Florida's kindergartners offer to explain mask issue to DeSantis!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

TALLAHASSEE (The Borowitz Report)—A group of Florida’s kindergartners has offered to explain the science underpinning the use of masks to the state’s governor, Ron DeSantis.​
Calling DeSantis’s objection to mask mandates “clearly an example of ignorance on his part,” one of the kindergartners, Jayson Dorrinson, said that his fellow five-year-olds were willing to talk to the Governor at his earliest convenience.​
“The benefit of wearing masks is so clear, it’s obvious to us that no one has explained this issue properly to Mr. DeSantis,” the kindergartner said. “We’re happy to play that role.”​
Dorrinson said that he was “not concerned” that being told the facts about masks might enrage DeSantis, who has been on a short fuse in recent weeks.​
“We sincerely hope that he doesn’t get mad,” the five-year-old said. “But, if he does, we’ll just give him a timeout.”​

As a parent, I don't find this very funny.

More kids are dying because of the fear porn and mitigation measures than b/c of COVID.

Thanks for killing our kids Doc. :sigh2:

More “Covid Suicides” than Covid Deaths in Kids​


TALLAHASSEE (The Borowitz Report)—A group of Florida’s kindergartners has offered to explain the science underpinning the use of masks to the state’s governor, Ron DeSantis.​
Calling DeSantis’s objection to mask mandates “clearly an example of ignorance on his part,” one of the kindergartners, Jayson Dorrinson, said that his fellow five-year-olds were willing to talk to the Governor at his earliest convenience.​
“The benefit of wearing masks is so clear, it’s obvious to us that no one has explained this issue properly to Mr. DeSantis,” the kindergartner said. “We’re happy to play that role.”​
Dorrinson said that he was “not concerned” that being told the facts about masks might enrage DeSantis, who has been on a short fuse in recent weeks.​
“We sincerely hope that he doesn’t get mad,” the five-year-old said. “But, if he does, we’ll just give him a timeout.”​

They likely would have to dumb it down for him.
As a parent, I don't find this very funny.

More kids are dying because of the fear porn and mitigation measures than b/c of COVID.

Thanks for killing our kids Doc. :sigh2:

More “Covid Suicides” than Covid Deaths in Kids​

No thank you

  • Overall, we rate The American Institute for Economic Research Right-Center biased based on Libertarian-leaning economic policy and Mixed for factual reporting due to the publication of misinformation related to Coronavirus.
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  • Overall, we rate The American Institute for Economic Research Right-Center biased based on Libertarian-leaning economic policy and Mixed for factual reporting due to the publication of misinformation related to Coronavirus.


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We're attempting to get them safely back in school. This might be possible by now were it not for their idiot anti-vax/ anti-mask Karen parents.

Meh, it's all good. Smart school districts are ignoring stupid governors.

These kids have more risk from dying in a car crash, or from suicide than from COVID.

And if they are little? It affects their mental and emotional development. It is BAD for them, what the hell don't you understand?

I just think, you either don't care, or you have an agenda. Or maybe, you believe everything on the TEE VEE, and are impervious to the data which shows, they are at no statistical risk of dying. This COVID is as dangerous to kids as a bad flu, I have no idea why you are in denial of the statistical facts. . .

Why do you want to play politics with the kids, is it to intentionally MAKE THEM DUMB? Is that it? Because that is what this will do, FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!

Children born during pandemic have lower IQs, US study finds​

Researchers blame lack of stimulation as parents balanced childcare with working from home

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Early Child Cognitive Development: Initial Findings in a
Longitudinal Observational Study of Child Health

I loath folks that play politics with kids.

Oh hey! Let's use 'em for our Climate Agenda! Let's use 'em for our gun Agenda! Let's use 'em for our bio-security Agenda!


TALLAHASSEE (The Borowitz Report)—A group of Florida’s kindergartners has offered to explain the science underpinning the use of masks to the state’s governor, Ron DeSantis.​
Calling DeSantis’s objection to mask mandates “clearly an example of ignorance on his part,” one of the kindergartners, Jayson Dorrinson, said that his fellow five-year-olds were willing to talk to the Governor at his earliest convenience.​
“The benefit of wearing masks is so clear, it’s obvious to us that no one has explained this issue properly to Mr. DeSantis,” the kindergartner said. “We’re happy to play that role.”​
Dorrinson said that he was “not concerned” that being told the facts about masks might enrage DeSantis, who has been on a short fuse in recent weeks.​
“We sincerely hope that he doesn’t get mad,” the five-year-old said. “But, if he does, we’ll just give him a timeout.”​

This is exactly why we need to fire the school boards and all supporters of the teachers' union. Obviously kindergartners cannot explain the science but what they can do is mimic the adults around them. When the adults teach them to repeat non-scientific ideas and tell the children that it is science and get the children to repeat it on command, that is what you call brain washing and indoctrination. Parents who send their children to public schools today are damaging their children.
This is exactly why we need to fire the school boards and all supporters of the teachers' union. Obviously kindergartners cannot explain the science but what they can do is mimic the adults around them. When the adults teach them to repeat non-scientific ideas and tell the children that it is science and get the children to repeat it on command, that is what you call brain washing and indoctrination. Parents who send their children to public schools today are damaging their children.

Dudes - It’s SATIRE. But your responses are actually funnier than Borowitz! :lol:

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