Florida Condo Assoc Board votes to remove trump name

Insurrectionist? Is that where the crazy left thinks of the former president these days? Barry Hussein never built a building or met a payroll. His partner and political adviser, Bill Ayers, was (is?) a genuine domestic terrorist who was responsible for the bombing deaths of at least four people. His gang's decade long rampage cost millions but democrat activists blamed the FBI for "illegal surveillance" and Ayers went free to preach anarchy as a college professor.

I would not want the name of an Insurrectionist name on my Condo either. Just the first of many....
You leftwingers are fucking morons ...holy shit


Money shot

“…And when you add rhetoric about making lists of Trump “supporters” with what qualifies as a “supporter” being left delightfully vague, people with even a modest preference for Trump’s policies (i.e. close to half the nation) will see their options shrinking, getting closer to “fight or die” or maybe “fight and die or just die”. In which case, you’ll see a lot of people figuring if they are going down anyway, they might as well take a few others with them…”

H/t Insty shop at:

Instapundit » Blog Archive » BLESS HER LITTLE PITTY-PAT HEART: That Would Be a Very Bad Idea, Cupcake….

They're gonna build killdozers ...dont say we never warned yas


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