For 2,000 years, Jews have rejected the Christian idea of Jesus as messiah. Why?


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Number one:

What is the Messiah supposed to accomplish? The Bible says that he will:

A. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28).

B. Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6).

C. Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4)

D. Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "God will be King over all the world—on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9).

The historical fact is that Jesus fulfilled none of these messianic prophecies.

Christians counter that Jesus will fulfill these in the Second Coming, but Jewish sources show that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright, and no concept of a second coming exists.

Why Don't Jews Believe In Jesus | The difference between Judaism and Christianity
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The Catholic idea of Trinity breaks God into three separate beings: The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost (Matthew 28:19).

Contrast this to the Shema, the basis of Jewish belief: "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is ONE" (Deut. 6:4). Jews declare the Shema every day, while writing it on doorposts (Mezuzah), and binding it to the hand and head (Tefillin). This statement of God’s One-ness is the first words a Jewish child is taught to say, and the last words uttered before a Jew dies.

In Jewish law, worship of a three-part god is considered idolatry—one of the three cardinal sins that a Jew should rather give up his life than transgress. This explains why during the Inquisitions and throughout history, Jews gave up their lives rather than convert.
Judaism is supremacist. Christianity is globalist.

Both ideas have merit and paradoxically, christianity has been a better vehicle for racial determination. Maybe it disarms the competition? It also propagates selflessness, which encourages individuals to die for their race and self efface(instead of becoming feminist).

Isn't it funny how willing matres accomplish more than devoted supremacists?

The Nazis never got far.

Mind you I would have had a better life f I was born jew.
Number one:

What is the Messiah supposed to accomplish? The Bible says that he will:

A. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28).

B. Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6).

C. Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4)

D. Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "God will be King over all the world—on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9).

The historical fact is that Jesus fulfilled none of these messianic prophecies.

Christians counter that Jesus will fulfill these in the Second Coming, but Jewish sources show that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright, and no concept of a second coming exists.

Why Don't Jews Believe In Jesus | The difference between Judaism and Christianity
Ok, who did fulfill these prophecies?

Are these the only prophecies for the Messiah?
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Those who have called themselves Christians have failed our Jewish brothers and sisters for so much of those within "Christianity" have spoken out of hate, Antisemitism, death and destruction not out of the Love of Jesus spoken when he said he came first to the Jews. Michael L. Brown's book Our Hands Are Stained With Blood - Our Hands Are Stained with Blood: Michael L. Brown, Don Wilkerson: 9781560430681 covers this subject in depth.
I used to belong to a spiritual chat room that was mostly Christians. A Jewess came into the chat and she wanted to ask questions. She was attacked immediately by some of those in the room. Eventually after a lil' chastisement things calmed down. It was like watching a pack of dogs attack a lone one that had wandered into the vicious pack merely desiring to ask questions for more understanding. Her son was marrying a Christian so she wanted to understand her new daughter-in-laws religion. Ultimately she won over their hearts and started sharing the customs her religion keeps and she got her own Bible and pastor to help her locally to study with.
Those who have called themselves Christians have failed our Jewish brothers and sisters for so much of those within "Christianity" have spoken out of hate, Antisemitism, death and destruction not out of the Love of Jesus spoken when he said he came first to the Jews. Michael L. Brown's book Our Hands Are Stained With Blood - Our Hands Are Stained with Blood: Michael L. Brown, Don Wilkerson: 9781560430681 covers this subject in depth.
Yeah but it's the hatred that repelled the Moors over and over. The heathen must be fought. It's tradition.
Those who have called themselves Christians have failed our Jewish brothers and sisters for so much of those within "Christianity" have spoken out of hate, Antisemitism, death and destruction not out of the Love of Jesus spoken when he said he came first to the Jews. Michael L. Brown's book Our Hands Are Stained With Blood - Our Hands Are Stained with Blood: Michael L. Brown, Don Wilkerson: 9781560430681 covers this subject in depth.
I used to belong to a spiritual chat room that was mostly Christians. A Jewess came into the chat and she wanted to ask questions. She was attacked immediately by some of those in the room. Eventually after a lil' chastisement things calmed down. It was like watching a pack of dogs attack a lone one that had wandered into the vicious pack merely desiring to ask questions for more understanding. Her son was marrying a Christian so she wanted to understand her new daughter-in-laws religion. Ultimately she won over their hearts and started sharing the customs her religion keeps and she got her own Bible and pastor to help her locally to study with.
Why did they attack her?
Those who have called themselves Christians have failed our Jewish brothers and sisters for so much of those within "Christianity" have spoken out of hate, Antisemitism, death and destruction not out of the Love of Jesus spoken when he said he came first to the Jews. Michael L. Brown's book Our Hands Are Stained With Blood - Our Hands Are Stained with Blood: Michael L. Brown, Don Wilkerson: 9781560430681 covers this subject in depth.
I used to belong to a spiritual chat room that was mostly Christians. A Jewess came into the chat and she wanted to ask questions. She was attacked immediately by some of those in the room. Eventually after a lil' chastisement things calmed down. It was like watching a pack of dogs attack a lone one that had wandered into the vicious pack merely desiring to ask questions for more understanding. Her son was marrying a Christian so she wanted to understand her new daughter-in-laws religion. Ultimately she won over their hearts and started sharing the customs her religion keeps and she got her own Bible and pastor to help her locally to study with.
Why did they attack her?
Because she was Jewish, they were dumb, blind, and ignorant; they lacked understanding.
Those who have called themselves Christians have failed our Jewish brothers and sisters for so much of those within "Christianity" have spoken out of hate, Antisemitism, death and destruction not out of the Love of Jesus spoken when he said he came first to the Jews. Michael L. Brown's book Our Hands Are Stained With Blood - Our Hands Are Stained with Blood: Michael L. Brown, Don Wilkerson: 9781560430681 covers this subject in depth.
I used to belong to a spiritual chat room that was mostly Christians. A Jewess came into the chat and she wanted to ask questions. She was attacked immediately by some of those in the room. Eventually after a lil' chastisement things calmed down. It was like watching a pack of dogs attack a lone one that had wandered into the vicious pack merely desiring to ask questions for more understanding. Her son was marrying a Christian so she wanted to understand her new daughter-in-laws religion. Ultimately she won over their hearts and started sharing the customs her religion keeps and she got her own Bible and pastor to help her locally to study with.
Why did they attack her?
Because she was Jewish, they were dumb, blind, and ignorant; they lacked understanding.
I saw a documentary where they burned down a synagogue. I wondered what on earth the point was.

The Catholic idea of Trinity breaks God into three separate beings: The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost (Matthew 28:19).

Contrast this to the Shema, the basis of Jewish belief: "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is ONE" (Deut. 6:4). Jews declare the Shema every day, while writing it on doorposts (Mezuzah), and binding it to the hand and head (Tefillin). This statement of God’s One-ness is the first words a Jewish child is taught to say, and the last words uttered before a Jew dies.

In Jewish law, worship of a three-part god is considered idolatry—one of the three cardinal sins that a Jew should rather give up his life than transgress. This explains why during the Inquisitions and throughout history, Jews gave up their lives rather than convert.
You got it wrong. God exists as three persons, but one Being. In Genesis, God said "Let US create man in OUR own Image." Who do you think He was talking to? The Bible also says that ALL THINGS were created through Him (Jesus), and without Him was not anything made that was made. It also calls Him the Lord of all creation. Don't believe me? Just look at all the names of Christ in the Bible. One of them is Mighty God. All things were created by Him and For Him. I think it's pretty clear.
Those who have called themselves Christians have failed our Jewish brothers and sisters for so much of those within "Christianity" have spoken out of hate, Antisemitism, death and destruction not out of the Love of Jesus spoken when he said he came first to the Jews. Michael L. Brown's book Our Hands Are Stained With Blood - Our Hands Are Stained with Blood: Michael L. Brown, Don Wilkerson: 9781560430681 covers this subject in depth.
I used to belong to a spiritual chat room that was mostly Christians. A Jewess came into the chat and she wanted to ask questions. She was attacked immediately by some of those in the room. Eventually after a lil' chastisement things calmed down. It was like watching a pack of dogs attack a lone one that had wandered into the vicious pack merely desiring to ask questions for more understanding. Her son was marrying a Christian so she wanted to understand her new daughter-in-laws religion. Ultimately she won over their hearts and started sharing the customs her religion keeps and she got her own Bible and pastor to help her locally to study with.
Why did they attack her?
Because she was Jewish, they were dumb, blind, and ignorant; they lacked understanding.
I saw a documentary where they burned down a synagogue. I wondered what on earth the point was.
There are people who can give themselves over to hatred so easily. It is hard at times to understand how people can get so messed up that they can do evil things but they do. We also had a street preacher from NY come into the room a few times. He wanted to share visions he had and they got all tweaked over that too. Part of their fear has came from the way they were raised up or taught.
Those who have called themselves Christians have failed our Jewish brothers and sisters for so much of those within "Christianity" have spoken out of hate, Antisemitism, death and destruction not out of the Love of Jesus spoken when he said he came first to the Jews. Michael L. Brown's book Our Hands Are Stained With Blood - Our Hands Are Stained with Blood: Michael L. Brown, Don Wilkerson: 9781560430681 covers this subject in depth.
I used to belong to a spiritual chat room that was mostly Christians. A Jewess came into the chat and she wanted to ask questions. She was attacked immediately by some of those in the room. Eventually after a lil' chastisement things calmed down. It was like watching a pack of dogs attack a lone one that had wandered into the vicious pack merely desiring to ask questions for more understanding. Her son was marrying a Christian so she wanted to understand her new daughter-in-laws religion. Ultimately she won over their hearts and started sharing the customs her religion keeps and she got her own Bible and pastor to help her locally to study with.
Why did they attack her?
Because she was Jewish, they were dumb, blind, and ignorant; they lacked understanding.
I saw a documentary where they burned down a synagogue. I wondered what on earth the point was.
There are people who can give themselves over to hatred so easily. It is hard at times to understand how people can get so messed up that they can do evil things but they do. We also had a street preacher from NY come into the room a few times. He wanted to share visions he had and they got all tweaked over that too. Part of their fear has came from the way they were raised up or taught.
I always listen and respect crazy people. For all we know, he does indeed have visions.
Those who have called themselves Christians have failed our Jewish brothers and sisters for so much of those within "Christianity" have spoken out of hate, Antisemitism, death and destruction not out of the Love of Jesus spoken when he said he came first to the Jews. Michael L. Brown's book Our Hands Are Stained With Blood - Our Hands Are Stained with Blood: Michael L. Brown, Don Wilkerson: 9781560430681 covers this subject in depth.
I used to belong to a spiritual chat room that was mostly Christians. A Jewess came into the chat and she wanted to ask questions. She was attacked immediately by some of those in the room. Eventually after a lil' chastisement things calmed down. It was like watching a pack of dogs attack a lone one that had wandered into the vicious pack merely desiring to ask questions for more understanding. Her son was marrying a Christian so she wanted to understand her new daughter-in-laws religion. Ultimately she won over their hearts and started sharing the customs her religion keeps and she got her own Bible and pastor to help her locally to study with.

I have met many such ignorant people with such hate for Jews that even admitting Yeshua (Jesus) was a Jew sticks in their throat to the point they almost choked on it. I find myself more spiritually aligned with some Jews than some who claim to be "Christians" because I judge them by their "Fruit" and not by their words!
I used to belong to a spiritual chat room that was mostly Christians. A Jewess came into the chat and she wanted to ask questions. She was attacked immediately by some of those in the room. Eventually after a lil' chastisement things calmed down. It was like watching a pack of dogs attack a lone one that had wandered into the vicious pack merely desiring to ask questions for more understanding. Her son was marrying a Christian so she wanted to understand her new daughter-in-laws religion. Ultimately she won over their hearts and started sharing the customs her religion keeps and she got her own Bible and pastor to help her locally to study with.
Why did they attack her?
Because she was Jewish, they were dumb, blind, and ignorant; they lacked understanding.
I saw a documentary where they burned down a synagogue. I wondered what on earth the point was.
There are people who can give themselves over to hatred so easily. It is hard at times to understand how people can get so messed up that they can do evil things but they do. We also had a street preacher from NY come into the room a few times. He wanted to share visions he had and they got all tweaked over that too. Part of their fear has came from the way they were raised up or taught.
I always listen and respect crazy people. For all we know, he does indeed have visions.
I spoke with him. He asked me a question several times. It took ten years to understand why he asked me what he asked and understand one of the visions he shared. Even then I had more to learn and understand about that whole conversation with him.

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