Flight 370/Searched 4 pages couldn't find the thread


Senior Member
Nov 14, 2012
Did the commentators on CNN lose their minds last night?

Occupational hazard, I suppose.

As I was drifting off to sleep---those that had been saying the day before--'Yes, this is good the search team is close to the crash site and we believe the black boxes will be found.' I know they said this --I heard them.

Then last night--the same people were saying--'I don't know--maybe they are on the wrong track---maybe they will never find the plane.'

I know there was an exciting exchange yesterday--PM of Australia very certain the black boxes would soon be found--and Angus Houston --not confident in the 5th ping. Lots of discussion on that--as always---couldn't get much from the --'I think this is what he meant' and, 'No, I think this is what he meant'.

Changed channels--and they had switched to--'Maybe this is not where they should be searching--probably won't find the black boxes...'

Plenty of drama--let us keep the drama high---is that the game plan?

'We thought they wouldn't find the boxes ---and BREAKING NEWS--BREAKING NEWS--BREAKING NEWS---they did'????

Lots of speculation on Malaysia's unusual manner of handling this incident. I can't begin to recall all that was said last night on that.
Did the commentators on CNN lose their minds last night?

Use the "Advanced Search" feature. Next time. Yesh.

I might--then again I might not.

Wasn't that big of a deal.

Sick of this thread---topic---jerked along for a month. Now they are blathering.

Absolutely blathering.

Oh, my, yes--the truth will come out -====how Malaysia mishandled this matter---and possibly how others were complicit. If 'worldwide' legal action can be taken--that would interest me--it cannot. We must 'understand'--Malaysia is a 'little' country--just did not know what to do. here's a Kleenex---for the Malaysian officials.

What else---US has been quite generous ---and I don't begrudge a dime --we should do what we can in these circumstances. Australia---beyond generous--other countries---have helped, too.

So that's that.

They will find the black boxes---will search until they do. 4 pages no sign of thread '370'---people are sick of this 'waste of time'. If this thread goes to the cyber abyss---like flight 370 --I won't care.
Did the commentators on CNN lose their minds last night?

Use the "Advanced Search" feature. Next time. Yesh.

I might--then again I might not.

Wasn't that big of a deal.

Sick of this thread---topic---jerked along for a month. Now they are blathering.

Absolutely blathering.

Oh, my, yes--the truth will come out -====how Malaysia mishandled this matter---and possibly how others were complicit. If 'worldwide' legal action can be taken--that would interest me--it cannot. We must 'understand'--Malaysia is a 'little' country--just did not know what to do. here's a Kleenex---for the Malaysian officials.

What else---US has been quite generous ---and I don't begrudge a dime --we should do what we can in these circumstances. Australia---beyond generous--other countries---have helped, too.

So that's that.

They will find the black boxes---will search until they do. 4 pages no sign of thread '370'---people are sick of this 'waste of time'. If this thread goes to the cyber abyss---like flight 370 --I won't care.

Fer sure. Tubular.
eh----as I was waking--blah--blah--blah--

'Deep water modifies sound'---to synthesize. I have heard this on previous occasions.

Yes--the black box---could be to the right or to the left, etc of where the pings are being identified.

So---the challenge will be to search all around in the area that they are searching.

Thank goodness CNN commentators aren't in charge of the mission. Angus Houston might have sharp words for that kind---if they were on his team. If he wouldn't--I would.

They have the data--keep refining the search and they will find the black boxes. Just don't get your panties in a wad--as some would say--I would be one of them.

Freaking yes---the people involved in the search---manufacturers of the 'TPL' --manufacturers of the Blue Fin 21--the US Navy, Australian Navy--Navy's of New Zealand, China and Japan--forgot the other one--Malaysia--are they involved directly at this point?---have the expertise to do this.

They did pause a few times yesterday--'Someone threw a shoe at Hillary Clinton'---and I forget what else they found to talk about for hours. I was outside--working in the yard. Thought I might find something worth watching on TV last night---fool that I am. Nothing---so I had to revert back to the 'babbling brooks'. For a couple of hours there was an Anthony Bourdain special--tour of ? formerly Burma---Myanmar---I heard of this country on Seinfeld. Elaine's boss went off the deep end and hid in a cave in Myanmar---quite the 3rd world country. Anthony Bourdain of course had a great time. When he eats little birds--usually fried to a crisp--I cannot watch. He smacked his lips--'Tasty--I'll eat a fried bird anytime'---he said. Advises--'When you go to a country--eat their food---a way of bonding with the native citizens...' I wouldn't be able to do that in many countries he visits. Since he has taken the time and effort to visit some of the places I have never wanted to see---no need to worry. Noting that should I travel abroad--South of France and Italy seem to offer the type of cuisine that would allow me to bond with the natives more easily.
Listen for a ping, and the water may play tricks on you

Titanic doubts

Paul-Henry Nargeolet has seen the Titanic close up, where it rests 12,500 feet under the sea. And he has taken an underwater expedition to search for wreckage of Air France Flight 447, which plunged into the Atlantic Ocean in 2009.

Experience has taught him to doubt.

"I don't trust very much the acoustic," he says.

The retired French naval commander has undertaken dozens of dives in submersibles to the Titanic to secure its artifacts.

After putting them into baskets, his crew affixed locator pingers to them so he could swing back around to pick them up later, he told CNN's Don Lemon.

"Most of the time we never heard them, and we knew where they were," he said. He was only 1,000 - 2,000 feet away from his pingers.

Signals believed to come from MH370's pinger in the Indian Ocean could be about 14,000 feet away from the ships listening for them.

Nargeolet doesn't put much trust in the readings searchers have taken.

"It's really hard to find this kind of pinger," he said.

He won't believe that any part of MH370 has been located until someone sees wreckage with their own eyes.
Did the commentators on CNN lose their minds last night?

Occupational hazard, I suppose.

As I was drifting off to sleep---those that had been saying the day before--'Yes, this is good the search team is close to the crash site and we believe the black boxes will be found.' I know they said this --I heard them.

Then last night--the same people were saying--'I don't know--maybe they are on the wrong track---maybe they will never find the plane.'

I know there was an exciting exchange yesterday--PM of Australia very certain the black boxes would soon be found--and Angus Houston --not confident in the 5th ping. Lots of discussion on that--as always---couldn't get much from the --'I think this is what he meant' and, 'No, I think this is what he meant'.

Changed channels--and they had switched to--'Maybe this is not where they should be searching--probably won't find the black boxes...'

Plenty of drama--let us keep the drama high---is that the game plan?

'We thought they wouldn't find the boxes ---and BREAKING NEWS--BREAKING NEWS--BREAKING NEWS---they did'????

Lots of speculation on Malaysia's unusual manner of handling this incident. I can't begin to recall all that was said last night on that.

The bottom line of this problem is that newscasters no longer report the news. They present news while simultaneously commenting on it, discussing it, and interpreting it. If they simply did what they were supposed to do, which is simply report it, there would be no confusion.

You called them commentators. They should not be news commentators; they should be news reporters.
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Did the commentators on CNN lose their minds last night?

Changed channels--and they had switched to--'Maybe this is not where they should be searching--probably won't find the black boxes...'

Plenty of drama--let us keep the drama high---is that the game plan?

'We thought they wouldn't find the boxes ---and BREAKING NEWS--BREAKING NEWS--BREAKING NEWS---they did'????

Lots of speculation on Malaysia's unusual manner of handling this incident. I can't begin to recall all that was said last night on that.

The bottom line of this problem is that newscasters no longer report the news. They present news while simultaneously commenting on it, discussing it, and interpreting it. If they simply did what they were supposed to do, which is simply report it, there would be no confusion.

You called them commentators. They should not be news commentators; they should be news reporters.

I think you are being very generous. They are more like 'water cooler reporters'?---go into any office or for that matter a diner--anywhere that people gather--Starbucks, I guess--that is now our communal gathering spot? Just listen to what is being said about Flight 370--probably get a better report that what these 'professionals' are providing.

I want to slap them. Hard.

I know that they are having to revise their plans--the search team. Yes---some days of the search they find nothing---other days--they have to confirm a new finding. We should not go to pieces over this. We should 'Stay Strong'. Our role models should demonstrate this---isn't it their job/mission to shape opinion and modify behavior--I thought that was what CNN was 'all about'???

We must 'Stay Strong'---throughout this torture. That is how I feel. Certain waterboarding wouldn't be pleasant but a complete transcript of this month long journalistic nightmare would possibly 'break' a hardened terrorists. 'No more, No more---I'll talk'--after perhaps only day 22---The plane--the plane--the pingers--the pingers--the TPL--The TPL---etc. Cruel and unusual punishment.
If you have tuned in today--really last night-- I amcertain you know of the Big News.

My poor little commentators--just frantic-- 'a new phase'---oh what can it mean--it could take a long time--maybe they won't find anything--we must stay positive but realistic.

And then---bombshell---late this afternoon---the copilot's cell phone was on--this is unusual---and we are concerned--was the copilot contacting his coconspirators--or did he maybe just forget to turn the phone off? We don't know--and are not likely to know.

You can imagine the angst. Another hard slap all the way around.
If you have tuned in today--really last night-- I amcertain you know of the Big News.

My poor little commentators--just frantic-- 'a new phase'---oh what can it mean--it could take a long time--maybe they won't find anything--we must stay positive but realistic.

And then---bombshell---late this afternoon---the copilot's cell phone was on--this is unusual---and we are concerned--was the copilot contacting his coconspirators--or did he maybe just forget to turn the phone off? We don't know--and are not likely to know.

You can imagine the angst. Another hard slap all the way around.

I agree it is cruel and unusual TORTURE on top of what the families are already going through.

After TWA Flight 800 went down, the surviving families demanded to be informed directly by the airlines of the latest updates, instead of hearing second hand through the media.

One of the grieving widowers, Joe Lychner, had worked alongside his wife Pam lobbying in the media and legislatures for crime victims rights and representation, so he drew on his experience handling the media, press conferences and public speaking to defend the families' rights. Otherwise, they were overlooked in feeding into the media frenzy.

Given how disorganized the response is by the multiple countries and agencies involved in this tragedy, I really feel for the families who are left to suffer without answers. It makes me appreciate what Joe did for the other families who leaned on him to speak for them in the media, and I wish all the people had that kind of support to make it through this.
The copilot's cell phone connecting to a cell tower in Penang, Malaysia gives lots of credibility to the low altitude reported in that area & the southern arc path proposed by Inmarsat's analysis of engine pings to the satellite & the military primary radar returns.
The copilot's cell phone connecting to a cell tower in Penang, Malaysia gives lots of credibility to the low altitude reported in that area & the southern arc path proposed by Inmarsat's analysis of engine pings to the satellite & the military primary radar returns.

I agree--don't agree that the copilot had a sinister motive---but what do I know? Maybe as much as Malaysian officials --I sometimes think.

Today, Weds, Apr 16--Day 41 of the Mystery of Flight 370:

-'We'/viewers and commentators of CNN are anxious--of course---Blue Fin had to come back to the surface again--found nothing--but is getting pics of the bottom of the ocean

-Mary Schiavo noted that if BF has been programmed to come to the surface when it reaches the limits set--that is good. No reason to panic.

--WE--aren't going to be told what the HMS Echo is doing---it has a lot of secret nuclear equipment and the Brits are telling everything--it is there--it is doing something.

--What else---racking my brain---the planes may finish their part tomorrow---and there was some mention--'this is the most expensive search ever'---cough---yes---that will be an issue at some point. The US was said to have budgeted 4 million----when it began---which was estimated to last until the first of April. The tab must now be twice that--or 3x that. In for a penny and in for a pound.

The ocean is filled with trash---that has been confirmed.
I try to limit the time I spend watching TV--that seems to work. I want to know what is going on in the world --don't always want to get online and find a better news source.

Also---it is therapeutic to release a little hostility --CNN and Fox--make excellent targets for an assortment of reasons---continual reminder that I am not in their 'target audiences'---far beyond their target audiences. When did that happen---sometimes I feel that 'Barbie and Ken' have come alive and chosen careers as news commentators. Everyone is so young ---under '40'. Leaving me with Kathie Lee and Hoda as role models---I just cannot relate to them. I have enjoyed the reports/opinions from Mary Schiavo---whom I notice is in Charleston, SC---wish there were more like her on the air.

The news that has to be reported is not good--'Don't shoot the messenger'--I've heard that.

Gather round, kids--I will tell you stories of the days of yore. There was a time in a faraway land when the news was broadcast 3, maybe 4 x a day. The TV stations signed off at midnight. If anything happened during the night-- you didn't know until the next morning--that's true---no breaking news----you waited 3 maybe 4 or 5 or 6 hours to be notified of overnight events. The assassination of JFK was the first event that interrupted regular programming--at least that I remember. News at ? 7AM, Noon, 6PM and 11PM----beyond that---you had to read a newspaper or listen to the radio. Times were hard. If the Mystery of Flight 370 were covered in the same manner--I would be uneducated --illiterate on some many things. 'Transponder, TPL, Blue Fin, assorted satellite terms, the weather conditions in the Indian Ocean, the various aspects of running a search effort under the sea---political relationships in Asia and the ?South Pacific---Australia and New Zealand and surrounding atolls and the proper way to sign off --should I ever be in the cockpit of a 777---I will not be the one to screw that up---no ''All right --Good Night' from me. No sirreee, Bob.
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