Firearm violations among juveniles up 220% in liberal anti-gun Montgomery County, MD


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
How can it be that in one of the nation’s strictest gun control counties, gun violations are up 220% among juveniles alone…. and bordering the Nation’s Capital.

I’m shocked to hear that in concentrated area of the nation’s top liberal counties where it is very difficult to get a gun legally, we have a gun problem.

Because that's what they want.

The government knows exactly where the most gun violence occurs and they do nothing to enforce the laws.
How can it be that in one of the nation’s strictest gun control counties, gun violations are up 220% among juveniles alone…. and bordering the Nation’s Capital.

I’m shocked to hear that in concentrated area of the nation’s top liberal counties where it is very difficult to get a gun legally, we have a gun problem.

Montgomery County is a Sanctuary County. I am sure those weapons are coming across the southern border along with tons of illegal drugs, by the gangs in that area.
That's what happens when you have a problem and instead of fixing the problem you just create more laws and rules.

More laws and rules do not address the source of the problem. The real solution is to stop tolerating criminals, dopeheads and crazy people. We need to separate them from society and punish them. And we need as a nation to start pushing American pride, morals, values and standards again.

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