find something in the Constitution that applies to abortion

it's time for us to accept the fact judges and politicians need to be recalled, removed, or jailed for obvious corruption
you guys are trying to blur definitions...

remember the general welfare clause ?

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States…

the fucking liberscum/demorats used this to provide a living for all the worthless, lazy, shit-for-brains who are for the MOST part are BLACK !! up:
Hardly when the majority on welfare are white....
Most women who have abortions are black. Margaret Sanger started PP just to reduce the black population and it continues today. While I don't want to interfere with any personal decision between a woman and her doctor, I do wish the left would admit the real goal.
Roe, and subsequent rulings assumed, despite all established scientific precedent recognizing a fetus as an unborn offspring of it's native species, that the fetus was not human and had no rights under The Constitution, so therefore, the 14th only applied to the mother.

Though it is quite ironic, that we guarantee "life" amongst liberty and happiness, but our courts use that same basis to allow for the wanton denial of life to unborn children. In order to grant life, you must allow it to come into being, and insure that such a life plays out to its natural conclusion.

Correct me if I'm wrong, here.
You're wrong.

Roe is the progeny of Griswold and Eisenstadt, recognizing the right to privacy as codified by the doctrine of substantive due process and as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment; the Roe Court merely applied this settled and accepted privacy rights jurisprudence to the issue of abortion, placing consistent, appropriate restrictions on the ability of the state to violate citizens' privacy rights, prohibiting the state from interfering in matters both personal and private.
I didn't find anything in The (former) U.S. Constitution that is directly pro or anti abortion.

However, in The Declaration of Independence it's a different story.

Remember, abortions make Democrats happy so, there it is.....the famous line about "the pursuit of happiness". You're home free, leftists!
Nor did the the bastard (illegitimate) son of Joseph and Mary say on word about Abortion. Jesus hate divorce, hey there Newtie, but on one damn word about Abortion.

Yes, Jesus was a bastard child and never was the son of Mythological Sky Man.
I n 1992, the U.S. Supreme Court stated the legal basis for
abortion. According to the Supreme
Court, the constitutional right to an abortion exists because of
the Fourteenth Amendment. The
Fourteenth Amendment has a Due Process Clause. The Due Process
Clause in the Fourteenth
Amendment is the current Federal Abortion Amendment according to
the High Court. For the
benefit of those who do not know what the current Federal
Abortion Amendment says, please
allow me to quote it for you. It says: " . . . nor shall any
State deprive any person of life, liberty, or
property, without due process of law." Admittedly, the word
'abortion' does not appear in the
clause. Indeed, the word 'abortion' does not appear anywhere in
the Constitution. But according
to the Supreme Court the word 'abortion' is in the Due Process
Clause. In their opinion, the right
an abortion is in the word "liber ty" in the Due Process Clause. This is what
Justice Sandra Day
O'Connor said in 1992. N ote 1. Thus, we could substitute the word 'abortion' for the
"liberty" if we wanted to. Therefore, the Fourteenth Amendment
is in a sense the current Federal
Abortion Amendment. The first time the Supreme Court said that
there was a federal right to an
abortion was in 1973. This is the year the Supreme Court decided the Roe v. Wade case.
However, in Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court did not clearly state
what the legal basis for
abortion was. This did not occur until 19 years later in 1992.
It is likely that the Supreme Court
based Roe v. Wade on the word "liberty" in the Due Process Clause but it is not
clear. >>>>

according to Sandra Nut O'Connor , who is about to serve an eternity term in hell, the word "liberty" give states authority to abort for money, while she found no relevance in the first part that says "nor shall any State deprive any person of life"

she was better off not making a comment at all

Fetuses have no rights in the Constitution, therefore any claim that the fetus has the right to infringe on other rights in the Constitution has no constitutional authority.
I already showed you that a person can not be executed without a trial

A fetus isn't a person.

Then what is "it"?

A potential person. Life exists on a continuum from conception to birth. That continuum is what is recognized by Roe.

The problem with anti choicers is that they forget not everyone shares the belief that two cells is a human being. The question is NOT what your own personal moral beliefs are, but when the governmental interest in protecting a potential life exceeds a woman's interest in exercising dominion over her own body.

We are not incubators and men, who constitute the majority of anti choice extremists really have no place in this argument.
I already showed you that a person can not be executed without a trial

A fetus isn't a person.

Then what is "it"?

A potential person. ....

No, sperm and an unfertilized egg represent "a potential person." You are trying to deny what you know to be the obvious truth so you can justify an indefensible moral position. You want to think of yourself as a "good person" but you - in what is ultimately a child-like fashion - want to reserve for yourself the 'right' to take a human life whenever it is convenient for you. You want to make dramatic declarations about not being "an incubator," but you reject as absurd the much more reasonable judgement of yourself as a "potential" murderer. Nothing could be more obvious than that you are trying to convince no one as much as yourself. You will continue to fail.

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