For friends of "Cecil"-

The dentist knew what he was doing. Obviously. He lied before, and he is lying now. It was all only for the thrill of having the most important lion in the area to feed his fragile ego and impotence.
I'm not saying he was a good guy ... I don't know him, but I'd like to see a little more outrage over the killing of humans.... and the same is true of the Panda's (more celebration of humans) - and not humans that are wacko and have lost their minds and decide they want to be a woman.............
Robert Heinlein:
There are hidden contradictions within the minds of people who “love nature” while deploring the “artificialities” with which “Man has spoiled ‘Nature.” The obvious contradiction lies in their choice of words, which imply that Man and his artifacts are not part of “Nature”--but beavers and their damns are. But the contradictions go deeper than this prima-facie absurdity. In declaring his love for a beaver dam (erected by beavers for beaver’s purposes) and his hatred for dams erected by men (for the purpose of men) the “Naturist” reveals his hatred for his own race--i.e., his own self-hatred. In the case of “Naturists” such self—hatred is understandable; they are such a sorry lot. But hatred is too strong an emotion to feel toward them; pity and contempt are the most they rate. As for me, willy-nilly I am a man, not a beaver, and H. Sapiens is the only race I have or can have. Fortunately for me, I like being part of a race made up of men and women-- it strikes me as a fine arrangement and perfectly “natural.” Believe it or not, there were “Naturists” who opposed the first flight to old Earth’s Moon as being “unnatural” and a “despoiling of nature

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