First Ever Federal Water Cuts Ordered For Southwest States Amid Colorado River Drought


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
Lake Mead and Lake Powell are at their lowest levels in history.

Water cuts are coming.

Climate change has been here for years. It's just too bad that stupid people deny it and our government has done nothing to combat it.

It's going to get much worse if something isn't done.

Prayers up for a lot of precipitation in water-destitute areas wherever they might be, with thanks to the good Lord. Amen. :hands:
Lake Mead and Lake Powell are at their lowest levels in history.

Water cuts are coming.

Climate change has been here for years. It's just too bad that stupid people deny it and our government has done nothing to combat it.

It's going to get much worse if something isn't done.

Lake Mead and Lake Powell are at their lowest levels in history. Water cuts are coming.

I LOVE IT. And just a year ago when I said California had a serious water problem, some stupid Californian here laughed at me and said they had all the water they could ever need, practically coming out of their ears.

Water water everywhere. :lmao:
I've already covered this. If the forum was paying attention, they would have all known that this crises was coming, and that it was all manufactured and could have been avoided.

It will get much, much worse before it gets better. Including a rise in food prices and shortages.

I LOVE IT. And just a year ago when I said California had a serious water problem, some stupid Californian here laughed at me and said they had all the water they could ever need, practically coming out of their ears.

Water water everywhere. :lmao:
From Los Banos north we have water. It is los Angeles and the southern part of the state that relies totally of the Colorado river.
I've already covered this. If the forum was paying attention, they would have all known that this crises was coming, and that it was all manufactured and could have been avoided. It will get much, much worse before it gets better. Including a rise in food prices and shortages.

Bring back the Hetch Hetchy valley! :rock:
Lake Mead and Lake Powell are at their lowest levels in history.

Water cuts are coming.

Climate change has been here for years. It's just too bad that stupid people deny it and our government has done nothing to combat it.

It's going to get much worse if something isn't done.

Maybe if the left stopped trying to save some minnow or salamander ...........just a thought.
Or better yet stop building cities in the fucken dessert.
From Los Banos north we have water. It is los Angeles and the southern part of the state that relies totally of the Colorado river.

The thing is, it's not just California. It's also Arizona, Nevada and Colorado.

And it's not funny.

I find it disgusting that trump people think it's funny that this is happening.

They show they hate our nation.
The thing is, it's not just California. It's also Arizona, Nevada and Colorado.

And it's not funny.

I find it disgusting that trump people think it's funny that this is happening.

They show they hate our nation.

I find it disgusting that trump people think it's funny that this is happening.

Diener explains what is really going on in her “California Water for Food and People Movement:”

“Less than two years ago, every reservoir in the state was brimming with water, and held a supply to last a minimum of five dry years without another drop of rain. Shasta and Oroville by themselves held enough water to meet the needs of 80 million people for a year. With 25 million receiving water from these sources, those two reservoirs alone could deliver water for more than three years. But the majority of that stored water has been released to the ocean for ongoing environmental causes that have not benefitted a single endangered fish. Water managers claim the problem is families are not conserving enough. They are now recommending only using water for drinking and sanitation, and to stop watering any landscape that is not edible. Many property owners are already trucking in water.”

You've got to's kinda funny.
Cali has a vast ocean boundary.

If they spent the money and put in desalinization plants all along the coast they would have all the water they needed.

Yes obviously, which is why it is so funny they've painted themselves so much in a corner. I guess it is because it is a lot cheaper to pipe fresh water straight to yourself than to go through the costly process of desalinating sea water, problem is we have a very LIMITED supply of fresh water but a virtually UNLIMITED amount of sea water!

Bottom line: California is based on a system which is NOT SUSTAINABLE. You just can't keep stealing water out of rivers and aquifers forever without eventual consequences.

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