For Someone Who Boasts Of His Massive Intelligence, His Ignorance Is Overwhelming


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Like the vast majority of his supporters, the idiot trump believes he is an expert in all subjects.

Anyone familiar with message board discussions has witnessed his followers constant and erroneous contradicting of truly knowledgeable professionals in fields of economics, foreign and domestic policy, science (especially), constitutional law, history, and many, many other topics.

In a recent interview with Reuters, the idiot trump once again proved his total lack of knowledge, this time with the issue of perjury. He believes, incorrectly as usual, that if his testimony in any way differs from known facts given by other of Mueller’s interviewees, it is automatically seen as perjury. But that is not how perjury works, regardless of the idiot trump’s notion, or that of his deeply loyal fans.

To perjure yourself, “you must lie willfully. Thus, Trump’s assertion that he could accidentally perjure himself by telling the truth literally does not make sense.”

Mueller’s investigation has uncovered all the facts, and more, as is shown by the convictions already made, and the plea deals now in place of others indicted and/or tried.

The idiot trump knows this full well, and for this reason, he fears any face-to-face questioning by Mueller or any of his team. The idiot trump understands the truth will NOT set him free. And, while his lies are completely accepted as fact by his devoted base, every tall tale told by the idiot trump that Mueller has facts to prove are, indeed lies, can be prosecuted.

Mueller obviously has volumes of evidence, or questioning the idiot trump would be of no value. So, when the idiot trump tries spewing his usual bullsh!t at Mueller, THAT is perjury.



In a recent interview with Reuters, the idiot trump once again proved his total lack of knowledge, this time with the issue of perjury. He believes, incorrectly as usual, that if his testimony in any way differs from known facts given by other of Mueller’s interviewees, it is automatically seen as perjury. But that is not how perjury works, regardless of the idiot trump’s notion, or that of his deeply loyal fans.


Actually, the President's attorney is giving him accurate information. Mr. Mueller is setting a Perjury Trap and will file the charges if Mr. Trump's statements differ in ANY WAY from another witness's.

Mueller is a leftist, and a deep stater, but he also has personal grudges against Mr. Trump, because he didn't pay his greens fees.

In a recent interview with Reuters, the idiot trump once again proved his total lack of knowledge, this time with the issue of perjury. He believes, incorrectly as usual, that if his testimony in any way differs from known facts given by other of Mueller’s interviewees, it is automatically seen as perjury. But that is not how perjury works, regardless of the idiot trump’s notion, or that of his deeply loyal fans.


Actually, the President's attorney is giving him accurate information. Mr. Mueller is setting a Perjury Trap and will file the charges if Mr. Trump's statements differ in ANY WAY from another witness's.

Mueller is a leftist, and a deep stater, but he also has personal grudges against Mr. Trump, because he didn't pay his greens fees.
Do you know what an actual perjury trap is? You obviously don't, and that's what Giuliani and Trump count on. They depend on the ignorance of the Rube Herd, of which you are a member.

It's when an interrogator already knows the truth, but the person being questioned does not know that. And so the liar lies thinking the interrogator doesn't know he's lying.

That's how they got Bill Clinton. They already had the evidence he had had sex with Lewinsky. So when they asked him if he had, Clinton thought he could get away with lying because he didn't know they already had proof he did.

If Mueller asks Trump a question, he will already have the evidence of the truth. And it won't be he said versus he said. Trump will lie, because that is what Trump does. Trump lies even when he doesn't have to lie. He's pathological about it, and that is what terrifies Giuliani.

By the way, Giuliani knows what a real perjury trap is. He was a prosecutor himself. A very good one. He took down a lot of mobsters. Now he works for one.
Mueller is a leftist, and a deep stater, but he also has personal grudges against Mr. Trump, because he didn't pay his greens fees.
Speaking of greens fees, I mentioned Trump lies when he doesn't have to. Trump used to claim his golf club membership fees were $350,000. But when he was put under oath in a libel trial, Trump was forced to admit his membership fees were only $200,000.

After all of Trump's lies were added up at that trial, he turned out to be less than a billionaire.

And then Trump lied about the trial itself! He lost. Bigly. And then Trump said the guy he sued lost money defending himself, when in fact all the costs were covered by Trump's side, because Trump lost.
I cant believe how Trump gives liberals nightmares.....just like he was always in Obama's pea brain
Mueller is a leftist, and a deep stater, but he also has personal grudges against Mr. Trump, because he didn't pay his greens fees.
Speaking of greens fees, I mentioned Trump lies when he doesn't have to. Trump used to claim his golf club membership fees were $350,000. But when he was put under oath in a libel trial, Trump was forced to admit his membership fees were only $200,000.

After all of Trump's lies were added up at that trial, he turned out to be less than a billionaire.

And then Trump lied about the trial itself! He lost. Bigly. And then Trump said the guy he sued lost money defending himself, when in fact all the costs were covered by Trump's side, because Trump lost.

They should have locked him up for life.

rolling eyes.gif

In a recent interview with Reuters, the idiot trump once again proved his total lack of knowledge, this time with the issue of perjury. He believes, incorrectly as usual, that if his testimony in any way differs from known facts given by other of Mueller’s interviewees, it is automatically seen as perjury. But that is not how perjury works, regardless of the idiot trump’s notion, or that of his deeply loyal fans.


Actually, the President's attorney is giving him accurate information. Mr. Mueller is setting a Perjury Trap and will file the charges if Mr. Trump's statements differ in ANY WAY from another witness's.

Mueller is a leftist, and a deep stater, but he also has personal grudges against Mr. Trump, because he didn't pay his greens fees.
Do you know what an actual perjury trap is? You obviously don't, and that's what Giuliani and Trump count on. They depend on the ignorance of the Rube Herd, of which you are a member.

It's when an interrogator already knows the truth, but the person being questioned does not know that. And so the liar lies thinking the interrogator doesn't know he's lying.

That's how they got Bill Clinton. They already had the evidence he had had sex with Lewinsky. So when they asked him if he had, Clinton thought he could get away with lying because he didn't know they already had proof he did.

If Mueller asks Trump a question, he will already have the evidence of the truth. And it won't be he said versus he said. Trump will lie, because that is what Trump does. Trump lies even when he doesn't have to lie. He's pathological about it, and that is what terrifies Giuliani.

By the way, Giuliani knows what a real perjury trap is. He was a prosecutor himself. A very good one. He took down a lot of mobsters. Now he works for one.


When did your plane land in Germany?
I believe we landed at 10:45 am.
Wrong! You landed at 11:45 am. You perjured yourself!

That's the game plan here. Trump's legal team is not stupid enough to fall for that shit.

In a recent interview with Reuters, the idiot trump once again proved his total lack of knowledge, this time with the issue of perjury. He believes, incorrectly as usual, that if his testimony in any way differs from known facts given by other of Mueller’s interviewees, it is automatically seen as perjury. But that is not how perjury works, regardless of the idiot trump’s notion, or that of his deeply loyal fans.


Actually, the President's attorney is giving him accurate information. Mr. Mueller is setting a Perjury Trap and will file the charges if Mr. Trump's statements differ in ANY WAY from another witness's.

Mueller is a leftist, and a deep stater, but he also has personal grudges against Mr. Trump, because he didn't pay his greens fees.
Lol, Mueller is a lifelong republican, appointed by republicans to run the FBI, the appointed again by a reoublirep who was himself appointed by a republican *president* to run the investigation. He is not a "leftist" not are the lawyers working with him composed of "13 angry Democrats".

You people just believe what tRump says without even bothering to think about it don't you.

In a recent interview with Reuters, the idiot trump once again proved his total lack of knowledge, this time with the issue of perjury. He believes, incorrectly as usual, that if his testimony in any way differs from known facts given by other of Mueller’s interviewees, it is automatically seen as perjury. But that is not how perjury works, regardless of the idiot trump’s notion, or that of his deeply loyal fans.


Actually, the President's attorney is giving him accurate information. Mr. Mueller is setting a Perjury Trap and will file the charges if Mr. Trump's statements differ in ANY WAY from another witness's.

Mueller is a leftist, and a deep stater, but he also has personal grudges against Mr. Trump, because he didn't pay his greens fees.
Do you know what an actual perjury trap is? You obviously don't, and that's what Giuliani and Trump count on. They depend on the ignorance of the Rube Herd, of which you are a member.

It's when an interrogator already knows the truth, but the person being questioned does not know that. And so the liar lies thinking the interrogator doesn't know he's lying.

That's how they got Bill Clinton. They already had the evidence he had had sex with Lewinsky. So when they asked him if he had, Clinton thought he could get away with lying because he didn't know they already had proof he did.

If Mueller asks Trump a question, he will already have the evidence of the truth. And it won't be he said versus he said. Trump will lie, because that is what Trump does. Trump lies even when he doesn't have to lie. He's pathological about it, and that is what terrifies Giuliani.

By the way, Giuliani knows what a real perjury trap is. He was a prosecutor himself. A very good one. He took down a lot of mobsters. Now he works for one.


When did your plane land in Germany?
I believe we landed at 10:45 am.
Wrong! You landed at 11:45 am. You perjured yourself!

That's the game plan here. Trump's legal team is not stupid enough to fall for that shit.
That ain't how it works kid.
For Someone Who Boasts Of His Massive Intelligence, His Ignorance Is Overwhelming

We have over 40 million Americans who do not have healthcare insurance; most of whom can't afford it. The solution is to make a law that you must buy healthcare insurance you can't afford, and when you don't, we will take more of your badly needed money.

If we force restaurants to put calorie count on all their food items, we can stop obesity in this country. This in concert with trying to force kids to eat crap in school they can't stand.

It's a good idea that we trade five of our foreign terrorist prisoners for one lowly American deserter private. Good deal.

If we create more regulations on businesses and increase their taxes, that's the best way to create jobs in this country.

If we remove our troops out of Iraq, the country will be liberated from our presence.


In a recent interview with Reuters, the idiot trump once again proved his total lack of knowledge, this time with the issue of perjury. He believes, incorrectly as usual, that if his testimony in any way differs from known facts given by other of Mueller’s interviewees, it is automatically seen as perjury. But that is not how perjury works, regardless of the idiot trump’s notion, or that of his deeply loyal fans.


Actually, the President's attorney is giving him accurate information. Mr. Mueller is setting a Perjury Trap and will file the charges if Mr. Trump's statements differ in ANY WAY from another witness's.

Mueller is a leftist, and a deep stater, but he also has personal grudges against Mr. Trump, because he didn't pay his greens fees.
Do you know what an actual perjury trap is? You obviously don't, and that's what Giuliani and Trump count on. They depend on the ignorance of the Rube Herd, of which you are a member.

It's when an interrogator already knows the truth, but the person being questioned does not know that. And so the liar lies thinking the interrogator doesn't know he's lying.

That's how they got Bill Clinton. They already had the evidence he had had sex with Lewinsky. So when they asked him if he had, Clinton thought he could get away with lying because he didn't know they already had proof he did.

If Mueller asks Trump a question, he will already have the evidence of the truth. And it won't be he said versus he said. Trump will lie, because that is what Trump does. Trump lies even when he doesn't have to lie. He's pathological about it, and that is what terrifies Giuliani.

By the way, Giuliani knows what a real perjury trap is. He was a prosecutor himself. A very good one. He took down a lot of mobsters. Now he works for one.


When did your plane land in Germany?
I believe we landed at 10:45 am.
Wrong! You landed at 11:45 am. You perjured yourself!

That's the game plan here. Trump's legal team is not stupid enough to fall for that shit.
That ain't how it works kid.

That's exactly how it works kid. It's called Process Crimes.

Like the vast majority of his supporters, the idiot trump believes he is an expert in all subjects.

Anyone familiar with message board discussions has witnessed his followers constant and erroneous contradicting of truly knowledgeable professionals in fields of economics, foreign and domestic policy, science (especially), constitutional law, history, and many, many other topics.

In a recent interview with Reuters, the idiot trump once again proved his total lack of knowledge, this time with the issue of perjury. He believes, incorrectly as usual, that if his testimony in any way differs from known facts given by other of Mueller’s interviewees, it is automatically seen as perjury. But that is not how perjury works, regardless of the idiot trump’s notion, or that of his deeply loyal fans.

To perjure yourself, “you must lie willfully. Thus, Trump’s assertion that he could accidentally perjure himself by telling the truth literally does not make sense.”

Mueller’s investigation has uncovered all the facts, and more, as is shown by the convictions already made, and the plea deals now in place of others indicted and/or tried.

The idiot trump knows this full well, and for this reason, he fears any face-to-face questioning by Mueller or any of his team. The idiot trump understands the truth will NOT set him free. And, while his lies are completely accepted as fact by his devoted base, every tall tale told by the idiot trump that Mueller has facts to prove are, indeed lies, can be prosecuted.

Mueller obviously has volumes of evidence, or questioning the idiot trump would be of no value. So, when the idiot trump tries spewing his usual bullsh!t at Mueller, THAT is perjury.

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What stands out brightest in this thread is an unmistakable tone of sanctimonious panic just beneath a surface of unrestrained glee and asinine condescension. Do any of you who voted against Donald Trump remember the solidarity of the viral confidence sweeping our nation up to that final moment on election night 2016? Do any of you remember how that felt? The smugness? The unflinching public displays of moral and intellectual superiority and rampant self-righteousness all of you held in the prelude to Hillary Clinton's imminent victory? For the sake of your ego and collective sanity, I hope you do.

Whether or not you believe it, this "situation" we the people find ourselves in--speaking to Cohen and the rest of the so-called witches tied to political stakes awaiting enkindling of the unholy pyre--is another booby trap built and set for your side--very similar in specification to the one sprung on HRC during the 2016 Presidential campaign, and it had nothing to do with election tampering.

Of course, time will tell and hindsight is 20/20 save for when it is not.

That's it. By all means please return to frothing at the mouth over our President's imminent removal from power. Just do not expect the opposing forces to keep a straight face.

In a recent interview with Reuters, the idiot trump once again proved his total lack of knowledge, this time with the issue of perjury. He believes, incorrectly as usual, that if his testimony in any way differs from known facts given by other of Mueller’s interviewees, it is automatically seen as perjury. But that is not how perjury works, regardless of the idiot trump’s notion, or that of his deeply loyal fans.


Actually, the President's attorney is giving him accurate information. Mr. Mueller is setting a Perjury Trap and will file the charges if Mr. Trump's statements differ in ANY WAY from another witness's.

Mueller is a leftist, and a deep stater, but he also has personal grudges against Mr. Trump, because he didn't pay his greens fees.
Do you know what an actual perjury trap is? You obviously don't, and that's what Giuliani and Trump count on. They depend on the ignorance of the Rube Herd, of which you are a member.

It's when an interrogator already knows the truth, but the person being questioned does not know that. And so the liar lies thinking the interrogator doesn't know he's lying.

That's how they got Bill Clinton. They already had the evidence he had had sex with Lewinsky. So when they asked him if he had, Clinton thought he could get away with lying because he didn't know they already had proof he did.

If Mueller asks Trump a question, he will already have the evidence of the truth. And it won't be he said versus he said. Trump will lie, because that is what Trump does. Trump lies even when he doesn't have to lie. He's pathological about it, and that is what terrifies Giuliani.

By the way, Giuliani knows what a real perjury trap is. He was a prosecutor himself. A very good one. He took down a lot of mobsters. Now he works for one.


When did your plane land in Germany?
I believe we landed at 10:45 am.
Wrong! You landed at 11:45 am. You perjured yourself!

That's the game plan here. Trump's legal team is not stupid enough to fall for that shit.
Trump is.

Like the vast majority of his supporters, the idiot trump believes he is an expert in all subjects.

Anyone familiar with message board discussions has witnessed his followers constant and erroneous contradicting of truly knowledgeable professionals in fields of economics, foreign and domestic policy, science (especially), constitutional law, history, and many, many other topics.

In a recent interview with Reuters, the idiot trump once again proved his total lack of knowledge, this time with the issue of perjury. He believes, incorrectly as usual, that if his testimony in any way differs from known facts given by other of Mueller’s interviewees, it is automatically seen as perjury. But that is not how perjury works, regardless of the idiot trump’s notion, or that of his deeply loyal fans.

To perjure yourself, “you must lie willfully. Thus, Trump’s assertion that he could accidentally perjure himself by telling the truth literally does not make sense.”

Mueller’s investigation has uncovered all the facts, and more, as is shown by the convictions already made, and the plea deals now in place of others indicted and/or tried.

The idiot trump knows this full well, and for this reason, he fears any face-to-face questioning by Mueller or any of his team. The idiot trump understands the truth will NOT set him free. And, while his lies are completely accepted as fact by his devoted base, every tall tale told by the idiot trump that Mueller has facts to prove are, indeed lies, can be prosecuted.

Mueller obviously has volumes of evidence, or questioning the idiot trump would be of no value. So, when the idiot trump tries spewing his usual bullsh!t at Mueller, THAT is perjury.

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You're an imbecile. Ask Flynn and Popadopolous if they lied willfully. Even the FBI admits Flynn didn't lie. Yet, he was indited for lying to the FBI.

Like the vast majority of his supporters, the idiot trump believes he is an expert in all subjects.

Anyone familiar with message board discussions has witnessed his followers constant and erroneous contradicting of truly knowledgeable professionals in fields of economics, foreign and domestic policy, science (especially), constitutional law, history, and many, many other topics.

In a recent interview with Reuters, the idiot trump once again proved his total lack of knowledge, this time with the issue of perjury. He believes, incorrectly as usual, that if his testimony in any way differs from known facts given by other of Mueller’s interviewees, it is automatically seen as perjury. But that is not how perjury works, regardless of the idiot trump’s notion, or that of his deeply loyal fans.

To perjure yourself, “you must lie willfully. Thus, Trump’s assertion that he could accidentally perjure himself by telling the truth literally does not make sense.”

Mueller’s investigation has uncovered all the facts, and more, as is shown by the convictions already made, and the plea deals now in place of others indicted and/or tried.

The idiot trump knows this full well, and for this reason, he fears any face-to-face questioning by Mueller or any of his team. The idiot trump understands the truth will NOT set him free. And, while his lies are completely accepted as fact by his devoted base, every tall tale told by the idiot trump that Mueller has facts to prove are, indeed lies, can be prosecuted.

Mueller obviously has volumes of evidence, or questioning the idiot trump would be of no value. So, when the idiot trump tries spewing his usual bullsh!t at Mueller, THAT is perjury.

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Here I thought after reading the thread title that this was the intro to your autobiography!

Like the vast majority of his supporters, the idiot trump believes he is an expert in all subjects.

Anyone familiar with message board discussions has witnessed his followers constant and erroneous contradicting of truly knowledgeable professionals in fields of economics, foreign and domestic policy, science (especially), constitutional law, history, and many, many other topics.

In a recent interview with Reuters, the idiot trump once again proved his total lack of knowledge, this time with the issue of perjury. He believes, incorrectly as usual, that if his testimony in any way differs from known facts given by other of Mueller’s interviewees, it is automatically seen as perjury. But that is not how perjury works, regardless of the idiot trump’s notion, or that of his deeply loyal fans.

To perjure yourself, “you must lie willfully. Thus, Trump’s assertion that he could accidentally perjure himself by telling the truth literally does not make sense.”

Mueller’s investigation has uncovered all the facts, and more, as is shown by the convictions already made, and the plea deals now in place of others indicted and/or tried.

The idiot trump knows this full well, and for this reason, he fears any face-to-face questioning by Mueller or any of his team. The idiot trump understands the truth will NOT set him free. And, while his lies are completely accepted as fact by his devoted base, every tall tale told by the idiot trump that Mueller has facts to prove are, indeed lies, can be prosecuted.

Mueller obviously has volumes of evidence, or questioning the idiot trump would be of no value. So, when the idiot trump tries spewing his usual bullsh!t at Mueller, THAT is perjury.

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The problem is with "known facts". Would these be provable facts or those given by others trying to avoid prosecution. Get back to me when trump starts arguing about the meaning of "is". Face it Mueller is fishing and Trump has the bait and the rod, good luck. By the way ask your beloved Mueller about weapons of mass destruction again. Let's see what he has to say about straight up bold faced lies.
On top of everything, the alternative would have been Hillary? Yeesh, the most corrupt human being to ever grace the american political landscape? Trump is a pig and I would never want my daughter in room with him. God forbid Hillary's husband was in a room with her. Not only would she be raped but then she would have a concerted effort to vilify her, her family. and anyone that dared to question the Clintons. And of course there will be bodies.

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