Finlands Welfare Economy in Deep Do-Do


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
What cannot go on forever will not.

Nobody going to be around to pay for all the free stuff soon.


Finland’s Welfare State Has a Massive Baby Problem
The education system is the problem. THe longer a woman stays in education, the longer she waits to start having children and the fewer she has.
The education system is the problem. THe longer a woman stays in education, the longer she waits to start having children and the fewer she has.
That's it! All those 30 year old Finnish virgins!

If a woman graduates from college, just a little late, ie 23 and spends two years getting her career started before starting her familiy, she has lost her period of Peak Fertility.
This is happening in every Western nation, and also in China and Japan. People worried about the Population Explosion can put aside their fears, we are now having the opposite problem.
But but but socialism.....

Left wingers won't care. Especially the rich ones.

Just in case you want to know who the biggest scumbags on the planet are.

Rich elitist left wing spoiled losers.
The education system is the problem. THe longer a woman stays in education, the longer she waits to start having children and the fewer she has.
That's it! All those 30 year old Finnish virgins!

If a woman graduates from college, just a little late, ie 23 and spends two years getting her career started before starting her familiy, she has lost her period of Peak Fertility.
Yeah, that's the blame!

And what does that have to do with the impending implosion of socialism there?
Mark Steyn has written extensively on this phenomenon, which affects all of the advanced Western countries, except the ones that have massive unregulated immigration, like us.

It is only indirectly related to education, but more closely related to greed and selfishness. People want the luxury that two incomes afford, and don't want to be bothered with kids. And with modern science making childbearing a free CHOICE, they choose not to do it.

In Europe, women are incentivized to have kids, because the governments can see that there are simply not enough people around to continue to pay for their Social Safety Net. Maybe import some Arab Muslims? That's a good idea!
The education system is the problem. THe longer a woman stays in education, the longer she waits to start having children and the fewer she has.
That's it! All those 30 year old Finnish virgins!

If a woman graduates from college, just a little late, ie 23 and spends two years getting her career started before starting her familiy, she has lost her period of Peak Fertility.
Yeah, that's the blame!

And what does that have to do with the impending implosion of socialism there?

Not an expanding base of workers to support the ever growing tax burden.
The education system is the problem. THe longer a woman stays in education, the longer she waits to start having children and the fewer she has.

So are you suggesting that women should be less educated?

Actually, if you want MY personal opinion, I think the answer is to vastly accelerate education for those that can learn the information faster, and to stop trying to prepare those for college that are not going to be going to college.

Part of that would be also to dial back degree inflation. We don't need nurse's aides to be formally certified!
The Dumb Liberal Crackpots do not value marriage, children or families so now they are going extinct

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