Florida SG subverts children’s health standard during measles outbreak.


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
With a brief memo, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has subverted a public health standard that's long kept measles outbreaks under control.

On Feb. 20, as measles spread through Manatee Bay Elementary in South Florida, Ladapo sent parents a letter granting them permission to send unvaccinated children to school amid the outbreak.

The Department of Health "is deferring to parents or guardians to make decisions about school attendance," wrote Ladapo, who was appointed to head the agency by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whose name is listed above Ladapo's in the letterhead.

Ladapo's move contradicts advice from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"This is not a parental rights issue," said Scott Rivkees, Florida's former surgeon general who is now a professor at Brown University. "It's about protecting fellow classmates, teachers, and members of the community against measles, which is a very serious and very transmissible illness.

This is what happens when you elect and appoint people who deny science or who warp science and public health for political purposes.

Ladapo is a a quack. Who recommends sending children to school during a measles outbreak when those children are unvaccinated? What kind of parents would send there unvaccinated children to school?

Probably those who think everything is a conspiracy and vaccinations are evil. You know MAGA types.
With a brief memo, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has subverted a public health standard that's long kept measles outbreaks under control.

On Feb. 20, as measles spread through Manatee Bay Elementary in South Florida, Ladapo sent parents a letter granting them permission to send unvaccinated children to school amid the outbreak.

The Department of Health "is deferring to parents or guardians to make decisions about school attendance," wrote Ladapo, who was appointed to head the agency by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whose name is listed above Ladapo's in the letterhead.

Ladapo's move contradicts advice from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"This is not a parental rights issue," said Scott Rivkees, Florida's former surgeon general who is now a professor at Brown University. "It's about protecting fellow classmates, teachers, and members of the community against measles, which is a very serious and very transmissible illness.

This is what happens when you elect and appoint people who deny science or who warp science and public health for political purposes.

Ladapo is a a quack. Who recommends sending children to school during a measles outbreak when those children are unvaccinated? What kind of parents would send there unvaccinated children to school?

Probably those who think everything is a conspiracy and vaccinations are evil. You know MAGA types.
if only millions of illegals werent allowed into the country without getting a medical check,,
I havent heard of a problem until the millions of illegal entered the country entered the country and released without getting a medical check,,
as well as other far more serious diseases,,
This OP has nothing to do with illegals. It is about Florida’s response to the measles outbreak and the endangerment of school children because of Florida’s bad public health policy.
With a brief memo, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has subverted a public health standard that's long kept measles outbreaks under control.

On Feb. 20, as measles spread through Manatee Bay Elementary in South Florida, Ladapo sent parents a letter granting them permission to send unvaccinated children to school amid the outbreak.

The Department of Health "is deferring to parents or guardians to make decisions about school attendance," wrote Ladapo, who was appointed to head the agency by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whose name is listed above Ladapo's in the letterhead.

Ladapo's move contradicts advice from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"This is not a parental rights issue," said Scott Rivkees, Florida's former surgeon general who is now a professor at Brown University. "It's about protecting fellow classmates, teachers, and members of the community against measles, which is a very serious and very transmissible illness.

This is what happens when you elect and appoint people who deny science or who warp science and public health for political purposes.

Ladapo is a a quack. Who recommends sending children to school during a measles outbreak when those children are unvaccinated? What kind of parents would send there unvaccinated children to school?

Probably those who think everything is a conspiracy and vaccinations are evil. You know MAGA types.
Dont think there is any controversary over the measles vax......ergo Its illegals.....which I would be fine sending back for the chirren of course
I havent heard of a problem until the millions of illegals entered the country and released without getting a medical check,,
as well as other far more serious diseases,,

You're wasting your very precious time by banging your head against a dem brick wall if you're actually trying to educate that particular brick.

But what a valiant try. More power to ya.

With a brief memo, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has subverted a public health standard that's long kept measles outbreaks under control.

On Feb. 20, as measles spread through Manatee Bay Elementary in South Florida, Ladapo sent parents a letter granting them permission to send unvaccinated children to school amid the outbreak.

The Department of Health "is deferring to parents or guardians to make decisions about school attendance," wrote Ladapo, who was appointed to head the agency by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whose name is listed above Ladapo's in the letterhead.

Ladapo's move contradicts advice from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"This is not a parental rights issue," said Scott Rivkees, Florida's former surgeon general who is now a professor at Brown University. "It's about protecting fellow classmates, teachers, and members of the community against measles, which is a very serious and very transmissible illness.

This is what happens when you elect and appoint people who deny science or who warp science and public health for political purposes.

Ladapo is a a quack. Who recommends sending children to school during a measles outbreak when those children are unvaccinated? What kind of parents would send there unvaccinated children to school?

Probably those who think everything is a conspiracy and vaccinations are evil. You know MAGA types.

I don’t see a problem. Roughly speaking 128,000 people died from Measles in 2021.

So the great news is that idiots who mistrust modern medicine are removing their offspring from the gene pool by exposing them to deadly diseases. This is a self correcting problem.

The morons pay the price for their stupidity. The future extremist voters who would have been taught by their parents to hate and distrust are eliminated.

Just imagine the outrage if we had told them they were not allowed to be protected. They were prohibited from taking action that might save their children’s futures. We would be the monsters. We would be rationing healthcare. We would be awful.

I say break out the popcorn and enjoy the show. The stupid people will get themselves out of the rat race if you let them.
I havent heard of a problem until the millions of illegals entered the country and released without getting a medical check,,
as well as other far more serious diseases,,

Wait. I thought all those illegals came here for free medical paid for by you overtaxed white folks. I have a hard time believing that those illegals wouldn’t get immunized as part of their gold level free medical.
So to make sure I understand. If a woman aborts a fetus, that is murder. If that same woman sends her child to a school which has had an outbreak of measles and hasn’t immunized her child, that is parental rights.

A fetus being aborted in a few moments is immoral and cruel. A child exposed to a disease that may kill them is what freedom is all about!
The OP is obviously a moron.
I am sorry that Magatards like yourself are unable to understand the OP. The OP was one of response to the measles outbreak and not the cause of it. I have to remember this when I write an OP who the potential readers are, They are low IQ types like yourself who are incapable of critical thinking..well any thinking at all. Not to mention, MAGA morons, like yourself, lack any discernible reading comprehension skills.

So MAGA morons send your unvaccinated kids to school during a measles outbreak. It is what you idiots are advocating.
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You're wasting your very precious time by banging your head against a dem brick wall if you're actually trying to educate that particular brick.

But what a valiant try. More power to ya.

This is a typical post from our resident old fuddy-duddy Next time try addressing the OP instead of spewing one of your inane insults.
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