Florida election results in!

AHAHAHA!!! Wow since WWII the GOP have been trying to exert American government and control over the entire world. Typical republican, has absolutely no clue what he's talking about.
The true will of the voters in FL was to elect Gore. Buchanan even admitted it, but either way Bush was the winner of the election.

That said the loser was America and Americans as Bush was the worst president we ever had and fucked everything up. The majority of our countries problems can be traced back to the republicans of 2000-2006. DIdn't we have a surplus then??

What a dumbass!

Surplus in 2000-2006? The Republicans took over the presidency in 2001, a little short of 8 months prior to little event you might have missed, most commonly referred to as 9/11!
That's true, they're globalists. All commies are. The chinks want to control a collectivized planet, the muscovites, the euroweenies, bolivian commies, and western billionaires. Show me one government on earth anymore that isn't trying to manipulate and fuck over other countries. I'd like to believe that at some point we were not that immersed in global policing and extra governmental affairs. We should be minding our half of the planet, and let the other half know we aren't to be fucked with.

We should be promoting our Bill of Rights to everyone in our hemisphere, so that they can demand a government that functions more in their favor at least. We don't need a global government, we don't need vassal states either. The bed wetters are desperate to maintain any grip on power they can get. Hopefully Trump continues to reduce government, and I believe that he will be able to convince the public he is trying except democrooks are in the way. Now that the house has been purged of weak republicrats I hope some good ones can be rustled up to replace them.

I'm also hoping for a backhoe from Santa this Christmas.

AHAHAHA!!! Wow since WWII the GOP have been trying to exert American government and control over the entire world. Typical republican, has absolutely no clue what he's talking about.

But yet that affirmative action Muslim asshole that you stupid Moon Bats voted for was at war every day of his administration. He escalated the war in Afghanistan, bombed Libya that was never a threat to the US and sent troops back to Iraq after he withdrew them. A disaster of a foreign policy that was as bad as his domestic policy where he increased poverty, ran up the debt and had dismal economic growth.
Have you noticed how you don't hear anything about ISIS or Syria anymore? That's because without Obama provided aid and comfort to ISIS, they have withered to virtually nothing. The so-called "rebels" in Syria have disappeared now that Obama is no longer funding them. Most of them were Jihadis. I can't imagine why any rational American leader would prefer some radical Muslim fanatics to be running Syria rather than a dictator who will keep them under control.

The only foreign policy problems we have now are allies who whine about having to pull their weight.

That idiot fucked up the Middle East like nobody ever believe was possible. No onoy did he lose the war in Irq after Bush left him a victory but he created ISIA and screwed up Libya and Syria.

Why any of these stupid Moon Bats would think that a worthless incompetent affirmative action nobody Muslim would have made a good Commander in Chief is beyond comprehension.
WOW!!! You wackos really do live in an alternate reality. Bush won the war in Iraq, yup brilliant one there I guess that must be those alternative facts! Or maybe it's the truth isn't truth.. AHAHAH!!!
Obama inherited 2 losing wars and a country in complete economic ruin. No president in US history has inherited a bigger disaster than Obama and all of it due to republican stupidity.
In 8 years Obama turned everything around, his strategy in Iraq - to make the Iraqis fight and defend their own country -has worked as they have routed ISIS (all of this started under Obama). He inherited massive deficits and economic ruin (a country losing 1 million jobs a month) and turned it around, created ~15 million jobs and stabilized the economy.

Now Trump comes in and doubles down on the Bush policies of massive spending and deficits ($1.2 Trillion permanent deficit now) to produce a small temporary sugar high in the economy that will blow up just like Bush and lead to even bigger deficits. Wait didn't Bush inherit a surplus... Oh yeah....

Yeah, that's why my daughter is over there now and the 101st Airborne is relieving them in 2019.

BTW, how does $1.2 Trillion in one year compare to $11 Trillion in 8 years? Can you do the math?
That's true, they're globalists. All commies are. The chinks want to control a collectivized planet, the muscovites, the euroweenies, bolivian commies, and western billionaires. Show me one government on earth anymore that isn't trying to manipulate and fuck over other countries. I'd like to believe that at some point we were not that immersed in global policing and extra governmental affairs. We should be minding our half of the planet, and let the other half know we aren't to be fucked with.

We should be promoting our Bill of Rights to everyone in our hemisphere, so that they can demand a government that functions more in their favor at least. We don't need a global government, we don't need vassal states either. The bed wetters are desperate to maintain any grip on power they can get. Hopefully Trump continues to reduce government, and I believe that he will be able to convince the public he is trying except democrooks are in the way. Now that the house has been purged of weak republicrats I hope some good ones can be rustled up to replace them.

I'm also hoping for a backhoe from Santa this Christmas.

AHAHAHA!!! Wow since WWII the GOP have been trying to exert American government and control over the entire world. Typical republican, has absolutely no clue what he's talking about.

But yet that affirmative action Muslim asshole that you stupid Moon Bats voted for was at war every day of his administration. He escalated the war in Afghanistan, bombed Libya that was never a threat to the US and sent troops back to Iraq after he withdrew them. A disaster of a foreign policy that was as bad as his domestic policy where he increased poverty, ran up the debt and had dismal economic growth.
Have you noticed how you don't hear anything about ISIS or Syria anymore? That's because without Obama provided aid and comfort to ISIS, they have withered to virtually nothing. The so-called "rebels" in Syria have disappeared now that Obama is no longer funding them. Most of them were Jihadis. I can't imagine why any rational American leader would prefer some radical Muslim fanatics to be running Syria rather than a dictator who will keep them under control.

The only foreign policy problems we have now are allies who whine about having to pull their weight.

That idiot fucked up the Middle East like nobody ever believe was possible. No onoy did he lose the war in Irq after Bush left him a victory but he created ISIA and screwed up Libya and Syria.

Why any of these stupid Moon Bats would think that a worthless incompetent affirmative action nobody Muslim would have made a good Commander in Chief is beyond comprehension.
WOW!!! You wackos really do live in an alternate reality. Bush won the war in Iraq, yup brilliant one there I guess that must be those alternative facts! Or maybe it's the truth isn't truth.. AHAHAH!!!
Obama inherited 2 losing wars and a country in complete economic ruin. No president in US history has inherited a bigger disaster than Obama and all of it due to republican stupidity.
In 8 years Obama turned everything around, his strategy in Iraq - to make the Iraqis fight and defend their own country -has worked as they have routed ISIS (all of this started under Obama). He inherited massive deficits and economic ruin (a country losing 1 million jobs a month) and turned it around, created ~15 million jobs and stabilized the economy.

Now Trump comes in and doubles down on the Bush policies of massive spending and deficits ($1.2 Trillion permanent deficit now) to produce a small temporary sugar high in the economy that will blow up just like Bush and lead to even bigger deficits. Wait didn't Bush inherit a surplus... Oh yeah....
It only took him 8 years to turn the recession around? That is amazing, considering it normally only takes a few months for the economy to get going again after a dip in GDP growth. In fact, the data shows that the economy was already on the rebound before Obama was even inaugurated. All Obama did with all his meddling is stall the recovery.

Want to talk about massive spending? Just consider Obama's trillion dollar "stimulus" spending. Think that was only for one year? Wrong. It got incorporated into the baseline budget. So Obama passed a permanent $1 trillion increase in government spending, but we don't ever hear you prog morons ever whine about that.
The true will of the voters in FL was to elect Gore. Buchanan even admitted it, but either way Bush was the winner of the election.

That said the loser was America and Americans as Bush was the worst president we ever had and fucked everything up. The majority of our countries problems can be traced back to the republicans of 2000-2006. DIdn't we have a surplus then??

What a dumbass!

Surplus in 2000-2006? The Republicans took over the presidency in 2001, a little short of 8 months prior to little event you might have missed, most commonly referred to as 9/11!
Yeah and when the republicans took over we had a surplus, that was gone in a few months with their disgraceful leadership. Bush inherited a surplus and passed off economic ruin with a massive deficit. Typical GOP failure, can these people do anything right?
AHAHAHA!!! Wow since WWII the GOP have been trying to exert American government and control over the entire world. Typical republican, has absolutely no clue what he's talking about.

But yet that affirmative action Muslim asshole that you stupid Moon Bats voted for was at war every day of his administration. He escalated the war in Afghanistan, bombed Libya that was never a threat to the US and sent troops back to Iraq after he withdrew them. A disaster of a foreign policy that was as bad as his domestic policy where he increased poverty, ran up the debt and had dismal economic growth.
Have you noticed how you don't hear anything about ISIS or Syria anymore? That's because without Obama provided aid and comfort to ISIS, they have withered to virtually nothing. The so-called "rebels" in Syria have disappeared now that Obama is no longer funding them. Most of them were Jihadis. I can't imagine why any rational American leader would prefer some radical Muslim fanatics to be running Syria rather than a dictator who will keep them under control.

The only foreign policy problems we have now are allies who whine about having to pull their weight.

That idiot fucked up the Middle East like nobody ever believe was possible. No onoy did he lose the war in Irq after Bush left him a victory but he created ISIA and screwed up Libya and Syria.

Why any of these stupid Moon Bats would think that a worthless incompetent affirmative action nobody Muslim would have made a good Commander in Chief is beyond comprehension.
WOW!!! You wackos really do live in an alternate reality. Bush won the war in Iraq, yup brilliant one there I guess that must be those alternative facts! Or maybe it's the truth isn't truth.. AHAHAH!!!
Obama inherited 2 losing wars and a country in complete economic ruin. No president in US history has inherited a bigger disaster than Obama and all of it due to republican stupidity.
In 8 years Obama turned everything around, his strategy in Iraq - to make the Iraqis fight and defend their own country -has worked as they have routed ISIS (all of this started under Obama). He inherited massive deficits and economic ruin (a country losing 1 million jobs a month) and turned it around, created ~15 million jobs and stabilized the economy.

Now Trump comes in and doubles down on the Bush policies of massive spending and deficits ($1.2 Trillion permanent deficit now) to produce a small temporary sugar high in the economy that will blow up just like Bush and lead to even bigger deficits. Wait didn't Bush inherit a surplus... Oh yeah....
It only took him 8 years to turn the recession around? That is amazing, considering it normally only takes a few months for the economy to get going again after a dip in GDP growth. In fact, the data shows that the economy was already on the rebound before Obama was even inaugurated. All Obama did with all his meddling is stall the recovery.

Want to talk about massive spending? Just consider Obama's trillion dollar "stimulus" spending. Think that was only for one year? Wrong. It got incorporated into the baseline budget. So Obama passed a permanent $1 trillion increase in government spending, but we don't ever hear you prog morons ever whine about that.
AHAHA the economy recovering? Obama inherited an economy losing 1 million jobs a month, that is not a recovery. When you inherit the Bush collapse, which was the biggest financial disaster since the great depression, it takes longer than a few months to recover from.
Obama's deficits were not permanent as they dropped to the $4-500B range, which would have been balanced if not for the do nothing Bush tax cut. When you inherit the biggest financial crisis since the great depression you are going to inherit massive deficits along with that.
Trump then blew that up Bush style with permanent $1.2 Trillion dollar deficits that will only get larger when he crashes the economy. Trump is doubling down on the failed Bush policies of massive spending and debt.
But yet that affirmative action Muslim asshole that you stupid Moon Bats voted for was at war every day of his administration. He escalated the war in Afghanistan, bombed Libya that was never a threat to the US and sent troops back to Iraq after he withdrew them. A disaster of a foreign policy that was as bad as his domestic policy where he increased poverty, ran up the debt and had dismal economic growth.
Have you noticed how you don't hear anything about ISIS or Syria anymore? That's because without Obama provided aid and comfort to ISIS, they have withered to virtually nothing. The so-called "rebels" in Syria have disappeared now that Obama is no longer funding them. Most of them were Jihadis. I can't imagine why any rational American leader would prefer some radical Muslim fanatics to be running Syria rather than a dictator who will keep them under control.

The only foreign policy problems we have now are allies who whine about having to pull their weight.

That idiot fucked up the Middle East like nobody ever believe was possible. No onoy did he lose the war in Irq after Bush left him a victory but he created ISIA and screwed up Libya and Syria.

Why any of these stupid Moon Bats would think that a worthless incompetent affirmative action nobody Muslim would have made a good Commander in Chief is beyond comprehension.
WOW!!! You wackos really do live in an alternate reality. Bush won the war in Iraq, yup brilliant one there I guess that must be those alternative facts! Or maybe it's the truth isn't truth.. AHAHAH!!!
Obama inherited 2 losing wars and a country in complete economic ruin. No president in US history has inherited a bigger disaster than Obama and all of it due to republican stupidity.
In 8 years Obama turned everything around, his strategy in Iraq - to make the Iraqis fight and defend their own country -has worked as they have routed ISIS (all of this started under Obama). He inherited massive deficits and economic ruin (a country losing 1 million jobs a month) and turned it around, created ~15 million jobs and stabilized the economy.

Now Trump comes in and doubles down on the Bush policies of massive spending and deficits ($1.2 Trillion permanent deficit now) to produce a small temporary sugar high in the economy that will blow up just like Bush and lead to even bigger deficits. Wait didn't Bush inherit a surplus... Oh yeah....
It only took him 8 years to turn the recession around? That is amazing, considering it normally only takes a few months for the economy to get going again after a dip in GDP growth. In fact, the data shows that the economy was already on the rebound before Obama was even inaugurated. All Obama did with all his meddling is stall the recovery.

Want to talk about massive spending? Just consider Obama's trillion dollar "stimulus" spending. Think that was only for one year? Wrong. It got incorporated into the baseline budget. So Obama passed a permanent $1 trillion increase in government spending, but we don't ever hear you prog morons ever whine about that.
AHAHA the economy recovering? Obama inherited an economy losing 1 million jobs a month, that is not a recovery. When you inherit the Bush collapse, which was the biggest financial disaster since the great depression, it takes longer than a few months to recover from.
Obama's deficits were not permanent as they dropped to the $4-500B range, which would have been balanced if not for the do nothing Bush tax cut. When you inherit the biggest financial crisis since the great depression you are going to inherit massive deficits along with that.
Trump then blew that up Bush style with permanent $1.2 Trillion dollar deficits that will only get larger when he crashes the economy. Trump is doubling down on the failed Bush policies of massive spending and debt.

You are confused Moon Bat

That economy that the incompetent Muslim Negro inherited started to tank when that filthy ass 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over. You know, the one with Barney Queerboy, Tits Pelosi, Dirty Harry and that newly elected asshole Senator from Illinois.

The economy was doing fine for six years under Bush until the dimwitted Democrats took over and allowed the CRA chickens to come home to roost.

Obama had eight years to fix what the Democrats broke in 2007 and 2008 and all the shithead was able to do was increase poverty, decrease family income, tremendously run up debt, increase income disparity and have dismal economic growth. That in addition to screwing up healthcare, raising taxes, doing tremendous damage to our military, allowing millions of Illegal shitheads to come into the US and make the US the laughing stock of the world in foreign policy.

Stop being a dickhead and blaming Obama's failures on other people. He was a terrible President. The worst this country ever had and his record proves it.

You Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless asshole to be President. What the hell were you morons thinking?
But yet that affirmative action Muslim asshole that you stupid Moon Bats voted for was at war every day of his administration. He escalated the war in Afghanistan, bombed Libya that was never a threat to the US and sent troops back to Iraq after he withdrew them. A disaster of a foreign policy that was as bad as his domestic policy where he increased poverty, ran up the debt and had dismal economic growth.
Have you noticed how you don't hear anything about ISIS or Syria anymore? That's because without Obama provided aid and comfort to ISIS, they have withered to virtually nothing. The so-called "rebels" in Syria have disappeared now that Obama is no longer funding them. Most of them were Jihadis. I can't imagine why any rational American leader would prefer some radical Muslim fanatics to be running Syria rather than a dictator who will keep them under control.

The only foreign policy problems we have now are allies who whine about having to pull their weight.

That idiot fucked up the Middle East like nobody ever believe was possible. No onoy did he lose the war in Irq after Bush left him a victory but he created ISIA and screwed up Libya and Syria.

Why any of these stupid Moon Bats would think that a worthless incompetent affirmative action nobody Muslim would have made a good Commander in Chief is beyond comprehension.
WOW!!! You wackos really do live in an alternate reality. Bush won the war in Iraq, yup brilliant one there I guess that must be those alternative facts! Or maybe it's the truth isn't truth.. AHAHAH!!!
Obama inherited 2 losing wars and a country in complete economic ruin. No president in US history has inherited a bigger disaster than Obama and all of it due to republican stupidity.
In 8 years Obama turned everything around, his strategy in Iraq - to make the Iraqis fight and defend their own country -has worked as they have routed ISIS (all of this started under Obama). He inherited massive deficits and economic ruin (a country losing 1 million jobs a month) and turned it around, created ~15 million jobs and stabilized the economy.

Now Trump comes in and doubles down on the Bush policies of massive spending and deficits ($1.2 Trillion permanent deficit now) to produce a small temporary sugar high in the economy that will blow up just like Bush and lead to even bigger deficits. Wait didn't Bush inherit a surplus... Oh yeah....
It only took him 8 years to turn the recession around? That is amazing, considering it normally only takes a few months for the economy to get going again after a dip in GDP growth. In fact, the data shows that the economy was already on the rebound before Obama was even inaugurated. All Obama did with all his meddling is stall the recovery.

Want to talk about massive spending? Just consider Obama's trillion dollar "stimulus" spending. Think that was only for one year? Wrong. It got incorporated into the baseline budget. So Obama passed a permanent $1 trillion increase in government spending, but we don't ever hear you prog morons ever whine about that.
AHAHA the economy recovering? Obama inherited an economy losing 1 million jobs a month, that is not a recovery. When you inherit the Bush collapse, which was the biggest financial disaster since the great depression, it takes longer than a few months to recover from.
Obama's deficits were not permanent as they dropped to the $4-500B range, which would have been balanced if not for the do nothing Bush tax cut. When you inherit the biggest financial crisis since the great depression you are going to inherit massive deficits along with that.
Trump then blew that up Bush style with permanent $1.2 Trillion dollar deficits that will only get larger when he crashes the economy. Trump is doubling down on the failed Bush policies of massive spending and debt.
Unemployment is a lagging economic indicator. Here are the hard cold facts:


Notice that the economy hit bottom in 2008. The recession was almost over by the time his "stimulus" went into effect.
Last edited:
The true will of the voters in FL was to elect Gore. Buchanan even admitted it, but either way Bush was the winner of the election.

That said the loser was America and Americans as Bush was the worst president we ever had and fucked everything up. The majority of our countries problems can be traced back to the republicans of 2000-2006. DIdn't we have a surplus then??

What a dumbass!

Surplus in 2000-2006? The Republicans took over the presidency in 2001, a little short of 8 months prior to little event you might have missed, most commonly referred to as 9/11!
Yeah and when the republicans took over we had a surplus, that was gone in a few months with their disgraceful leadership. Bush inherited a surplus and passed off economic ruin with a massive deficit. Typical GOP failure, can these people do anything right?

You seem to think that was an option! That is why you are ignorant!
Have you noticed how you don't hear anything about ISIS or Syria anymore? That's because without Obama provided aid and comfort to ISIS, they have withered to virtually nothing. The so-called "rebels" in Syria have disappeared now that Obama is no longer funding them. Most of them were Jihadis. I can't imagine why any rational American leader would prefer some radical Muslim fanatics to be running Syria rather than a dictator who will keep them under control.

The only foreign policy problems we have now are allies who whine about having to pull their weight.

That idiot fucked up the Middle East like nobody ever believe was possible. No onoy did he lose the war in Irq after Bush left him a victory but he created ISIA and screwed up Libya and Syria.

Why any of these stupid Moon Bats would think that a worthless incompetent affirmative action nobody Muslim would have made a good Commander in Chief is beyond comprehension.
WOW!!! You wackos really do live in an alternate reality. Bush won the war in Iraq, yup brilliant one there I guess that must be those alternative facts! Or maybe it's the truth isn't truth.. AHAHAH!!!
Obama inherited 2 losing wars and a country in complete economic ruin. No president in US history has inherited a bigger disaster than Obama and all of it due to republican stupidity.
In 8 years Obama turned everything around, his strategy in Iraq - to make the Iraqis fight and defend their own country -has worked as they have routed ISIS (all of this started under Obama). He inherited massive deficits and economic ruin (a country losing 1 million jobs a month) and turned it around, created ~15 million jobs and stabilized the economy.

Now Trump comes in and doubles down on the Bush policies of massive spending and deficits ($1.2 Trillion permanent deficit now) to produce a small temporary sugar high in the economy that will blow up just like Bush and lead to even bigger deficits. Wait didn't Bush inherit a surplus... Oh yeah....
It only took him 8 years to turn the recession around? That is amazing, considering it normally only takes a few months for the economy to get going again after a dip in GDP growth. In fact, the data shows that the economy was already on the rebound before Obama was even inaugurated. All Obama did with all his meddling is stall the recovery.

Want to talk about massive spending? Just consider Obama's trillion dollar "stimulus" spending. Think that was only for one year? Wrong. It got incorporated into the baseline budget. So Obama passed a permanent $1 trillion increase in government spending, but we don't ever hear you prog morons ever whine about that.
AHAHA the economy recovering? Obama inherited an economy losing 1 million jobs a month, that is not a recovery. When you inherit the Bush collapse, which was the biggest financial disaster since the great depression, it takes longer than a few months to recover from.
Obama's deficits were not permanent as they dropped to the $4-500B range, which would have been balanced if not for the do nothing Bush tax cut. When you inherit the biggest financial crisis since the great depression you are going to inherit massive deficits along with that.
Trump then blew that up Bush style with permanent $1.2 Trillion dollar deficits that will only get larger when he crashes the economy. Trump is doubling down on the failed Bush policies of massive spending and debt.

You are confused Moon Bat

That economy that the incompetent Muslim Negro inherited started to tank when that filthy ass 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over. You know, the one with Barney Queerboy, Tits Pelosi, Dirty Harry and that newly elected asshole Senator from Illinois.

The economy was doing fine for six years under Bush until the dimwitted Democrats took over and allowed the CRA chickens to come home to roost.

Obama had eight years to fix what the Democrats broke in 2007 and 2008 and all the shithead was able to do was increase poverty, decrease family income, tremendously run up debt, increase income disparity and have dismal economic growth. That in addition to screwing up healthcare, raising taxes, doing tremendous damage to our military, allowing millions of Illegal shitheads to come into the US and make the US the laughing stock of the world in foreign policy.

Stop being a dickhead and blaming Obama's failures on other people. He was a terrible President. The worst this country ever had and his record proves it.

You Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless asshole to be President. What the hell were you morons thinking?
Wow I love the fantasy you have created to avoid accepting the reality for the GOP failures. Bush's incredible financial collapse is all the democrats fault!!! Wow who knew that. DO you even remotely realize how ridiculous you sound? Nice alternative facts.

Too bad we can look at the facts of Bush and his policies, he inherited a big surplus and squandered that on a do nothing tax cut for the rich and massive spending bills that blew up the deficit. He turned a surplus into a complete economic meltdown, the biggest since the great depression (who was in power when that happened by the way)?? Why do The democrats always have fix the GOP messes?
By the time Obama fixed the GOP mess poverty had dropped, family incomes had increased, 15 million jobs were created, and the deficit dropped substantially. Enter Trump and now the deficits have gone up tremendously again. We are closing in on a second GOP economic meltdown so I'm sure you have your fake news list of who to blame for that so you can avoid manning up to reality and blaming everyone else for the GOP's failure, just like a little bitch.
You lose again, this is easy.


  • monthly-US-median-household-income-200001-thru-201609.png
    19.4 KB · Views: 28
Have you noticed how you don't hear anything about ISIS or Syria anymore? That's because without Obama provided aid and comfort to ISIS, they have withered to virtually nothing. The so-called "rebels" in Syria have disappeared now that Obama is no longer funding them. Most of them were Jihadis. I can't imagine why any rational American leader would prefer some radical Muslim fanatics to be running Syria rather than a dictator who will keep them under control.

The only foreign policy problems we have now are allies who whine about having to pull their weight.

That idiot fucked up the Middle East like nobody ever believe was possible. No onoy did he lose the war in Irq after Bush left him a victory but he created ISIA and screwed up Libya and Syria.

Why any of these stupid Moon Bats would think that a worthless incompetent affirmative action nobody Muslim would have made a good Commander in Chief is beyond comprehension.
WOW!!! You wackos really do live in an alternate reality. Bush won the war in Iraq, yup brilliant one there I guess that must be those alternative facts! Or maybe it's the truth isn't truth.. AHAHAH!!!
Obama inherited 2 losing wars and a country in complete economic ruin. No president in US history has inherited a bigger disaster than Obama and all of it due to republican stupidity.
In 8 years Obama turned everything around, his strategy in Iraq - to make the Iraqis fight and defend their own country -has worked as they have routed ISIS (all of this started under Obama). He inherited massive deficits and economic ruin (a country losing 1 million jobs a month) and turned it around, created ~15 million jobs and stabilized the economy.

Now Trump comes in and doubles down on the Bush policies of massive spending and deficits ($1.2 Trillion permanent deficit now) to produce a small temporary sugar high in the economy that will blow up just like Bush and lead to even bigger deficits. Wait didn't Bush inherit a surplus... Oh yeah....
It only took him 8 years to turn the recession around? That is amazing, considering it normally only takes a few months for the economy to get going again after a dip in GDP growth. In fact, the data shows that the economy was already on the rebound before Obama was even inaugurated. All Obama did with all his meddling is stall the recovery.

Want to talk about massive spending? Just consider Obama's trillion dollar "stimulus" spending. Think that was only for one year? Wrong. It got incorporated into the baseline budget. So Obama passed a permanent $1 trillion increase in government spending, but we don't ever hear you prog morons ever whine about that.
AHAHA the economy recovering? Obama inherited an economy losing 1 million jobs a month, that is not a recovery. When you inherit the Bush collapse, which was the biggest financial disaster since the great depression, it takes longer than a few months to recover from.
Obama's deficits were not permanent as they dropped to the $4-500B range, which would have been balanced if not for the do nothing Bush tax cut. When you inherit the biggest financial crisis since the great depression you are going to inherit massive deficits along with that.
Trump then blew that up Bush style with permanent $1.2 Trillion dollar deficits that will only get larger when he crashes the economy. Trump is doubling down on the failed Bush policies of massive spending and debt.
Unemployment is a lagging economic indicator. Here are the hard cold facts:


Notice that the economy hit bottom in 2008. The recession was almost over by the time his "stimulus" went into effect.
Lagging indicator, right. The chart clearly shows he inherited an economy that was experiencing a massive decline in GDP (~-8%), bigger than anytime ever in US history (except when FDR inherited the great depression, how come team blue always has to fix the GOP's incredible messes)? No modern president has ever inherited an economy as bad as what he inherited, not to mention the 2 losing wars. When you have the mother of all recessions the country and world aren't just going to recover in a few months. In the end Obama fixed the GOP mess, restored the economy, created 15 million jobs, and passed off a substantially better America.

Trump has just blown up the deficit Bush style 10 years into an economic expansion, which will lead to another Bush like catastrophe. Who are you going to blame then...

Stockman must be one of those liberals eh...
That idiot fucked up the Middle East like nobody ever believe was possible. No onoy did he lose the war in Irq after Bush left him a victory but he created ISIA and screwed up Libya and Syria.

Why any of these stupid Moon Bats would think that a worthless incompetent affirmative action nobody Muslim would have made a good Commander in Chief is beyond comprehension.
WOW!!! You wackos really do live in an alternate reality. Bush won the war in Iraq, yup brilliant one there I guess that must be those alternative facts! Or maybe it's the truth isn't truth.. AHAHAH!!!
Obama inherited 2 losing wars and a country in complete economic ruin. No president in US history has inherited a bigger disaster than Obama and all of it due to republican stupidity.
In 8 years Obama turned everything around, his strategy in Iraq - to make the Iraqis fight and defend their own country -has worked as they have routed ISIS (all of this started under Obama). He inherited massive deficits and economic ruin (a country losing 1 million jobs a month) and turned it around, created ~15 million jobs and stabilized the economy.

Now Trump comes in and doubles down on the Bush policies of massive spending and deficits ($1.2 Trillion permanent deficit now) to produce a small temporary sugar high in the economy that will blow up just like Bush and lead to even bigger deficits. Wait didn't Bush inherit a surplus... Oh yeah....
It only took him 8 years to turn the recession around? That is amazing, considering it normally only takes a few months for the economy to get going again after a dip in GDP growth. In fact, the data shows that the economy was already on the rebound before Obama was even inaugurated. All Obama did with all his meddling is stall the recovery.

Want to talk about massive spending? Just consider Obama's trillion dollar "stimulus" spending. Think that was only for one year? Wrong. It got incorporated into the baseline budget. So Obama passed a permanent $1 trillion increase in government spending, but we don't ever hear you prog morons ever whine about that.
AHAHA the economy recovering? Obama inherited an economy losing 1 million jobs a month, that is not a recovery. When you inherit the Bush collapse, which was the biggest financial disaster since the great depression, it takes longer than a few months to recover from.
Obama's deficits were not permanent as they dropped to the $4-500B range, which would have been balanced if not for the do nothing Bush tax cut. When you inherit the biggest financial crisis since the great depression you are going to inherit massive deficits along with that.
Trump then blew that up Bush style with permanent $1.2 Trillion dollar deficits that will only get larger when he crashes the economy. Trump is doubling down on the failed Bush policies of massive spending and debt.
Unemployment is a lagging economic indicator. Here are the hard cold facts:


Notice that the economy hit bottom in 2008. The recession was almost over by the time his "stimulus" went into effect.
Lagging indicator, right. The chart clearly shows he inherited an economy that was experiencing a massive decline in GDP (~-8%), bigger than anytime ever in US history (except when FDR inherited the great depression, how come team blue always has to fix the GOP's incredible messes)? No modern president has ever inherited an economy as bad as what he inherited, not to mention the 2 losing wars. When you have the mother of all recessions the country and world aren't just going to recover in a few months. In the end Obama fixed the GOP mess, restored the economy, created 15 million jobs, and passed off a substantially better America.

Trump has just blown up the deficit Bush style 10 years into an economic expansion, which will lead to another Bush like catastrophe. Who are you going to blame then...

Stockman must be one of those liberals eh...

You can add the inability to read a chart to the list of your personal flaws. The chart shows the economy was on the rebound before he was inaugurated. The only thing Obama had to do is be in the right place at the right time.
WOW!!! You wackos really do live in an alternate reality. Bush won the war in Iraq, yup brilliant one there I guess that must be those alternative facts! Or maybe it's the truth isn't truth.. AHAHAH!!!
Obama inherited 2 losing wars and a country in complete economic ruin. No president in US history has inherited a bigger disaster than Obama and all of it due to republican stupidity.
In 8 years Obama turned everything around, his strategy in Iraq - to make the Iraqis fight and defend their own country -has worked as they have routed ISIS (all of this started under Obama). He inherited massive deficits and economic ruin (a country losing 1 million jobs a month) and turned it around, created ~15 million jobs and stabilized the economy.

Now Trump comes in and doubles down on the Bush policies of massive spending and deficits ($1.2 Trillion permanent deficit now) to produce a small temporary sugar high in the economy that will blow up just like Bush and lead to even bigger deficits. Wait didn't Bush inherit a surplus... Oh yeah....
It only took him 8 years to turn the recession around? That is amazing, considering it normally only takes a few months for the economy to get going again after a dip in GDP growth. In fact, the data shows that the economy was already on the rebound before Obama was even inaugurated. All Obama did with all his meddling is stall the recovery.

Want to talk about massive spending? Just consider Obama's trillion dollar "stimulus" spending. Think that was only for one year? Wrong. It got incorporated into the baseline budget. So Obama passed a permanent $1 trillion increase in government spending, but we don't ever hear you prog morons ever whine about that.
AHAHA the economy recovering? Obama inherited an economy losing 1 million jobs a month, that is not a recovery. When you inherit the Bush collapse, which was the biggest financial disaster since the great depression, it takes longer than a few months to recover from.
Obama's deficits were not permanent as they dropped to the $4-500B range, which would have been balanced if not for the do nothing Bush tax cut. When you inherit the biggest financial crisis since the great depression you are going to inherit massive deficits along with that.
Trump then blew that up Bush style with permanent $1.2 Trillion dollar deficits that will only get larger when he crashes the economy. Trump is doubling down on the failed Bush policies of massive spending and debt.
Unemployment is a lagging economic indicator. Here are the hard cold facts:


Notice that the economy hit bottom in 2008. The recession was almost over by the time his "stimulus" went into effect.
Lagging indicator, right. The chart clearly shows he inherited an economy that was experiencing a massive decline in GDP (~-8%), bigger than anytime ever in US history (except when FDR inherited the great depression, how come team blue always has to fix the GOP's incredible messes)? No modern president has ever inherited an economy as bad as what he inherited, not to mention the 2 losing wars. When you have the mother of all recessions the country and world aren't just going to recover in a few months. In the end Obama fixed the GOP mess, restored the economy, created 15 million jobs, and passed off a substantially better America.

Trump has just blown up the deficit Bush style 10 years into an economic expansion, which will lead to another Bush like catastrophe. Who are you going to blame then...

Stockman must be one of those liberals eh...

You can add the inability to read a chart to the list of your personal flaws. The chart shows the economy was on the rebound before he was inaugurated. The only thing Obama had to do is be in the right place at the right time.

Right, so in your alternate reality a country losing 1 million jobs a month with a -8% GDP is on the rebound? Keep dreaming. Things were so bad in when Obama took over that we could have dropped into another great depression. I'm sure every president wants to inherit a country with 10% unemployment and massive housing foreclosures, oh and 2 losing wars. Now according to you Obama is lucky to inherit the worst economy in modern times... Weeeeeee!! It's a nice little fantasy land that you are living in. Thanks to Obama the US was the only real country to recover as Europe and Japan wallowed in despair until 2014. Things could have gotten real bad. The US is the only country normalizing it's monetary policy and raising interest rates (I'm sure you have no clue what that even means), which all started under Obama.

First the GOP inherits the best economy we have ever had with a big budget surplus (thank you Bill Clinton), then their brilliant policies destroy America and cause the greatest financial ruin since the GOP caused the great depression. Then Obama is lucky to inherit 10% unemployment and -8% GDP as he inherited a country on the rebound!!! And everything is all the democrats fault while the republicans did nothing wrong!!!!! AHAHA!!!!!!! This is the alternate reality that you wackos live in. I guess it's better to live a lie than to admit reality.
"From day one Rick Scott never wavered. He was a great Governor and will be even a greater Senator in representing the People of Florida. Congratulations to Rick on having waged such a courageous and successful campaign!" - President Trump
In 2020 DeSantis has to send the National Guard to Miami to make sure the votes get counted promptly
It only took him 8 years to turn the recession around? That is amazing, considering it normally only takes a few months for the economy to get going again after a dip in GDP growth. In fact, the data shows that the economy was already on the rebound before Obama was even inaugurated. All Obama did with all his meddling is stall the recovery.

Want to talk about massive spending? Just consider Obama's trillion dollar "stimulus" spending. Think that was only for one year? Wrong. It got incorporated into the baseline budget. So Obama passed a permanent $1 trillion increase in government spending, but we don't ever hear you prog morons ever whine about that.
AHAHA the economy recovering? Obama inherited an economy losing 1 million jobs a month, that is not a recovery. When you inherit the Bush collapse, which was the biggest financial disaster since the great depression, it takes longer than a few months to recover from.
Obama's deficits were not permanent as they dropped to the $4-500B range, which would have been balanced if not for the do nothing Bush tax cut. When you inherit the biggest financial crisis since the great depression you are going to inherit massive deficits along with that.
Trump then blew that up Bush style with permanent $1.2 Trillion dollar deficits that will only get larger when he crashes the economy. Trump is doubling down on the failed Bush policies of massive spending and debt.
Unemployment is a lagging economic indicator. Here are the hard cold facts:


Notice that the economy hit bottom in 2008. The recession was almost over by the time his "stimulus" went into effect.
Lagging indicator, right. The chart clearly shows he inherited an economy that was experiencing a massive decline in GDP (~-8%), bigger than anytime ever in US history (except when FDR inherited the great depression, how come team blue always has to fix the GOP's incredible messes)? No modern president has ever inherited an economy as bad as what he inherited, not to mention the 2 losing wars. When you have the mother of all recessions the country and world aren't just going to recover in a few months. In the end Obama fixed the GOP mess, restored the economy, created 15 million jobs, and passed off a substantially better America.

Trump has just blown up the deficit Bush style 10 years into an economic expansion, which will lead to another Bush like catastrophe. Who are you going to blame then...

Stockman must be one of those liberals eh...

You can add the inability to read a chart to the list of your personal flaws. The chart shows the economy was on the rebound before he was inaugurated. The only thing Obama had to do is be in the right place at the right time.

Right, so in your alternate reality a country losing 1 million jobs a month with a -8% GDP is on the rebound? Keep dreaming. Things were so bad in when Obama took over that we could have dropped into another great depression. I'm sure every president wants to inherit a country with 10% unemployment and massive housing foreclosures, oh and 2 losing wars. Now according to you Obama is lucky to inherit the worst economy in modern times... Weeeeeee!! It's a nice little fantasy land that you are living in. Thanks to Obama the US was the only real country to recover as Europe and Japan wallowed in despair until 2014. Things could have gotten real bad. The US is the only country normalizing it's monetary policy and raising interest rates (I'm sure you have no clue what that even means), which all started under Obama.

First the GOP inherits the best economy we have ever had with a big budget surplus (thank you Bill Clinton), then their brilliant policies destroy America and cause the greatest financial ruin since the GOP caused the great depression. Then Obama is lucky to inherit 10% unemployment and -8% GDP as he inherited a country on the rebound!!! And everything is all the democrats fault while the republicans did nothing wrong!!!!! AHAHA!!!!!!! This is the alternate reality that you wackos live in. I guess it's better to live a lie than to admit reality.

Look at the graph, stupid. The right side of the curve bottom is called the "rebound."

You're too stupid to bother arguing with. You'll just keep repeating your talking points like all Non Player Characters do. Facts have no affect on your responses.
AHAHA the economy recovering? Obama inherited an economy losing 1 million jobs a month, that is not a recovery. When you inherit the Bush collapse, which was the biggest financial disaster since the great depression, it takes longer than a few months to recover from.
Obama's deficits were not permanent as they dropped to the $4-500B range, which would have been balanced if not for the do nothing Bush tax cut. When you inherit the biggest financial crisis since the great depression you are going to inherit massive deficits along with that.
Trump then blew that up Bush style with permanent $1.2 Trillion dollar deficits that will only get larger when he crashes the economy. Trump is doubling down on the failed Bush policies of massive spending and debt.
Unemployment is a lagging economic indicator. Here are the hard cold facts:


Notice that the economy hit bottom in 2008. The recession was almost over by the time his "stimulus" went into effect.
Lagging indicator, right. The chart clearly shows he inherited an economy that was experiencing a massive decline in GDP (~-8%), bigger than anytime ever in US history (except when FDR inherited the great depression, how come team blue always has to fix the GOP's incredible messes)? No modern president has ever inherited an economy as bad as what he inherited, not to mention the 2 losing wars. When you have the mother of all recessions the country and world aren't just going to recover in a few months. In the end Obama fixed the GOP mess, restored the economy, created 15 million jobs, and passed off a substantially better America.

Trump has just blown up the deficit Bush style 10 years into an economic expansion, which will lead to another Bush like catastrophe. Who are you going to blame then...

Stockman must be one of those liberals eh...

You can add the inability to read a chart to the list of your personal flaws. The chart shows the economy was on the rebound before he was inaugurated. The only thing Obama had to do is be in the right place at the right time.

Right, so in your alternate reality a country losing 1 million jobs a month with a -8% GDP is on the rebound? Keep dreaming. Things were so bad in when Obama took over that we could have dropped into another great depression. I'm sure every president wants to inherit a country with 10% unemployment and massive housing foreclosures, oh and 2 losing wars. Now according to you Obama is lucky to inherit the worst economy in modern times... Weeeeeee!! It's a nice little fantasy land that you are living in. Thanks to Obama the US was the only real country to recover as Europe and Japan wallowed in despair until 2014. Things could have gotten real bad. The US is the only country normalizing it's monetary policy and raising interest rates (I'm sure you have no clue what that even means), which all started under Obama.

First the GOP inherits the best economy we have ever had with a big budget surplus (thank you Bill Clinton), then their brilliant policies destroy America and cause the greatest financial ruin since the GOP caused the great depression. Then Obama is lucky to inherit 10% unemployment and -8% GDP as he inherited a country on the rebound!!! And everything is all the democrats fault while the republicans did nothing wrong!!!!! AHAHA!!!!!!! This is the alternate reality that you wackos live in. I guess it's better to live a lie than to admit reality.

Look at the graph, stupid. The right side of the curve bottom is called the "rebound."

You're too stupid to bother arguing with. You'll just keep repeating your talking points like all Non Player Characters do. Facts have no affect on your responses.

That's all fine and good, but if your somehow trying to argue that Obama didn't inherit the worst economy of any president since FDR you are flat out wrong. He inherited 10% unemployment and a massive economic meltdown. Just because GDP is not going more negative doesn't mean that we are in an economic recovery or a rebound. Were you even alive in 2009? It was a bloodbath with millions losing their jobs and massive foreclosures. Things very well could have sank into a great depression. You are the first idiot I have ever met that has tried to argue that Obama inherited a rebounding economy. When you have such a deep deep recession as we did in 2008-2009 recovery could take a very long time, as it did in Europe... Just look at the last GOP economic meltdown, the great depression, that took 10 years to recover from, Obama did it in 3. Europe didn't recover until 2014.

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