For Reluctant Christians About Trump

This is why Donald Trump went to a black church. He didn't do it to win black votes. He's never going to win black votes.

He went to that black church to convince nervous white people he isn't an unholy racist.

It's a con job, people. Wake the hell up.
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For Reluctant Christians About Trump

It's more like he's turned his enterprise into another version of Sodom...The OP has it exactly bass ackwards. Trump is Goliath and the David Christians need to bring him down with a stone or two.

...Trump on gay marriage and deranged men using women's bathrooms in Trump Tower:

You have to be the most gullible retard ever to bleev Donald Trump is a religious man, much less chosen by God.

In fact, that is downright sacrilegious. If your faith has you bleeving God has chosen Donald Trump, then your faith is a seed cast upon rocky soil.

It's simply amazing what snake oil this bloviating, crooked, evil huckster is able to get rubes to buy!
People have to sell the snake oil to themselves ... or at least suspend reality to avoid seeing what is obvious.

In this case, the Great Commandment. I mean if you haven't got that down .. might as well ignore the whole Christianity thing. Love God with all your being (paraphrase)

Trump loves himself above everything. He may nominally think he's a Christian, but he avoids the core kernel to the faith. Anything a person does only has meaning in terms of how actions bear upon his relationship, and service to, God.
You have to be the most gullible retard ever to bleev Donald Trump is a religious man, much less chosen by God.

In fact, that is downright sacrilegious. If your faith has you bleeving God has chosen Donald Trump, then your faith is a seed cast upon rocky soil.

It's simply amazing what snake oil this bloviating, crooked, evil huckster is able to get rubes to buy!
People have to sell the snake oil to themselves ... or at least suspend reality to avoid seeing what is obvious.
Every con hinges on the mark's desire to believe.

The desire to believe blinds people to the true character of Trump.
If God exists I'd like to believe he's above petty politics. Especially this election cycle. We have a man running who's arguing his dick size, and has women pulling on his hair to prove it's not a wig, and this is the election God chose to pick a side?

You mean he put Though Shalt do no Murder and then he just ignores when you guys murder babies? He is just going to ignore that when the time comes to be held accountable?
You have to be the most gullible retard ever to bleev Donald Trump is a religious man, much less chosen by God.

In fact, that is downright sacrilegious. If your faith has you bleeving God has chosen Donald Trump, then your faith is a seed cast upon rocky soil.

It's simply amazing what snake oil this bloviating, crooked, evil huckster is able to get rubes to buy!
People have to sell the snake oil to themselves ... or at least suspend reality to avoid seeing what is obvious.
Every con hinges on the mark's desire to believe.

The desire to believe blinds people to the true character of Trump. did that wrong...let me fix it.....

The Desire to believe blinds people to the true character of hilary...and bill, and their crime foundation......

fixed it.....

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