Florida Reopens


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Overdue for Virginia and other States as well.
FYI- Sweden never shutdown and has less cases today as it’s neighboring European nations.

Overdue for Virginia and other States as well.
FYI- Sweden never shutdown and has less cases today as it’s neighboring European nations.

Guess they know what they are doing. They are the number 1 state in the country today on new Covid cases and freshly dead from covid. They haven't even had time to assume room temperature. Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State! Retirement State of the nation.
Overdue for Virginia and other States as well.
FYI- Sweden never shutdown and has less cases today as it’s neighboring European nations.

Guess they know what they are doing. They are the number 1 state in the country today on new Covid cases and freshly dead from covid. They haven't even had time to assume room temperature. Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State! Retirement State of the nation.
Hide under your pillow for another 5 years.
Overdue for Virginia and other States as well.
FYI- Sweden never shutdown and has less cases today as it’s neighboring European nations.

Guess they know what they are doing. They are the number 1 state in the country today on new Covid cases and freshly dead from covid. They haven't even had time to assume room temperature. Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State! Retirement State of the nation.
Yeah, all those (related to covide-19) cases sure do add up.....Just the other day, a woman drove her SUV into a lake, and died of a covid-19 related death.
Overdue for Virginia and other States as well.
FYI- Sweden never shutdown and has less cases today as it’s neighboring European nations.

Guess they know what they are doing. They are the number 1 state in the country today on new Covid cases and freshly dead from covid. They haven't even had time to assume room temperature. Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State! Retirement State of the nation.
/—-/ Keep hiding in your basement like Dementia Joe.
Overdue for Virginia and other States as well.
FYI- Sweden never shutdown and has less cases today as it’s neighboring European nations.

Guess they know what they are doing. They are the number 1 state in the country today on new Covid cases and freshly dead from covid. They haven't even had time to assume room temperature. Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State! Retirement State of the nation.
A lot of those retirees have lived for decades in nations that most of us would be scared to death to live in.
They will not go out wearing a mask.
Overdue for Virginia and other States as well.
FYI- Sweden never shutdown and has less cases today as it’s neighboring European nations.

Guess they know what they are doing. They are the number 1 state in the country today on new Covid cases and freshly dead from covid. They haven't even had time to assume room temperature. Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State! Retirement State of the nation.
Yeah, all those (related to covide-19) cases sure do add up.....Just the other day, a woman drove her SUV into a lake, and died of a covid-19 related death.
Have an aunt who was scheduled to take the test, she canceled the test when her surgery was cancelled. Week later she got a letter saying she had the Chinese virus.
Overdue for Virginia and other States as well.
FYI- Sweden never shutdown and has less cases today as it’s neighboring European nations.

Guess they know what they are doing. They are the number 1 state in the country today on new Covid cases and freshly dead from covid. They haven't even had time to assume room temperature. Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State! Retirement State of the nation.
A lot of those retirees have lived for decades in nations that most of us would be scared to death to live in.
They will not go out wearing a mask.
I really do not care if the ones that do not believe in trying to mask and distance get it, except for the people they might spread it to, before they get better or die with it. Tired of reading stories about dumb asses on their deathbeds, telling family they were wrong about it being a hoax. I like Florida and wish them well. I think I will take the conservative path and take precautions, just as I have done every time I went down some white water or climbed a rock wall. We get out from under mandatory masking in private businesses tomorrow, though still have to in city, county, state or any government facility (I guess government does not want their people to get sick and die), but I will still be masking for a while, until this is more under control. My state is #7 on new cases and #5 on newly killed today.
Overdue for Virginia and other States as well.
FYI- Sweden never shutdown and has less cases today as it’s neighboring European nations.

Guess they know what they are doing. They are the number 1 state in the country today on new Covid cases and freshly dead from covid. They haven't even had time to assume room temperature. Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State! Retirement State of the nation.
A lot of those retirees have lived for decades in nations that most of us would be scared to death to live in.
They will not go out wearing a mask.
I really do not care if the ones that do not believe in trying to mask and distance get it, except for the people they might spread it to, before they get better or die with it. Tired of reading stories about dumb asses on their deathbeds, telling family they were wrong about it being a hoax. I like Florida and wish them well. I think I will take the conservative path and take precautions, just as I have done every time I went down some white water or climbed a rock wall. We get out from under mandatory masking in private businesses tomorrow, though still have to in city, county, state or any government facility (I guess government does not want their people to get sick and die), but I will still be masking for a while, until this is more under control. My state is #7 on new cases and #5 on newly killed today.
People spend their entire lives intellectualizing what they do, even if it means voting for people who will cause millions of people to be unemployed.
In this case, you are seeing the usually hidden fact that all these people care about is their assets and their egos.
Overdue for Virginia and other States as well.
FYI- Sweden never shutdown and has less cases today as it’s neighboring European nations.

Guess they know what they are doing. They are the number 1 state in the country today on new Covid cases and freshly dead from covid. They haven't even had time to assume room temperature. Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State! Retirement State of the nation.
A lot of those retirees have lived for decades in nations that most of us would be scared to death to live in.
They will not go out wearing a mask.
I really do not care if the ones that do not believe in trying to mask and distance get it, except for the people they might spread it to, before they get better or die with it. Tired of reading stories about dumb asses on their deathbeds, telling family they were wrong about it being a hoax. I like Florida and wish them well. I think I will take the conservative path and take precautions, just as I have done every time I went down some white water or climbed a rock wall. We get out from under mandatory masking in private businesses tomorrow, though still have to in city, county, state or any government facility (I guess government does not want their people to get sick and die), but I will still be masking for a while, until this is more under control. My state is #7 on new cases and #5 on newly killed today.
T shirts over heads do zero to combat any virus.
Overdue for Virginia and other States as well.
FYI- Sweden never shutdown and has less cases today as it’s neighboring European nations.

Guess they know what they are doing. They are the number 1 state in the country today on new Covid cases and freshly dead from covid. They haven't even had time to assume room temperature. Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State! Retirement State of the nation.
Overdue for Virginia and other States as well.
FYI- Sweden never shutdown and has less cases today as it’s neighboring European nations.

Guess they know what they are doing. They are the number 1 state in the country today on new Covid cases and freshly dead from covid. They haven't even had time to assume room temperature. Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State! Retirement State of the nation.
A lot of those retirees have lived for decades in nations that most of us would be scared to death to live in.
They will not go out wearing a mask.
I really do not care if the ones that do not believe in trying to mask and distance get it, except for the people they might spread it to, before they get better or die with it. Tired of reading stories about dumb asses on their deathbeds, telling family they were wrong about it being a hoax. I like Florida and wish them well. I think I will take the conservative path and take precautions, just as I have done every time I went down some white water or climbed a rock wall. We get out from under mandatory masking in private businesses tomorrow, though still have to in city, county, state or any government facility (I guess government does not want their people to get sick and die), but I will still be masking for a while, until this is more under control. My state is #7 on new cases and #5 on newly killed today.
T shirts over heads do zero to combat any virus.
I'm kind of glad the doctors that have operated on me, my wife and my kids wore masks, gloves and took other precautions, though they looked like normal healthy people to me also. Guess they were just erring on the conservative side. I like conservative doctors, pilots and other people you have to trust your survival to like fellow climbers. I try to distance myself from the "what will be will be" fatalists, depending on good luck alone. It has saved me from fatal mistakes.
Overdue for Virginia and other States as well.
FYI- Sweden never shutdown and has less cases today as it’s neighboring European nations.

Guess they know what they are doing. They are the number 1 state in the country today on new Covid cases and freshly dead from covid. They haven't even had time to assume room temperature. Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State! Retirement State of the nation.
View attachment 392872
Hope they have better luck with it than they did when they reopened the first time. There really is no telling, is there?
Overdue for Virginia and other States as well.
FYI- Sweden never shutdown and has less cases today as it’s neighboring European nations.

But...but...but...he can’t tell our neighborhood watch chairman what to do.
Overdue for Virginia and other States as well.
FYI- Sweden never shutdown and has less cases today as it’s neighboring European nations.

Guess they know what they are doing. They are the number 1 state in the country today on new Covid cases and freshly dead from covid. They haven't even had time to assume room temperature. Welcome to Florida, the Sunshine State! Retirement State of the nation.
View attachment 392872
Hope they have better luck with it than they did when they reopened the first time. There really is no telling, is there?
They tested more and got more positives, nothing to do with reopening=fake
Hope they have better luck with it than they did when they reopened the first time. There really is no telling, is there?

So what's your solution?
I don't have one for Florida or even TN. I am personally, going to keep masking inside businesses, keep using hand sanitizer in the car, keep my distance from crowds, as best I can and I doubt I will fly to my usual ski trip during the upcoming season, as you could not pay me (since I am retired) to get on a plane right now, as that is where I caught it last time. What about you, fatalist or conservative?

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