First Lady was correct all along

Our country has gotten fat and lazy and sick but damn, our first lady must be a commie/fascist/tyrant to want American kids and adults to be healthier. I mean, how dare she want kids to eat one healthy meal a day?

We paid for our diabetes and we WANT our diabetes and we want our kids to get started early on a lifetime of illness.

Oh and look at the source - A black woman on MSNBC. Can't be worth watching a 30 sec video from them.


Also watch the video after that one ... On the excellent book, Salt, Sugar, Fat.

Good message but it will fall on deaf ears.
Our country has gotten fat, lazy and sick. Which is none of the first cow's business.

You know it's this kind of nonsense that causes people to just start ignoring you. How fun can it be to be preaching to the choir all day, everyday? You just have to be bored silly.
lol.... you guys try so hard to make something out of nothing. Obama kills children in other countries with all of his "not wars" or makes billionaires even more rich while the middle class shrinks and you want to talk about Michelle's public goal of getting children to eat better.... despite public schools having horrible diets. Maybe she should be working with her husband to end the destructive publican education system we have.
lol.... you guys try so hard to make something out of nothing. Obama kills children in other countries with all of his "not wars" or makes billionaires even more rich while the middle class shrinks and you want to talk about Michelle's public goal of getting children to eat better.... despite public schools having horrible diets. Maybe she should be working with her husband to end the destructive publican education system we have.

Let's Mrs Obama's ideas stand on their merits. But get rid of this absurd and undemocratic 'First Lady' nonsense - it makes the US look foolish and weirdly old-fashioned.
And how dare prolife advocates want to use federal govt and public education
to defend the rights of unborn individuals.

Oh wait, that's wrong. We DON'T APPLAUD OPPONENTS for pushing THEIR agenda
through the media and politics.

We only defend OUR AGENDA and prochoice when it's choosing something we want anyway. If someone wants free choice of health care, that doesn't count. That's fascism and bullying; unless WE push an agenda, and then it's free choice.

We're liberals. We have the right to contradict ourselves because the rightwing do it all the time, so it's THEIR fault we have to play the same games to compete. For biggest hypocrite on the planet.

Our country has gotten fat and lazy and sick but damn, our first lady must be a commie/fascist/tyrant to want American kids and adults to be healthier. I mean, how dare she want kids to eat one healthy meal a day?

We paid for our diabetes and we WANT our diabetes and we want our kids to get started early on a lifetime of illness.

Oh and look at the source - A black woman on MSNBC. Can't be worth watching a 30 sec video from them.


Also watch the video after that one ... On the excellent book, Salt, Sugar, Fat.

Good message but it will fall on deaf ears.

ps again sorry if i pick on you too much, Luddly, as a fellow liberal prochoice progressive

I just know you wouldn't be so thrilled if the First Lady pushed a campaign for SPIRITUAL HEALING
to cut the costs of crime and disease so we can pay for health care freely and serve more people.
that would prove we don't need mandates, but need to take responsibility for our health and paying costs instead of dumping on others

or a campaign for mediating conflicts instead of POLITICAL BULLYING AND EXCLUSION OF BELIEFS
since that would expose the Democrats equally as the Republicans (we don't see Obama arguing since he plays bully games.
so how can we teach kids in school not to bully if adults do this on a regular basis as politics as usual. maybe that's why the White House
did not respond to Lady Gaga's campaign against bullying if they would be ridiculed as hypocrites, you think?)

you would feel equally disturbed when things like spiritual healing, abstinence education, and
mediation to reach consensus on policies prove to be more effective as well!
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I wonder if she was thinking this when she was a boardmember of a major snack food company taking a three figure salary in Chicago without an office.
One wonders.
Edit: Treehouse Foods...
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Yep. This is what government is all about: Maintaining a healthy stock of soldiers and employees to keep our corporate war machine running at top efficiency.
Yep. This is what government is all about: Maintaining a healthy stock of soldiers and employees to keep our corporate war machine running at top efficiency.

it's a must in modern day human farming. And as you can see, the cattle love this stuff. one of the farm owners has signaled that the cattle need an upgrade at the feed troth. You can hear the collective mooing and bells-a-jangling.
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Our country has gotten fat, lazy and sick. Which is none of the first cow's business.

said the rw cow :blahblah: I'm willin' to bet dollars to donuts that you're a Tubster :razz:

as to the OP, Michelle cares about the future of this great nation. Godbless her. :eusa_angel:
My doctor telling me to lose weight and get more exercise is ok, but if a politician reiterates the same, it's bad....
you go girl!!! :smiliehug: heard this on cspan today :) :

The proposed rules are part of first lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move initiative to combat child obesity, which is celebrating its fourth anniversary this week. Mrs. Obama and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the new rules at a White House event.

“The idea here is simple — our classrooms should be healthy places where kids aren’t bombarded with ads for junk food,” the first lady said. “Because when parents are working hard to teach their kids healthy habits at home, their work shouldn’t be undone by unhealthy messages at school.”

Read more: Michelle Obama announces new rules for advertising junk food at schools* - NY Daily News
too much refined sugar is one of the reasons we blow such a huge wad on HC spending (heart disease, diabetes, etc...). Doesn't help that the sugar lobby has preferred status on Capitol Hill
The Obama administration will unveil the most sweeping update to nutrition labeling on food packages in more than two decades on Thursday — and Americans are in for a reality check about how many calories and how much sugar they are consuming.
Read more: FLOTUS goes big on food label changes
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My doctor telling me to lose weight and get more exercise is ok, but if a politician reiterates the same, it's bad....

No its not,nor is it something that deserves to be shouted from the roof tops like its some huge Epiphany,and she is single handed saving our youth.

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