Finaly UNRWA pays for its members linked to "Palestinian" Oct 7 Crimes Against Humanity


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Some tiny bit of justice...

Only under pressure to take action against UNRWA members involved in the Hamas "Palestinian" crimes against humanity on Oct 7 attacks on Israeli civilians, it fired about a dozen.
Major Western countries suspended funding for the org. Such as: the US, UK, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, Finland, Germany Israeli FM Katz demanded immediate dismissal of UNRWA leadership independent inquiry into 'UNRWA-Hamas Gaza activities'.

Great to see the Nazi Israelis being kicked and trampled on
No room in a decent world for Nazis .
Am sure you agree Trilly Troll , Sayiamanarse .

So let me get this straight. The U.S. has two organizations dedicated to promoting the interests of refugees. The ENTIRE WORLD of refugees is served by one organization, and the other one - the UNRWA - is devoted to serving the interests of Palestinian refugees who, technically, don't exist. I mean, after a generation you are no longer a refugee, you are a migrant. Deal with it.

After seeing the events of October 7th and subsequent, why would anybody give another dime to Hamas? They have taken that money and used to fund an offensive military force, and to enrich its own "leaders." Why continue funding them?
Will someone finally after reposting it so many times...

Pay attention to desperate
Hitler-Fan Luiza
stupid clips?


The Iran-backed Lebanese terror organization releases (FAKE) clip allegedly showing its new rocket hitting an IDF outpost in northern Israel; military denies attack.
Yoav Zitun, Lior Ben Ari | 01.26.24: 09:41
[Lebanon says Hezbollah utilized new anti-tank missile against Israel YNet]


Sirens sound in northern Israel
Rocket sirens sounded in northern Israeli communities late Friday. (Ynet)
01.26.24: 15:56
[Sirens sound in northern Israel YnEt]


IDF strikes Hezbollah infrastructure in Lebanon, terror group reports 4 dead.
IDF fighter jets struck two Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit reported late Friday. According to reports released by the terror organization, at least four of its members were eliminated in the strikes. As a result, the military reported several rocket launches toward Israel were observed from Lebanon. (Yoav Zitun, Ynet).
[IDF strikes Hezbollah infrastructure in Lebanon, terror group reports 4 dead YNet]


IDF fires at Lebanon in response to shelling on Mount Hermon.
By Jerusalem Post Staff. January 26, 2024.
[IDF fires at Lebanon in response to shelling on Mount Hermon JPost]
Some tiny bit of justice...

Only under pressure to take action against UNRWA members involved in the Hamas "Palestinian" crimes against humanity on Oct 7 attacks on Israeli civilians, it fired about a dozen.
Major Western countries suspended funding for the org. Such as: the US, UK, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, Finland, Germany Israeli FM Katz demanded immediate dismissal of UNRWA leadership independent inquiry into 'UNRWA-Hamas Gaza activities'.

Everybody should just agree to let UNRWA make a massive boat lift of aid to Gaza seeking volunteers from alll over the world.

Then sink them all with machine guns, or just running them over repeatedly. Or drown them all in fishing nets.
For years many us have been caling out the U.N on this forum. They are anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-Israeli. It's nothing more thwn a massive slush fund for the corrupt and unimpressive. The biggest reason for this has been Americas shipping of wealth and power over to China. If you don't win this battle the citizens of this planet will have lost all hope for liberty, there is no where else to go for it.
Reserve officer: Every luxury villa in Gaza has UNRWA equipment

* Many comments on the segment on Friday with the experiences of a reserve officer in Gaza. This morning, while reporting on UNRWA, here are a few more:

Speaking of UNRWA, there is an amazing phenomenon in Gaza.

You enter luxury homes. Luxury villas and apartments equipped with my equipment will not exist in 50 years, and yet you find use of UNRWA equipment in them. In the kitchen, bags of flour from UNRWA and in the children's room from the organization's school notebooks. It exists in every house in the Strip. In other words, all residents of the Gaza Strip used the organization every day, not necessarily because they had to, but because they got used to it. Getting close and relying on this organization has become a comfortable thing.

And by the way other things I learned.. for some reason I didn't write.

* When you are there you suddenly realize that it is a country for all intents and purposes. with the strength and power of a country. Infrastructure, money, space. This is not a city. It's a real country of 2 million people. A country that decided to invest a lot of resources as a country in terrorism and fighting. You can see the infrastructural state power in the eyes everywhere.

* ⁠The use of the term refugee is so cynical there. There are refugees there with luxury apartments (I saw the passports with my eyes) and understand there that this is a kind of use of a title emptied of its real content, like the title of Sir or Duke in Great Britain.

* ⁠The citizen on the edge learned to deal with the electricity problem in the Strip. The fact that a few hours of electricity are officially provided per day is not necessarily felt by everyone. The absolute majority of houses and shops have generators, batteries or solar panels on the houses. That is, the story of putting in the gasoline that activates the generator is the critical story and therefore the insistence on it.

By Amit Segal, 01.28.24

Everybody should just agree to let UNRWA make a massive boat lift of aid to Gaza seeking volunteers from alll over the world.

Then sink them all with machine guns, or just running them over repeatedly. Or drown them all in fishing nets.
Already in the 1960s UNRWA was criticized for fake "refugees" and terror assistance...

Here is the keeper of peace to stop the Nazi Israelis .​

Dear Uncle P -- exit novice Saywearearses rapidly​

If the Israel conscripts broke down facing the Hammers in Gaza , I dread to think of them all galloping back to Jerusalem to their mums at the same time when the Spetsnaz appear .
It will ruin the bus time table .

Who are Islamic Fascis of Iran's proxy Houthis?

United Nations "relief" agency for " civilian" islamofascistic "palestine"

Countries suspending funds for BLOODY UNRWA:
  • US
  • Australia
  • France
  • Germany
  • Finland
  • The Netherlands
  • Italy
  • Australia
Reserve officer: Every luxury villa in Gaza has UNRWA equipment

* Many comments on the segment on Friday with the experiences of a reserve officer in Gaza. This morning, while reporting on UNRWA, here are a few more:

Speaking of UNRWA, there is an amazing phenomenon in Gaza.

You enter luxury homes. Luxury villas and apartments equipped with my equipment will not exist in 50 years, and yet you find use of UNRWA equipment in them. In the kitchen, bags of flour from UNRWA and in the children's room from the organization's school notebooks. It exists in every house in the Strip. In other words, all residents of the Gaza Strip used the organization every day, not necessarily because they had to, but because they got used to it. Getting close and relying on this organization has become a comfortable thing.

And by the way other things I learned.. for some reason I didn't write.

* When you are there you suddenly realize that it is a country for all intents and purposes. with the strength and power of a country. Infrastructure, money, space. This is not a city. It's a real country of 2 million people. A country that decided to invest a lot of resources as a country in terrorism and fighting. You can see the infrastructural state power in the eyes everywhere.

* ⁠The use of the term refugee is so cynical there. There are refugees there with luxury apartments (I saw the passports with my eyes) and understand there that this is a kind of use of a title emptied of its real content, like the title of Sir or Duke in Great Britain.

* ⁠The citizen on the edge learned to deal with the electricity problem in the Strip. The fact that a few hours of electricity are officially provided per day is not necessarily felt by everyone. The absolute majority of houses and shops have generators, batteries or solar panels on the houses. That is, the story of putting in the gasoline that activates the generator is the critical story and therefore the insistence on it.

By Amit Segal, 01.28.24

Guy is super pissed Palestinians have things.
IDF seem incompetent .
80% of tunnel complex still working and untouched .

With the Hezzers threatening to over run northern Nazi Israel , matters are getting very bad for Nutty Yahoo's insane extremists .

Looks like God chose the Palestinians and wants the Nazis cleared out of his lands

So three cheers for the Hammers who are hammering Nutty's Nazi army

Last edited:
Arab-Islamist controlled UN crimes against humanity

UNRWA school councilor abducted woman, social worker handed out ammunition, report.
Intelligence provided by Israel to U.S. details crimes committed by at least a dozen employees of UN organization in Gaza resulting in suspension of funds.
Ynet | published: 01.29.24 00:54

  • US
  • UK
  • Canada
  • Scotland
  • France
  • Germany
  • The Netherlands
  • Finland
  • Japan
  • Australia...

Japan pauses funding to UNRWA.
Elad Benari
Jan 29, 2024, 5:12 AM
Japan is "extremely concerned about the alleged involvement of UNRWA staff members in the terror attack on Israel" and has been "strongly urging UNRWA to conduct the investigation in a prompt and complete manner", the foreign ministry said in a statement quoted by Reuters.
Japan is the sixth biggest donor to the agency, according to the UNRWA's 2022 data, noted the news agency.


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