Five years of Obama

2008 vs today

full time workers 118M 117M
workforce participation 65.9% 62.8%
home ownership 67.5% 65.0%
median income $ 53,664 $51,017
poverty 13.2% 15.0%
people on food stamps 28.2M 47.6M
debt to GDP ratio 64.8% 101.6%

and the gap between rich and poor is larger than ever and the world is laughing at our incompetent president-----------way to go libs, you elected him twice. the mess belongs to you.
95% of financial gains since 2009 going to the richest 1% who tanked the economy is proof that trickle down economics doesn't work.

It also proves that Obama isn't a Marxist.

But Republicans can't understand that. If these corporations were making so much money under a Republican (or even a white Democrat), all of you Conservatives would be bragging about how high the Dow is.

Once again another statistic without a link to verify.

Let me explain why that is important if someone really wishes to discuss the subject.

Say you make a million a year and I make 100,000 a year. Both of our incomes go up 10 percent. You now make 1,100,000 and I make 110,000. HEY the wage inequality went up what the hell.. You were making 900000 more then me and now you are making 990000 more then me, UNFAIR!!! AND since our two person economy went up 110,000 dollars you got 90 percent of the increase, UNFAIR. You're a greedy bastard.
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True, but Bush only had 6 and didn't. It only took the Democrat controlled Congress 2 years to inflate a bubble then break it. One would think with an economy in such poor shape at the start Obama had all the potential to really look good. History has shown that the bigger the recession the quicker and bigger the recovery, UNTIL OBAMA.

After 2006 you can lay most blame on those who are suppose to be our representatives and those people were Democrats.

Bush cut taxes, twice. Cut interest rates to zero. Cut funding to the IRS and SEC.

And he didn't do anything after the Arthur Anderson/ENRON meltdown, after he had a very good indication that the financial industry was playing hard and fast with the rules.

This was all the fault of conservatives and republicans.

Every single crisis.

You have an illiterate understanding of how our government is suppose to work. Bush said it would be easier if he were a dictator but he never tried to be one. Unlike what we have with Obama making law through excutive fiat.

But let me turn it back on you and show you the hypoctisy of what you are trying to tell us. EVERY ill of the nation you and your ilk lay on Republicans although Repubicans control only the house. So apparently you place great value in the House of Rep. But when it is pointed out to you that the whole financial disaster happened when both the house and senate was controlled by democrats you all of a sudden think that the president runs the country. Which is it?

Wait, I'm illiterate?

Well please explain how "excutive", "hypoctisy" and "Repubicans" are words in the English Language.

What "laws" were passed by "executive fiat"?

And when you control something, it generally means you try to get stuff done.

Republicans haven't done shit since winning the house in 2010, except obstruct and shut things down. If they did that in a private corporation? Security would be cleaning out their desks.
2008 vs today

full time workers 118M 117M
workforce participation 65.9% 62.8%
home ownership 67.5% 65.0%
median income $ 53,664 $51,017
poverty 13.2% 15.0%
people on food stamps 28.2M 47.6M
debt to GDP ratio 64.8% 101.6%

and the gap between rich and poor is larger than ever and the world is laughing at our incompetent president-----------way to go libs, you elected him twice. the mess belongs to you.
95% of financial gains since 2009 going to the richest 1% who tanked the economy is proof that trickle down economics doesn't work.

It also proves that Obama isn't a Marxist.

But Republicans can't understand that. If these corporations were making so much money under a Republican (or even a white Democrat), all of you Conservatives would be bragging about how high the Dow is.

Once again another statistic without a link to verify.

Let me explain why that is important if someone really wishes to discuss the subject.

Say you make a million a year and I make 100,000 a year. Both of our incomes go up 10 percent. You now make 1,100,000 and I make 110,000. HEY the wage inequality went up what the hell.. You were making 900000 more then me and now you are making 990000 more then me, UNFAIR!!! AND since our two person economy went up 110,000 dollars you got 90 percent of the increase, UNFAIR. You're a greedy bastard.

Here's your link.

The rest of your post makes absolutely no sense.
2008 vs today

full time workers 118M 117M
workforce participation 65.9% 62.8%
home ownership 67.5% 65.0%
median income $ 53,664 $51,017
poverty 13.2% 15.0%
people on food stamps 28.2M 47.6M
debt to GDP ratio 64.8% 101.6%

and the gap between rich and poor is larger than ever and the world is laughing at our incompetent president-----------way to go libs, you elected him twice. the mess belongs to you.

And you said the wealth gap is made up by liberals
But...but..income inequality...but..but..Obama said fairness..and change...and hope...

and the media put his lies out and the masses bought into them. It is a sad commentary on the intellect of many americans.

and the gap between rich and poor is larger than ever and the world is laughing at our incompetent president-----------way to go libs, you elected him twice. the mess belongs to you.

Which one is it?
2008 vs today

full time workers 118M 117M
workforce participation 65.9% 62.8%
home ownership 67.5% 65.0%
median income $ 53,664 $51,017
poverty 13.2% 15.0%
people on food stamps 28.2M 47.6M
debt to GDP ratio 64.8% 101.6%

and the gap between rich and poor is larger than ever and the world is laughing at our incompetent president-----------way to go libs, you elected him twice. the mess belongs to you.
95% of financial gains since 2009 going to the richest 1% who tanked the economy is proof that trickle down economics doesn't work.

It also proves that Obama isn't a Marxist.

But Republicans can't understand that. If these corporations were making so much money under a Republican (or even a white Democrat), all of you Conservatives would be bragging about how high the Dow is.

The DOW is not the economy, and the DOW is currently a bubble financed with the money printed for quantitive easing. Proving once again, that ignorance is both color blind and non partisan.

Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac crashed the economy, and had plenty of help from Obama, Acorn, and the entire left wing establishment. Add in the "centrist" Republicans and you have the answer that you desperately try to avoid.

They attempted to legislate their desired social change and all they accomplished was the creation of an economic bubble, government and private corruption, and misery for the poor fools who got involved in their idiocy.
2008 vs today

full time workers 118M 117M
workforce participation 65.9% 62.8%
home ownership 67.5% 65.0%
median income $ 53,664 $51,017
poverty 13.2% 15.0%
people on food stamps 28.2M 47.6M
debt to GDP ratio 64.8% 101.6%

and the gap between rich and poor is larger than ever and the world is laughing at our incompetent president-----------way to go libs, you elected him twice. the mess belongs to you.
95% of financial gains since 2009 going to the richest 1% who tanked the economy is proof that trickle down economics doesn't work.

It also proves that Obama isn't a Marxist.

But Republicans can't understand that. If these corporations were making so much money under a Republican (or even a white Democrat), all of you Conservatives would be bragging about how high the Dow is.

The DOW is not the economy, and the DOW is currently a bubble financed with the money printed for quantitive easing. Proving once again, that ignorance is both color blind and non partisan.

Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac crashed the economy, and had plenty of help from Obama, Acorn, and the entire left wing establishment. Add in the "centrist" Republicans and you have the answer that you desperately try to avoid.

They attempted to legislate their desired social change and all they accomplished was the creation of an economic bubble, government and private corruption, and misery for the poor fools who got involved in their idiocy.

When the Dow lost 7000 points in the Great Bush Recession it was definitely the economy
95% of financial gains since 2009 going to the richest 1% who tanked the economy is proof that trickle down economics doesn't work.

It also proves that Obama isn't a Marxist.

But Republicans can't understand that. If these corporations were making so much money under a Republican (or even a white Democrat), all of you Conservatives would be bragging about how high the Dow is.

The DOW is not the economy, and the DOW is currently a bubble financed with the money printed for quantitive easing. Proving once again, that ignorance is both color blind and non partisan.

Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac crashed the economy, and had plenty of help from Obama, Acorn, and the entire left wing establishment. Add in the "centrist" Republicans and you have the answer that you desperately try to avoid.

They attempted to legislate their desired social change and all they accomplished was the creation of an economic bubble, government and private corruption, and misery for the poor fools who got involved in their idiocy.

When the Dow lost 7000 points in the Great Bush Recession it was definitely the economy

actually the dow lost 7000 points once the democrats gained control of congress
George W Bush left this country in near total ruin, and you expect Obama to fully rehabilitate it in in 5 years: a completely unreasonable expectation. He has rebuilt some of it and laid the groundwork for more. He will be recognized by presidential historians as a good president, far, far supperior to GW Bush. All your belittling of Obama is just partisanship. Nothing more.
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2008 vs today

full time workers 118M 117M
workforce participation 65.9% 62.8%
home ownership 67.5% 65.0%
median income $ 53,664 $51,017
poverty 13.2% 15.0%
people on food stamps 28.2M 47.6M
debt to GDP ratio 64.8% 101.6%

and the gap between rich and poor is larger than ever and the world is laughing at our incompetent president-----------way to go libs, you elected him twice. the mess belongs to you.

So the rich got richer under Obama. What's the problem there other than it proves he's not the marxist the right wing said he was.
The DOW is not the economy, and the DOW is currently a bubble financed with the money printed for quantitive easing. Proving once again, that ignorance is both color blind and non partisan.

Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac crashed the economy, and had plenty of help from Obama, Acorn, and the entire left wing establishment. Add in the "centrist" Republicans and you have the answer that you desperately try to avoid.

They attempted to legislate their desired social change and all they accomplished was the creation of an economic bubble, government and private corruption, and misery for the poor fools who got involved in their idiocy.

When the Dow lost 7000 points in the Great Bush Recession it was definitely the economy

actually the dow lost 7000 points once the democrats gained control of congress

Only Bush vetoed their legislation....nice try though
2008 vs today

full time workers 118M 117M
workforce participation 65.9% 62.8%
home ownership 67.5% 65.0%
median income $ 53,664 $51,017
poverty 13.2% 15.0%
people on food stamps 28.2M 47.6M
debt to GDP ratio 64.8% 101.6%

and the gap between rich and poor is larger than ever and the world is laughing at our incompetent president-----------way to go libs, you elected him twice. the mess belongs to you.
95% of financial gains since 2009 going to the richest 1% who tanked the economy is proof that trickle down economics doesn't work.

It also proves that Obama isn't a Marxist.

But Republicans can't understand that. If these corporations were making so much money under a Republican (or even a white Democrat), all of you Conservatives would be bragging about how high the Dow is.

The DOW is not the economy, and the DOW is currently a bubble financed with the money printed for quantitive easing. Proving once again, that ignorance is both color blind and non partisan.

Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac crashed the economy, and had plenty of help from Obama, Acorn, and the entire left wing establishment. Add in the "centrist" Republicans and you have the answer that you desperately try to avoid.

They attempted to legislate their desired social change and all they accomplished was the creation of an economic bubble, government and private corruption, and misery for the poor fools who got involved in their idiocy.

None of those folks were the President when the economy crashed.

Only to the economically ignorant. You need to lay off the Kool-aid, or at least get past your obcession with hating those who are successful in life.
Well, please explain economics to me, Professor. I'm just a dumb libturd stoner moocher.

If cutting taxes to the wealthy 1% spurs economic growth then why have the job creators made so much money despite the current oppressive tax rates, and yet unemployment still remains so high? Just how low does the corporate tax rate have to be in order for these corporations (which already profit more money than ever before in history) to make enough money to hire more workers at higher wages with better benefits and spur economic growth in the lower and middle classes?
2008 vs today

full time workers 118M 117M
workforce participation 65.9% 62.8%
home ownership 67.5% 65.0%
median income $ 53,664 $51,017
poverty 13.2% 15.0%
people on food stamps 28.2M 47.6M
debt to GDP ratio 64.8% 101.6%

and the gap between rich and poor is larger than ever and the world is laughing at our incompetent president-----------way to go libs, you elected him twice. the mess belongs to you.

So the rich got richer under Obama. What's the problem there other than it proves he's not the marxist the right wing said he was.

The problem is they want it both ways.

They want to pretend Obama is going to kill the rich while pointing their fingers complaining that the rich are getting richer. Its like their "complaint" about Obama continuing Bush's policies. They agree with Obama, Obama disagrees with Liberals so AHA!

Except they say that Obama is a socialist...figure it out.

They have gotten so use to being Anti that now they are against stuff they really support. Obama continues war in Iraq - the right complains.

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