First Anti-Obama Campaign Attack Ad Of 2012 Hits New Hampshire. Its About Eligibility

What does the Wife/Lover murdering OJ Simpson have to do with Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers or Acorn?

I will lay it out for you. I guess I did not articulate my point as well as I would have liked.

Obama was only 8 years old when Ayers was doing what he was what is wrong with him being his friend now?
MY son was a fetus when OJ murdered 2 should it be OK for my son to befriend OJ now?

The motive of OJ was murder. The motive of the Weather Underground was to stop the killing of American and Asians in Vietnam. OJ is a cold bloodied killer. The Weathermen and the Weather Underground never targeted people and like the Jewish Underground fighting in the English in Palestine, they warned anyone who would listen that there was a bomb about to explode!

Wright was a Marine. A war hero. How can one criticize a man like that!
OJ was a gridiron hero. A law abiding citizen. A legend. A hall of famer. Does that preclude him from criticism for his subsequent actions?

You're comparing a Murderous ex NFL star to a decorated marine who criticized the action of this country and was unfairly demonsize by the right wing zealots

Acron was not found guilty of wrongdoing although there mostycertainly has been plenty of evidence showing otherwsie...from voter resgistration inconsisencies to videos...but non conclusive
OJ was never found guilty of the crimes as the eviodence was not conclusive. Does that make him innocent of any crime?

Now...if you still dont see the point I am making...then it is simply becuase you dont want to.

Again it's apples to wood planks. Acorn was unfairly judge based on the highly edited tapes O'Keefe and Giles used. If you think OJ was unfairly judged, well that's your problem. I think he got his in the civil case against him however.

I see the points you're trying to make, I just don't think they works. But I do appriciate your civility(as opposed to the poster I was originally responding too).


We see it differently not making either of us right or wrong.

The weather underground DID use violent tactics. They DID target some people here in the NYC area. Whether their goals were for what they perceived as "good" or not is irrelevant....viloence for the sake of making a point is wrong in my eyes.

Acorn was not unfairly judged in my eyes. They opened themselves up to it. The tapes were edited, but no one said that they were edited for an agenda....something I noticed you quoted earlier....If you referred to a "source" that said it was obviously edited to meet an agenda. all my life, I have never known a police press release about a case they were dropping refuse to reveal the name of the one releasing it..

You believe it becuase you want to believe it.

I dont believe it becuase I dont want to believe it.

And thus why this forum exists I guess. :eusa_angel:
It is simply the hospital keeping a record of an activity taking place.

Correct, a medical activity. As such it is part of a health record and under HIPPA can be requested.


I do not know my stance as fact...just legal I will defer to you.
But I ask for your you know your stance to be fact?
Do you know as a fact that a Certificate of Birth is considered a health record?
I do not know my stance as fact...just legal I will defer to you.
But I ask for your you know your stance to be fact?
Do you know as a fact that a Certificate of Birth is considered a health record?

No, I do not know my stance as fact...just legal logic.

1. Birth is a medical procedure/condition.

2. If done in a hospital and documented then reporting of a medical occurrence is a health record. Hospitals may also issue birth records in the case where a birth occurred outside the hospital but the mother and baby then were taken to a hospital for post birth examinations (again a medical record).

3. HIPPA under the law requires that health care providers provide copies of health care records to persons those records are about if requested within 30-days.​

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why can't this be resolved ? i can't help but feel that if it was president bush, instead of "well, since he's already in" it would be the greatest scandal in u.s. history. the dims wouldn't just let it go
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An opening attack on Obami Salaami woulda been much more effective if it were about Obama's TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Cathedral of Hate run by the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright .......and Obami, using his own words describing this Black Racist PSYCHO: "Pastor, friend, and mentor".


Obami Salaami's family background and background as a Community Organizer with the Criminal Organization ACORN, where he was palsy- walsy with an UNREPENTANT, HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL Commie/Terrorist Bill Ayers.

Family Background: Mother a Commie, who hated her own race. Father a falling down Muslim Drunk. Granfather, on mother's side: a blatant Commie who later introduced Obami in his formative years to Frank Marshall Davis a notorious Commie who attempted to turn the NAACP into a Communist Front, but failed. Cousin Raila ODINGA, who is a Murderer and Rapist, known throughout Africa as the "AFRICAN STALIN", Leader of the Kenyan Commie: Orange Democratic Party who was visited by Obami shortly before the Presidential campaign, photo-oped at ODINGA's rally, smiling, arm-in-arm with that PSYCHO, and later at the Kenyan all Commie/ Muslim family gathering, again....arm-arm-smiling with that murdering Monster.

All this would underline the fact that Obami Salaami is a stone-cold MARXIST whose present agenda merely presages the fruition of balls-to-the wall Marxist Agenda during the Second Term.

On Rev. Wright

File0442.jpg (image)

In 1961, a young African-American man, after hearing President John F. Kennedy's challenge to, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country," gave up his student deferment, left college in Virginia and voluntarily joined the Marines.

In 1963, this man, having completed his two years of service in the Marines, volunteered again to become a Navy corpsman. (They provide medical assistance to the Marines as well as to Navy personnel.)
The man did so well in corpsman school that he was the valedictorian and became a cardiopulmonary technician. Not surprisingly, he was assigned to the Navy's premier medical facility, Bethesda Naval Hospital , as a member of the commander in chief's medical team, and helped care for President Lyndon B. Johnson after his 1966 surgery.
For his service on the team, which he left in 1967, the White House awarded him three letters of commendation.

Do you support those whom have served the country and been decorated for service in the Marine Corps?

The President was 8 years old when Bill Ayers was engaged in violent protests against the killing going on in SE Asia. You probably studied it in history (if you finished school that is). It was a war of choice where drafted American men (boys mostly) were sent off to kill and die in a far off land for no real reason.

Acorn has been cleared

Dec 27 2010, New York — Brooklyn prosecutors on Monday cleared ACORN of criminal wrongdoing after a four-month probe that began when undercover conservative activists filmed workers giving what appeared to be illegal advice on how to hide money.

While the video by James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles seemed to show three ACORN workers advising a prostitute how to hide ill-gotten gains, the unedited version was not as clear, according to a law enforcement source.

"They edited the tape to meet their agenda," said the source.

O'Keefe and Giles - who visited ACORN offices in several cities, including its Brooklyn headquarters - stirred controversy when they posted the videos on their Web site.

They were hailed as heroes by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and their footage led several government agencies to temporarily cut funding for ACORN as the prosecutors opened an investigation.

"Acorn is gratified that the DA has concluded something we knew all along," ACORN lawyer Arthur Schwartz said, adding it was "unfortunate" the O'Keefe and Giles used "subterfuge to convince congress and the media to vilify an organization that didn't deserve it."

B'klyn ACORN cleared over giving illegal advice on how to hide money from prostitution - New York Daily News

Keep up the good work with the bullshit propaganda that didn't work the first time around. Thanks for helping bring about a Second Obama term.



Let's examine your "facts" and the glaring obfuscations, and "Smoke & Mirror" games you play with them.

Your LIBTURD tactics are typical and it's a distinct pleasure to rub your nose in them.

Regarding the Black Racist PSYCHO "Goddamn America" Wright who had an illustrious career in the service......and was NOT in contact with Obami Salaami at that stage of his mental development but at the stage of his life when Wright became a self-serving, profit making Black Racist "Holy Man" luxuriating in an opulent multi-million mansion, in the mold of the SUPER-DUPER BLACK RACIST CROOKS:"The Heckel & Jeckel Bros" Jesse "Extortionist" Jackson and Al "Black Racist Rabble Rouser" Sharpton.

At the time of Obami Salaami's acquaintanceship, The Vociferous Black Racist Wright was a Blatant Anti-Cracker, Anti-Semite who claimed that the Most Notorious Anti-Cracker, Anti-Semite in American History Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam was , using PSYCHO Wright's own words: "his (Wright's) idol".

Wright invited Farrakhan on numerous occasions as an honoured guest and speaker in the Cathedral of Hate.......and together they visited Ghadaffi when Ghadaffi was officially at War with America, and an ENEMY of AMERICA.....congratulating, and extolling the virtues of this known Terrorist after the Lockerbe Plane Disaster.

BTW, PSYCHO Black Racist Farrakhan is an ardent admirer (I wonder why) of Obami Salaami. And, during the Presidential Campaign of our much celebrated Scoundrel President-to-be, was declared a "MESSIAH" at (at least) one of the many jam-packed rallies for our semi-black Political Charlatan Obami Salaami.

Bill Ayers: the UNREPENTANT, HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL, COMMIE/TERRORIST STILL WAS an UNREPENTANT, HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL COMMIE/TERRORIST when he was a COLLEAGUE and a NON-DENIED FRIEND of Obami Salaami when they BOTH served on the Board of ACORN, shared the same platform, and made speeches together. They were seen together frequently at the restaurants.


Even after Bill Ayers connection to our EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD, Obami Salaami was known throughout America by the available media and National TV ......Obami Salaami was STILL silent and did not deny the friendship until months later.

This BULLSHIT about Obami Salaami being 8 yrs old is an IRRELEVANT TRANSPARENT LIEBERRHOID COVER-UP that is a typical ploy designed to somehow negate the ACTUAL RELATIONSHIP between these two STONE-COLD MARXISTS at the time of ACORN !!! . What the fuck has any of this desperate bullshit got to do with Obami's knowledge of Ayers when Obami was 8 yrs old ?????

As to ACORN being a "cleared" Criminal Organization ?????


There isn't anyone that doesn't know that:ACORN is one of the MOST PRECIOUS SACRED COWS concocted, and PROTECTED by the POWERFUL DEM PARTY to further the cause of the DEM PARTY (obscured with a lot of political verbiage in an attempt to fool the political idiots willing to believe their shit).

The fact that ACORN has/had 13 + state indictments across our Nation in spite of the HEAVY PROTECTION of the DEM PARTY....and is no more .....says it all.

Blind Poo.......There is only so much BULLSHIT you can use to cover up the TRUTH ...... and the TRUTH is beginning to shine thru your unmitigated, unadulterated crap.
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I do not know my stance as fact...just legal I will defer to you.
But I ask for your you know your stance to be fact?
Do you know as a fact that a Certificate of Birth is considered a health record?

No, I do not know my stance as fact...just legal logic.

1. Birth is a medical procedure/condition.

2. If done in a hospital and documented then reporting of a medical occurrence is a health record. Hospitals may also issue birth records in the case where a birth occurred outside the hospital but the mother and baby then were taken to a hospital for post birth examinations (again a medical record).

3. HIPPA under the law requires that health care providers provide copies of health care records to persons those records are about if requested within 30-days.​


I will see if I can find out the truth.....

Either way...a CoB is is not the same as a is hospital issued...not state issued. It can not be used to acquire a passport.

So whereas I am sure Obama has a BC.....those that continue to say his CoB has been produced and so the issue is dead have been completely misled by te administrtion and the media. It only proved that the hospital has a record that he was born there.....

But is not deemed as a legal state or federal document and holds no more water than any non legal non binding document.

Not saying this happened...but Obama could have paid a clerk to make one last week and the clerk would have broken no laws...perhaps hospital policy....but no state or federal laws unless he/she forged a signature.
I will see if I can find out the truth.....

Either way...a CoB is is not the same as a is hospital issued...not state issued. It can not be used to acquire a passport.

So whereas I am sure Obama has a BC.....those that continue to say his CoB has been produced and so the issue is dead have been completely misled by te administrtion and the media. It only proved that the hospital has a record that he was born there.....

But is not deemed as a legal state or federal document and holds no more water than any non legal non binding document.

Not saying this happened...but Obama could have paid a clerk to make one last week and the clerk would have broken no laws...perhaps hospital policy....but no state or federal laws unless he/she forged a signature.

This is where we are in agreement. What some call the "long form" has not one wit of impact on Obama's situation over the CLOB (which is what the State of Hawaii issues as Birth Certificates). Calls for the "long form" to see the doctors name, weight, length, attending nurse, etc... are irrelevant. From a Birth Certificate standpoint the only relative factor is location of birth. If born in Hawaii, then that is the ONLY factor that determines citizenship. The age of the mother, the nationality of the father are irrelevant.

Now if you are talking Constitutional eligibility as a Natural Born Citizen, that is a totally different question and one for which there is no definitive answer as NBC is defined by some as birth on soil, for others it's birth to two US citizen parents, for others it's birth on soil and two US citizen parents. The reason there is no definitive answer is because there has never been a SCOTUS case specifically about interpreting the NBC clause as it pertains to Presidential eligibility. In Obama's case the COLB from the State of Hawaii provides all the information required to answer any of the views of NBC listed above.

[DISCLAIMER: I'm not saying Obama has provide a COLB has he hasn't, he's provide an image on a website.]

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why can't this be resolved ? i can't help but feel that if it was president bush, instead of "well, since he's already in" it would be the greatest scandal in u.s. history. the dims wouldn't just let it go

It is resolved....He is President of the United States

Burden of proof is now on you
why can't this be resolved ? i can't help but feel that if it was president bush, instead of "well, since he's already in" it would be the greatest scandal in u.s. history. the dims wouldn't just let it go

It is resolved....He is President of the United States

Burden of proof is now on you

Call me silly...but I dont think the burden of proof should ever be on the employer as it pertains to the employee.

I believe he is a US citizen...but I believe if others that ALSO employ him dont believe so, he has the responsibility to show them he is.

I mean....whats the big deal...reach around to your back pocket, pull out your wallet, show the BC and you are done.

Interestingly is I -9 law that an employer see proof of citizenship when it hires an employee.....

But we the people cant ask the same of our employees if they are politicians.
See, this is why I will not ever join either party. I despise their 'campaigning' methods. Both parties should be ashamed of themselves when it comes to campaigning. Bunch of lying, cheating, self serving bastards.

And, if this guy was on the ticket.... I might even vote for Obama.

Republicans, take heed of this. If the likes of CG are disgusted by this, your chances of winning independents are near zero. And no candidate I know of has won the Presidency while losing the moderates.

The liberal paymasters should be funding the birfers to the hilt.
Feel free to discredit me based on your perception of my bias but...

As a lawyer who requests medical records all the time...and has gotten clients to fill out more HIPPA forms than I can count...

I can indeed tell you that a birth certificate is a medical record and can routinely be requested from the hospital where you were born. Same with a death certificate. The only magic thing that a HIPPA form does is allow someone without legal guardianship or a durable healthcare PoA to request the documents.

Hope that helps.
why can't this be resolved ? i can't help but feel that if it was president bush, instead of "well, since he's already in" it would be the greatest scandal in u.s. history. the dims wouldn't just let it go

It is resolved....He is President of the United States

Burden of proof is now on you

Call me silly...but I dont think the burden of proof should ever be on the employer as it pertains to the employee.

I believe he is a US citizen...but I believe if others that ALSO employ him dont believe so, he has the responsibility to show them he is.

I mean....whats the big deal...reach around to your back pocket, pull out your wallet, show the BC and you are done.

Interestingly is I -9 law that an employer see proof of citizenship when it hires an employee.....

But we the people cant ask the same of our employees if they are politicians.

Last time I checked....he is POTUS

Got on the ballot, won the election, sworn in

Burden of proof is now on you to prove he is not eligible. You can start with something called a little evidence
This is the first Republican presidential campaign attack ad of the 2012 race on Barack Obama (D-Kenya). It saturated the New Hampshire airwaves last night on WMUR-TV, a liberal ABC affiliation out of Manchester which amazingly did the production work on it. The ad will air in South Carolina and Iowa too. The White House can't be happy with this being aired. What will the Obama response be? I think it will certainly get people talking and the candidate who aired it will get publicity no doubt unless the Obama camp somehow gets it pulled from the airwaves. The ad claims 100 million doubt Obama's eligibility and more different versions of the ad with different aspects of the eligibility issue will be released as well. The 100 million and rising figure seems about right according to the latest polls. If this is going to be a sign of things to come then get ready for one hell of a campaign.

This is pure genius on Martin's part and here's why: you and I know he knows he doesn't stand a chance in hell of being elected to anything - he has no background for it and martin's a very very smart and cagey guy - he knows it. However, by being a candidate he can advertise this issue like mad and because of certain laws he cannot be turned down by stations. Stations could otherwise refuse advertising a spot they deem inappropriate, and TV shows could demand that certain spots not be connected with their programs. But as a candidate who has enough money to make the spots and advertise them, he can both get the citizenship scandal message out and advertise his book.

Brilliant. And brave. He knows he'll be mocked to within an inch of life - all we "birthers" do - and he doesn't care - he taking a major offensive on this. Really unbelievably courageous, outrageously imaginative and brave.

He'll sell some books, too! ;)

Ha ha, Obama is so screwed, moment by moment, it isn't funny. With every time a liberal has to say, "Oh those crazy birthers" (sounds like a Pink Floyd song!) it simply draws attention to a story they want to go away, otherwise Obama would have just coughed up the records that DEMOCRAT Hawaiian governor and OBAMA FRIEND Neil Abercrombie recently announced he was going to find. Even liberal Chris Matthews debunked what Obama posted as being no good.

Thanks for this, soldier! *Salutes!*
Since others are repeating themselves on this thread, I will, too.

Learn something about this issue. It's bigger than you think!

Just because something is unthinkable doesn't mean it can't happen: President Bill Clinton as president lied before a grand jury when, among other occasions, he said he never had sex with Monica Lewinski. In protecting her husband - and her own power base - Hillary ultimately humiliated herself by blaming it on the "birthers' of that decade: the "vast right wing conspiracy" (humiliated because they were right). And how did the truth come out and force Clinton to humiliate the nation on prime time TV by admitting the affair? It turns out Lewinski, another epic fail liberal democrat, actually saved Clinton's evil sperm splashes on her blue dress as a "memento". Bill Clinton lied on the assumption she would have had the dress cleaned, never dreaming she carefully preserved his questionable DNA. Result? Clinton has no more law license forever and if he had any shame he'd be disgraced for dragging his lover's name through the mud. So would the rest of the democrats, but shame never stopped the democrats from electing Robert Byrd to democrat chairmanships in congress, even though he had not just been a KKK member, but for many years a KKK officer! (look it up)

Here's a short list of the facts (there are many more that weigh against Obama), and to hell with the liberals who deny it because if they try to spin my facts anymore I'm going to take that video of Obama's long-time friend Bernadine Dorn taking credit for bombings and murder in the 1970's and make it my avatar.

fact: Obama is fighting lawsuits to keep from disclosing his citizenship records. This is public record fact, even liberals acknowledge it.

fact: what Obama posted online is not what Hawaii uses as it's only birth form, because Hawaii has already stated that they have and have seen Obama’s long form birth certificate.

fact; here is the list of records cited in lawsuits for which Obama - on the public dime - has fought disclosure - provided, of course, they exist at all:

Missing Records:

Occidental College records

Columbia College records

Columbia Thesis paper

Harvard College records

Selective Service Registration

Medical records

Illinois State Senate records

Illinois State Senate schedule

Law practice client list

A Certified Copy of his original Birth certificate (Hawaiian health officials say they have seen it, others say it doesn’t exist, Obama won’t release it if it does exist)

Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth

Harvard Law Review articles that were published

University of Chicago scholarly articles

Record of baptism

fact: Governor Abercrombie of Hawaii, a hard-core self-admitted socialist, publicly announced that he would find it and make the birth records available, even though, being an Obama family friend, he could have asked Obama for it. Abercrombie later sheepishly stated through a spokesperson that he was not allowed to disclose the records.

fact: (though he later unsuccessfully tried to recant, but the cat was out of the bag) Abercrombie friend and Hollywood journalist Mike Evans said in not one but a couple of radio interviews that Abercrombie told him that there was no birth certificate for Obama in Hawaii. Abercrombie to this day has refused further comment.

fact: Obama's father was a British national as admitted by Obama - a fact that may (likely does but as yet not entirely determined) compromise his natural born status down to native born status, thus making him ineligible to hold the office.

fact: Obama was brought up in communist Indonesia, and may have lost his natural born citizenship status when his mother moved him there. It is generally understood that once natural born status is lost it cannot be re-instated.

fact: Obama had his name changed to Barry Soetoro when his mother married his stepfather. There are no records that he ever had it legally changed back.

fact; (I never thought he might have ever been actually born outside of the US, and that his citizenship status was a birthright technicality because his father was a British national until) Michelle Obama said Kenya was Obama's home country (the youtube videos are famous, now - it's her and she's saying it)

fact: 11 states have responded to the probable cause that Obama's behavior has generated by initiating legislation demanding any candidates long form birth certificate. It appears that several are virtually certain to pass. Just one creates a stumbling block for Obama: a PR stumbling block if he doesn't need the state to win, a gigantic stumbling block to re-election if he does.

fact: even some liberals have called for Obama to release his records. Chris Matthews of course, but on his primetime Hardball show, he also convinced his two liberal guests to agree that it's in Obama's best interests to disclose the records. Huffington post had a great editorial saying those who want to quiet the issue are weirder than those who pursue it, because the question is legit. NYC uber-liberalL radio host Lynn Samuels definitely thinks Obama is "lying" about his citizenship.

There is more, but that should suffice - that's already a lot to absorb if you aren't up to speed on the issue.

Many of these taken alone amount to nothing, no question. Some liberals blindly devoted to Obama on partisan grounds say that it takes a conspiratorial mind to put them all together into something significant, which doesn’t pass the sniff test, of course. Other better-placed and more politically accomplished liberals than those people, like Matthews, Huffington post, Samuels and Mother Jones News as well as the majority of polled Americans in the aggregate of the polls say something smells fishy. Hence the new coming laws in 11 states. (this would not have happened if not for the birthers – the “vast right wing conspiracy” of our time, who are likely to be proven right, just as the original ‘vast right wing conspiracy” was proved right. Liberals admit Clinton lied, but are loath to admit that his mocked critics had the story straight from the get-go)

Like Clinton's affair before Lewenski's sperm-covered blue dress, it isn't a scandal - yet. But if it is a scandal there is no middle ground in this instance - it'll be the biggest presidential scandal in US history: a Marxist sympathizer (his past by his own admission makes it clear) who took control of the presidency of the united states illegally and therefore without the authority to appoint judges and sign laws into being or negotiate for the united states, yet doing all of that regardless. And it isn't like Obama didn't know what he was doing - he claims to be constitutional law professor. So if he did it, he did it knowingly.

So you see why millions of people are taking this very seriously. Most have been mocked into submission. A few of us don’t care about mockery and stay focused on fact. Just like the legislators in 11 states (so far) whose certain actions are setting the state for what may turn out to be the biggest political scandal drama in united states history. Clinton, Nixon, nothing will compare.

If Obama does not have the records, this is huge. bigger than anything political the US has ever seen. that's probably why the media has stayed silent - they know the ramifications. But brave souls are sick and tired and know the US can handle this easily, even if it's the biggest show on earth. Once again, hence the upcoming new laws. And some liberal journalists, like Matthews, have clearly put their fingers to the wind and decided to get out in front of the story, because when it breaks, it won't be pretty for liberals on the wrong side of it. And of course, the democrat party - especially the entrenched elite - will be an untrusted political train wreck for years to come. It will make what Nixon did to the republicans look like less than nothing.

Take your time and absorb it all slowly. That answer it for you?

Dismiss the liberals calling it all “racist lies’ – you’re smart enough of course to google the info for yourself. It will take time to slog through the garbage and get to the facts. World Net daily, a highly right-wing news source, does qualify its sources online, and they do have a reserved seat at all white house news briefings – something no one who will attack this post has.

Ultimately the new state laws will tell the tale, like Monica Lewinski’s notorious blue dress. And it if Obama doesn't have the records, it'll be many, many times more dramatic. It will be the biggest political scandal in US history. Nothing will compare.
I get tired of all this birther crap.

I also get tired of the POTUS not suppling a copy of his BC to silence all this birther crap.

Message to Obama:

Just show the freaken birth certificate.

So we can all move on. :doubt:

why can't this be resolved ? i can't help but feel that if it was president bush, instead of "well, since he's already in" it would be the greatest scandal in u.s. history. the dims wouldn't just let it go
Even if the hospital made the CoLB available, the CON$ervative Brotherhood would simply claim it is a forgery!!! :cuckoo:
Since others are repeating themselves on this thread, I will, too.

Learn something about this issue. It's bigger than you think!

Just because something is unthinkable doesn't mean it can't happen: President Bill Clinton as president lied before a grand jury when, among other occasions, he said he never had sex with Monica Lewinski. In protecting her husband - and her own power base - Hillary ultimately humiliated herself by blaming it on the "birthers' of that decade: the "vast right wing conspiracy" (humiliated because they were right). And how did the truth come out and force Clinton to humiliate the nation on prime time TV by admitting the affair? It turns out Lewinski, another epic fail liberal democrat, actually saved Clinton's evil sperm splashes on her blue dress as a "memento". Bill Clinton lied on the assumption she would have had the dress cleaned, never dreaming she carefully preserved his questionable DNA. Result? Clinton has no more law license forever and if he had any shame he'd be disgraced for dragging his lover's name through the mud. So would the rest of the democrats, but shame never stopped the democrats from electing Robert Byrd to democrat chairmanships in congress, even though he had not just been a KKK member, but for many years a KKK officer! (look it up)

Here's a short list of the facts (there are many more that weigh against Obama), and to hell with the liberals who deny it because if they try to spin my facts anymore I'm going to take that video of Obama's long-time friend Bernadine Dorn taking credit for bombings and murder in the 1970's and make it my avatar.

fact: Obama is fighting lawsuits to keep from disclosing his citizenship records. This is public record fact, even liberals acknowledge it.

fact: what Obama posted online is not what Hawaii uses as it's only birth form, because Hawaii has already stated that they have and have seen Obama’s long form birth certificate.

fact; here is the list of records cited in lawsuits for which Obama - on the public dime - has fought disclosure - provided, of course, they exist at all:

Missing Records:

Occidental College records

Columbia College records

Columbia Thesis paper

Harvard College records

Selective Service Registration

Medical records

Illinois State Senate records

Illinois State Senate schedule

Law practice client list

A Certified Copy of his original Birth certificate (Hawaiian health officials say they have seen it, others say it doesn’t exist, Obama won’t release it if it does exist)

Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth

Harvard Law Review articles that were published

University of Chicago scholarly articles

Record of baptism

fact: Governor Abercrombie of Hawaii, a hard-core self-admitted socialist, publicly announced that he would find it and make the birth records available, even though, being an Obama family friend, he could have asked Obama for it. Abercrombie later sheepishly stated through a spokesperson that he was not allowed to disclose the records.

fact: (though he later unsuccessfully tried to recant, but the cat was out of the bag) Abercrombie friend and Hollywood journalist Mike Evans said in not one but a couple of radio interviews that Abercrombie told him that there was no birth certificate for Obama in Hawaii. Abercrombie to this day has refused further comment.

fact: Obama's father was a British national as admitted by Obama - a fact that may (likely does but as yet not entirely determined) compromise his natural born status down to native born status, thus making him ineligible to hold the office.

fact: Obama was brought up in communist Indonesia, and may have lost his natural born citizenship status when his mother moved him there. It is generally understood that once natural born status is lost it cannot be re-instated.

fact: Obama had his name changed to Barry Soetoro when his mother married his stepfather. There are no records that he ever had it legally changed back.

fact; (I never thought he might have ever been actually born outside of the US, and that his citizenship status was a birthright technicality because his father was a British national until) Michelle Obama said Kenya was Obama's home country (the youtube videos are famous, now - it's her and she's saying it)

fact: 11 states have responded to the probable cause that Obama's behavior has generated by initiating legislation demanding any candidates long form birth certificate. It appears that several are virtually certain to pass. Just one creates a stumbling block for Obama: a PR stumbling block if he doesn't need the state to win, a gigantic stumbling block to re-election if he does.

fact: even some liberals have called for Obama to release his records. Chris Matthews of course, but on his primetime Hardball show, he also convinced his two liberal guests to agree that it's in Obama's best interests to disclose the records. Huffington post had a great editorial saying those who want to quiet the issue are weirder than those who pursue it, because the question is legit. NYC uber-liberalL radio host Lynn Samuels definitely thinks Obama is "lying" about his citizenship.

There is more, but that should suffice - that's already a lot to absorb if you aren't up to speed on the issue.

Many of these taken alone amount to nothing, no question. Some liberals blindly devoted to Obama on partisan grounds say that it takes a conspiratorial mind to put them all together into something significant, which doesn’t pass the sniff test, of course. Other better-placed and more politically accomplished liberals than those people, like Matthews, Huffington post, Samuels and Mother Jones News as well as the majority of polled Americans in the aggregate of the polls say something smells fishy. Hence the new coming laws in 11 states. (this would not have happened if not for the birthers – the “vast right wing conspiracy” of our time, who are likely to be proven right, just as the original ‘vast right wing conspiracy” was proved right. Liberals admit Clinton lied, but are loath to admit that his mocked critics had the story straight from the get-go)

Like Clinton's affair before Lewenski's sperm-covered blue dress, it isn't a scandal - yet. But if it is a scandal there is no middle ground in this instance - it'll be the biggest presidential scandal in US history: a Marxist sympathizer (his past by his own admission makes it clear) who took control of the presidency of the united states illegally and therefore without the authority to appoint judges and sign laws into being or negotiate for the united states, yet doing all of that regardless. And it isn't like Obama didn't know what he was doing - he claims to be constitutional law professor. So if he did it, he did it knowingly.

So you see why millions of people are taking this very seriously. Most have been mocked into submission. A few of us don’t care about mockery and stay focused on fact. Just like the legislators in 11 states (so far) whose certain actions are setting the state for what may turn out to be the biggest political scandal drama in united states history. Clinton, Nixon, nothing will compare.

If Obama does not have the records, this is huge. bigger than anything political the US has ever seen. that's probably why the media has stayed silent - they know the ramifications. But brave souls are sick and tired and know the US can handle this easily, even if it's the biggest show on earth. Once again, hence the upcoming new laws. And some liberal journalists, like Matthews, have clearly put their fingers to the wind and decided to get out in front of the story, because when it breaks, it won't be pretty for liberals on the wrong side of it. And of course, the democrat party - especially the entrenched elite - will be an untrusted political train wreck for years to come. It will make what Nixon did to the republicans look like less than nothing.

Take your time and absorb it all slowly. That answer it for you?

Dismiss the liberals calling it all “racist lies’ – you’re smart enough of course to google the info for yourself. It will take time to slog through the garbage and get to the facts. World Net daily, a highly right-wing news source, does qualify its sources online, and they do have a reserved seat at all white house news briefings – something no one who will attack this post has.

Ultimately the new state laws will tell the tale, like Monica Lewinski’s notorious blue dress. And it if Obama doesn't have the records, it'll be many, many times more dramatic. It will be the biggest political scandal in US history. Nothing will compare.

Too long.....didn't read
Ayers was photographed shortly after 9-11 standing on the American Flag. That is not a sign of protest of American Policy. That is a unuversal sign of hatred for America.
Actually that's a universal sign of stupidly in believing GOP hate media.
I see a moneymaking opportunity here, unless you know already that's a GOP scripted lie.

Are you willing to warranty your lie with $20.00? We can settle with PayPal.

thanks for putting that together. it sounds to me as if it very much isn't resolved.
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It is simply the hospital keeping a record of an activity taking place.

Correct, a medical activity. As such it is part of a health record and under HIPPA can be requested.


Just this once, workwatcher. I dun usually indulge birthers.

A hospital's record of birth is not a health record, as you mean that term.

A hospital's record of birth is nowhere and never a legal substitute for a Department of Health or a Department of Vital Records birth certificate, which BTW, Obama has long since made available to the public. Neither is a birth announcement, baptismal certificate, record of a bris, etc. Things that happen at or about the same time are not always the same.

HIPPA does not "require medical records to be made available" to the public. On the contrary, it creates some of the strongest privacy laws in the country.

A birth certificate is never a public record anyone can request. Each of us has a privacy interest in our own and those of our family, and the states will not release them unless we can demonstrate our identity to their satisfaction. You have heard of identity theft, correct?

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