Finally The Internet Generation Says No To The Terrorist Entity!

BTW, the goods were still unloaded in Los Angeles.
Some 'victory' :rolleyes:
All fires start with a small flame...It is growing before your very eyes...Think tomorrow...

Idiots are good at setting themselves on fire.
Really, how can you call Toast an idiot when you told him you were blood brothers?
You can just imagine how the Jew haters like Phillip salivate over that story about Israeli cargo ships. Does anyone think that Phillip and the rest of his Jew hating friends (including the Leftist Jews who poison the minds of the young in universities)) would ever stop a Chinese ship from docking even though China has horrible human rights abuses? Does Phillip and friends ever consider that China is occupying Tibet and how the Tibetan people are treated?
The Chinese are not bombing civilians like animals while civlian Israelis were congregating and cheering as spectators like a Roman Coliseum battle feeding innocents to the Lions, all watching as bombs fell on Gaza and the killing was their entertainment!

Yea 'ol Hoss, blame it on anti-Semitism because you have no answer!
Nice try, Phillip, but since there are other forums here, I haven't seen you complaining about Syrian war planes bombing their own people. It is only where the Jews are concerned that you hop on the bandwagon like the anti-Semite you are. When Arabs kill Arabs, you have nothing to say. I think Phillip must have missed the news about the Chinese recently executing their own terrorists. The Chinese wouldn't have put up with terrorists like Hamas for very long.
I do three Forums, Israel&Palestine, Art, and writing.

I just Luv this one!


He’d be coming

Down the mountain
If he could

But he fell asleep
In the outhouse
Sawing wood

Poor ‘ol Hossie
Drank too much

Now he’s snoring
On top of

Or he’d be down
The mountain
Cutting wood!
The nonsense you have just read from Phillip is why people involved on another discussion board thought that he needed therapy. It was a board discussing the Middle East, and yet Phillip had nothing to say about the Middle East even though a lot was going on there but to post his silly poems, his asinine essays, and drag out his coloring box. The viewers and posters on this forum who are not anti-Semitic like he is are probably wondering if his therapist will be able to ever help him. I think they are intelligent enough to realize that the reason he loves this forum is because he can get all his Jew hatred out.
Well you say you're a "Ditto Head" on your Avatar, What could I possibly add to the logic of a hill-Billy brain?
Urban Dictionary: Dittohead
Urban Dictionary September 28 breadcrumbingDittohead
Urban Dictionary
A true dittohead would follow Rush Limbaugh blindly into the depths of hell if they thought he would allow them to touch one of his Oxycontin stained fingertips.
  • Dittohead - RationalWiki 13, 2014 - A dittohead is a term that originally referred to an avid follower of Rush Limbaugh, but over time has become synonymous with any person who ...
  • dittohead - Wiktionary
    It'll probably never happen, but if Rush Limbaugh and his clear-cut-crazy dittoheads could see this hauntingly beautiful documentary, even they might start ...
Big shock, that.

Again, for the idiots in Hollywood who haven't long since noticed already:


You can just imagine how the Jew haters like Phillip salivate over that story about Israeli cargo ships. Does anyone think that Phillip and the rest of his Jew hating friends (including the Leftist Jews who poison the minds of the young in universities)) would ever stop a Chinese ship from docking even though China has horrible human rights abuses? Does Phillip and friends ever consider that China is occupying Tibet and how the Tibetan people are treated?
The Chinese are not bombing civilians like animals while civlian Israelis were congregating and cheering as spectators like a Roman Coliseum battle feeding innocents to the Lions, all watching as bombs fell on Gaza and the killing was their entertainment!

Yea 'ol Hoss, blame it on anti-Semitism because you have no answer!

let me see if I understand this correctly. You are whining about Israelis watching the Gaza war from afar, when it is the Palestinians that you support who cheer, hand out candy and smile with glee whenever Hamas kills Israeli civilians??
Donyou not realize how stupid you are complaining about that?
BTW, care to show us a clip of Israelis cheering?[/QUOTE]

Uhh, so?? They're cheering thag their country is attacking their enemy, Hamas. Now show me a video of Israelis cheering and handing out candy after hearing thag Palestinian civilians were the evil Palestinians do.

Dear toastman ~ You're splitting hairs to rationalize the inhumane cruelty of Israelis . . . you originally only asked to be shown "a clip of Israelis cheering," If you actually believe that the cheering Israelis, in my posted video, watching their government's guided missiles destroy parts of Gaza had no idea that civilians were being killed in the process, I just don't know what to say to you other than your complete ignorance probably carries with it much bliss for you. ~ Susan
You can just imagine how the Jew haters like Phillip salivate over that story about Israeli cargo ships. Does anyone think that Phillip and the rest of his Jew hating friends (including the Leftist Jews who poison the minds of the young in universities)) would ever stop a Chinese ship from docking even though China has horrible human rights abuses? Does Phillip and friends ever consider that China is occupying Tibet and how the Tibetan people are treated?
The Chinese are not bombing civilians like animals while civlian Israelis were congregating and cheering as spectators like a Roman Coliseum battle feeding innocents to the Lions, all watching as bombs fell on Gaza and the killing was their entertainment!

Yea 'ol Hoss, blame it on anti-Semitism because you have no answer!

let me see if I understand this correctly. You are whining about Israelis watching the Gaza war from afar, when it is the Palestinians that you support who cheer, hand out candy and smile with glee whenever Hamas kills Israeli civilians??
Donyou not realize how stupid you are complaining about that?
BTW, care to show us a clip of Israelis cheering?[/QUOTE]

Uhh, so?? They're cheering thag their country is attacking their enemy, Hamas. Now show me a video of Israelis cheering and handing out candy after hearing thag Palestinian civilians were the evil Palestinians do.

Dear toastman ~ You're splitting hairs to rationalize the inhumane cruelty of Israelis . . . you originally only asked to be shown "a clip of Israelis cheering," If you actually believe that the cheering Israelis, in my posted video, watching their government's guided missiles destroy parts of Gaza had no idea that civilians were being killed in the process, I just don't know what to say to you other than your complete ignorance probably carries with it much bliss for you. ~ Susan

You have reading comprehension issues. I told Pbel how stupid it is to complain about Israel cheering their country finally retaliating against their enemy when Palestinians cheer and hand out candy whenever Israeli civilians are killed. Pure evil. Learn how ro read properly before you bother responding to my posts. I'm getting kind of tired having to explain everything to you as if you are a two year old
You can just imagine how the Jew haters like Phillip salivate over that story about Israeli cargo ships. Does anyone think that Phillip and the rest of his Jew hating friends (including the Leftist Jews who poison the minds of the young in universities)) would ever stop a Chinese ship from docking even though China has horrible human rights abuses? Does Phillip and friends ever consider that China is occupying Tibet and how the Tibetan people are treated?
The Chinese are not bombing civilians like animals while civlian Israelis were congregating and cheering as spectators like a Roman Coliseum battle feeding innocents to the Lions, all watching as bombs fell on Gaza and the killing was their entertainment!

Yea 'ol Hoss, blame it on anti-Semitism because you have no answer!

let me see if I understand this correctly. You are whining about Israelis watching the Gaza war from afar, when it is the Palestinians that you support who cheer, hand out candy and smile with glee whenever Hamas kills Israeli civilians??
Donyou not realize how stupid you are complaining about that?
BTW, care to show us a clip of Israelis cheering?[/QUOTE]

Uhh, so?? They're cheering thag their country is attacking their enemy, Hamas. Now show me a video of Israelis cheering and handing out candy after hearing thag Palestinian civilians were the evil Palestinians do.

Dear toastman ~ You're splitting hairs to rationalize the inhumane cruelty of Israelis . . . you originally only asked to be shown "a clip of Israelis cheering," If you actually believe that the cheering Israelis, in my posted video, watching their government's guided missiles destroy parts of Gaza had no idea that civilians were being killed in the process, I just don't know what to say to you other than your complete ignorance probably carries with it much bliss for you. ~ Susan

BTW Stupid Susan, those Israelis were were Southern Israel.. Yes, the same southern Israel that was being bombarded non stop by rockets from fhe evil Palestinians.
Unlike evil Palestinians, you will never see Israelis handing candy upon hearing the news of civilian casualties.
And finally, Israel woukd never have attacked Gaza had Hamas not constantly bombarded Israel with rockets. This is a very simple fact that deluded pro Palestinian idiots like yourself simply cannot jndersyand.
The Chinese are not bombing civilians like animals while civlian Israelis were congregating and cheering as spectators like a Roman Coliseum battle feeding innocents to the Lions, all watching as bombs fell on Gaza and the killing was their entertainment!

Yea 'ol Hoss, blame it on anti-Semitism because you have no answer!

let me see if I understand this correctly. You are whining about Israelis watching the Gaza war from afar, when it is the Palestinians that you support who cheer, hand out candy and smile with glee whenever Hamas kills Israeli civilians??
Donyou not realize how stupid you are complaining about that?
BTW, care to show us a clip of Israelis cheering?[/QUOTE]

Uhh, so?? They're cheering thag their country is attacking their enemy, Hamas. Now show me a video of Israelis cheering and handing out candy after hearing thag Palestinian civilians were the evil Palestinians do.

Dear toastman ~ You're splitting hairs to rationalize the inhumane cruelty of Israelis . . . you originally only asked to be shown "a clip of Israelis cheering," If you actually believe that the cheering Israelis, in my posted video, watching their government's guided missiles destroy parts of Gaza had no idea that civilians were being killed in the process, I just don't know what to say to you other than your complete ignorance probably carries with it much bliss for you. ~ Susan

You have reading comprehension issues. I told Pbel how stupid it is to complain about Israel cheering their country finally retaliating against their enemy when Palestinians cheer and hand out candy whenever Israeli civilians are killed. Pure evil. Learn how ro read properly before you bother responding to my posts. I'm getting kind of tired having to explain everything to you as if you are a two year old

Dear toastman ~ If you can't comprehend how my post segued from yours, I again, just don't know what to say to you. Having made a fool of yourself, rather than be a good sport about it and 'eat a little humble pie', you appear to be the type that prefers to try and 'give them the old razzle-dazzle' and make an even bigger fool out of yourself. You're fooling no one on this board with your antics but you. ~ Susan
PS I see why your board name is 'toastman' . . . you obviously do a great job in allowing others to have fun and make 'toast' out of you :).
Finally the Internet generation says no to the terrorist entity!
Pro-Palestine protesters again thwart Israeli cargo ship in Oakland World news

Demonstrators approach the Port of Oakland in an attempt to prevent an Israeli ship from docking last month. Photograph: Jason Benttinen/Justin Benttinen/The Guardian
Protesters demonstrating against the recent Israeli military operation in Gaza have launched a fresh picket at the Port of Oakland in California, preventing an Israeli-owned container ship from unloading its cargo.
A picket of about 200 pro-Palestinian demonstrators campaigning under the title “Block the Boat” assembled on Saturday alongside the Zim Shanghai, a massive, 300-meter commercial vessel. No cargo was unloaded after members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union refused to work on the ship, citing safety fears due to the crowd of protesters and police.
One of the protest organizers, Steve Zeltzer, said: “I think it was a big victory today for those who are opposed to the policies of Israel in Gaza.”
The successful action to frustrate the unloading of the Zim Shanghai follows similar protests last month in ports along the coast of California and in Florida. The Zim Shanghai’s sister ship, the Zim Piraeus, was blockaded for four days and prevented from unloading at the same port in Oakland. In the end, the vessel had to make its way to Los Angeles with its cargo still on board.
Further protests were staged in Seattle, Tacoma and Long Beach ports in California, and Tampa in Florida.

So are you prepared to see the price of goods rise sharply now, who will you blame the Israelis or the neo Marxists who stopped the goods from being unloaded. I wonder how many Palestinians have lost out from this stupidity and would willingly shoot every single protester
With Apartheid South Africa, it started with little victories like this. But, Israel is far more powerful than Apartheid South Africa in terms of their power over the U.S. government.

Cant you keep on topic for just once in your sad idiotic life. This is the Israel/Palestine board not the South African board
BTW, the goods were still unloaded in Los Angeles.
Some 'victory' :rolleyes:
All fires start with a small flame...It is growing before your very eyes...Think tomorrow...

Yes mass arrests of protestors, fast track court cases, punitive sentences and the protestors find themselves wondering why they ever listened to the commies who put them up to it.
If the results of a recent focus group and polls are any indication, support for Israel is weakening among young Americans. Polls conducted in late July by Gallup and the Pew Research Center found that support for Israel is weaker among younger Americans and Democrats than among Americans generally.

Read more:

Big shock, that.

Again, for the idiots in Hollywood who haven't long since noticed already:


You can just imagine how the Jew haters like Phillip salivate over that story about Israeli cargo ships. Does anyone think that Phillip and the rest of his Jew hating friends (including the Leftist Jews who poison the minds of the young in universities)) would ever stop a Chinese ship from docking even though China has horrible human rights abuses? Does Phillip and friends ever consider that China is occupying Tibet and how the Tibetan people are treated?
The Chinese are not bombing civilians like animals while civlian Israelis were congregating and cheering as spectators like a Roman Coliseum battle feeding innocents to the Lions, all watching as bombs fell on Gaza and the killing was their entertainment!

Yea 'ol Hoss, blame it on anti-Semitism because you have no answer!

let me see if I understand this correctly. You are whining about Israelis watching the Gaza war from afar, when it is the Palestinians that you support who cheer, hand out candy and smile with glee whenever Hamas kills Israeli civilians??
Donyou not realize how stupid you are complaining about that?
BTW, care to show us a clip of Israelis cheering?

Now how about you show the many video's of muslims cheering and partying when the WTC was bombed or when the 3 jewish boys were kidnapped and murdered.
With Apartheid South Africa, it started with little victories like this. But, Israel is far more powerful than Apartheid South Africa in terms of their power over the U.S. government.

But we have Strider, Aragorn, The King of Men, and Joey - especially Joey - on the side of Justice and The Palestinians. :)
BTW, the goods were still unloaded in Los Angeles.
Some 'victory' :rolleyes:
All fires start with a small flame...It is growing before your very eyes...Think tomorrow...

Idiots are good at setting themselves on fire.
Really, how can you call Toast an idiot when you told him you were blood brothers?
You can just imagine how the Jew haters like Phillip salivate over that story about Israeli cargo ships. Does anyone think that Phillip and the rest of his Jew hating friends (including the Leftist Jews who poison the minds of the young in universities)) would ever stop a Chinese ship from docking even though China has horrible human rights abuses? Does Phillip and friends ever consider that China is occupying Tibet and how the Tibetan people are treated?
The Chinese are not bombing civilians like animals while civlian Israelis were congregating and cheering as spectators like a Roman Coliseum battle feeding innocents to the Lions, all watching as bombs fell on Gaza and the killing was their entertainment!

Yea 'ol Hoss, blame it on anti-Semitism because you have no answer!
Nice try, Phillip, but since there are other forums here, I haven't seen you complaining about Syrian war planes bombing their own people. It is only where the Jews are concerned that you hop on the bandwagon like the anti-Semite you are. When Arabs kill Arabs, you have nothing to say. I think Phillip must have missed the news about the Chinese recently executing their own terrorists. The Chinese wouldn't have put up with terrorists like Hamas for very long.
I do three Forums, Israel&Palestine, Art, and writing.

I just Luv this one!


He’d be coming

Down the mountain
If he could

But he fell asleep
In the outhouse
Sawing wood

Poor ‘ol Hossie
Drank too much

Now he’s snoring
On top of

Or he’d be down
The mountain
Cutting wood!
The nonsense you have just read from Phillip is why people involved on another discussion board thought that he needed therapy. It was a board discussing the Middle East, and yet Phillip had nothing to say about the Middle East even though a lot was going on there but to post his silly poems, his asinine essays, and drag out his coloring box. The viewers and posters on this forum who are not anti-Semitic like he is are probably wondering if his therapist will be able to ever help him. I think they are intelligent enough to realize that the reason he loves this forum is because he can get all his Jew hatred out.
Well you say you're a "Ditto Head" on your Avatar, What could I possibly add to the logic of a hill-Billy brain?
I guess Phillip didn't pick up that Todd was calling him an idiot. Why don't you put your coloring box away for the night, Phillip. You are wearing your blue crayon down to a nub.
BTW, the goods were still unloaded in Los Angeles.
Some 'victory' :rolleyes:
All fires start with a small flame...It is growing before your very eyes...Think tomorrow...

Idiots are good at setting themselves on fire.
Really, how can you call Toast an idiot when you told him you were blood brothers?
The Chinese are not bombing civilians like animals while civlian Israelis were congregating and cheering as spectators like a Roman Coliseum battle feeding innocents to the Lions, all watching as bombs fell on Gaza and the killing was their entertainment!

Yea 'ol Hoss, blame it on anti-Semitism because you have no answer!
Nice try, Phillip, but since there are other forums here, I haven't seen you complaining about Syrian war planes bombing their own people. It is only where the Jews are concerned that you hop on the bandwagon like the anti-Semite you are. When Arabs kill Arabs, you have nothing to say. I think Phillip must have missed the news about the Chinese recently executing their own terrorists. The Chinese wouldn't have put up with terrorists like Hamas for very long.
I do three Forums, Israel&Palestine, Art, and writing.

I just Luv this one!


He’d be coming

Down the mountain
If he could

But he fell asleep
In the outhouse
Sawing wood

Poor ‘ol Hossie
Drank too much

Now he’s snoring
On top of

Or he’d be down
The mountain
Cutting wood!
The nonsense you have just read from Phillip is why people involved on another discussion board thought that he needed therapy. It was a board discussing the Middle East, and yet Phillip had nothing to say about the Middle East even though a lot was going on there but to post his silly poems, his asinine essays, and drag out his coloring box. The viewers and posters on this forum who are not anti-Semitic like he is are probably wondering if his therapist will be able to ever help him. I think they are intelligent enough to realize that the reason he loves this forum is because he can get all his Jew hatred out.
Well you say you're a "Ditto Head" on your Avatar, What could I possibly add to the logic of a hill-Billy brain?
I guess Phillip didn't pick up that Todd was calling him an idiot. Why don't you put your coloring box away for the night, Phillip. You are wearing your blue crayon down to a nub.

'ol Hoss, I feel bad that you didn't see that I purposely did that to hit two turkeys with one shot...But hey, 'yal from West Virgini and get an automatic pass when it comes to brain function
Finally the Internet generation says no to the terrorist entity!...


Last edited:
BTW, the goods were still unloaded in Los Angeles.
Some 'victory' :rolleyes:

That's not the point. The unloading was delayed, causing uncertainty with shippers and customers; bad news for our "just in time" world. Shippers will think twice before using Zim ships in future. Could cost the Zim line millions....there goes another brick in the edifice.
let me see if I understand this correctly. You are whining about Israelis watching the Gaza war from afar, when it is the Palestinians that you support who cheer, hand out candy and smile with glee whenever Hamas kills Israeli civilians??
Donyou not realize how stupid you are complaining about that?
BTW, care to show us a clip of Israelis cheering?[/QUOTE]

Uhh, so?? They're cheering thag their country is attacking their enemy, Hamas. Now show me a video of Israelis cheering and handing out candy after hearing thag Palestinian civilians were the evil Palestinians do.

Dear toastman ~ You're splitting hairs to rationalize the inhumane cruelty of Israelis . . . you originally only asked to be shown "a clip of Israelis cheering," If you actually believe that the cheering Israelis, in my posted video, watching their government's guided missiles destroy parts of Gaza had no idea that civilians were being killed in the process, I just don't know what to say to you other than your complete ignorance probably carries with it much bliss for you. ~ Susan

You have reading comprehension issues. I told Pbel how stupid it is to complain about Israel cheering their country finally retaliating against their enemy when Palestinians cheer and hand out candy whenever Israeli civilians are killed. Pure evil. Learn how ro read properly before you bother responding to my posts. I'm getting kind of tired having to explain everything to you as if you are a two year old

Dear toastman ~ If you can't comprehend how my post segued from yours, I again, just don't know what to say to you. Having made a fool of yourself, rather than be a good sport about it and 'eat a little humble pie', you appear to be the type that prefers to try and 'give them the old razzle-dazzle' and make an even bigger fool out of yourself. You're fooling no one on this board with your antics but you. ~ Susan
PS I see why your board name is 'toastman' . . . you obviously do a great job in allowing others to have fun and make 'toast' out of you :).

However, Pishy actually thinks that every one of the other posters and readers didn't catch on right away as to what she really was the minute she appeared on this forum. No wonder she had her 15 minutes of fame on Stormfront via her beloved Nazi friend.
let me see if I understand this correctly. You are whining about Israelis watching the Gaza war from afar, when it is the Palestinians that you support who cheer, hand out candy and smile with glee whenever Hamas kills Israeli civilians??
Donyou not realize how stupid you are complaining about that?
BTW, care to show us a clip of Israelis cheering?[/QUOTE]

Uhh, so?? They're cheering thag their country is attacking their enemy, Hamas. Now show me a video of Israelis cheering and handing out candy after hearing thag Palestinian civilians were the evil Palestinians do.

Dear toastman ~ You're splitting hairs to rationalize the inhumane cruelty of Israelis . . . you originally only asked to be shown "a clip of Israelis cheering," If you actually believe that the cheering Israelis, in my posted video, watching their government's guided missiles destroy parts of Gaza had no idea that civilians were being killed in the process, I just don't know what to say to you other than your complete ignorance probably carries with it much bliss for you. ~ Susan

You have reading comprehension issues. I told Pbel how stupid it is to complain about Israel cheering their country finally retaliating against their enemy when Palestinians cheer and hand out candy whenever Israeli civilians are killed. Pure evil. Learn how ro read properly before you bother responding to my posts. I'm getting kind of tired having to explain everything to you as if you are a two year old

Dear toastman ~ If you can't comprehend how my post segued from yours, I again, just don't know what to say to you. Having made a fool of yourself, rather than be a good sport about it and 'eat a little humble pie', you appear to be the type that prefers to try and 'give them the old razzle-dazzle' and make an even bigger fool out of yourself. You're fooling no one on this board with your antics but you. ~ Susan
PS I see why your board name is 'toastman' . . . you obviously do a great job in allowing others to have fun and make 'toast' out of you :).

What does all this jibberish have to do with anything? The only one making a fool of yourself is you, with your inability to properly respond to my post. Looks like you're now just trying to take attention of of your previous pathetic response to my original post . Is that why you chose to mock my username little child? :lol:
Go get your shitty little brain checked
With Apartheid South Africa, it started with little victories like this. But, Israel is far more powerful than Apartheid South Africa in terms of their power over the U.S. government.

But we have Strider, Aragorn, The King of Men, and Joey - especially Joey - on the side of Justice and The Palestinians. :)
You have Goat Droppings on your side.

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