Follow The Money


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Some of the world's largest and wealthiest insurance companies have paid many billions in claims stemming from the 9/11 attack on America. Together they have some of the largest, most experienced and best funded investigatory departments on the planet. Proving 9/11 was an inside job or a controlled demo would have afforded them the opportunity to deny many claims and save billions of dollars. As of this post none of them has been able to provide a shred of admissible evidence that would have enabled them to avoid payment. :D
Some of the world's largest and wealthiest insurance companies have paid many billions in claims stemming from the 9/11 attack on America. Together they have some of the largest, most experienced and best funded investigatory departments on the planet. Proving 9/11 was an inside job or a controlled demo would have afforded them the opportunity to deny many claims and save billions of dollars. As of this post none of them has been able to provide a shred of admissible evidence that would have enabled them to avoid payment. :D

I'd say 4 days is long enough to wait for a response to this very straight forward fact. If any of the CT BS held water, the insurance companies would be first in line to seek repayment of the billions they paid in 9/11 claims. If you have any real evidence, please call Swiss Re or Munich Re, foreign insurers who have no reason to cooperate with any American conspirators and much to gain from your proof. There's gotta be big bucks in it for the whistle blower. :cuckoo:
LOL; good point.

Then you'll love this. Another CT board has tackled this thorny prob and come up with an "ingenious" response. The insurers - I believe there were at least 12 - were threatened by someone to pay up and shut up. Their proof? Yeah ... that's another thorny prob. :D
LOL; good point.

Then you'll love this. Another CT board has tackled this thorny prob and come up with an "ingenious" response. The insurers - I believe there were at least 12 - were threatened by someone to pay up and shut up. Their proof? Yeah ... that's another thorny prob. :D

The real thorny problems are the ones you keep avoiding, namely the very real factual dilemma of the WTCs destruction and the avoidance of science and physics that clearly point to something else having helped their destruction in such short time.
Insurance fraud is but a subplot that benefited Silverstein, and his lawyers along the way.
When one considers who benefited the most from the 9-11 attacks, and also considers who the players were, where their loyalties are, etc. It is Israel, and their Sayanim. Silverstein is a close friends with Benjamin Netanyahu who declared the 9-11 attacks on our nation as good for Israel. Silverstein is an Israeli firster,
and Lewis Eisenberg, vice president of AIPAC and former Goldman Sachs partner, was Chairman of the Port Authority ("PA"),
In April 2001 Silverstein was informed he had lost his bid in the privatization of the WTC. Then events took a surprising turn. The winner dropped out, leaving Silverstein and his partners, who had finished second, as the new winner.

The lease was purchased by the Silverstein Group for $3.2 billion on July 24, 2001. Silverstein put up $125 million, only $14 million his own money. The net lease covers four buildings at the World Trade Center, including the Twin Towers and the retail Mall.

The speed with which this painstakingly complex deal was closed is notable. "There are a million items that need to be dealt with", said Marc Schauer, of NAI Lawrence, a leasing firm. The entire negotiation period--from start to finish--lasted only a few [3] months, a relatively swift duration in the world of colossal lease transactions especially with a governmental entity. [This frantic rush to close [for possession] by some deadline was the principal cause of the litigation to follow. Why the rush?]

Silverstein said. "We will be in control of a prized asset and we will seek to develop its potential, raising it to new heights." Was that, "raising" or "razing"?

But from an economic standpoint, the trade center -- subsidized since its inception -- has never functioned, nor was it intended to function, unprotected in the real estate marketplace. It would cost $800 million just to upgrade the electrical, electronic, and cooling systems.
And it was well-known that the WTC was an asbestos bombshell. Plans were made in 1989 to completely dismantle the WTC not only because of the asbestos problems but also the electrolytic corrosion problems. Apparently, the plans were dropped because they were considered prohibitively expensive. The only reason the building was still standing on 9/11 was it was too costly to disassemble floor by floor. There is a persistent report on the internet that either the state of New York or the EPA had ordered the dismantling of the WTC. And dismantling the WTC would not result in the recovery of insurance proceeds since it would not be a casualty.

Why would Silverstein, a knowledgeable real estate developer, pay millions of dollars to get control of a building that was uneconomic, was an environmental basket case, and had serious corrosion problems?

All one needs to realize first and foremost is that the massive, steel, WTC buildings were brought down with the assistance of something other then fires, is a little physics and science lesson. The rest of the plan and who was involved, is secondary, and with a little time and research, one can deduce a plausible theory about.

One such theory is that the crimes of 9-11 were conceived in New York City, by people linked to organized crime and the Israeli Mossad, as an illegal demolition project, and subsequently sold to corrupt elements of the Bush Administration, the intelligence community, and the military.
Once one realizes the players involved and connected to the 9-11 attacks, and considers their loyalties and allegiances, this becomes clearer.

But to be so ignorant and stupid as to say that the OCT as told by corrupt officials and their agencies, simply MUST be true and factual because of an insurance payout, while dismissing or ignoring the glaring inconsistencies regarding the science and physics involved, is fucking stupid, and an attempt to muddy the waters and distract from real facts regarding 9-11.

Nice try OP but you still suck, and you still are a pussy for avoiding the real issues and objections to the OCT and NIST.

Here is a link with a little more insight then what you have provided about the Silverstein issue, but remember folks, you can't research or discuss this matter in earnest without first facing what the objections are and why there are objections in the first place to the governments version. You can't just skip to the middle or the end of something to search for answers and pick and choose only certain aspects and claim any sort of "debunking" victory.
The science and physics are the only constant and they do not lie.

Who Destroyed The WTC?
Now that

Do you really believe that insurance companies are any match for corrupt US government officials, Judges, the state of Israel, its Mossad among other factions that can provide the convincing necessary to achieve whatever outcome they desire?
To assume that the laws of physics and science simply vanished because of an insurance fraud payout is naive at best and insanely ignorant at its worst.

In today’s news, American Home Assurance has announced that it is capping payouts for WTC-demolition asbestos claims at a measly $10 million.
The announcement underlines just how much cheaper it is to demolish asbestos-laden skyscrapers without a permit, than to follow legal procedures.

Insurer Caps WTC-Demolition Asbestos Payout at 10 Million | Veterans Today
LOL; good point.

Then you'll love this. Another CT board has tackled this thorny prob and come up with an "ingenious" response. The insurers - I believe there were at least 12 - were threatened by someone to pay up and shut up. Their proof? Yeah ... that's another thorny prob. :D

The real thorny problems are the ones you keep avoiding, namely the very real factual dilemma of the WTCs destruction and the avoidance of science and physics that clearly point to something else having helped their destruction in such short time.
Insurance fraud is but a subplot that benefited Silverstein, and his lawyers along the way.
When one considers who benefited the most from the 9-11 attacks, and also considers who the players were, where their loyalties are, etc. It is Israel, and their Sayanim. Silverstein is a close friends with Benjamin Netanyahu who declared the 9-11 attacks on our nation as good for Israel. Silverstein is an Israeli firster,
and Lewis Eisenberg, vice president of AIPAC and former Goldman Sachs partner, was Chairman of the Port Authority ("PA"),
In April 2001 Silverstein was informed he had lost his bid in the privatization of the WTC. Then events took a surprising turn. The winner dropped out, leaving Silverstein and his partners, who had finished second, as the new winner.

The lease was purchased by the Silverstein Group for $3.2 billion on July 24, 2001. Silverstein put up $125 million, only $14 million his own money. The net lease covers four buildings at the World Trade Center, including the Twin Towers and the retail Mall.

The speed with which this painstakingly complex deal was closed is notable. "There are a million items that need to be dealt with", said Marc Schauer, of NAI Lawrence, a leasing firm. The entire negotiation period--from start to finish--lasted only a few [3] months, a relatively swift duration in the world of colossal lease transactions especially with a governmental entity. [This frantic rush to close [for possession] by some deadline was the principal cause of the litigation to follow. Why the rush?]

Silverstein said. "We will be in control of a prized asset and we will seek to develop its potential, raising it to new heights." Was that, "raising" or "razing"?

But from an economic standpoint, the trade center -- subsidized since its inception -- has never functioned, nor was it intended to function, unprotected in the real estate marketplace. It would cost $800 million just to upgrade the electrical, electronic, and cooling systems.
And it was well-known that the WTC was an asbestos bombshell. Plans were made in 1989 to completely dismantle the WTC not only because of the asbestos problems but also the electrolytic corrosion problems. Apparently, the plans were dropped because they were considered prohibitively expensive. The only reason the building was still standing on 9/11 was it was too costly to disassemble floor by floor. There is a persistent report on the internet that either the state of New York or the EPA had ordered the dismantling of the WTC. And dismantling the WTC would not result in the recovery of insurance proceeds since it would not be a casualty.

Why would Silverstein, a knowledgeable real estate developer, pay millions of dollars to get control of a building that was uneconomic, was an environmental basket case, and had serious corrosion problems?

All one needs to realize first and foremost is that the massive, steel, WTC buildings were brought down with the assistance of something other then fires, is a little physics and science lesson. The rest of the plan and who was involved, is secondary, and with a little time and research, one can deduce a plausible theory about.

One such theory is that the crimes of 9-11 were conceived in New York City, by people linked to organized crime and the Israeli Mossad, as an illegal demolition project, and subsequently sold to corrupt elements of the Bush Administration, the intelligence community, and the military.
Once one realizes the players involved and connected to the 9-11 attacks, and considers their loyalties and allegiances, this becomes clearer.

But to be so ignorant and stupid as to say that the OCT as told by corrupt officials and their agencies, simply MUST be true and factual because of an insurance payout, while dismissing or ignoring the glaring inconsistencies regarding the science and physics involved, is fucking stupid, and an attempt to muddy the waters and distract from real facts regarding 9-11.

Nice try OP but you still suck, and you still are a pussy for avoiding the real issues and objections to the OCT and NIST.

Here is a link with a little more insight then what you have provided about the Silverstein issue, but remember folks, you can't research or discuss this matter in earnest without first facing what the objections are and why there are objections in the first place to the governments version. You can't just skip to the middle or the end of something to search for answers and pick and choose only certain aspects and claim any sort of "debunking" victory.
The science and physics are the only constant and they do not lie.

Who Destroyed The WTC?
Now that

Do you really believe that insurance companies are any match for corrupt US government officials, Judges, the state of Israel, its Mossad among other factions that can provide the convincing necessary to achieve whatever outcome they desire?
To assume that the laws of physics and science simply vanished because of an insurance fraud payout is naive at best and insanely ignorant at its worst.

In today’s news, American Home Assurance has announced that it is capping payouts for WTC-demolition asbestos claims at a measly $10 million.
The announcement underlines just how much cheaper it is to demolish asbestos-laden skyscrapers without a permit, than to follow legal procedures.

Insurer Caps WTC-Demolition Asbestos Payout at 10 Million | Veterans Today

C'mon, Princess, stop being such a cowardly bitch. Arguing your silliness here is a waste of precious time. You know you are right, you know you can prove everything you believe and you know there is a big payday at the end of the line. All you have to do is gather your "facts" and file suit. I'll get the 10% deal with the insurers for you and we can both get rich. What's the prob? What's with you CT punks?
You'd rather blow your wad on obscure message boards or is it you don't really believe your BS is real? :cuckoo:
New York, NY - Orthodox Jewish Empathetic Judge in 9/11 Suits Seen by Some as Interfering --


9/11 Lawsuit ?Bigger Than Your Wildest Imagination? » - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry

Judge nails Iran, Al Qaeda for 9/11*with $6 billion penalty in lawsuit - NY Daily News

Judge: Iran, Taliban, al Qaeda liable for 9/11 - CBS News

NEW YORK - A federal judge has signed a default judgment finding Iran, the Taliban and al Qaeda liable in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Daniels signed the judgment Thursday, a week after hearing testimony in the 10-year-old case saying the plaintiffs had established that the 2001 attacks were caused by the support the defendants provided to al Qaeda. The findings also said Iran continues to provide material support and resources to al Qaeda by providing a safe haven for al Qaeda leadership and rank-and-file al Qaeda members.

Bin Laden Not Wanted 'Dead or Alive' -- For 9/11

The FBI page states: "Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world."

When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on the FBI's web page, Rex Tomb, the FBI's Chief of Investigative Publicity, is reported to have said, "The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden's Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11."
It is very crass and it probably will come back to be critical of me, but there is an expression that is sometimes very useful, 'Money is the universal lubricant.' It makes it easier to go on with one's life.
- Alvin K. Hellerstein

This bastard judicial system is so corrupt.
- 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani

Today, Mariani, like the other 9-11 plaintiffs, is under a gag order which prevents her from speaking about her ongoing lawsuit. Likewise, thousands of employees of federal agencies like the Federal Aviation Administration have received gag orders in the mail keeping them from telling what they know about the events of 9-11.
And why have the foreign-owned security companies involved in the shocking security lapses, which enabled the attacks of 9-11,
been granted immunity by the U.S. Congress?

All of the relatives’ wrongful death criminal lawsuits against the airlines and their security companies have been consolidated by the presiding judge into a negligence lawsuit, which is a civil case and much less likely to be argued or investigated in an open trial with a jury. The 9-11 wrongful death and personal injury cases against American Air Lines (AA) or UAL or any of the foreign security companies, namely Argenbright Security (British), Globe Aviation Services Corp. (Swedish) and Huntleigh USA Corp. (Israeli) are being handled by U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein of the Southern District of New York.

Kenneth R. Feinberg, for example, the special master of the federally-funded Victims' Compensation Fund, is also a deeply dedicated Zionist. Feinberg single-handedly administered the $7 billion fund that paid out U.S. taxpayer money to some 97 percent of the families who could have otherwise used the courts to sue to recover tort damages for monetary loss and pain and suffering.

Those who accepted the Feinberg administrated federal fund signed away their right to litigate against the government, the airlines or the security companies. This federally funded pay-off to the families effectively prevented the possibility for nearly every relative to obtain justice or truth through the legal process, which would have brought legal discovery of facts and events of 9-11.

The Kenneth Feinberg Group is listed as one of the top ten supporters of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies for 2004-2005. The Jerusalem Institute is an Israel-based Zionist organization that supports the building of the illegal separation wall across Palestine, for example.

The Feinberg Group also lists as its clients major insurance and re-insurance companies such as Lloyd's of London. These are the companies who stood to lose billions of dollars if 9-11 victims' lawsuits had gone forward.
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New York, NY - Orthodox Jewish Empathetic Judge in 9/11 Suits Seen by Some as Interfering --


9/11 Lawsuit ?Bigger Than Your Wildest Imagination? » - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry

Judge nails Iran, Al Qaeda for 9/11*with $6 billion penalty in lawsuit - NY Daily News

Judge: Iran, Taliban, al Qaeda liable for 9/11 - CBS News

NEW YORK - A federal judge has signed a default judgment finding Iran, the Taliban and al Qaeda liable in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Daniels signed the judgment Thursday, a week after hearing testimony in the 10-year-old case saying the plaintiffs had established that the 2001 attacks were caused by the support the defendants provided to al Qaeda. The findings also said Iran continues to provide material support and resources to al Qaeda by providing a safe haven for al Qaeda leadership and rank-and-file al Qaeda members.

Bin Laden Not Wanted 'Dead or Alive' -- For 9/11

The FBI page states: "Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world."

When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on the FBI's web page, Rex Tomb, the FBI's Chief of Investigative Publicity, is reported to have said, "The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden's Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11."


And why have the foreign-owned security companies involved in the shocking security lapses, which enabled the attacks of 9-11,
been granted immunity by the U.S. Congress?

All of the relatives’ wrongful death criminal lawsuits against the airlines and their security companies have been consolidated by the presiding judge into a negligence lawsuit, which is a civil case and much less likely to be argued or investigated in an open trial with a jury. The 9-11 wrongful death and personal injury cases against American Air Lines (AA) or UAL or any of the foreign security companies, namely Argenbright Security (British), Globe Aviation Services Corp. (Swedish) and Huntleigh USA Corp. (Israeli) are being handled by U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein of the Southern District of New York.

Kenneth R. Feinberg, for example, the special master of the federally-funded Victims' Compensation Fund, is also a deeply dedicated Zionist. Feinberg single-handedly administered the $7 billion fund that paid out U.S. taxpayer money to some 97 percent of the families who could have otherwise used the courts to sue to recover tort damages for monetary loss and pain and suffering.

Those who accepted the Feinberg administrated federal fund signed away their right to litigate against the government, the airlines or the security companies. This federally funded pay-off to the families effectively prevented the possibility for nearly every relative to obtain justice or truth through the legal process, which would have brought legal discovery of facts and events of 9-11.

The Kenneth Feinberg Group is listed as one of the top ten supporters of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies for 2004-2005. The Jerusalem Institute is an Israel-based Zionist organization that supports the building of the illegal separation wall across Palestine, for example.

The Feinberg Group also lists as its clients major insurance and re-insurance companies such as Lloyd's of London. These are the companies who stood to lose billions of dollars if 9-11 victims' lawsuits had gone forward.

Are you saying you are ready to take your case to court or are you another CT asshole just blowing hot air? Come on, Princess, there's $1BIL on the table. :D
New York, NY - Orthodox Jewish Empathetic Judge in 9/11 Suits Seen by Some as Interfering --


9/11 Lawsuit ?Bigger Than Your Wildest Imagination? » - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry

Judge nails Iran, Al Qaeda for 9/11*with $6 billion penalty in lawsuit - NY Daily News

Judge: Iran, Taliban, al Qaeda liable for 9/11 - CBS News

NEW YORK - A federal judge has signed a default judgment finding Iran, the Taliban and al Qaeda liable in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Daniels signed the judgment Thursday, a week after hearing testimony in the 10-year-old case saying the plaintiffs had established that the 2001 attacks were caused by the support the defendants provided to al Qaeda. The findings also said Iran continues to provide material support and resources to al Qaeda by providing a safe haven for al Qaeda leadership and rank-and-file al Qaeda members.

Bin Laden Not Wanted 'Dead or Alive' -- For 9/11


Kenneth R. Feinberg, for example, the special master of the federally-funded Victims' Compensation Fund, is also a deeply dedicated Zionist. Feinberg single-handedly administered the $7 billion fund that paid out U.S. taxpayer money to some 97 percent of the families who could have otherwise used the courts to sue to recover tort damages for monetary loss and pain and suffering.

Those who accepted the Feinberg administrated federal fund signed away their right to litigate against the government, the airlines or the security companies. This federally funded pay-off to the families effectively prevented the possibility for nearly every relative to obtain justice or truth through the legal process, which would have brought legal discovery of facts and events of 9-11.

The Kenneth Feinberg Group is listed as one of the top ten supporters of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies for 2004-2005. The Jerusalem Institute is an Israel-based Zionist organization that supports the building of the illegal separation wall across Palestine, for example.

The Feinberg Group also lists as its clients major insurance and re-insurance companies such as Lloyd's of London. These are the companies who stood to lose billions of dollars if 9-11 victims' lawsuits had gone forward.

Are you saying you are ready to take your case to court or are you another CT asshole just blowing hot air? Come on, Princess, there's $1BIL on the table. :D

You don't even bother to read what is posted, you don't engage in any meaningful discussion or debate about relevant facts on this topic, and continually run away from any challenge, while engaging in childish silliness and asking regular Joes to file a court case?
You really are one sorry SOB troll, who believes in a wild unprovable conspiracy theory
simply because you are a slave to authoritative criminals.
People here try to engage you with reason, and yet you continue your insane
circle jerk of willful ignorance, always avoiding what you are asked, and never answering
why you hold such insane beliefs, even after people on here tell you why they have the opinions that they do.
You are a coward, and an internet message board troll, and more then likely another sock puppet of another discredited official conspiracy theorist nutcase.

Numerous attempts have been made to engage you in meaningful dialogue about the 9-11 topic, and a cursory look at your responses and post history confirm what I have just said.
You are just another troll using tactics we have all seen on here before, and to any observant person who is sincere and cares about this important topic, and their nation
this is readily apparent.
Bump. Sayit ran away from his/its own thread without explaining how insurance fraud explains the collapses of the WTC buildings....

You don't even bother to read what is posted, you don't engage in any meaningful discussion or debate about relevant facts on this topic, and continually run away from any challenge, while engaging in childish silliness and asking regular Joes to file a court case?
You really are one sorry SOB troll, who believes in a wild unprovable conspiracy theory
simply because you are a slave to authoritative criminals.
People here try to engage you with reason, and yet you continue your insane
circle jerk of willful ignorance, always avoiding what you are asked, and never answering
why you hold such insane beliefs, even after people on here tell you why they have the opinions that they do.
You are a coward, and an internet message board troll, and more then likely another sock puppet of another discredited official conspiracy theorist nutcase.

Numerous attempts have been made to engage you in meaningful dialogue about the 9-11 topic, and a cursory look at your responses and post history confirm what I have just said.
You are just another troll using tactics we have all seen on here before, and to any observant person who is sincere and cares about this important topic, and their nation
this is readily apparent.

I'm not going to engage in a pissing match with an admitted Internet physicist over scientific facts neither of us can prove or disprove. I am more of a big picture, bottom line sort. The vast number of conspirators necessary to accomplish all you claim - from America's highest offices to the techs who rigged the buildings to the entire MS media to America's courts with no one speaking to Oprah or writing a book - is so unlikely as to eliminate all CTs from serious consideration. :D
Am I the only one extremely annoyed by the word 'Princess' and the ':D' smilie?
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Are you saying you are ready to take your case to court or are you another CT asshole just blowing hot air? Come on, Princess, there's $1BIL on the table. :D

You don't even bother to read what is posted, you don't engage in any meaningful discussion or debate about relevant facts on this topic, and continually run away from any challenge, while engaging in childish silliness and asking regular Joes to file a court case?
You really are one sorry SOB troll, who believes in a wild unprovable conspiracy theory
simply because you are a slave to authoritative criminals.
People here try to engage you with reason, and yet you continue your insane
circle jerk of willful ignorance, always avoiding what you are asked, and never answering
why you hold such insane beliefs, even after people on here tell you why they have the opinions that they do.
You are a coward, and an internet message board troll, and more then likely another sock puppet of another discredited official conspiracy theorist nutcase.

Numerous attempts have been made to engage you in meaningful dialogue about the 9-11 topic, and a cursory look at your responses and post history confirm what I have just said.
You are just another troll using tactics we have all seen on here before, and to any observant person who is sincere and cares about this important topic, and their nation
this is readily apparent.

I'm not going to engage in a pissing match with an admitted Internet physicist over scientific facts neither of us can prove or disprove. I am more of a big picture, bottom line sort. The vast number of conspirators necessary to accomplish all you claim - from America's highest offices to the techs who rigged the buildings to the entire MS media to America's courts with no one speaking to Oprah or writing a book - is so unlikely as to eliminate all CTs from serious consideration. :D

You can't paint a big picture without the basics like paint and paint brushes. The same can be said about understanding the big picture regarding 9-11. You will never understand the objections others have to the NIST explanation of it without attempting to at least understand the fundamental basics that science and physics are at the heart of.
I am no internet physics expert, and I challenge you to quote any post where I have claimed to be, so don't claim I said shit that I didn't.

We aren't talking about reptilians, or holograms, and no planes, because I don't subscribe to that shit, and I don't watch fucking Oprah either, so c'mon and enlighten us
how this could possibly happen 3 times in one fucking day to these huge steel buildings.

Why don't you explain just how many people you think would have been necessary to pull of the 9-11 attacks instead of playing hide and seek behind the old "too many people someone would have talked" sissy shit.
I would say in my layman's wild guess, that probably 100 had actual knowledge, and the rest of it was plain ole' compartmentalization. Remember there were a few terror/attack drills taking place conveniently at the same time, and there was massive confusion.

You don't have to be an expert to understand what the big deal is all about.
You like to skip over the real reasons we claim the NIST report is fraudulent. But I'll give you yet another opportunity again to tell me how office fires started by kerosene from planes could destroy 3 massive highrises (one that was fortified with a command bunker) by falling through the thicker, more robust parts of their lower sections in 10 to 15 secs. for the towers and about 8 to 10 for WTC 7, that wasn't even struck by a plane...

I'll be taking a beer break timeout while you come up with a rational response, that doesn't have anything to do with insurance fraud....
Am I the only one extremely annoyed by the word 'Princess' and the ':D' smilie?
Not that I have any problem with it, but he may be gay, or he watches too much Toddlers and Tiaras, and the phrase just stuck in his head, and or that is just the way he speaks. I call my wife hon' all the time, but I don't use that phrase on total strangers....when discussing 9-11..on the USMB....:confused:

I hope he doesn't call people "princess" when fulfilling his duties as a front of insurance companies...
New York, NY - Orthodox Jewish Empathetic Judge in 9/11 Suits Seen by Some as Interfering --


9/11 Lawsuit ?Bigger Than Your Wildest Imagination? » - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry

Judge nails Iran, Al Qaeda for 9/11*with $6 billion penalty in lawsuit - NY Daily News

Judge: Iran, Taliban, al Qaeda liable for 9/11 - CBS News

NEW YORK - A federal judge has signed a default judgment finding Iran, the Taliban and al Qaeda liable in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Daniels signed the judgment Thursday, a week after hearing testimony in the 10-year-old case saying the plaintiffs had established that the 2001 attacks were caused by the support the defendants provided to al Qaeda. The findings also said Iran continues to provide material support and resources to al Qaeda by providing a safe haven for al Qaeda leadership and rank-and-file al Qaeda members.

Bin Laden Not Wanted 'Dead or Alive' -- For 9/11

The FBI page states: "Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world."

When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on the FBI's web page, Rex Tomb, the FBI's Chief of Investigative Publicity, is reported to have said, "The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden's Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11."


And why have the foreign-owned security companies involved in the shocking security lapses, which enabled the attacks of 9-11,
been granted immunity by the U.S. Congress?

All of the relatives’ wrongful death criminal lawsuits against the airlines and their security companies have been consolidated by the presiding judge into a negligence lawsuit, which is a civil case and much less likely to be argued or investigated in an open trial with a jury. The 9-11 wrongful death and personal injury cases against American Air Lines (AA) or UAL or any of the foreign security companies, namely Argenbright Security (British), Globe Aviation Services Corp. (Swedish) and Huntleigh USA Corp. (Israeli) are being handled by U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein of the Southern District of New York.

Kenneth R. Feinberg, for example, the special master of the federally-funded Victims' Compensation Fund, is also a deeply dedicated Zionist. Feinberg single-handedly administered the $7 billion fund that paid out U.S. taxpayer money to some 97 percent of the families who could have otherwise used the courts to sue to recover tort damages for monetary loss and pain and suffering.

Those who accepted the Feinberg administrated federal fund signed away their right to litigate against the government, the airlines or the security companies. This federally funded pay-off to the families effectively prevented the possibility for nearly every relative to obtain justice or truth through the legal process, which would have brought legal discovery of facts and events of 9-11.

The Kenneth Feinberg Group is listed as one of the top ten supporters of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies for 2004-2005. The Jerusalem Institute is an Israel-based Zionist organization that supports the building of the illegal separation wall across Palestine, for example.

The Feinberg Group also lists as its clients major insurance and re-insurance companies such as Lloyd's of London. These are the companies who stood to lose billions of dollars if 9-11 victims' lawsuits had gone forward.

Thank you for the informative links to these stories that show the magnitude of deception
and the power the Israeli's wield over our government, and judges. It is worthy to note, that a Federal judge seemingly has the power to blame Iran for 9-11, despite what the US government has been telling the American people for 11 years. This despite no evidence or proof whatsoever, but because Iran is an enemy of the apartheid state of Israel, this sayanim whose cover as posing as a US federal judge, deems them guilty.

The Israeli's have infiltrated the US government at all levels, and dictate which direction policy goes, which in this case and others, is to their benefit.

People can not grasp that the truth of what really happened and who is responsible for 9-11, are people who hold positions of power, and authority, and thinking some Joe off the street can just waltz into a courthouse and start filing motions to have ANYTHING heard regarding 9-11, and make accusatory implications, well their just fucking insane.
Justice and truth will only come about, when the imposters at all levels of the US government are removed, and replaced, and someone has the balls to call out AIPAC for what it is, a subversive entity that should be forced to register as an Israeli foreign agent.

The American people have had their nation sold out from under them by their own elected treasonous scum, who were brought like whores in a brothel by the Zionists.
New York, NY - Orthodox Jewish Empathetic Judge in 9/11 Suits Seen by Some as Interfering --


9/11 Lawsuit ?Bigger Than Your Wildest Imagination? » - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry

Hmmm. That article states the WTC lessee has lost $4BIL since 9/11. Kinda makes liars of those who claim Silverstein made a "killing." Thanks.

Judge nails Iran, Al Qaeda for 9/11*with $6 billion penalty in lawsuit - NY Daily News

Judge Frank Mass found in favor of the plaintiffs ... the families of the victims. What's your beef with that, Princess?

Judge: Iran, Taliban, al Qaeda liable for 9/11 - CBS News

NEW YORK - A federal judge has signed a default judgment finding Iran, the Taliban and al Qaeda liable in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Uh-huh. This time it was Federal Judge George Daniels ruling in favor of the families of those murdered on 9/11. What's your problem with that?

Daniels signed the judgment Thursday, a week after hearing testimony in the 10-year-old case saying the plaintiffs had established that the 2001 attacks were caused by the support the defendants provided to al Qaeda. The findings also said Iran continues to provide material support and resources to al Qaeda by providing a safe haven for al Qaeda leadership and rank-and-file al Qaeda members.

Bin Laden Not Wanted 'Dead or Alive' -- For 9/11

The FBI page states: "Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world."

When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on the FBI's web page, Rex Tomb, the FBI's Chief of Investigative Publicity, is reported to have said, "The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden's Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11."

Blog: Judge Hellerstein's Connection to Israeli 9-11 Defendant - Wake Up From Your Slumber


Considering all the links you've provided to current court cases, this AFP (a Nazi website) article is clearly bogus fluff.

And why have the foreign-owned security companies involved in the shocking security lapses, which enabled the attacks of 9-11,
been granted immunity by the U.S. Congress?

All of the relatives’ wrongful death criminal lawsuits against the airlines and their security companies have been consolidated by the presiding judge into a negligence lawsuit, which is a civil case and much less likely to be argued or investigated in an open trial with a jury. The 9-11 wrongful death and personal injury cases against American Air Lines (AA) or UAL or any of the foreign security companies, namely Argenbright Security (British), Globe Aviation Services Corp. (Swedish) and Huntleigh USA Corp. (Israeli) are being handled by U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein of the Southern District of New York.

Kenneth R. Feinberg, for example, the special master of the federally-funded Victims' Compensation Fund, is also a deeply dedicated Zionist. Feinberg single-handedly administered the $7 billion fund that paid out U.S. taxpayer money to some 97 percent of the families who could have otherwise used the courts to sue to recover tort damages for monetary loss and pain and suffering.

Those who accepted the Feinberg administrated federal fund signed away their right to litigate against the government, the airlines or the security companies. This federally funded pay-off to the families effectively prevented the possibility for nearly every relative to obtain justice or truth through the legal process, which would have brought legal discovery of facts and events of 9-11.

Except, as your other articles prove, the families are indeed suing and winning in civil courts. You clearly are arguing from both sides of your mouth.

The Kenneth Feinberg Group is listed as one of the top ten supporters of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies for 2004-2005. The Jerusalem Institute is an Israel-based Zionist organization that supports the building of the illegal separation wall across Palestine, for example.

The Feinberg Group also lists as its clients major insurance and re-insurance companies such as Lloyd's of London. These are the companies who stood to lose billions of dollars if 9-11 victims' lawsuits had gone forward.

Evidently your purpose here is to smear the Joooos, Princess, but your links don't do that for anyone other than like-minded Nazi slugs. Thank you.
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New York, NY - Orthodox Jewish Empathetic Judge in 9/11 Suits Seen by Some as Interfering --


9/11 Lawsuit ?Bigger Than Your Wildest Imagination? » - The Online Voice of Torah Jewry

Judge nails Iran, Al Qaeda for 9/11*with $6 billion penalty in lawsuit - NY Daily News

Judge: Iran, Taliban, al Qaeda liable for 9/11 - CBS News

NEW YORK - A federal judge has signed a default judgment finding Iran, the Taliban and al Qaeda liable in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Daniels signed the judgment Thursday, a week after hearing testimony in the 10-year-old case saying the plaintiffs had established that the 2001 attacks were caused by the support the defendants provided to al Qaeda. The findings also said Iran continues to provide material support and resources to al Qaeda by providing a safe haven for al Qaeda leadership and rank-and-file al Qaeda members.

Bin Laden Not Wanted 'Dead or Alive' -- For 9/11


Kenneth R. Feinberg, for example, the special master of the federally-funded Victims' Compensation Fund, is also a deeply dedicated Zionist. Feinberg single-handedly administered the $7 billion fund that paid out U.S. taxpayer money to some 97 percent of the families who could have otherwise used the courts to sue to recover tort damages for monetary loss and pain and suffering.

Those who accepted the Feinberg administrated federal fund signed away their right to litigate against the government, the airlines or the security companies. This federally funded pay-off to the families effectively prevented the possibility for nearly every relative to obtain justice or truth through the legal process, which would have brought legal discovery of facts and events of 9-11.

The Kenneth Feinberg Group is listed as one of the top ten supporters of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies for 2004-2005. The Jerusalem Institute is an Israel-based Zionist organization that supports the building of the illegal separation wall across Palestine, for example.

The Feinberg Group also lists as its clients major insurance and re-insurance companies such as Lloyd's of London. These are the companies who stood to lose billions of dollars if 9-11 victims' lawsuits had gone forward.

Thank you for the informative links to these stories that show the magnitude of deception
and the power the Israeli's wield over our government, and judges. It is worthy to note, that a Federal judge seemingly has the power to blame Iran for 9-11, despite what the US government has been telling the American people for 11 years. This despite no evidence or proof whatsoever, but because Iran is an enemy of the apartheid state of Israel, this sayanim whose cover as posing as a US federal judge, deems them guilty.

The Israeli's have infiltrated the US government at all levels, and dictate which direction policy goes, which in this case and others, is to their benefit.

People can not grasp that the truth of what really happened and who is responsible for 9-11, are people who hold positions of power, and authority, and thinking some Joe off the street can just waltz into a courthouse and start filing motions to have ANYTHING heard regarding 9-11, and make accusatory implications, well their just fucking insane.
Justice and truth will only come about, when the imposters at all levels of the US government are removed, and replaced, and someone has the balls to call out AIPAC for what it is, a subversive entity that should be forced to register as an Israeli foreign agent.

The American people have had their nation sold out from under them by their own elected treasonous scum, who were brought like whores in a brothel by the Zionists.

It's not surprising that you would find Holston's links to be proof of the Joooos complicity in 9/11. Of course, most of those articles claim nothing of the sort and none of them prove it but I'm guessing you didn't even read the articles. One Nazi hoists the Swastka and another shouts "sieg Heil!" :D
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LOL; good point.

Then you'll love this. Another CT board has tackled this thorny prob and come up with an "ingenious" response. The insurers - I believe there were at least 12 - were threatened by someone to pay up and shut up. Their proof? Yeah ... that's another thorny prob. :D

The real thorny problems are the ones you keep avoiding, namely the very real factual dilemma of the WTCs destruction and the avoidance of science and physics that clearly point to something else having helped their destruction in such short time.
Insurance fraud is but a subplot that benefited Silverstein, and his lawyers along the way.
When one considers who benefited the most from the 9-11 attacks, and also considers who the players were, where their loyalties are, etc. It is Israel, and their Sayanim. Silverstein is a close friends with Benjamin Netanyahu who declared the 9-11 attacks on our nation as good for Israel. Silverstein is an Israeli firster,
and Lewis Eisenberg, vice president of AIPAC and former Goldman Sachs partner, was Chairman of the Port Authority ("PA"),
In April 2001 Silverstein was informed he had lost his bid in the privatization of the WTC. Then events took a surprising turn. The winner dropped out, leaving Silverstein and his partners, who had finished second, as the new winner.

The lease was purchased by the Silverstein Group for $3.2 billion on July 24, 2001. Silverstein put up $125 million, only $14 million his own money. The net lease covers four buildings at the World Trade Center, including the Twin Towers and the retail Mall.

The speed with which this painstakingly complex deal was closed is notable. "There are a million items that need to be dealt with", said Marc Schauer, of NAI Lawrence, a leasing firm. The entire negotiation period--from start to finish--lasted only a few [3] months, a relatively swift duration in the world of colossal lease transactions especially with a governmental entity. [This frantic rush to close [for possession] by some deadline was the principal cause of the litigation to follow. Why the rush?]

Silverstein said. "We will be in control of a prized asset and we will seek to develop its potential, raising it to new heights." Was that, "raising" or "razing"?

But from an economic standpoint, the trade center -- subsidized since its inception -- has never functioned, nor was it intended to function, unprotected in the real estate marketplace. It would cost $800 million just to upgrade the electrical, electronic, and cooling systems.
And it was well-known that the WTC was an asbestos bombshell. Plans were made in 1989 to completely dismantle the WTC not only because of the asbestos problems but also the electrolytic corrosion problems. Apparently, the plans were dropped because they were considered prohibitively expensive. The only reason the building was still standing on 9/11 was it was too costly to disassemble floor by floor. There is a persistent report on the internet that either the state of New York or the EPA had ordered the dismantling of the WTC. And dismantling the WTC would not result in the recovery of insurance proceeds since it would not be a casualty.

Why would Silverstein, a knowledgeable real estate developer, pay millions of dollars to get control of a building that was uneconomic, was an environmental basket case, and had serious corrosion problems?

All one needs to realize first and foremost is that the massive, steel, WTC buildings were brought down with the assistance of something other then fires, is a little physics and science lesson. The rest of the plan and who was involved, is secondary, and with a little time and research, one can deduce a plausible theory about.

One such theory is that the crimes of 9-11 were conceived in New York City, by people linked to organized crime and the Israeli Mossad, as an illegal demolition project, and subsequently sold to corrupt elements of the Bush Administration, the intelligence community, and the military.
Once one realizes the players involved and connected to the 9-11 attacks, and considers their loyalties and allegiances, this becomes clearer.

But to be so ignorant and stupid as to say that the OCT as told by corrupt officials and their agencies, simply MUST be true and factual because of an insurance payout, while dismissing or ignoring the glaring inconsistencies regarding the science and physics involved, is fucking stupid, and an attempt to muddy the waters and distract from real facts regarding 9-11.

Nice try OP but you still suck, and you still are a pussy for avoiding the real issues and objections to the OCT and NIST.

Here is a link with a little more insight then what you have provided about the Silverstein issue, but remember folks, you can't research or discuss this matter in earnest without first facing what the objections are and why there are objections in the first place to the governments version. You can't just skip to the middle or the end of something to search for answers and pick and choose only certain aspects and claim any sort of "debunking" victory.
The science and physics are the only constant and they do not lie.

Who Destroyed The WTC?
Now that

Do you really believe that insurance companies are any match for corrupt US government officials, Judges, the state of Israel, its Mossad among other factions that can provide the convincing necessary to achieve whatever outcome they desire?
To assume that the laws of physics and science simply vanished because of an insurance fraud payout is naive at best and insanely ignorant at its worst.

In today’s news, American Home Assurance has announced that it is capping payouts for WTC-demolition asbestos claims at a measly $10 million.
The announcement underlines just how much cheaper it is to demolish asbestos-laden skyscrapers without a permit, than to follow legal procedures.

Insurer Caps WTC-Demolition Asbestos Payout at 10 Million | Veterans Today

The IRR on his investment was 6% from the time he purchased the lease to when he collected the insurance payout, less than if he had purchased a building almost anywhere else in Manhattan.


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