he didn't -- he just ran his mouth as usual....and now we are still just as involved in this Bush generated quagmire as ever.....and Biden DEFINITELY won't be the one to get us out -- even if he wanted to; the GOP and Democrat war hawks will switch right back to Neo-con status and talk about cutting and running and how "we gotta fight them over there to avoid fighting them here, blah blah blah".

Well Afghanistan because of the opium and Iraq because it is strategic and keeps Iran on it's toes. The bankers don't like Iran because they don't want to use the Rothschilds services. Check out the Project for the New American Century.

And that is why most veterans and most troops liked Trump because he started no new wars and was trying to get everyone home. Which is why the Rhinos and Neocons helped the Democryps with the rigging of the election. He was going against both of them.
No. You all were 100% aware that with the election of Biden the odds of going back to war were increased substantially.

You guys just didn't give a fuck.
Hillary wanted a no fly zone in Syria. She would have turned it into a parking lot, and let ISIS move in.

"The US military has launched a strike on facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran-backed militia, in retaliation for recent rocket attacks on US troop locations in Iraq, the Pentagon said. "These strikes were authorised in response to recent attacks against American and Coalition personnel in Iraq, and to ongoing threats to those personnel," he said. While the bombing could be the first retaliatory moves by the United States following last week's attacks, Thursday's strike appeared to be limited in scope, potentially lowering the risk of escalation."

Why the fuck are we still in Iraq......why are we still in Afghanistan?? Why are we still occupying the Middle East period.....The delicate balance between Shiites and Sunnis that held across Iraq has long been destroyed and US troops have no business in the middle of a never-ending stream of proxy wars between the Saudis and Iranians....these folks live there, we don't -- they will always wait us out...and with all of the hundreds of billions of dollars of weapons we sold the Saudis; let them protect their own oil fields or hire a bunch of Erik Prince mercenary firms to do it for them.....not US troops....

I thought Trump was the person best suited to end both wars; because of the sycophancy of the GOP and their willingness to switch positions on virtually anything based on if their cult leader tells them to...but he didn't -- he just ran his mouth as usual....and now we are still just as involved in this Bush generated quagmire as ever.....and Biden DEFINITELY won't be the one to get us out -- even if he wanted to; the GOP and Democrat war hawks will switch right back to Neo-con status and talk about cutting and running and how "we gotta fight them over there to avoid fighting them here, blah blah blah".

Well Afghanistan because of the opium and Iraq because it is strategic and keeps Iran on it's toes. The bankers don't like Iran because they don't want to use the Rothschilds services. Check out the Project for the New American Century.

And that is why most veterans and most troops liked Trump because he started no new wars and was trying to get everyone home. Which is why the Rhinos and Neocons helped the Democryps with the rigging of the election. He was going against both of them.
Epic fail

No one likes Iran, including its own people.
Until we stop letting the Zionists and the Oil Companies dictate what our policies are over there, we are going to keep having wars.

But since we don't have a draft, it's just going to be poor kids fighting it.

I have my own solution to this. Let's have a national draft, and the kids of the wealthy and the politicians get put into an elite airborne unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone.

Peace in our Time.
No. You all were 100% aware that with the election of Biden the odds of going back to war were increased substantially.

You guys just didn't give a fuck.
Hillary wanted a no fly zone in Syria. She would have turned it into a parking lot, and let ISIS move in.

Hillary was a war hawk. This is not a secret.

"The US military has launched a strike on facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran-backed militia, in retaliation for recent rocket attacks on US troop locations in Iraq, the Pentagon said. "These strikes were authorised in response to recent attacks against American and Coalition personnel in Iraq, and to ongoing threats to those personnel," he said. While the bombing could be the first retaliatory moves by the United States following last week's attacks, Thursday's strike appeared to be limited in scope, potentially lowering the risk of escalation."

Why the fuck are we still in Iraq......why are we still in Afghanistan?? Why are we still occupying the Middle East period.....The delicate balance between Shiites and Sunnis that held across Iraq has long been destroyed and US troops have no business in the middle of a never-ending stream of proxy wars between the Saudis and Iranians....these folks live there, we don't -- they will always wait us out...and with all of the hundreds of billions of dollars of weapons we sold the Saudis; let them protect their own oil fields or hire a bunch of Erik Prince mercenary firms to do it for them.....not US troops....

I thought Trump was the person best suited to end both wars; because of the sycophancy of the GOP and their willingness to switch positions on virtually anything based on if their cult leader tells them to...but he didn't -- he just ran his mouth as usual....and now we are still just as involved in this Bush generated quagmire as ever.....and Biden DEFINITELY won't be the one to get us out -- even if he wanted to; the GOP and Democrat war hawks will switch right back to Neo-con status and talk about cutting and running and how "we gotta fight them over there to avoid fighting them here, blah blah blah".

Well Afghanistan because of the opium and Iraq because it is strategic and keeps Iran on it's toes. The bankers don't like Iran because they don't want to use the Rothschilds services. Check out the Project for the New American Century.

And that is why most veterans and most troops liked Trump because he started no new wars and was trying to get everyone home. Which is why the Rhinos and Neocons helped the Democryps with the rigging of the election. He was going against both of them.
Epic fail

No one likes Iran, including its own people.

I have never met anyone from Iran so I can't really say. We have to be aware there is propaganda put on us about Iran also.
Until we stop letting the Zionists and the Oil Companies dictate what our policies are over there, we are going to keep having wars.

But since we don't have a draft, it's just going to be poor kids fighting it.

I have my own solution to this. Let's have a national draft, and the kids of the wealthy and the politicians get put into an elite airborne unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone.

Peace in our Time.

Why not simply bring the troops home? I find it odd how people want solutions to failed presidential policies as opposed to simply demanding our elected leaders do the right thing. If people had stormed the Capitol over our unjust wars I would 100% support that.
I find it almost hysterical that all of a sudden all of the loud mouth Democrats on the board are feigning dismay at war.

Almost. You couldn't fucking be bothered before.

I'm not a Democrat BUT I've been complaining for over a decade now. Why aren't you?

"The US military has launched a strike on facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran-backed militia, in retaliation for recent rocket attacks on US troop locations in Iraq, the Pentagon said. "These strikes were authorised in response to recent attacks against American and Coalition personnel in Iraq, and to ongoing threats to those personnel," he said. While the bombing could be the first retaliatory moves by the United States following last week's attacks, Thursday's strike appeared to be limited in scope, potentially lowering the risk of escalation."

Why the fuck are we still in Iraq......why are we still in Afghanistan?? Why are we still occupying the Middle East period.....The delicate balance between Shiites and Sunnis that held across Iraq has long been destroyed and US troops have no business in the middle of a never-ending stream of proxy wars between the Saudis and Iranians....these folks live there, we don't -- they will always wait us out...and with all of the hundreds of billions of dollars of weapons we sold the Saudis; let them protect their own oil fields or hire a bunch of Erik Prince mercenary firms to do it for them.....not US troops....

I thought Trump was the person best suited to end both wars; because of the sycophancy of the GOP and their willingness to switch positions on virtually anything based on if their cult leader tells them to...but he didn't -- he just ran his mouth as usual....and now we are still just as involved in this Bush generated quagmire as ever.....and Biden DEFINITELY won't be the one to get us out -- even if he wanted to; the GOP and Democrat war hawks will switch right back to Neo-con status and talk about cutting and running and how "we gotta fight them over there to avoid fighting them here, blah blah blah".

US troops don't protect Saudi Arabia's oil fields.
Until we stop letting the Zionists and the Oil Companies dictate what our policies are over there, we are going to keep having wars.

But since we don't have a draft, it's just going to be poor kids fighting it.

I have my own solution to this. Let's have a national draft, and the kids of the wealthy and the politicians get put into an elite airborne unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone.

Peace in our Time.

The oil companies HATE a war zone.

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