Five hundred goats save the Ronald Reagan library from wildfires


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The animals munch up all the brush in 13 acres surrounding the museum. No brush. No fire.

The goats were sourced from a firm called 805 Goats, which oversees an army of horned contractors, including Vincent van Goat, Selena Goatmez, Goatzart and, more prosaically, Oreo. The company charges fire-threatened clients about $1,000 per acre of goat-cleared land. It plans to expand its herd to cope with a growing wildfire threat in California, fueled by the climate crisis.


But their use doesn’t always end up for the best.

A heavy dependence upon goats does carry risks, however, as residents of West Boise, Idaho, found out to their cost last year when a herd of more than 100 goats rampaged through the neighborhood. The invaders caused carnage in flowerbeds and lawns before breaking a fence and it took two hours for the goats to be rounded up.

Full story @ Five hundred goats save the Ronald Reagan library from wildfires
Meathead California liberals cant even figure out all they need are goats.


Lol.....nobody feels sorry for people who allow themselves to continually be boinked with the bumpy cucumber be those they elect.:abgg2q.jpg:

That's the area code for Ventura County, which is home to Simi Valley, which is home to the library (great place to spend a day, btw)...

They've been using goats to clear brush out there for quite a while. I can remember driving from Thousand Oaks to the San Fernando Valley and seeing goats chewing the brush on the hillsides along the 101. I don't remember there ever being a case of a herd getting out of control and tearing through any neighborhoods.

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