CDZ Five ways Obamacare has helped Americans


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
5 ways Obamacare has made Americans healthier - Mar. 23 2015

  • Fewer uninsured: Millions of Americans now have coverage, many for the first time. The share of the nation's uninsured has dropped to 12.3% for the first two months of the year, from 17.1% in late 2013, before coverage in the insurance exchanges began.
  • No one will be turned away: The law banned insurers from turning away applicants because of pre-existing conditions. So those who were previously deemed uninsurable -- either because of minor or life-threatening illnesses -- can now enroll in coverage to help them pay for their visits, tests and prescriptions.
  • Staying on parents' plan: Children can now stay on their parents' insurance until age 26. As a result, roughly 5.7 million young adults have gained coverage over the past five years.
  • Free preventative care: Insurers must now cover a host of wellness exams and screenings, including annual physicals, mammograms and tests for cholesterol and diabetes.
  • Paying for care, not visits: Under Obamacare, doctors and hospitals are increasingly incentivized to treat patients more holistically and to keep them well. Instead of just getting paid per visit or test, insurers and Medicare are moving towards paying providers one fee to treat a patient's condition and penalizing them if patients are re-hospitalized quickly

paid for my cancer treatments and hubbys total knee replacements...the deductible sucks ....but it beats no insurance at all...i have pre existing conditions
5 ways Obamacare has made Americans healthier - Mar. 23 2015

  • Fewer uninsured: Millions of Americans now have coverage, many for the first time. The share of the nation's uninsured has dropped to 12.3% for the first two months of the year, from 17.1% in late 2013, before coverage in the insurance exchanges began.
  • No one will be turned away: The law banned insurers from turning away applicants because of pre-existing conditions. So those who were previously deemed uninsurable -- either because of minor or life-threatening illnesses -- can now enroll in coverage to help them pay for their visits, tests and prescriptions.
  • Staying on parents' plan: Children can now stay on their parents' insurance until age 26. As a result, roughly 5.7 million young adults have gained coverage over the past five years.
  • Free preventative care: Insurers must now cover a host of wellness exams and screenings, including annual physicals, mammograms and tests for cholesterol and diabetes.
  • Paying for care, not visits: Under Obamacare, doctors and hospitals are increasingly incentivized to treat patients more holistically and to keep them well. Instead of just getting paid per visit or test, insurers and Medicare are moving towards paying providers one fee to treat a patient's condition and penalizing them if patients are re-hospitalized quickly

Ways that Obamacare has NOT helped people:
(1) Caused premiums to increase
(2) Caused deductibles to increase
(3) Caused insurers to lower benefits
(4) Restricted doctor availability
(5) Caused businesses to rethink hiring due to the added cost placed on them
(6) Increased taxes on upper income workers to off-set cost of Obamacare
(7) Added hundreds of $Billions to our debt
(8) Some doctors do not accept Obamacare patients
(9) Increased co-pays
(10) Caused some doctors to give up the profession here and move to Australia and other places
I'm kind of new at this, so maybe people can explain to someone totally ignorant concerning the Obamacare. Do all Americans get the coverage now? Or is it still processing?
Yo, you forgot all the people States are putting on Medicaid, its outrages!!! We will see the Federal Government bailing them out in the near future! I think there are more moving into Medicaid, then Obama-care!!

Just Fact!

I'm kind of new at this, so maybe people can explain to someone totally ignorant concerning the Obamacare. Do all Americans get the coverage now? Or is it still processing?
Not everyone can get it. I have a neighbor that's 59 years old. She called our state representative about getting it. She has no job, no income other what her daughter gives her babysit. But, because she owns her home, she doesn't qualify for anything, nothing. She has no dependent children living at home, so she doesn't qualify for food stamps or any other assistance. So, to answer your question, no, not everyone can get insurance. You have to qualify, just like you have to for credit cards and a bank loan. It's a restricted program.
I'm kind of new at this, so maybe people can explain to someone totally ignorant concerning the Obamacare. Do all Americans get the coverage now? Or is it still processing?
Not everyone can get it. I have a neighbor that's 59 years old. She called our state representative about getting it. She has no job, no income other what her daughter gives her babysit. But, because she owns her home, she doesn't qualify for anything, nothing. She has no dependent children living at home, so she doesn't qualify for food stamps or any other assistance. So, to answer your question, no, not everyone can get insurance. You have to qualify, just like you have to for credit cards and a bank loan. It's a restricted program.

Oh, ok, I see. thanks
I'm kind of new at this, so maybe people can explain to someone totally ignorant concerning the Obamacare. Do all Americans get the coverage now? Or is it still processing?
Not everyone can get it. I have a neighbor that's 59 years old. She called our state representative about getting it. She has no job, no income other what her daughter gives her babysit. But, because she owns her home, she doesn't qualify for anything, nothing. She has no dependent children living at home, so she doesn't qualify for food stamps or any other assistance. So, to answer your question, no, not everyone can get insurance. You have to qualify, just like you have to for credit cards and a bank loan. It's a restricted program.

Oh, ok, I see. thanks
You're welcome.
I'm kind of new at this, so maybe people can explain to someone totally ignorant concerning the Obamacare. Do all Americans get the coverage now? Or is it still processing?
Not everyone can get it. I have a neighbor that's 59 years old. She called our state representative about getting it. She has no job, no income other what her daughter gives her babysit. But, because she owns her home, she doesn't qualify for anything, nothing. She has no dependent children living at home, so she doesn't qualify for food stamps or any other assistance. So, to answer your question, no, not everyone can get insurance. You have to qualify, just like you have to for credit cards and a bank loan. It's a restricted program.

Yo, sorry, but you are wrong! She just needs to talk to the right people, she is eligible for food stamps, and if she has a medical problem? Yes, she should get medicaid!


5 ways Obamacare has made Americans healthier - Mar. 23 2015

  • Fewer uninsured: Millions of Americans now have coverage, many for the first time. The share of the nation's uninsured has dropped to 12.3% for the first two months of the year, from 17.1% in late 2013, before coverage in the insurance exchanges began.
  • No one will be turned away: The law banned insurers from turning away applicants because of pre-existing conditions. So those who were previously deemed uninsurable -- either because of minor or life-threatening illnesses -- can now enroll in coverage to help them pay for their visits, tests and prescriptions.
  • Staying on parents' plan: Children can now stay on their parents' insurance until age 26. As a result, roughly 5.7 million young adults have gained coverage over the past five years.
  • Free preventative care: Insurers must now cover a host of wellness exams and screenings, including annual physicals, mammograms and tests for cholesterol and diabetes.
  • Paying for care, not visits: Under Obamacare, doctors and hospitals are increasingly incentivized to treat patients more holistically and to keep them well. Instead of just getting paid per visit or test, insurers and Medicare are moving towards paying providers one fee to treat a patient's condition and penalizing them if patients are re-hospitalized quickly

Ways that Obamacare has NOT helped people:
(1) Caused premiums to increase
(2) Caused deductibles to increase
(3) Caused insurers to lower benefits
(4) Restricted doctor availability
(5) Caused businesses to rethink hiring due to the added cost placed on them
(6) Increased taxes on upper income workers to off-set cost of Obamacare
(7) Added hundreds of $Billions to our debt
(8) Some doctors do not accept Obamacare patients
(9) Increased co-pays
(10) Caused some doctors to give up the profession here and move to Australia and other places
I really need a link on this one

Looks made up
I'm kind of new at this, so maybe people can explain to someone totally ignorant concerning the Obamacare. Do all Americans get the coverage now? Or is it still processing?
Not everyone can get it. I have a neighbor that's 59 years old. She called our state representative about getting it. She has no job, no income other what her daughter gives her babysit. But, because she owns her home, she doesn't qualify for anything, nothing. She has no dependent children living at home, so she doesn't qualify for food stamps or any other assistance. So, to answer your question, no, not everyone can get insurance. You have to qualify, just like you have to for credit cards and a bank loan. It's a restricted program.

Yo, sorry, but you are wrong! She just needs to talk to the right people, she is eligible for food stamps, and if she has a medical problem? Yes, she should get medicaid!


According to what she told me, and I have to reason to believe that she's lying, she doesn't qualify for Medicaid, Medicare, nor Obamacare. I called the state rep for her from my home phone to request the forms and paperwork necessary to apply. After she filled out all paperwork and sent it in, they reviewed the information, called her, and told her she didn't qualify. She had also applied for state Medicaid, same results. They told her that since she owns a home and that the home is paid for in full, her assets are above the qualifying line. Her home was paid for from her parents estate left to her in their will. She baby sits for her daughter and gets $500.00 a month for it. With that, she buys food, pays utilities, gas in her car, car insurance, property taxes, medicine, and other necessities provided any money if left after the primary necessary expenses. I have known her for 6 years now, and she is honest and wouldn't lie about something of this nature. By the way, we live in Georgia. Rules may be different in your state. I'm not an expert on Medicare, Medicaid, and other benefits for each state.
I'm kind of new at this, so maybe people can explain to someone totally ignorant concerning the Obamacare. Do all Americans get the coverage now? Or is it still processing?
Not everyone can get it. I have a neighbor that's 59 years old. She called our state representative about getting it. She has no job, no income other what her daughter gives her babysit. But, because she owns her home, she doesn't qualify for anything, nothing. She has no dependent children living at home, so she doesn't qualify for food stamps or any other assistance. So, to answer your question, no, not everyone can get insurance. You have to qualify, just like you have to for credit cards and a bank loan. It's a restricted program.

Yo, sorry, but you are wrong! She just needs to talk to the right people, she is eligible for food stamps, and if she has a medical problem? Yes, she should get medicaid!


According to what she told me, and I have to reason to believe that she's lying, she doesn't qualify for Medicaid, Medicare, nor Obamacare. I called the state rep for her from my home phone to request the forms and paperwork necessary to apply. After she filled out all paperwork and sent it in, they reviewed the information, called her, and told her she didn't qualify. She had also applied for state Medicaid, same results. They told her that since she owns a home and that the home is paid for in full, her assets are above the qualifying line. Her home was paid for from her parents estate left to her in their will. She baby sits for her daughter and gets $500.00 a month for it. With that, she buys food, pays utilities, gas in her car, car insurance, property taxes, medicine, and other necessities provided any money if left after the primary necessary expenses. I have known her for 6 years now, and she is honest and wouldn't lie about something of this nature. By the way, we live in Georgia. Rules may be different in your state. I'm not an expert on Medicare, Medicaid, and other benefits for each state.

Yo, something is not right? She needs to fake a disability like the Democrats do, and get her a Disability Lawyer who can help her! If the Democrats can do it, then the Independents can!!!

5 ways Obamacare has made Americans healthier - Mar. 23 2015

  • Fewer uninsured: Millions of Americans now have coverage, many for the first time. The share of the nation's uninsured has dropped to 12.3% for the first two months of the year, from 17.1% in late 2013, before coverage in the insurance exchanges began.
  • No one will be turned away: The law banned insurers from turning away applicants because of pre-existing conditions. So those who were previously deemed uninsurable -- either because of minor or life-threatening illnesses -- can now enroll in coverage to help them pay for their visits, tests and prescriptions.
  • Staying on parents' plan: Children can now stay on their parents' insurance until age 26. As a result, roughly 5.7 million young adults have gained coverage over the past five years.
  • Free preventative care: Insurers must now cover a host of wellness exams and screenings, including annual physicals, mammograms and tests for cholesterol and diabetes.
  • Paying for care, not visits: Under Obamacare, doctors and hospitals are increasingly incentivized to treat patients more holistically and to keep them well. Instead of just getting paid per visit or test, insurers and Medicare are moving towards paying providers one fee to treat a patient's condition and penalizing them if patients are re-hospitalized quickly

Ways that Obamacare has NOT helped people:
(1) Caused premiums to increase
(2) Caused deductibles to increase
(3) Caused insurers to lower benefits
(4) Restricted doctor availability
(5) Caused businesses to rethink hiring due to the added cost placed on them
(6) Increased taxes on upper income workers to off-set cost of Obamacare
(7) Added hundreds of $Billions to our debt
(8) Some doctors do not accept Obamacare patients
(9) Increased co-pays
(10) Caused some doctors to give up the profession here and move to Australia and other places
I really need a link on this one

Looks made up
Ok, research it if you have any doubts. I have Cigna as my major medical coverage. I also have Medicare. As soon as it became obvious that Obamacare was going into effect, Cigna raised my premiums, lowered my coverage, increased co-pays, and paid less on my prescriptions. Since then ( two and a half years ago ), my premiums have gone up twice, and my wife's employer is paying less of the cost. This is a common story, I've heard many over the past two years. Doctors in my area are accepting either fewer patients, or none at all that are covered my Obamacare. My cardiovascular doctor told me that it doesn't pay to see and treat them because he doesn't get paid near as much for his services.

I have read stories lately, one was on, about doctors going to other countries to practice because of the BS they go through here in the states. Australia is a popular destination for doctors right now. And, I'm sure that you've read the stories about the rich paying for Obamacare through higher taxes. So, if you think that it's "made up", do your research and see for yourself. Why would I make it up or lie about it? I have no reason to make it up or lie about it. No one is going to knock on my door with a big cardboard check for making stories up, or for lying.
What a pathetic thread.
5 ways Obamacare has helped obtuse.
5 ways it helped, is not complete with the 100 ways it hurt.
The fact that liberals defend this thing that gave them maybe 10% of what they wanted...just goes to show you how partisan people are now.
Just pathetic.
What a pathetic thread.
5 ways Obamacare has helped obtuse.
5 ways it helped, is not complete with the 100 ways it hurt.
The fact that liberals defend this thing that gave them maybe 10% of what they wanted...just goes to show you how partisan people are now.
Just pathetic.

Still waiting for the Republican plan to replace Obamacare after five years


WASHINGTON — Spending on health care in the United States grew in 2013 at the lowest rate since the federal government began tracking it in 1960, the Obama administration said Wednesday.

It was the fifth straight year of exceptionally small increases in the closely watched indicator. The data defied critics who had said such slow growth would not continue for long once the recession ended in mid-2009.

What happened to all the predictions from Republicans about Obamacare?
What a pathetic thread.
5 ways Obamacare has helped obtuse.
5 ways it helped, is not complete with the 100 ways it hurt.
The fact that liberals defend this thing that gave them maybe 10% of what they wanted...just goes to show you how partisan people are now.
Just pathetic.

Still waiting for the Republican plan to replace Obamacare after five years


Again, a typical liberal response.
Obamacare gave virtually NO ONE want they wanted...and virtually everyone what they DID NOT want - is the opposite of it's name (affordable) - is so far from what liberals wanted - yet...'republicans need a plan to replace it or they can't complain".
Why not just for once say it is a f*cked up plan? From the start to finish.
$6,700 individual deductible, $13,000 family deductible, $1270 a month premium with a 30% copay is...wait for it...NOT INSURANCE. It is extortion. The only one who wins is the insurance company. The plans are so bad in most states that people are opting out. Having no insurance. Because paying $14,000 in premiums, and up to $13,000 in family deductible before you get one red cent of INSURANCE.

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