Florida on path to declare pornography a public health crisis


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Florida is proposing a resolution to declare pornography a public health crisis given its ties to human trafficking and domestic violence. The resolution, which is being proposed in both houses of the Florida state legislature, says pornography is “creating a public health crisis” that is contributing to the hypersexualization of children and teenagers. The resolution warns of porn’s addictive nature, outlines the physical and psychological risks and dangers in porn consumption,
Florida on Path to Declare Pornography a ‘Public Health Crisis’

Like they will ever stop porn, or they will dream up some law bs where you are considered some mental case because of it or dream up some bs that will be used against you but yet claim it's to help you bs.
Florida is proposing a resolution to declare pornography a public health crisis given its ties to human trafficking and domestic violence. The resolution, which is being proposed in both houses of the Florida state legislature, says pornography is “creating a public health crisis” that is contributing to the hypersexualization of children and teenagers. The resolution warns of porn’s addictive nature, outlines the physical and psychological risks and dangers in porn consumption,
Florida on Path to Declare Pornography a ‘Public Health Crisis’

Like they will ever stop porn, or they will dream up some law bs where you are considered some mental case because of it or dream up some bs that will be used against you but yet claim it's to help you bs.

This is an issue where the evangelical Christians on the far right and the feminists on the far left come together to oppose pornography and probably call for it to be banned.
So, seeing a naked body in the midst of a sex act is a greater danger to us than selling war weapons to mentally ill individuals. LOL
Florida is proposing a resolution to declare pornography a public health crisis given its ties to human trafficking and domestic violence. The resolution, which is being proposed in both houses of the Florida state legislature, says pornography is “creating a public health crisis” that is contributing to the hypersexualization of children and teenagers. The resolution warns of porn’s addictive nature, outlines the physical and psychological risks and dangers in porn consumption,
Florida on Path to Declare Pornography a ‘Public Health Crisis’

Like they will ever stop porn, or they will dream up some law bs where you are considered some mental case because of it or dream up some bs that will be used against you but yet claim it's to help you bs.

This is an issue where the evangelical Christians on the far right and the feminists on the far left come together to oppose pornography and probably call for it to be banned.
Well if not for the liberals feeling free to grope and force this may never had been an issue.
Florida is proposing a resolution to declare pornography a public health crisis given its ties to human trafficking and domestic violence. The resolution, which is being proposed in both houses of the Florida state legislature, says pornography is “creating a public health crisis” that is contributing to the hypersexualization of children and teenagers. The resolution warns of porn’s addictive nature, outlines the physical and psychological risks and dangers in porn consumption,
Florida on Path to Declare Pornography a ‘Public Health Crisis’

Like they will ever stop porn, or they will dream up some law bs where you are considered some mental case because of it or dream up some bs that will be used against you but yet claim it's to help you bs.

This is an issue where the evangelical Christians on the far right and the feminists on the far left come together to oppose pornography and probably call for it to be banned.
Well if not for the liberals feeling free to grope and force this may never had been an issue.
So Moore and Trump are liberals. LOL
Florida is proposing a resolution to declare pornography a public health crisis given its ties to human trafficking and domestic violence. The resolution, which is being proposed in both houses of the Florida state legislature, says pornography is “creating a public health crisis” that is contributing to the hypersexualization of children and teenagers. The resolution warns of porn’s addictive nature, outlines the physical and psychological risks and dangers in porn consumption,
Florida on Path to Declare Pornography a ‘Public Health Crisis’

Like they will ever stop porn, or they will dream up some law bs where you are considered some mental case because of it or dream up some bs that will be used against you but yet claim it's to help you bs.

This is an issue where the evangelical Christians on the far right and the feminists on the far left come together to oppose pornography and probably call for it to be banned.
Well if not for the liberals feeling free to grope and force this may never had been an issue.
So Moore and Trump are liberals. LOL

These fuckers want to micro-manage your life and tell you what to do, but then if you dare attempt to invest in things that make sense like infrastructure, science or education you're an evil liberal.

You either anti-government or you're not....You can't tell me shit if you're. Get it? Dumb fucking religous idiots.
So Moore and Trump are liberals. LOL

Have one on me!

I think it is stupid to limit freedom of speech and I like porn. It is great stuff!

How can you be for small government and dictate my life all at once?
You can have your porn. Just keep it in a red light district. You do not get to put it in places where children frequent or go to. Pretty simple really. The whole world isn't yours to pollute.
I think it is stupid to limit freedom of speech and I like porn. It is great stuff!

How can you be for small government and dictate my life all at once?
You can have your porn. Just keep it in a red light district. You do not get to put it in places where children frequent or go to. Pretty simple really. The whole world isn't yours to pollute.

Frankly, I don't recall seeing too many places in which pornography is displayed and children are likely to be present, even though it apparently is readily available on the internet and I'm happy to see that law enforcement is actively working on catching those with kiddie porn. I agree that the whole world isn't anybody's to pollute, so let's encourage Congress to tighten, rather than loosen the laws and regulations designed to protect our physical environment from pollution that causes public-health crises.
This my friends is against the first amendment of our constitutions. Funny how the republican party is always trying to outlaw shit but then when it comes to helping people they're all anti-government. Two faced bastards.

Oh yeah, they're so for the Constitution, except when waving their confederate flag.

The Bill of Rights is the most important thing in their life when discussing guns, and it's a waste of time when discussing anything else.
I think it is stupid to limit freedom of speech and I like porn. It is great stuff!

How can you be for small government and dictate my life all at once?
You can have your porn. Just keep it in a red light district. You do not get to put it in places where children frequent or go to. Pretty simple really. The whole world isn't yours to pollute.

Frankly, I don't recall seeing too many places in which pornography is displayed and children are likely to be present, even though it apparently is readily available on the internet and I'm happy to see that law enforcement is actively working on catching those with kiddie porn. I agree that the whole world isn't anybody's to pollute, so let's encourage Congress to tighten, rather than loosen the laws and regulations designed to protect our physical environment from pollution that causes public-health crises.
No doubt that our regulatory agencies are lacking when it comes to limiting health destroying pollutants put out by the chemical industries, big pharma and big agra. Every time someone has come up with a bright idea though it seems to add to problems not take away from them because of the chemical lobby in DC. Benzine's in the flame retardants for children's clothing was made mandatory and that just added to the asthma count for people. The same thing happened when they started mandating what detergents would consist of from congress and that added to more asthma for not only the adults and children but also for the household pets. Benzalkonium products were widespread even though it has been known for over thirty years that any amount of exposure to Benzalkonium induces asthma. They were using that shit in food products even and probably still are today. Fluoride in water should be totally banned along with any plastics with BPA. We could make a huge list and the greed mongers would just pay off someone and override our concerns even if everyone was made aware what these things are doing in destroying their health and the health of their family members along with everything else that needs a somewhat clean environment to sustain life. Parasites thrive in polluted areas whether physiological or psychological.

Who is exposed to pesticides?

Report: Staggering amounts of toxic chemicals produced across America
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Florida is proposing a resolution to declare pornography a public health crisis given its ties to human trafficking and domestic violence. The resolution, which is being proposed in both houses of the Florida state legislature, says pornography is “creating a public health crisis” that is contributing to the hypersexualization of children and teenagers. The resolution warns of porn’s addictive nature, outlines the physical and psychological risks and dangers in porn consumption,
Florida on Path to Declare Pornography a ‘Public Health Crisis’

Like they will ever stop porn, or they will dream up some law bs where you are considered some mental case because of it or dream up some bs that will be used against you but yet claim it's to help you bs.

Porn is just prostitution in front of a camera. Either legalize prostitution or shut down the professional pornography. It’s silly to outlaw one and have the other protected by “freedom of speech”.
Florida is proposing a resolution to declare pornography a public health crisis given its ties to human trafficking and domestic violence. The resolution, which is being proposed in both houses of the Florida state legislature, says pornography is “creating a public health crisis” that is contributing to the hypersexualization of children and teenagers. The resolution warns of porn’s addictive nature, outlines the physical and psychological risks and dangers in porn consumption,
Florida on Path to Declare Pornography a ‘Public Health Crisis’

Like they will ever stop porn, or they will dream up some law bs where you are considered some mental case because of it or dream up some bs that will be used against you but yet claim it's to help you bs.

Whatever it is, I'm sure this law will make it stop!
I think it is stupid to limit freedom of speech and I like porn. It is great stuff!

How can you be for small government and dictate my life all at once?
You can have your porn. Just keep it in a red light district. You do not get to put it in places where children frequent or go to. Pretty simple really. The whole world isn't yours to pollute.

I think it's pornographic for women to expose their legs and arms in public. We need to pass laws banning such pornographic behavior! Don't you agree?!
I think it is stupid to limit freedom of speech and I like porn. It is great stuff!

How can you be for small government and dictate my life all at once?
You can have your porn. Just keep it in a red light district. You do not get to put it in places where children frequent or go to. Pretty simple really. The whole world isn't yours to pollute.

I think it's pornographic for women to expose their legs and arms in public. We need to pass laws banning such pornographic behavior! Don't you agree?!
You can choose to be ridiculous if you like. Most intelligent people know what porn is.

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