Fix illegal immigration first


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Congress needs to fix illegal immigration before fixing the healthcare system. Illegal aliens are here, producing millions of anchor babies, and they are getting free and discount healthcare paid for by the tax payers.
County run clinics, HAWC in Reno, all across the country subsidized by the federal and county government has more illegal aliens as patients than American citizens because these clinic are the only place they can get medical care.
HAWC got millions in stimulus money, tax payers money, to expand their services in order to serve more illegal aliens. HAWC already provide dental and Chiropractic care.
95% of it’s patients and employers are Hispanic and this was not the scenario 20 years ago.
Fixing illegal immigration first will eliminate most of the cost of government run HC. Obama’s decisions to fix healthcare first was a wise plan because if amnesty comes they will be automatically covered.
Fixing illegal immigration means putting the E-Verify system in place and mandatory use of it. They must leave and take their anchor babies with them because they are bankrupting this country.
Well, Lilolady, they should. Yep. But, apparently, immigration isn't a problem. Nope, ignore it and move away from all those dark skinned non English speaking folks. Then, the same lame ass holier- than-thou pricks like to blog here and DEFEND illegals. No immigration is a problem. Denial IS. It is the crux of the biscuit. You ignore me too, why is that?
What would happen if you had FOX news on the tube, and NPR on the radio? Nothing. I tried it, I thought perhaps they would cancel each other out in a huge explosion. No, life isn’t like that. Illegal aliens aren't total hell spawn, but neither are they good and well intentioned victims, either. Somewhere, the truth lays in the middle. Don't believe propaganda. The truth is out there. Turn this fucking computer off, and go find it. Get back to us, O, seekers of truth. I'm going to do JUST that. And, get a good night's sleep, too. Does wonders for the soul. If the neighbors turn of that loud ass Mariachi musica, that is.
Immigration raids yield jobs for legal workers

Yahoo! Buzz Digg Newsvine Reddit FacebookWhat's this?By Alan Gomez, USA TODAY

When federal agents descended on six meatpacking plants owned by Swift & Co. in December 2006, they rounded up nearly 1,300 suspected illegal immigrants that made up about 10% of the labor force at the plants.
But the raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents did not cripple the company or the plants. In fact, they were back up and running at full staff within months by replacing those removed with a significant number of native-born Americans, according to a report by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS).

That was the most extreme example of what has become an increasingly common result of the raids: "They were very beneficial to American workers," according to Vanderbilt University professor Carol Swain.

"Whenever there's an immigration raid, you find white, black and legal immigrant labor lining up to do those jobs that Americans will supposedly not do," said Swain, who teaches law and political science.

Exactly who is filling the jobs has varied, depending on the populations surrounding the plants:

• Out West, one of the Swift plants raided by ICE, had a workforce that was about 90% Hispanic — both legal and illegal — before the raids. The lost workers were replaced mostly with white Americans and U.S.-born Hispanics, according to the CIS.

• In the South, a House of Raeford Farms plant in North Carolina that was more than 80% Hispanic before a federal investigation is now about 70% African-American, according to a report by TheCharlotte Observer.

• Throughout the Great Plains, a new wave of legal immigrants is filling the void, according to Jill Cashen, spokeswoman for the United Food and Commercial Workers union, which represents 1.3 million people who work in the food-processing industry. Plants are refilling positions with newly arrived immigrants from places such as Sudan, Somalia and Southeast Asia.

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