Five Key Reasons to Reject Class-Warfare Tax Policy

Less government spending should include the military security complex too, imho. The budgets of the Pentagon, CIA and Homeland Security total approximately $1.1 trillion which is close to our current yearly deficit.

Social Security and Medicare total approximately $1.6 trillion dollars, which is much closer to our current yearly deficit. According to your logic, that means we should cut both of those programs.

Social security has a $2.7 TRILLION CASH position, dude.

Social security is not in financial trouble. Even if we did nothing to change it it would be finanically secure until 2040 (UNLESS the government is prepared to renige on its debt obligations to EVERYBODY, which they're not about to do. (The rich would go BALLISTIC if it did since they own so much Federal debt instruments)

Medicade and Medicare, however, are in serious economic trouble.

Not only was it not well funded initially (was it 67?) but the uncontrolled rising costs of health care makes it impossible for that system to remain solvent.
Five Key Reasons to Reject Class-Warfare Tax Policy

If liberals could learn this, they would stop being liberals.
....And, if Teabaggers would drop their preference for 1930s-style Nation Building.....​

[ame=""]YouTube - THE THIRD REICH - The Rise Part 1 of 7[/ame]​

"The Tea Party began early in 2009 after an improvised rant by Rick Santelli, a CNBC commentator who called for an uprising to protest the Obama administration’s subsidizing the “losers’ mortgages.” Video of his diatribe rocketed around the country, and protesters quickly adopted both his call for a tea party and his general abhorrence of government that took from the virtuous and the successful and gave to the poor, the uninsured, the bankrupt—in short, the losers. It sounded harsh, Santelli quickly conceded, but “at the end of the day I’m an Ayn Rander

Ayn Rand, of course, was a kind of politicized L. Ron Hubbard—a novelist-philosopher who inspired a cult of acolytes who deem her the greatest human being who ever lived. The enduring heart of Rand’s totalistic philosophy was Marxism flipped upside down. Rand viewed the capitalists, not the workers, as the producers of all wealth, and the workers, not the capitalists, as useless parasites."

War On The Weak

.....the Teabaggers would still lose, anyhow....for being radical, ill-educated cretins.



If liberals could learn this, they would stop being liberals.
Some liberals have learned how to connect the dots between the corporate scams that currently provide the richest 1% of Americans with 40% of total US wealth.

How did "Comrade Corporate" manage to talk for 8:47 minutes on class war without mentioning TARP or the $1.1 trillion toxic-mortgage-based securities purchased by the Fed?

Maybe Peter Coors would not have approved that message?
You underestimate (that's misunderestimate, for you Bush-fans)....the Coors Family.​

"Coors has been around since 1873, but the company has been extremely political for a couple of generations. In the 1970s, the AFL-CIO launched a national boycott of the company’s beer to protest Coors’ union-busting activities. Civil rights groups have also singled out Coors for criticism after William Coors delivered a speech to a Denver minority business group in which, according to a Rocky Mountain News report, he told a largely African-American audience that “one of the best things [slave traders] did for you is to drag your ancestors over here in chains.” In the same speech, Coors also argued that weaknesses in Zimbabwe’s economy at the time were due to black Africans’ “[l]ack of intellectual capacity — that has got to be there.” (Coors later said his remarks were taken out of context and threatened to sue the newspaper.)"

How would a self-respecting parasite like William Coors prosper without blaming his victims' "lack of context?"

"The reality is that conservatives have been quite actively using the power of the government to shape market outcomes in ways that redistribute income upward.

"However, conservatives have been clever enough to not own up to their role in this process, pretending all along that everything is just the natural working of the market.

"And, progressives have been foolish enough to go along with this view."

The Conservative Nanny State
Let's just eat the rich!
YouTube - Bill Whittle - Let's Just Eat the Rich!

It is truly amazing that some people think there is a nasty plot to deprive them of their rightful money. NEver mind they never worked, or worked at menial jobs for 20 years. It's theirs, dammit. ANd they want gummint to take it for them.
They are the useful idiots of big governnment leftists.​

“The man at the top of the intellectual pyramid contributes the most to all those below him, but gets nothing except his material payment, receiving no intellectual bonus from others to add to the value of his time. The man at the bottom who, left to himself, would starve in his hopeless ineptitude, contributes nothing to those above him, but receives the bonus of all of their brains

Let's just eat the rich!
YouTube - Bill Whittle - Let's Just Eat the Rich!

It is truly amazing that some people think there is a nasty plot to deprive them of their rightful money. NEver mind they never worked, or worked at menial jobs for 20 years. It's theirs, dammit. ANd they want gummint to take it for them.
They are the useful idiots of big governnment leftists.
How did 1% of Americans come to possess 40% of US wealth?
Hmmmmmmmmmm.....because of their unique....

Let's just eat the rich!
YouTube - Bill Whittle - Let's Just Eat the Rich!

It is truly amazing that some people think there is a nasty plot to deprive them of their rightful money. NEver mind they never worked, or worked at menial jobs for 20 years. It's theirs, dammit. ANd they want gummint to take it for them.
They are the useful idiots of big governnment leftists.
How did 1% of Americans come to possess 40% of US wealth?

A nasty plot(s) to deprive other Americans of their rightful money?

Yes, it's a plot called "hard work"
Yeah.....whenever people think of BUSHCO, they think of.....

How did 1% of Americans come to possess 40% of US wealth?

A nasty plot(s) to deprive other Americans of their rightful money?

The bar to ordinary folks becoming rich is taxes.

One is not taxes on what he or she already has, such as stocks, bonds, or stacks of gold bars, but rather on money earned.

So who is being hurt by increased taxes?

You're absolutely right about that chickie. As business owner I have a variety of ways to avoid taxes. But when you're a middle class worker who draws a salary and make too much to be in the bottom half of earners who pay zero taxes, you get hit with the full force.

The solution is two of the most dirty words in the liberal language, "Fair Tax." By putting the tax on consumption you remove all tax dodges, deductions. Everyone pays when they buy. Which they do now by the way, it's just buried in the price of products.
On first look all that sounds great, but then you have to realize that all that will reduce investment in job producing activities. The real solution that we should get behind is less government spending. Therein lies the cure to all our fiscal problems. Then the monetary side will be manageable too.
American corporations have just logged profits at an annual rate of $1.678 trillion after fourth quarter profits grew faster than at any time in the last 60 years.

US businesses apparently have better uses for their money than creating jobs in this country. I think it's also important to remember that many of today's most profitable corporations would not be so healthy if it wasn't for taxpayer-financed bailouts.

Less government spending should include the military security complex too, imho. The budgets of the Pentagon, CIA and Homeland Security total approximately $1.1 trillion which is close to our current yearly deficit.

It's hard to see how meaningful cuts to the military/security complex would ever happen since our current government doesn't even audit the Pentagon.

I would suggest cutting War and Wall Street for starters, but elected Republicans AND Democrats would likely regard that suggestion as treason.
To a degree I have to agree with your last comment: The corporations are the playthings of the Democrats - too many love creating tax loopholes to shape social ends and quid-pro-quo through manipulation and special treatment. And Republicans can't imagine how we could reduce our military forces; democrats too: recall that every congressman or senator loves having military bases in their district or state and it takes a committee to recomend closures to give congress a safety. As far as auditing it, you could from some point in time in the perhaps not too distant past; but it's a plum for too many in congress.

Eliminate all corporate taxes and pass all all corporate income through individual taxes, dividends, and capital gains. Pull back our military where ever possible and let the world get by without us for a decade or two. I predict that within twenty years we'd be fully engaged in a worldwide conflict of EPIC proportions.
As I understand it, corporations have been around longer than Republicans AND Democrats.

"While the Pilgrims were early arrivers to America, and their deeds and experiences make outstanding folklore, they weren’t the country’s founders.

"This country was formally settled nineteen years before the pilgrims’ arrival, when land from the Atlantic to the Mississippi was staked out by what was then the world’s largest transnational corporation."

"Unequal Protection": The Boston Tea Party Revealed | Truthout

I've seen firsthand what happens when a major military installation closes, and the effect it has on a local economy when approximately 20% of the dollar bills in circulation suddenly aren't there anymore.

One solution would require the Pentagon to shift part of its resources from killing civilians on the opposite side of the globe to building high-speed rail and universal internet in the homeland.

The State of North Dakota has the financial infrastructure already in place to begin the Industrial Revolution 2.0

Wall Street's "help" would not be required... or tolerated.
Let's just eat the rich!
YouTube - Bill Whittle - Let's Just Eat the Rich!

It is truly amazing that some people think there is a nasty plot to deprive them of their rightful money. NEver mind they never worked, or worked at menial jobs for 20 years. It's theirs, dammit. ANd they want gummint to take it for them.
They are the useful idiots of big governnment leftists.​

“The man at the top of the intellectual pyramid contributes the most to all those below him, but gets nothing except his material payment, receiving no intellectual bonus from others to add to the value of his time. The man at the bottom who, left to himself, would starve in his hopeless ineptitude, contributes nothing to those above him, but receives the bonus of all of their brains

"Ryan’s plan does do two things in immediate and specific ways: hurt the poor and help the rich.

"After extending the Bush tax cuts, he would cut the top rate for individuals and corporations from 35 percent to 25 percent.

"Then Ryan slashes Medicaid, Pell Grants, food stamps, and low-income housing.

"These programs to help the poor, which constitute approximately 21 percent of the federal budget, absorb two thirds of Ryan’s cuts.

"Ryan spares anybody over the age of 55 from any Medicare or Social Security cuts, because, he says, they 'have organized their lives around these programs.'

"But the roughly one in seven Americans (and nearly one in four children) on food stamps? Apparently they can have their benefits yanked away because they were only counting on using them to eat."

Those at the top of the intellectual pyramid need a year on food stamps to enhance their brain bonuses.

War on the Weak - Newsweek
The top 1% who make $380,000.00 and up pay 38% of taxes.
So President Obama wants them to pay more?
Even if they did pay more how much more will it bring in?
100 Billion - oh boy that is really going to help, eh? We are dealing with Trillions of dollars. One hundred billion of more income is not going to get us much of anywhere.
This is assuming that they will stay here in this country and not move to another country that has less taxes. They can and do, do this because they are rich, they can live anywhere they want to.
I think that many will
, so then you have even less coming in from the rich.
Yeah....that's gonna happen.


How old ARE you??!!!


"In no other country in the world is the federal government spending more money on research. The United States spends some $96 billion every year on fundamental research in universities and laboratories all over this country.

And what comes of this research? Well for starters how about things like jet engines, integrated circuits, the human genome, or the Internet. Clearly the largest and most generous venture capitalist in the universe is Uncle Sam.

It is clear that the folks who have become wealthy from this significant social investment did not do it alone. I believe their estates owe something back to the society that enabled the creation of that wealth."

You're not likely to find conservatives or progressives in either the Republican OR Democratic party willing to vote against Wall Street.

Horseshit. Plenty of conservatives will vote against corporate subsidies. Those are primarily Democrat scams. However, even if that were true, how does that get Obama off the hook?

Republicans AND Democrats in DC chose to borrow the money for the bailouts from rich individuals and corporations (and China) instead of taxing the rich individuals and corporations in this country.

So you're not opposed to bailouts. You're just opposed to borrowing to pay for them. Yeah, that's a sound moral stance.
Conservatives and liberals in congress depend on the same 1% of voters to fund their campaigns, and the richest 1% of voters depend on the stock market to increase their wealth.

Incumbents from either major party who vote against corporate entitlements will find a very well funded challenger in their next primary battle.

The last thing I'm trying to do is get Obama off the hook. If it were up to me, he, both Bushes along with Clinton and Carter would all face the prospect of life in federal prison.

With regard to the bailouts, why wouldn't you tax those responsible for inflating and collapsing speculative financial bubbles rather than borrowing from them?

Or are you suggesting there should have been no bailouts?

What about stimulus?
"The subjects of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state. The expense of government to the individuals of a great nation is like the expense of management to the joint tenants of a great estate, who are all obliged to contribute in proportion to their respective interests in the estate. In the observation or neglect of this maxim consists what is called the equality or inequality of taxation."

"The necessaries of life occasion the great expense of the poor. They find it difficult to get food, and the greater part of their little revenue is spent in getting it. The luxuries and vanities of life occasion the principal expense of the rich, and a magnificent house embellishes and sets off to the best advantage all the other luxuries and vanities which they possess. A tax upon house-rents, therefore, would in general fall heaviest upon the rich; and in this sort of inequality there would not, perhaps, be anything very unreasonable. It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion."

Adam Smith; from Wealth of Nations

If the public received a proper education like our founding fathers believed necessary for the operation of a republic, the people would know enough to not believe a word that these pinochetist Cato hacks say :p
That proper education would also include a class analysis of the "free lunch" FIRE sector (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate) incomes that today's politicians can't fail to serve.

"Classical economists characterized the rent and interest accruing to the FIRE sector as 'unearned income,' headed by land rent and land-price ('capital') gains, which John Stuart Mill described as what landlords made 'in their sleep.'

"Milton Friedman,(and Pinochet) by contrast, insisted that 'there is no such thing as a free lunch' – as if the economy were not all about a free lunch and how to get it.

"And the main way to get it is to dismantle the role of government and sell off the public domain – on credit."

Henry Ford was probably right about what will happen when 90% of Americans discover the class war.

Michael Hudson: The Chicago Boys' Free Market Theology
You want a fair corporate tax rate? Try this one on... 7% of income, using non-executive payroll as the only deduction. Do you think that might create a job or two?

How much do you reckon GE would have had to pay under that plan? Do you think the burden would be fair when compared to the taxes paid by Billy-Bob, Inc., employer of 7 landscapers?

How about the paperwork? How many trees will die for even a company the size of Boeing to report their gross income and non-executive payroll?

When taxes are simple taxes will be fair. When taxes are simple and fair, our children will be on their way to the stars.
Your 7% solution sounds like a game changer, to me.

I don't think most elected Republicans AND Democrats would be likely to endorse it since their paymasters from GE to Goldman Sachs would threaten martial law...or worse.

Some elegant solutions to the class war exist, but Republicans AND Democrats are too beholden to the richest 1% of the population to publicly debate these options, and the corporate press isn't likely to get behind anything as revolutionary as simple and fair taxation.
"Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men"

--Samuel Adams (you know, the original Tea-Party Patriot o_0 )

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