Importance of Collective Bargaining


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
Can someone explain to me why collective bargaining is so important for Governor Walker to get rid of. And if the Union is caving to the higher pension and healthcare costs why is collective bargaining important to them if they have to give up money anyway. The news has been throwing the word around all week but no one delves in to the specifics of what occurs in collective bargaining. If someone could tell me the pros and cons Id appreciate it.
Get rid of collective bargaining and what have you really done?

You have denied the workers the right of FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION.

Basically outlawing unions is about equivalent to proposing that we also outlaw CORPORATIONS.

After all, corporations (union or otherwise) require that people have the FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION to exist, too.

Why did authoritarians like Hitler Mussolini SO HATE unions?

Gee...I think you can probably connect THOSE dots on your own, right?
The collective bargaining has nothing to do with balancing the budget. It has no costs associated with it. The State has to AGREE with the union and sign a contract. It is mutual consent between two parties. If the state does not like the deal, they should not sign it

What the Governor wants is to force the State workers to negotiate with one hand tied behind their backs. The State wants to enforce "my way or the highway" demands on workers. It is easier to do when you have to deal with them one on one
The lie the DemonRats keep telling is that Walker wants to "get rid of collective bargaining" when in fact he wants to limit collective bargaining to salary only. The benefits will be removed from collective bargaining. Why? Cause that's what broke the bank.
The collective bargaining has nothing to do with balancing the budget. It has no costs associated with it. The State has to AGREE with the union and sign a contract. It is mutual consent between two parties. If the state does not like the deal, they should not sign it

What the Governor wants is to force the State workers to negotiate with one hand tied behind their backs. The State wants to enforce "my way or the highway" demands on workers. It is easier to do when you have to deal with them one on one

If the state can't come to an agreement what they should have is the freedom to is get it's workers from other sources. Someone needs to be at the table for the "taxpayer."

Did you ever ask yourself why GM built an 800 million dollar plant in Mexico??? didyahuh? And that was after we bailed their asses out?? Ponder that.
Collective bargaining rights means the right to strike. If the whole work force strikes, the issue is resolved by negotiating (bargaining) with the collection of workers.

Does anyone believe that workers should not have the right to protest working conditions or salary? Is it the Conservative position that workers should have no voice in their situations?
Collective bargaining rights means the right to strike. If the whole work force strikes, the issue is resolved by negotiating (bargaining) with the collection of workers.

Does anyone believe that workers should not have the right to protest working conditions or salary? Is it the Conservative position that workers should have no voice in their situations?

So if you don't join a union, you give up your right to walk away from a job, or complain about working conditions?

Public unions are about to die, and it can't come fast enough.
The collective bargaining has nothing to do with balancing the budget. It has no costs associated with it. The State has to AGREE with the union and sign a contract. It is mutual consent between two parties. If the state does not like the deal, they should not sign it

What the Governor wants is to force the State workers to negotiate with one hand tied behind their backs. The State wants to enforce "my way or the highway" demands on workers. It is easier to do when you have to deal with them one on one

If the state can't come to an agreement what they should have is the freedom to is get it's workers from other sources. Someone needs to be at the table for the "taxpayer."

Did you ever ask yourself why GM built an 800 million dollar plant in Mexico??? didyahuh? And that was after we bailed their asses out?? Ponder that.

$1 an hour wages
Collective bargaining rights means the right to strike. If the whole work force strikes, the issue is resolved by negotiating (bargaining) with the collection of workers.

Does anyone believe that workers should not have the right to protest working conditions or salary? Is it the Conservative position that workers should have no voice in their situations?
Bureaucrats shouldn't....Even FDR recognized this.
Collective bargaining rights means the right to strike. If the whole work force strikes, the issue is resolved by negotiating (bargaining) with the collection of workers.

Does anyone believe that workers should not have the right to protest working conditions or salary? Is it the Conservative position that workers should have no voice in their situations?

So if you don't join a union, you give up your right to walk away from a job, or complain about working conditions?

Public unions are about to die, and it can't come fast enough.
No, you still have a right to walk away from a job. If you don't belong to a union, you have no right to change the conditions to something a little more fair.

Conservatives want to eliminate the right to fairness in the workplace. And once again we see how Conservatives work hard to erode rights while they sit complacently when it comes to advocating rights. Why would any American opt for authoritarianism?
So whats the limitations on unions then? Say the Union and Government discuss the wages and benefits and the Union doesnt like it. Then what?
So.. let me get this straight... union rank and file pays dues, dues are used to bankroll one party's members', and then said party gets elected to public office and now "negotiates" with aforementioned union?

This makes sense to you?
Can someone explain to me why collective bargaining is so important for Governor Walker to get rid of. And if the Union is caving to the higher pension and healthcare costs why is collective bargaining important to them if they have to give up money anyway. The news has been throwing the word around all week but no one delves in to the specifics of what occurs in collective bargaining. If someone could tell me the pros and cons Id appreciate it.

Governor Walker wants to get rid of collective bargaining because it empowers the workers, workers that have the power to collectively bargain take a little piece of power from the powers that be. With collective bargaining in place concessions made during hard times can be regained in times of prosperity.

If the civil service workers lose this fight I guarantee you the next target will be the private sector workers.
The lie the DemonRats keep telling is that Walker wants to "get rid of collective bargaining" when in fact he wants to limit collective bargaining to salary only. The benefits will be removed from collective bargaining. Why? Cause that's what broke the bank.

No, Wall Street chicanery broke the bank.
So.. let me get this straight... union rank and file pays dues, dues are used to bankroll one party's members', and then said party gets elected to public office and now "negotiates" with aforementioned union?

This makes sense to you?

That's what this is really about, public unions are the democratic party, without them the dems are really fucked. The more power the unions have, the more the dems have.

How fucking arrogant are they to just throw away better than 200yrs of democracy to pout like petulant children? Seriously, this is a sad day.

Hopefully the republicans don't shoot themselves in the foot, and just let the idiots keep exposing themselves for the arrogant fucks concerned only for those who think like them.
The only "importance" of PUBLIC sector collective bargaining is so Democrats can make money from unions to promote their agendas...
The only "importance" of PUBLIC sector collective bargaining is so Democrats can make money from unions to promote their agendas...

+1........the whole issue has to deal only with the life blood of the Democrat machine. All liberals ever whine about is the corruption on Wall Street. Obviously, a distraction. This scam is the public sector equal...........most people are just finding out about it now.
So whats the limitations on unions then? Say the Union and Government discuss the wages and benefits and the Union doesnt like it. Then what?
That almost never happens, as unions spend big money to assure that the people "bargaining" on behalf of guibmint are sympathetic.

It's classic collusion...Little wonder liburls are all for it.

Yeah, unions are so powerful. That's why the country is overrun with Americans making good wages in good union jobs.:lol:
So.. let me get this straight... union rank and file pays dues, dues are used to bankroll one party's members', and then said party gets elected to public office and now "negotiates" with aforementioned union?

This makes sense to you?

Scott Walker wasn't elected by the unions. Someone else bankrolled him.

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