For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail
Inside the Left's morbid agenda to destroy America's middle class.

19 May 2020 ~~ By Michael Cutler
Many claim that the Democrats want open borders to import millions of new voters who will likely vote for Democrats.
Undeniably this is an accurate statement but only partially addresses the strategy behind the Democrats’ push for open borders and an end to immigration law enforcement as optimized by the creation of “Sanctuary Cities” and Sanctuary States and immigration mayhem that ensues.
Today’s Democrats bear no resemblance to the Democrats of the past. Today’s Radical Democrats are hell-bent on seizing permanent political power at the expense of America and Americans.
Traditional Democrats supported American workers and addressed their concerns while Republicans backed up business owners’ goals of fewer regulations and greater profits. This balance made sense and helped Americans and America to prosper.
Consider the May 12, 2020 news report published by PJ Media, Democrats' $3 Trillion Bill Would Include a Massive Communist China.
Consider that the afore-noted Buy American Act was enacted by a traditional Democrat, President FDR who acted to protect American jobs and manufacturing the year after the Stock Market cratered on July 8, 1932 and stocks hit their lowest point. Roosevelt also ramped up immigration law enforcement to protect jobs for American workers.
The Buy American Act requires that the federal government must prioritize the purchase of supplies from American companies when such made in America supplies are available.
This is commonsense and helps America and Americans.
Yet during the current crisis the Democrats want to eliminate this requirement that protects American jobs that has been on the books for nearly 90 years. They are exploiting the pandemic crisis as a means for pressuring the Republicans and the President into ending this important long-standing law.
Decent Americans are horrified by the growing number of homeless Americans. The immoral Radical Democrats, however, are encouraged that their strategy to force Americans to trade their freedoms for food, shelter and other necessities is working.
For Radical Democrats, winning isn’t everything- it is the only thing!

For all the mealy mouth rhetoric from PMS/DSA Democrats telling us they are looking out for Americans and the "middleclass" they've shown different colors. Not one Bill passed by Congress during this pandemic has helped hardworking Americans. Globalist Socialist Dems have continually touted their wish lists that don't include we the people.
They seem to be fine with, and even smile about the possibility of a million American deaths, collapse of the economy, and breakdown of civil society if it meant that Trump would lose in November.
We see this by the actions of Blue State governors and Blue City mayors by the numbers of dead especially with our elderly within Nursing homes. They've shown themselves to be vile, disgusting creatures that have absolutely no value.
Personally I would not put it past the "Left" to have conspired with the Chinese on using this Wuhan virus on America, to deliberately crash the US economy. We know PM/DSA Democrats have close ties with the China, like Hillary Clinton, Feinstein, Biden and Pelosi.
Investigations have also shown that George Soros and the Gates Foundation helped fund the Wuhan biolab and Comrade Barry gave the Lab a grant of $3.7 million US taxpayer dollars. Dr. Fauci is also closely tied with each of them.
For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail
Inside the Left's morbid agenda to destroy America's middle class.

19 May 2020 ~~ By Michael Cutler
Many claim that the Democrats want open borders to import millions of new voters who will likely vote for Democrats.
Undeniably this is an accurate statement but only partially addresses the strategy behind the Democrats’ push for open borders and an end to immigration law enforcement as optimized by the creation of “Sanctuary Cities” and Sanctuary States and immigration mayhem that ensues.
Today’s Democrats bear no resemblance to the Democrats of the past. Today’s Radical Democrats are hell-bent on seizing permanent political power at the expense of America and Americans.
Traditional Democrats supported American workers and addressed their concerns while Republicans backed up business owners’ goals of fewer regulations and greater profits. This balance made sense and helped Americans and America to prosper.
Consider the May 12, 2020 news report published by PJ Media, Democrats' $3 Trillion Bill Would Include a Massive Communist China.
Consider that the afore-noted Buy American Act was enacted by a traditional Democrat, President FDR who acted to protect American jobs and manufacturing the year after the Stock Market cratered on July 8, 1932 and stocks hit their lowest point. Roosevelt also ramped up immigration law enforcement to protect jobs for American workers.
The Buy American Act requires that the federal government must prioritize the purchase of supplies from American companies when such made in America supplies are available.
This is commonsense and helps America and Americans.
Yet during the current crisis the Democrats want to eliminate this requirement that protects American jobs that has been on the books for nearly 90 years. They are exploiting the pandemic crisis as a means for pressuring the Republicans and the President into ending this important long-standing law.
Decent Americans are horrified by the growing number of homeless Americans. The immoral Radical Democrats, however, are encouraged that their strategy to force Americans to trade their freedoms for food, shelter and other necessities is working.
For Radical Democrats, winning isn’t everything- it is the only thing!

For all the mealy mouth rhetoric from PMS/DSA Democrats telling us they are looking out for Americans and the "middleclass" they've shown different colors. Not one Bill passed by Congress during this pandemic has helped hardworking Americans. Globalist Socialist Dems have continually touted their wish lists that don't include we the people.
They seem to be fine with, and even smile about the possibility of a million American deaths, collapse of the economy, and breakdown of civil society if it meant that Trump would lose in November.
We see this by the actions of Blue State governors and Blue City mayors by the numbers of dead especially with our elderly within Nursing homes. They've shown themselves to be vile, disgusting creatures that have absolutely no value.
Personally I would not put it past the "Left" to have conspired with the Chinese on using this Wuhan virus on America, to deliberately crash the US economy. We know PM/DSA Democrats have close ties with the China, like Hillary Clinton, Feinstein, Biden and Pelosi.
Investigations have also shown that George Soros and the Gates Foundation helped fund the Wuhan biolab and Comrade Barry gave the Lab a grant of $3.7 million US taxpayer dollars. Dr. Fauci is also closely tied with each of them.

The American left has kept America in constant state of crisis since Donald Trump was elected. From Russia-gate to Kavanaugh, and from impeachment to fake cries of racism shoved down our throats on every street corner, democrats have cost the American people more blood and treasure these past few years than during any other so-called time of peace in our history. The COVID-19 "nothing" pandemic pandemonium is the democrats' crowning achievement in both killing Americans individually with panic, and economic hardship. When I envision modern democrats, I see them as a bunch of fucking sewer gremlins dwelling at the bottom of the good ship "America" doing their damnedest to poke holes in her hull, while swearing up and down they want to make her float better.
For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail
And EXACTLY the same could have been said about the Republicans when Obama was in office.

Tell me: What's it like, being so similar to those you hate?

Maybe knowing that is why you nutters are always so angry.
For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail
Inside the Left's morbid agenda to destroy America's middle class.

19 May 2020 ~~ By Michael Cutler
Many claim that the Democrats want open borders to import millions of new voters who will likely vote for Democrats.
Undeniably this is an accurate statement but only partially addresses the strategy behind the Democrats’ push for open borders and an end to immigration law enforcement as optimized by the creation of “Sanctuary Cities” and Sanctuary States and immigration mayhem that ensues.
Today’s Democrats bear no resemblance to the Democrats of the past. Today’s Radical Democrats are hell-bent on seizing permanent political power at the expense of America and Americans.
Traditional Democrats supported American workers and addressed their concerns while Republicans backed up business owners’ goals of fewer regulations and greater profits. This balance made sense and helped Americans and America to prosper.
Consider the May 12, 2020 news report published by PJ Media, Democrats' $3 Trillion Bill Would Include a Massive Communist China.
Consider that the afore-noted Buy American Act was enacted by a traditional Democrat, President FDR who acted to protect American jobs and manufacturing the year after the Stock Market cratered on July 8, 1932 and stocks hit their lowest point. Roosevelt also ramped up immigration law enforcement to protect jobs for American workers.
The Buy American Act requires that the federal government must prioritize the purchase of supplies from American companies when such made in America supplies are available.
This is commonsense and helps America and Americans.
Yet during the current crisis the Democrats want to eliminate this requirement that protects American jobs that has been on the books for nearly 90 years. They are exploiting the pandemic crisis as a means for pressuring the Republicans and the President into ending this important long-standing law.
Decent Americans are horrified by the growing number of homeless Americans. The immoral Radical Democrats, however, are encouraged that their strategy to force Americans to trade their freedoms for food, shelter and other necessities is working.
For Radical Democrats, winning isn’t everything- it is the only thing!

For all the mealy mouth rhetoric from PMS/DSA Democrats telling us they are looking out for Americans and the "middleclass" they've shown different colors. Not one Bill passed by Congress during this pandemic has helped hardworking Americans. Globalist Socialist Dems have continually touted their wish lists that don't include we the people.
They seem to be fine with, and even smile about the possibility of a million American deaths, collapse of the economy, and breakdown of civil society if it meant that Trump would lose in November.
We see this by the actions of Blue State governors and Blue City mayors by the numbers of dead especially with our elderly within Nursing homes. They've shown themselves to be vile, disgusting creatures that have absolutely no value.
Personally I would not put it past the "Left" to have conspired with the Chinese on using this Wuhan virus on America, to deliberately crash the US economy. We know PM/DSA Democrats have close ties with the China, like Hillary Clinton, Feinstein, Biden and Pelosi.
Investigations have also shown that George Soros and the Gates Foundation helped fund the Wuhan biolab and Comrade Barry gave the Lab a grant of $3.7 million US taxpayer dollars. Dr. Fauci is also closely tied with each of them.
A RWNJ article, published by a RWNJ website, posted by a RWNJ poster for other RWNJs, which equals another RWNJ circle-jerk.
This is what I think of the OP's mag. Its a rag.
FrontPage Magazine (also known as is an online American far-right political website, edited by David Horowitz and published by the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The website has been described by scholars and writers as right-wing, far-right, Islamophobic, and anti-Islam.

Whether right or Left.... The truth of the matter is that Mr. Cutler is correct in his view. How else do you explain the political views that permeate the PMS/DSA Democrat Left other than their desire to bring down America and rebuild it in their image of a powerful gov't and subjugation of it's people?
America is failing
Worst economic collapse in 80 years

Only a Democrat can get us out
Like they're getting the people in Illinois, Michigan, Massachusetts, Washington, and California out of it?

Fucking fool.
The Great Republican Depression......Needed FDR to get us out
The Great Bush Recession of 2008......Needed Obama to get us out
The Great TRUMPvirus Depression......Need BIDEN to get us out
For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail
And EXACTLY the same could have been said about the Republicans when Obama was in office.

Tell me: What's it like, being so similar to those you hate?

Maybe knowing that is why you nutters are always so angry.

Except there was no talk of impeachment, or improving the People's lot. Remember it was Obama that told us that America would never become a powerful nation again.

For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail
And EXACTLY the same could have been said about the Republicans when Obama was in office.

Tell me: What's it like, being so similar to those you hate?

Maybe knowing that is why you nutters are always so angry.

Except there was no talk of impeachment, or improving the People's lot. Remember it was Obama that told us that America would never become a powerful nation again.

Every presidency has its own challenges and unique situations.

The Republicans talked down every bit of good news that came up. They wanted Obama to fail. Party over country. They're no better.

What this country needs is fewer wingers.
For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail
And EXACTLY the same could have been said about the Republicans when Obama was in office.

Tell me: What's it like, being so similar to those you hate?

Maybe knowing that is why you nutters are always so angry.
left wing riots..... neighborhoods burning..... isis controlling large swaths of territory and causing mass migrations and death can keep your insurance and doctor,spying ..... and on and on and on ! obama is a failure ...he is protected from criticism because of his party and his race .
For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail
And EXACTLY the same could have been said about the Republicans when Obama was in office.

Tell me: What's it like, being so similar to those you hate?

Maybe knowing that is why you nutters are always so angry.
left wing riots..... neighborhoods burning..... isis controlling large swaths of territory and causing mass migrations and death can keep your insurance and doctor,spying ..... and on and on and on ! obama is a failure ...he is protected from criticism because of his party and his race .
Your fear of a bunch of young punks who call themselves antifa is absolute brainwashed idiocy. Did not happen no many how many times your heros parrot this garbage.
For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail
And EXACTLY the same could have been said about the Republicans when Obama was in office.

Tell me: What's it like, being so similar to those you hate?

Maybe knowing that is why you nutters are always so angry.
left wing riots..... neighborhoods burning..... isis controlling large swaths of territory and causing mass migrations and death can keep your insurance and doctor,spying ..... and on and on and on ! obama is a failure ...he is protected from criticism because of his party and his race .
I can understand your deflection.

Both parties are party-over-country right now.
For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail
Inside the Left's morbid agenda to destroy America's middle class.

19 May 2020 ~~ By Michael Cutler
Many claim that the Democrats want open borders to import millions of new voters who will likely vote for Democrats.
Undeniably this is an accurate statement but only partially addresses the strategy behind the Democrats’ push for open borders and an end to immigration law enforcement as optimized by the creation of “Sanctuary Cities” and Sanctuary States and immigration mayhem that ensues.
Today’s Democrats bear no resemblance to the Democrats of the past. Today’s Radical Democrats are hell-bent on seizing permanent political power at the expense of America and Americans.
Traditional Democrats supported American workers and addressed their concerns while Republicans backed up business owners’ goals of fewer regulations and greater profits. This balance made sense and helped Americans and America to prosper.
Consider the May 12, 2020 news report published by PJ Media, Democrats' $3 Trillion Bill Would Include a Massive Communist China.
Consider that the afore-noted Buy American Act was enacted by a traditional Democrat, President FDR who acted to protect American jobs and manufacturing the year after the Stock Market cratered on July 8, 1932 and stocks hit their lowest point. Roosevelt also ramped up immigration law enforcement to protect jobs for American workers.
The Buy American Act requires that the federal government must prioritize the purchase of supplies from American companies when such made in America supplies are available.
This is commonsense and helps America and Americans.
Yet during the current crisis the Democrats want to eliminate this requirement that protects American jobs that has been on the books for nearly 90 years. They are exploiting the pandemic crisis as a means for pressuring the Republicans and the President into ending this important long-standing law.
Decent Americans are horrified by the growing number of homeless Americans. The immoral Radical Democrats, however, are encouraged that their strategy to force Americans to trade their freedoms for food, shelter and other necessities is working.
For Radical Democrats, winning isn’t everything- it is the only thing!

For all the mealy mouth rhetoric from PMS/DSA Democrats telling us they are looking out for Americans and the "middleclass" they've shown different colors. Not one Bill passed by Congress during this pandemic has helped hardworking Americans. Globalist Socialist Dems have continually touted their wish lists that don't include we the people.
They seem to be fine with, and even smile about the possibility of a million American deaths, collapse of the economy, and breakdown of civil society if it meant that Trump would lose in November.
We see this by the actions of Blue State governors and Blue City mayors by the numbers of dead especially with our elderly within Nursing homes. They've shown themselves to be vile, disgusting creatures that have absolutely no value.
Personally I would not put it past the "Left" to have conspired with the Chinese on using this Wuhan virus on America, to deliberately crash the US economy. We know PM/DSA Democrats have close ties with the China, like Hillary Clinton, Feinstein, Biden and Pelosi.
Investigations have also shown that George Soros and the Gates Foundation helped fund the Wuhan biolab and Comrade Barry gave the Lab a grant of $3.7 million US taxpayer dollars. Dr. Fauci is also closely tied with each of them.

The American left has kept America in constant state of crisis since Donald Trump was elected. From Russia-gate to Kavanaugh, and from impeachment to fake cries of racism shoved down our throats on every street corner, democrats have cost the American people more blood and treasure these past few years than during any other so-called time of peace in our history. The COVID-19 "nothing" pandemic pandemonium is the democrats' crowning achievement in both killing Americans individually with panic, and economic hardship. When I envision modern democrats, I see them as a bunch of fucking sewer gremlins dwelling at the bottom of the good ship "America" doing their damnedest to poke holes in her hull, while swearing up and down they want to make her float better.

DONALD TRUMP has kept America in crisis since the day he was elected. The first thing he did was the Muslim Ban, imposed on a Friday night with no warning or instructions to DHS workers and throwing airports into chaos all weekend.

He shut down the government For two months. Dems didn’t do that. He separated families at the boarder. Dems didn’t start 5 different trade wars either nor did the botch the pandemic response.

All of the decisions which have destroyed your economy and left nearly 100,000 American dead, were made by Trump.
For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail
And EXACTLY the same could have been said about the Republicans when Obama was in office.

Tell me: What's it like, being so similar to those you hate?

Maybe knowing that is why you nutters are always so angry.

Except there was no talk of impeachment, or improving the People's lot. Remember it was Obama that told us that America would never become a powerful nation again.

The first two quotes are Rupert Murdoch channel garbage propaganda. The third is about what happens when the GOP wRex the world economy and the middle East. Some good things came out of it despite all that. Like tunizia - they could have worked. The brotherhood screwed up Egypt. They are learning
For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail
Inside the Left's morbid agenda to destroy America's middle class.

19 May 2020 ~~ By Michael Cutler
Many claim that the Democrats want open borders to import millions of new voters who will likely vote for Democrats.
Undeniably this is an accurate statement but only partially addresses the strategy behind the Democrats’ push for open borders and an end to immigration law enforcement as optimized by the creation of “Sanctuary Cities” and Sanctuary States and immigration mayhem that ensues.
Today’s Democrats bear no resemblance to the Democrats of the past. Today’s Radical Democrats are hell-bent on seizing permanent political power at the expense of America and Americans.
Traditional Democrats supported American workers and addressed their concerns while Republicans backed up business owners’ goals of fewer regulations and greater profits. This balance made sense and helped Americans and America to prosper.
Consider the May 12, 2020 news report published by PJ Media, Democrats' $3 Trillion Bill Would Include a Massive Communist China.
Consider that the afore-noted Buy American Act was enacted by a traditional Democrat, President FDR who acted to protect American jobs and manufacturing the year after the Stock Market cratered on July 8, 1932 and stocks hit their lowest point. Roosevelt also ramped up immigration law enforcement to protect jobs for American workers.
The Buy American Act requires that the federal government must prioritize the purchase of supplies from American companies when such made in America supplies are available.
This is commonsense and helps America and Americans.
Yet during the current crisis the Democrats want to eliminate this requirement that protects American jobs that has been on the books for nearly 90 years. They are exploiting the pandemic crisis as a means for pressuring the Republicans and the President into ending this important long-standing law.
Decent Americans are horrified by the growing number of homeless Americans. The immoral Radical Democrats, however, are encouraged that their strategy to force Americans to trade their freedoms for food, shelter and other necessities is working.
For Radical Democrats, winning isn’t everything- it is the only thing!

For all the mealy mouth rhetoric from PMS/DSA Democrats telling us they are looking out for Americans and the "middleclass" they've shown different colors. Not one Bill passed by Congress during this pandemic has helped hardworking Americans. Globalist Socialist Dems have continually touted their wish lists that don't include we the people.
They seem to be fine with, and even smile about the possibility of a million American deaths, collapse of the economy, and breakdown of civil society if it meant that Trump would lose in November.
We see this by the actions of Blue State governors and Blue City mayors by the numbers of dead especially with our elderly within Nursing homes. They've shown themselves to be vile, disgusting creatures that have absolutely no value.
Personally I would not put it past the "Left" to have conspired with the Chinese on using this Wuhan virus on America, to deliberately crash the US economy. We know PM/DSA Democrats have close ties with the China, like Hillary Clinton, Feinstein, Biden and Pelosi.
Investigations have also shown that George Soros and the Gates Foundation helped fund the Wuhan biolab and Comrade Barry gave the Lab a grant of $3.7 million US taxpayer dollars. Dr. Fauci is also closely tied with each of them.

The American left has kept America in constant state of crisis since Donald Trump was elected. From Russia-gate to Kavanaugh, and from impeachment to fake cries of racism shoved down our throats on every street corner, democrats have cost the American people more blood and treasure these past few years than during any other so-called time of peace in our history. The COVID-19 "nothing" pandemic pandemonium is the democrats' crowning achievement in both killing Americans individually with panic, and economic hardship. When I envision modern democrats, I see them as a bunch of fucking sewer gremlins dwelling at the bottom of the good ship "America" doing their damnedest to poke holes in her hull, while swearing up and down they want to make her float better.

DONALD TRUMP has kept America in crisis since the day he was elected. The first thing he did was the Muslim Ban, imposed on a Friday night with no warning or instructions to DHS workers and throwing airports into chaos all weekend.

He shut down the government For two months. Dems didn’t do that. He separated families at the boarder. Dems didn’t start 5 different trade wars either nor did the botch the pandemic response.

All of the decisions which have destroyed your economy and left nearly 100,000 American dead, were made by Trump.
Actually, most of the deaths were caused by stupid Democrat politicians, and the even bigger idiots that elected them...

In our 26 red states, the average coronavirus death rate per million is about 82. In the 24 blue states, plus the District of Columbia, it’s about 235. On average, then, you are about 2.9 times more likely to die of COVID-19 if you live a blue state than if you live in a red state. But averages mean little in the real world. If you live in New York, your chance of dying of coronavirus is 11 times higher than if you live in Georgia. The numbers change depending on the relative states, of course, but the most predictive factor is whether you prefer blue or red. The former preference appears to be bad for your health.
For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail
And EXACTLY the same could have been said about the Republicans when Obama was in office.

Tell me: What's it like, being so similar to those you hate?

Maybe knowing that is why you nutters are always so angry.

Except there was no talk of impeachment, or improving the People's lot. Remember it was Obama that told us that America would never become a powerful nation again.

Every presidency has its own challenges and unique situations.

The Republicans talked down every bit of good news that came up. They wanted Obama to fail. Party over country. They're no better.

What this country needs is fewer wingers.
the GOP hammered BO, no question, but that pales in comparison to what the dems/media are to doing to Trump. I will agree with however about needing less wingers.

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