Florida abortion rights amendment proposal looks likely to appear on ballot

Well it looks like they have the sigs needed. But the GOP is already looking to block this. Not by having a debate and winning the argument.
But by legal technicalities.
Even if they win I would not trust desantis to follow through on the peoples wishes. Maga doesnt respect democracy. Best of luck.

Killing a child is not a right, and never will be, no matter how much you death cultists want it. Suck it.
The government NEVER invokes the Ninth Amendment. As far as I know, the ONLY time it has been mentioned in a SCOTUS decision was back in the 60s with Griswold v. Connecticut which involved married couples practicing birth control.

The Ninth Amendment simply states that an exhaustive listing of human rights is impossible, an ode to common sense, which seems to frighten you and many prosecutors and legislators.

The Ninth guarantees that every person has a right to his or her own body, and the government has no claim to it. That idea also frightens organized religion which asserts a right to rule the body. A person has every right in the world to reject having toxins injected into his or her body. So too, should the occasion arise, a woman has a right to abort a fetus she does not want.

The Ninth scares hell out of you and every other authoritarian.
The bottom is out of your 9th argument bucket.
Good. Let the voters in that state decide, instead of the GOP, that wishes to rule from above.
It’s the tyranny of Republican minority rule; Republicans in Tallahassee are out of touch with most of the voters – and Florida is not alone.

In recent years the state’s constitution was amended to allow for medical marijuana, to restore voting rights for ex-offenders, and to increase the state’s minimum wage – all opposed by Republicans, all passed with greater than a 60 percent majority.
The government NEVER invokes the Ninth Amendment. As far as I know, the ONLY time it has been mentioned in a SCOTUS decision was back in the 60s with Griswold v. Connecticut which involved married couples practicing birth control.

The Ninth Amendment simply states that an exhaustive listing of human rights is impossible, an ode to common sense, which seems to frighten you and many prosecutors and legislators.

The Ninth guarantees that every person has a right to his or her own body, and the government has no claim to it. That idea also frightens organized religion which asserts a right to rule the body. A person has every right in the world to reject having toxins injected into his or her body. So too, should the occasion arise, a woman has a right to abort a fetus she does not want.

The Ninth scares hell out of you and every other authoritarian.
And yet it is you having a verbose fit because you can't take away someone's right to an abortion.
It's disturbing anyone would want the right to kill innocents on a ballot

It's either political or immoral
Well that's what happened when roe was overturned. They gave it back to the states. It now is in the hands of voters. People will have to abide by the results. I'm not a fan but that's people wanted roe overturned. They got their wish.
It's disturbing anyone would want the right to kill innocents on a ballot

It's either political or immoral
It's disturbing anyone would want the state to force women to give birth against their will.

It's disturbing anyone would want to increase the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

It's disturbing anyone would want to jeopardize the health and life of women with reckless, irresponsible abortion ‘bans.’

All of the above are in fact immoral.
It's disturbing anyone would want the state to force women to give birth against their will.

It's disturbing anyone would want to increase the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

It's disturbing anyone would want to jeopardize the health and life of women with reckless, irresponsible abortion ‘bans.’

All of the above are in fact immoral.

Go away, Jones. You're fuckin annoying
On TV they are running nice family style commercials produced from Planned Parenthood. The images we had seen before the supreme court decision tell a different story of the places that perform abortions. To me we have around one million abortions a year and some of it is to laziness in prevention and there are repeat offenders. Taxpayers should have a right to have a say.
On TV they are running nice family style commercials produced from Planned Parenthood. The images we had seen before the supreme court decision tell a different story of the places that perform abortions. To me we have around one million abortions a year and some of it is to laziness in prevention and there are repeat offenders. Taxpayers should have a right to have a say.

Let's get real. If you can't be responsible then don't demand a solution to your irresponsibility

It's not rocket science
On TV they are running nice family style commercials produced from Planned Parenthood. The images we had seen before the supreme court decision tell a different story of the places that perform abortions. To me we have around one million abortions a year and some of it is to laziness in prevention and there are repeat offenders. Taxpayers should have a right to have a say.
They already do. Have you not read any news for 10 years?
Well that's what happened when roe was overturned. They gave it back to the states. It now is in the hands of voters. People will have to abide by the results. I'm not a fan but that's people wanted roe overturned. They got their wish.
Be careful what you wish for.

For those opposed to privacy rights and reproductive autonomy, overturning Roe has been a political disaster – and it’s been failed policy.

And overturning Roe was never about ‘saving babies’ or ‘letting the states decide’ – it was about using the authority of the state to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Indeed, as already correctly noted, overturning Roe was just the start, Republicans will continue to push for a Federal abortion ban.

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