Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis vows to fight Biden’s ‘Ministry of Truth’

How did the Arizona audit go done by Cyber Ninjas? They fucked up so bad and got fined so much they are out of business there buttfuck.
It found over 30 laws were broken. The AG is a RINO and will not prosecute. That election had no integrity.
It found over 30 laws were broken. The AG is a RINO and will not prosecute. That election had no integrity.
No actually it shows ewe n the tardherders have no integrity. Where are the court proceedings for this so called misconduct?
Yup, dismissed as a trolling idiot!!!!!
What are you talking about? Did Musk, for example, say he was going to ban liberal crack pot posts? No, he has essentially said he will allow tweets from BOTH sides. How on earth is that attacking free speech? What you want is for only what YOU and this administration decides is ok to be allowed.
Busybee can't wait to denounce people to the Commissar for Truthiness.
Plus Barack Ovomit, of course, using Biden as a puppet.

Bless him! Bless DeSantis! He is the only one with a spine! :clap:

Where is every GOP member in Congress??? WHERE?:mad-61:

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday vowed to fight back against the Biden administration’s new Orwellian disinformation bureau, insisting a “Ministry of Truth” cannot exist in the United States.

“They want to be able to put out false narratives without people being able to speak out and fight back,” DeSantis said. “But we’re not going to let Biden get away with this one, so we will be fighting back.”

Fuck are you dumb.

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